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1、野牦牛野牦牛又叫野牛,藏名音译亚归。是家牦牛的野生同类,典型的高寒动物,性极耐寒.青藏高原特有牛种,国家一级保护动物。分布于青海、西藏、新疆南部、甘肃西北部和四川西部等地。栖息于海拔3000 6000米的高山草甸地带,人迹罕至的高山大峰、山间盆地、高寒草原、高寒荒漠草原等各种环境中.Wild YakWild yak is also named wild ox, and the Tibetan pronunciation is Yagui, which is of the same species with domesticated yak。 As a typical alpine animal

2、 which can endure extreme cold, it is a first class national protected animal unique to the QinghaiTibet Plateau. Located in Qinghai, Tibet, southern Xinjiang, northwestern Gansu, western Sichuan and other places。 It inhabits the alpine meadow strips at an altitude of 30006000 meters, inaccessible m

3、ountains and large peaks, mountain basins, alpine grasslands, alpine deserts, etc。狼狼外形和狼狗相似,但吻略尖长,口稍宽阔,耳竖立不曲。尾挺直状下垂;毛色棕灰.栖息范围广,适应性强,凡山地、林区、草原、荒漠、半沙漠以至冻原均有狼群生存。狼既耐热,又不畏严寒,夜间活动。嗅觉敏锐,听觉良好.性残忍而机警,极善奔跑,常采用穷追方式获得猎物。杂食性,主要以鹿类、羚羊、兔等为食,有时亦吃昆虫、野果或盗食猪、羊等。能耐饥,亦可盛饱。在青藏高原狼的分布很广,密度也较大。WolfThe wolf is similar to wo

4、lfdog in the appearance, but its muzzle is slightly long and pointed, its mouth slightly wide, its ears erected. Its tail goes straight drooping and its fur is in brown gray。 The wolf has a strong adaptability and inhabits a wide range of environments, like mountains, forests, grasslands, deserts, s

5、emi-deserts and even tundra. The wolf is a nocturnal animal which is both heatresistant and cold-resistant。 With a keen sense of smell and hearing, the wolf is cruel and alert. It is also a very good runner, which often preys by incessant running。 As a omnivorous animal, the wolf mainly feeds on dee

6、r, antelope, rabbits, and sometimes insects, berries, or the forage of pigs and sheep, etc。 It can stand both hunger and overeating. The species are widely distributed in density in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.KoalaKoalas are small bear like creatures who live along the east coast of Australia。However

7、,koalas only like to eat a small percentage of the trees found around Australia。Koalas have hard black noses,with sharp claws and a thick furry coat and can grow to a weight of about 10kg.Most of their time is spent asleep in the trees,which is the best place to see a koala。喜马拉雅旱獭喜马拉雅旱獭是松鼠科中体型最大的一种,

8、是陆生和穴居的草食性、冬眠性野生动物.以禾本科、莎草科及豆科根、茎、叶为食,亦食小动物.出蛰后交配,年产1胎,每胎产29只,3岁性成熟。喜马拉雅旱獭为青藏高原特有种,毛皮质好,肉细嫩鲜美,肉、油、骨、肝、胆均可入药。Himalayan MarmotHimalayan marmot is the largest in size in sciurid, which is a herbivorous and hibernating wild animal living in terrestrial and burrowing ways。 It feeds on gramineae, cyperace

9、ae and legume roots, stems and leaves, as well as small animals。 Mating after hibernation, the himalayan marmot gives one birth per year and bears 29 cubs per birth, which are sexually mature in the age of 3。 Himalayan marmot is unique to the QinghaiTibet Plateau, which has fine fur, tender and deli

10、cious meat, and whose meat, oil, bone, liver, gall bladder can be used as medicine。岩羊(Pseudois)岩羊因喜攀登岩峰而得名。又名石羊。岩羊分布于中国青藏高原、 四川西部、云南北部、内蒙古西部、甘肃、宁夏北部、新疆南部等地,以及毗邻的尼泊尔、锡金、克什米尔地区。岩羊栖息于海拔25005000米的无林山地.夏季结成十至数十只的群,冬季则结成数百只的大群,由1只或数只公羊率领。主要在黄昏活动,由于毛色与岩石极其相近,故不易被发现。以草、小灌木、苔藓为主要食物.9月交配。 春季45月产仔,每胎12仔.Pseudo

