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1、实用文档 单选题:1John turned round and looked at him _ surprise. A. in B. with C. at D. by2The dress was very expensive, _ I didnt buy it.A. or B. and C. so D. but3-Do you know where my friend is?-Im not sure. He _ in the toilet.A. may B. maybe C.be D.may be4. Mrs Brown isnt here. She has to _her baby at h

2、ome.A. look at B. look for C. look like D. look after5.“When are you going to see your uncle?” “_next week.”A. Some time B. Sometime C. Some times D.Sometimes6. Dont worry. Well find the cat for you _.A. for some time B.in no time C. at time D. at a time7. Our English teacher is quite _to us.(help)8

3、. The twins have a little small _(different)9. Will you have_ tea?A. some B. little C. few D. any10. Good _ habit are good for health.A. eat B. ate C. to eat D. eating初二英语试题:单项选择题练习1 what was Jim doing _the teacher came in?awhile band cwhen dBut2 the apples looks very _a well bnicely cgood dCheaply3

4、_kind the girl is! awhat bwhat a chow dhow a4i _a pen on my way _yesterdaya was losing ,to home blost,to home cwas losing ,home dlost,home5when the bell rang ,the students went into the classroom _they coulda quietly bas quite as cas quickly as das quick as6i _in the park when i saw a new bag on the

5、 groundawalked btook a walk cwas walking dam walking7_are you driving faster than usual? its lateawhere bwhy chow dWhat8please write about _last weekawhat happened to him bwhat he happened che happened what dwhat did he happen9look! the little boy is _the plate like a driverawatching bturning cflyin

6、g dThrowing10if you make a lot of noise ,i cant sleep well would you please keep quiet?ait doesnt matter byoure welcome cthank you dIm sorry11how nice the dress is !you look _todayahealth bhappily cbeautiful dTired12its warmer today ,youd better _your thick sweater aput on btake off cto put on dto t

7、ake off13while the girls _supper ,their father came home aare having bhad cwas having dwere having14_liming learning Russian last night?adid bwere cwas dIs15look,our books are on the floor ,please _apick it up bpick up it cpick them up dpick up them16you can borrow this book ,but please give it back

8、 to me as_as you canasoon bquick cquicker dQuickest17as usual ,miss gao came in _on her face a smiled bof a smile cwith a smile dhas a smile18mr li hit the motorbike ,_ait doesnt matter bthank you cthats nothing dim sorry to hear that19jim _go home until he finishes his work tomorrowa didnt bdoesnt

9、cwont ddont20lets move the bag away, or _ an accident ok, hurry upathere may causes bit maybe cthere maybe dit may cause八年级英语(下)期末精选选择题150例精选选择题 (一)( C )1.The meat is _ dear and eating _ meat is bad for your health .A .very much , many B. too many , many too C much too , too much D. a lot , much too

10、 ( D )2. There are many trees on _ side of the street. A. all B. both C. every D. each ( B )3.I remembered the day when World War II finished . I was eight or nine at the time ., and we heard it _ when were at the table .A on the internet B on the radio C. by VCD D. by computer ( C )4. Its so hot in

11、 the room . _Not at all . Id be happy to .A. Isnt it very cold today ? B Are you feeling ill today ? C Would you mind opening the window ? D. Have you bought the kite to me ?( D )5. Nobody told us _ A what to do it B how to do C where to do D when to do it ( D )6.Which of the two English dictionarie

12、s will you buy ? Ill buy _ of them ,so I can give one to my friend , Helen .A either B neither C all D .both ( D )7 _ from Beijing to Paris !A How long way it is B What a long way is it C How long way is it D What a way it is ( C )8. Luckily , Mr Johnson saw _ .A what was happened B what is happened

13、 C what was happening D what is to happen ( D )9.If there were no exams , we should have _ at school .A the happier time B a more happier time C much happiest time D a much happier time ( B )10. My father will come back at 10 oclock _of June 15.A. in the night B. by the night C. on the night D. at n

14、ight( A )11. Two of them are here, but where are _ students? A. the other B. other C. others D. Another( A )12. -I hope you can help me with my English this evening. -_. A. Sorry, Im afraid not B. Yes, Im busy C. I hope so D. Certainly not( C )13. We wont leave until Mr Li _ back. A. come B. came C.