11、is NayaurThe name of pseudois nayaur comes from its habit of climbing rocks。 Nicknamed stone goat, pseudois nayaur inhabit in QinghaiTibet Plateau, western Sichuan, northern Yunnan, western Inner Mongolia, Gansu, northern Ningxia, southern Xinjiang in China, as well as in neighboring Nepal, Sikkim,

12、Kashmir, etc。 The pseudois nayaurs inhabit on non-forested mountain at an altitude of 2,500 to 5,000 meters, which often form into groups of ten to dozens in summer and into large groups of hundreds in winter, led by one or several rams. They are mainly active at dusk and hard to be identified since

13、 its fur is extremely similar to the color of rock. Feeding mainly on grass, shrubs and moss, pseudois nayaurs mate in September and procreate 12 cubs per birth from April to May in spring。盘羊(Argali sheep)盘羊俗称大角羊、盘角羊,国家二级保护动物。 躯体肥壮,体长150180厘米,肩高5070厘米,体重110千克左右,体色一般为褐灰色或污灰色。盘羊是典型的山地动物,喜在高山裸岩带及起伏的山间丘

14、陵生活,分布海拔在1500米至5500米左右。可可西里的盘羊分布在海拔5000米以上山区的高寒草原、高寒荒漠、高寒草甸等环境中,夏季常活动于雪线的下缘,冬季栖息环境积雪深厚时,它们则从高处迁至低山谷地生活,有季节性的垂直迁徙习性。Argali SheepCommonly known as bighorn sheep, disk angle sheep, argali sheep is a second class national protected animal with strong and fat body, 150180 cm in length, 50-70 cm in should

15、er height and about 110 kg in weight。 The color of its fur is generally in brownish gray or dirty gray。 The argali sheep is a typical mountain animal, which inhabits on areas with bare rocks on the mountain and the hilly highlands at an altitude of 1500-5500 meters。 The argali sheep in Hoh Xil inhab

16、it on the alpine grasslands, deserts and meadows at an altitude of over 5,000 meters. They are active on the lower edge of the snow line in summer, and when the habitat is covered with deep snow in winter, they migrate to the low valleys below since they are living with seasonal vertical migration h

17、abits。藏羚羊(Pantholops hodgsoni)藏羚羊,别名:长角羊、羚羊.藏羚羊主要生活于青藏高原,栖息在40005300m的高原荒漠、冰原冻土地带及湖泊沼泽周围,藏羚羊成为偶蹄类动物中的佼佼者,不仅体形优美、性格刚强、动作敏捷,而且耐高寒、抗缺氧。藏羚平时雌雄分群活动,一般26只或10余只结成小群,或数百只以上大群。食物以禾本科和莎草科植物为主。发情期为冬末春初,雄性间有激烈的争雌现象,1只雄羊可带领几只雌羊组成一个家庭,68月份产仔,每胎1 仔。藏羚羊是中国青藏高原的特有动物、国家一级保护动物,也是列入濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)中严禁进行贸易活动的濒危动物。T

18、ibetan AntelopeNicknamed long-horned sheep and antelope, Tibetan antelopes are mainly living around the deserts, ice sheet tundra, lakes and swamps at an altitude of 4000 5300 meters in the QinghaiTibet Plateau。 With its elegant figure, strong character, agile action and coldresistant antihypoxia ab

19、ilities, Tibetan antelope is regarded as a leading species in clovenhoofed animals。 Tibetan antelope, usually active in male and female groups respectively, generally form a small group of 2 to 6 or more than 10, or a large groups of hundreds。 They mainly feed on Gramineae and sedges plants。 The mat

20、ing period is at the alternation of winter and spring and there is fierce competitions among males for females. A family can be formed by a male sheep in lead and several females. The reproduction period is from June to August, with one cub per birth. The Tibetan antelope is a first class national p

21、rotected animal and unique to Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China, and it is also an endangered animal forbidden for trade in the “Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora” (CITES).普氏原羚普氏原羚又叫滩原羚、滩黄羊等,是我国特产动物,分布于青海、内蒙古西部、新疆东南部、甘肃北部、宁夏等地.栖息在比较平坦的半荒漠草原地带,一般海拔高度在3400m以下

22、,从不到达更高的山峦,也不到纯戈壁地带活动,所以被称为“滩黄羊”。它有季节性水平迁移现象,集群活动,性喜群居,行动迅速而敏捷,疾驰如飞。虽然嗅觉较差,但视觉和听觉却很发达,能够在大范围内活动觅食、饮水,也能逃避敌害。主要以嫩枝、茎、叶为食,冬季则啃食干草茎和枯叶,忍耐干旱的能力较强。 Procapra PrzewalskiiProcapra przewalski, also known as beach gazelle and beach Mongolian gazelle, is a unique species in China. Locating in Qinghai, Inner Mo

23、ngolia, southeastern Xinjiang, northern Gansu, Ningxia and other places, Procapra przewalskis inhabit in flat and semi-desert steppe zones at the altitude below 3400 meters, and are neither active in higher mountains nor in pure Gobi zones, thus called “beach Mongolian gazelle”. With quick and agile

24、 actions, the Procapra przewalskis migrate with seasons and live in groups. Although they have poor sense of smell, their visual and auditory abilities are highly developed and they are capable of finding food and water in a wide area and of escaping predators. With a strong droughtresistent ability

25、, they mainly feed on twigs, stems and leaves, and on dry grass stems and dead leaves in winter。藏原羚又叫原羚、小羚羊、西藏黄羊和西藏原羚等,体形比普氏原羚瘦小.主要分布于青藏高原及四川西北部和甘肃南部.它是典型的高原动物,栖息的海拔高度在30005100m之间,范围广泛,各种草原环境中几乎都可以生存,但一般多见于高寒草甸和干草原地带。特别喜欢草本植物生长较茂盛和水源充足的地方,但活动范围不十分固定,经常到处游荡。它的奔跑速度极快,奔跑的时候两耳向后倒下,短尾翘起,雪白的臀部在太阳的照射下闪闪发光,

26、就象是挂着一面镜子,所以俗称为“镜面羊。Tibetan GazelleSmaller than Procapra przewalski in body size, Tibetan gazelle, also known as the gazelle, antelope, Tibetan Mongolian gazelle, Tibetan gazelle, etc。, is mainly located in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and northwest Sichuan and southern Gansu. It is a typical highland

27、animal whose habitat is between 3000 to 5100 meters in altitude. It can live in various environments, and can survive in almost all kinds of grasslands, but it is generally more common in alpine meadows and steppe zones。 Tibetan gazelle is particularly fond of habitats with lush herbs and plentiful

28、water. It does not like fixed living range and often migrates around。 Its quick in running。 When it runs, its ears fall backward, its short tail erects, and its white hips shine under the sun, which is like hanging a mirror, thus called “mirror goat”。赤狐赤狐又叫红狐、火狐等。赤狐细长的身体,尖尖的嘴巴,大大的耳朵,短小的四肢,身后还拖着一条长长的

29、大尾巴.赤狐的适应能力很强,从高山到平原,从森林到草原,甚至沙漠、人类的城镇聚落都是他们的栖息地。很少自己挖洞。以鼠类、鸟类、昆虫、蠕虫和水果为食.每年初春交配,妊娠期50-60天,5月产崽,性成熟半年.尽管赤狐只能活14年,但这在犬科动物中已经是长寿的了。Red FoxRed fox, also known as fire fox, has a slender body, a pointed mouth, big ears, short limbs and a long tail. Red foxes have a strong adaptability whose habitats ran