15、 comes D. will come( B )14.-Must we come back before five? -No. you _. You may come back before six if you like. A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant D. may not( D )15. Why dont men do _ housework? A. a bit B. a few C. a little of D. a bit of( ) 16. How did you make him_?A. stop talking B. to stop talking C.

16、 stops talking D. stopped to talk( ) 17. -Do you have _ watch? -Yes, I have _. A. one, it B. it, one C. a, one D. a, it( ) 18. _ fine weather it is today! A. What a B. How C. How a D. What( ) 19. -Which do you prefer, oranges or apples? -_. I d like bananas. A. Yes, both B. Neither, thank you C. No,

17、 thanks D. Im glad you like it ( ) 20. -_ is it from our school to Lupu Bridge? -About half an hours bus ride. A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How much( )21. Wheres Lily? We are all here her. A. beside B. about C. but D. with( )22. Im interested in animals, so I every Saturday working in an a

18、nimal hospital. A. pay B. get C. take D. spend( )23. Father gave me several pens, but I like _ of them. A. none B. both C. any D. neither( )24. -How much are these books? -You dont have to _ . They are free. A. pay them B. pay for them C. cost them D. spend them( )25. You neednt _ it right now if yo

19、u are busy. A. to finish B. finish C. finishing D. finished( )26. -I called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer. -Oh, I am sorry I dinner at my friends house. A. have B. had C. was having D. have had( )27._Bill Gates is clever and enjoys_,he became a famous computer scientist. A. reading

20、very much B. play bridge C. playing golf D. computer( )28.“Is Tom really very ill?” “_,Hes in hospital. ” A. I dont think so B. No, he isnt C. I hope so D. Im afraid soB.( )29.We_ have the school meeting if it _ tomorrow.A. didntrains B. wontrains C. wontwill rain D. willwill rain( )30. The teacher

21、asked me _. A. what I studied English for. B. what did I study English for.C. what do I study English for D. what I have studied English for.( )31. The farmers are all busy _ the next year. A. getting to ready for B. getting ready for C. to get ready to D. get ready to ( )32. Would you please not ma

22、ke so much noise here? _ well be as quiet as we can .A. Sorry, we will be B. No, we wont C. Sorry, we wont D. Yes, we wont( )33. The weather in the south is warmer than _.A. the northB. that in the northC. in the northD. it in the north ( )34.Beethoven was one of _in the world .A. more famous musici

23、ans B .the most famous musicians C. most famous musicians D. most famous musician( )35.I dont know how _ to my teacher to ask for three _ sick leave. A. write, days B. to write, dayss C. write, dayss D. to write, days( )36.The boy read nothing, _ he? A. did B. doesnt C. does D. didnt( )37._ importan

24、t information! Thanks for telling me. A. What an B. What a C. What D. How( ) 38. What in the middle of the concert?A. happenedB. did happenedC. did happen D. happen( ) 39. Mr Wang is a man of words.A. a fewB. fewC. littleD. a little( ) 40. -Must I do the housework now?-No, you do the shopping first.

25、A. needntB. mustC. cantD. mustnt( ) 41. Mr grandfather was born a cold winter morning. January, 1948.A. in , inB. on , inC. on , onD. in , on( ) 42. There this evening.A. is going to rainB. is going to be rainyC. is going to be rainD. is going to rainy( ) 43. Of my parents, my father is .A. tallB. t

26、allerC. the tallestD. the taller( ) 44. you eat, you will be.A. The more , the fatterB. The much , the fatC. Much , fatD. More , fatter( ) 45 You had a meeting yesterday afternoon, ?A. had IB. didnt IC. hadnt you D. didnt you( ) 46. Nobody but Lucy and Lily the secret now.A. knowB. knowsC. to knowD.

27、 are going to know( ) 47. Can you tell me ?A. what present does he likeB. what present he likeC. what present is he likeD. what present he is like( ) 48. She felt when she got the news.A. worryB. worriedlyC. worriedD. worrilyB.( ) 49. I hope .A. him to pass the examB. he to past the examC. him can p

28、ass the examD. he can pass the exam( ) 50. Changjing River is longer than in America.A. any other riverB. the other rivers C. any riversD. any river精选选择题 (二)( )1. -When your uncle ?-I dont know.A. did , marry B. will , marryC. did , got marriedD. will , get marry( )2. the end, the concert with a pie

29、ce of beautiful music called “Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.”A. In , endedB. At , endedC. By , startedD. In , start( ) 3. Beijing is a city in .A. north ChinaB. North China C. Northern China D. Chinese North( ) 4. In the morning, the sun the east.A. comes out , inB. comes out , from C. came out , toD

30、. came out , of( ) 5. I remembered him somewhere, but I forgot his name.A. to meetB. metC. would meetD. Meeting( ) 6. There is a little sheep on the hill, ?A. is thereB. isnt thereC. is itD. isnt it( ) 7. Did it take you two hours your homework yesterday?A. didB. doingC. to doD. Does( ) 8. Its much

31、colder today than yesterday.A. /B. that ofC. thatD. it is( ) 9. My father work in China 2 years ago.A. didnt foundB. findedC. didnt findD. founded( ) 10. Im busy. Im a car these days.A. learn driving B. learn to driveC. learning driveD. learning to drive( ) 11. Please pass me a bag nothing in it.A.

32、forB. withoutC. withD. of( ) 12. Changjing River is longer than in America.A. any other river B. the other riversC. any riversD. any river( ) 13. In the past, there was library hospital in my hometown.A. no , andB. no , orC. not , andD. not , or( ) 14. We found _ very interesting _ English. A. it, l

33、earning B. it, to learn C. it is, to learn D. it was, learning( ) 15 The teacher came in. All the students stopped _ and _ to her.A. talking, listened B. talking, listenC. to talk, listenedD. to talk, listen( ) 16.He was born the morning October 19, 1989.A. in; of B. on; in C. of; on D. on; of( ) 17

34、.- I close the windows?-No, you . Ill close them later.A. Can; may not B. May; neednt C. Must; neednt D. Shall; dont( )18.When she here, we to the park.A. will come; will go B. comes; go C. will come; go D. comes; will go( )19.Its raining outside. Youd better _ a raincoat with you.A. bring B. take C

35、. carry D. get( )20.My boys, help _ to some fish.A. yourself B. yourselves C. himself D. herself( )21.Would you please _? A、not trouble me B、not to trouble me C、to not trouble me D、trouble not to me( )22._ something about your family, will you? A、TalkB、SpeakC、TellD、Say( )23.“Dont read picture books

36、in class, please, Bob.” “No, I _.” A、cantB、wontC、dontD、mustnt( )24.The boy dropped his stick, _ he _ it and fell behind. A、and stopped getting B、so stopped getting C、/ stopped to getD、so stopped to get( )25._ we reached Paris, it was eleven oclock. A、WhileB、SinceC、ButD、When( )26.Its quite clever _ y

37、ou _ out the problem. A、for, workingB、for, to workC、of, workingD、of; to work( )27.How much did you _ the dictionary? A、payB、spendC、buyD、pay for( )28._ they are to see the new film! A、What happy B、What happily C、How happyD、How happily( )29.“She studies hard.” “_ and _,.” A、So she does; so you doB、So

38、does she; so you do C、So she does; so do youD、So does she; so do you( )30.They _ the maths problem when I came in. A、worked on B、were working on C、were working D、were working for( )31.The woman cant find her keys, so she looks . A. happy B. nice C. worried D. sadly ( )32.I _ the film yesterday, but I _ it tomorrow. A、saw; seeB、was seeing; am not going to see C、see; would seeD、didnt see; am going to see( )33.Congratulat

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