30、ge from mountains to plains, from forests to grasslands, and even in deserts and human urban settlements。 They rarely burrow by themselves。 Rodents, birds, insects, worms and fruits can all serve as their food. They often mate in early spring each year. The gestation period is 5060 days。 The reprodu

31、ctive activities normally fall in May。 And sexual maturity period is about six months。 The red fox can only live for 14 years, which can be counted as longevity in canids。盘羊(Argali sheep),俗称大角羊、盘角羊,国家二级保护动物. 躯体肥壮,体长150180厘米,肩高5070厘米,体重110千克左右,体色一般为褐灰色或污灰色.主要分布于亚洲中部广阔地区。属濒临灭绝的珍稀保护动物。Argali SheepCommo

32、nly known as bighorn sheep, disk angle sheep, argali sheep is a second class national protected animal with strong and fat body, 150180 cm in length, 5070 cm in shoulder height and about 110 kg in weight。 The color of its fur is generally in brownish gray or dirty gray。 Mainly inhabiting in the vast

33、 Central Asia, argali sheep is an endangered and protected animal.石鸡石鸡又叫嘎嘎鸡、红腿鸡、朵拉鸡等.嘴、脚珊瑚红色。虹膜栗褐色.眼的上方有一条宽宽的白纹。围绕头侧和黄棕色的喉部有完整的黑色环带。上体紫棕褐色,胸部灰色,腹部棕黄色,两胁各具十余条黑、栗色并列的横斑。中央尾羽棕灰色,其余尾羽栗色。常栖息于岩坡和山谷,有时到田野觅食.食物主要为苔藓、地衣、浆果、植物嫩芽,以及昆虫、蠕虫等.平时10多只结群游荡,边食边叫,响彻山间.Chukor PartridgeThe chukar partridge, also known as

34、 quack chicken, redlegged chicken, Dora chicken, has coralred beak and feet, brown iris, a broad white stripes above the eye, and a complete black ring belt around the cephalic and yellow-brown throat。 Its upper body is in purple tan, with gray chest, brownish yellow abdomen, and ten more black, mar

35、oon parallel horizontal stripes on both flanks。 Its central tail feathers are in brown and gray, while the remaining tail feathers are in chestnut。 Often inhabiting on rock slopes and in valleys and sometimes foraging in the field, the chukar partridges mainly feed on mosses, lichens, berries, plant

36、s, buds, and insects, worms, etc。 They often migrate in a group of ten, feeding and tweeting along the mountains。秃鹫秃鹫俗名狗头鹫、夭勒、狗头雕、座山雕,属国家二级保护动物. 栖息范围较广,在海拔20005000多米的高山、草原均有分布,主要栖息于高山裸岩上、低山丘陵和高山荒原与森林中的荒岩草地、山谷溪流和林缘地带,不善于鸣叫。主要以大型动物的尸体为食,在进餐之前,总是先将尸体的腹部啄破撕开,然后将光秃秃的头部伸进腹腔中,把内脏吃得干干净净.常在开阔而较裸露的山地和平原上空翱翔,窥

37、视动物尸体,偶尔主动攻击中小型兽类、两栖类、爬行类和鸟类,甚至袭击家畜。丧葬文化秃鹫是天葬的主体,是实施天葬的核心力量.Cinerous VultureCinerous vultures, commonly named Kobold eagle, Yaole, doghead eagle and mountain eagle, are a second class national protected animal。 They have a wide habitat, on mountains and grasslands at an altitude of 2000-5000 meters,

38、 where they mainly inhabit on alpine bare rock, highlands and mountain wilderness and forest meadows, valleys, and streams and forest edge areas. Cinerous vultures are not good at tweeting。 They mainly feed on the dead bodies of large animals。 When they start feeding, they always first peck at the b

39、elly of the corpse and tear it. Then they insert their bald heads into the abdominal cavity and eat the viscera up. They often fly over the open and bare mountains and plains and seek animal corpses. They occasionally attack small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and even livestocks. In funeral culture, vultures are the main force for celestial burials。9

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