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1、人教版英语七年级下册教材详解人教版英语七年级下册教材详解Unit 1国家国家人语言某国的,某国人的America; 美国the United States(the U.S.A)AmericanEnglishAmericanBritain英国;England;the United Kingdom(the U.K.)EnglishmanEnglishBritishFrance 法国FrenchmanFrenchFrenchJapan日本JapaneseJapaneseJapaneseChina中国ChineseChineseChineseCanada加拿大CanadianEnglish, Fren

2、chCanadian1、 live 动词,表“居住;生存”,短语有:1) live on 以为食;以为生 Tigers live on meat. 2) live in 住在某地 He lives in Beijing.2、 dislike 不喜欢(=dont/doesnt/didnt like)如:I dislike to go to the cinema.3、 重点句子1) Where is he from ? = Where does he come from?2) He is from Japan. = He doesnt come from Japan.3) Where does h

3、e live ? -He lives in Tokyo. 4) Please write to me soon. (write to sb. 写信给某人= write a letter to sb.)Unit 21、street 表“街道”,短语:on/ in the street 在街道上。2、介词短语 near 在附近 next to 紧挨着 across from在对面 between .and 在和之间 in front of 在外面的前面 :There is a tree in front of a house. in the front of在里面的前面:The teacher i

4、s in the front of the classroom. behind 在外面的后面:The ball is behind the door. in the back of 在里面的后面 My friend sits in the back of the classroom.3、through, across,over, 和past都是介词,不能单独做谓语,必须与动词连用才能做谓语。 1)through 从物体内部穿过, 如:walk through a forest. 穿过一个森林2)past 从物体外面绕过, 如:walk past a post office 经过一个邮局3)ac

5、ross 从物体表面横穿,如:go across the road 横穿马路4)over 从物体上空越过, 如:fly over the city 飞过城市【注意】pass(经过),cross (横穿) 都是动词,可作谓语,相当于“动词+past/across”. 如:I pass (walk past) a post office every day. Dont cross (walk across) the road.4、straight 形容词,笔直的,直的:She has straight hair. 她长着直发。 副词,直接地 Go straight down the road an

6、d then turn left. 5、turn (1)动词,拐 turn left 向左拐 (2)名词,拐弯 No left turn ! 禁止左拐弯6、on the right 在右边, on the left 在左边7、open (1)动词,打开 Open the door. (2)形容词,开着的 The door is open. 【注意】close 动词,关 closed 形容词,关着的。The door is closed.8、clean (1)动词,打扫 He is cleaning the room. (2)形容词,干净的 The room is clean.9、Welcome

7、 to + 名词,表欢迎到某地 Welcome to China. 但Welcome back home.(home 为副词,副词可以直接修饰动词。因此,前不用介词to)10、enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 (enjoy 后只能接动名词v-ing)I enjoy . (read)11、walk 可作名词,如:take a walk 散步; twenty minutes walk 20分钟的步行12、beginning 名词,开始 Its a good beginning. 那是一个好的开端。短语有:the beginning of 的开始; at the beginning of

8、 在, 的开始;in the middle of 在的中间; at the end of 在的最后13、visit (1)及物动词 参观,访问visit Beijing 探望 visit my grandpa. (2)名词,短语: on a visit to 参观某地 They are on a visit to Beijing. = They are visiting Beijing.14、have fun 玩得开心,过得愉快 = enjoy oneself = have a good timehave fun doing sth. 在做某事中过的很愉快 I have fun English

9、. (learn)15、hope 希望,后不接双宾语,既不能说hope sb. to do sth. 如:I hope him to help me.()但可接宾语从句,此句可改为 I hope (that ) he can help me. 16、重点句子: (1)问路 Where is the hotel ? -Its next to / behind/ in front of the school. Can you tell me the way to the hotel ? (the way to 去某地的路)(2) 指路 Go straight and turn left at Ne

10、w Park . 笔直往前走,在新公园向左拐。Go through Six Avenue .穿过六街 Go down the street and its on your left. 沿着街往下走,它在你的左边。Unit 31、动物名称词 tiger, elephant, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin企鹅, giraffe长颈鹿, koala.树袋熊2、形容词:cute可爱的, clever 聪明的,smart聪明可爱的, ugly 丑陋的,friendly 友好的;beautiful 漂亮的;shy 害羞的; lazy 懒惰的。3、(1) other 形容词,别

11、的,其他的。What other things do you want? = What else do you want ?(2) others 代词,还有一些。常与some 连用。(some, some,others一些., 一些, 还有一些)如: There are many flowers, some are red, some are white, others are yellow. (3) another 表又一个,另一个。Have another cup of tea. 再喝一杯茶(已经喝了几杯) (4) the other (两者中)剩下的 I have two pen,. O

12、ne is red, the other (one ) is black. (5) the others 其余的人或物 There is only ten boys in my class, the others (=the other students) are boys. 【注意】others 和 the others 是代词,代替一些人或物。它们后不加名词,用法同名词性物主代词(yours, hers, ours.)4、sleep 动词,睡觉。从上床到熟睡的过程有: feel sleepy感到困倦 go to bed上床 fall asleep/ go to sleep入睡 be asl

13、eep / sleeping睡着了wake up醒来 be awake醒着的 Last night, I felt sleepy. And I went to bed early. After reading some stories, I fell asleep. When I was sleeping, the clock woke me up. Since then, I was awake till the next morning. 4、 during 表在期间,常可以与in 替换。如:during the day = in the day 在白天。5、 at night = in

14、the night 在晚上6、 relax 动词,放松,休息。We can relax (ourselves) on weekends. 【扩展】relaxing 令人放松的,轻松的。Relaxed 感到放松的。加ing 表“令人的”,加ed表“感到的”,类似的词有:exciting(令人兴奋的), excited(感到兴奋的); interesting(令人感到有趣的),interested(感到有趣的),surprising 令人感到吃惊的,surprised 感到吃惊的。8、play with 和某人玩 I like to play with you (2)玩弄某物 Look, the

15、boy is playing with a basketball. (比较:play with a basketball玩篮球;play basketball 打篮球)9、重点句子:(1) What animal do you like ? 你喜欢什么动物?(2) What other animals do you like ? 你还喜欢别的什么动物? (3) Why do you like dogs? - Because they are friendly and clever. (Why问句用because 答)Unit 41、give sb. sth 给某人某物 = give sth.

16、to sb. 把某物给某人 Give me the book. = Give the book to me. 2、put on 穿 wear 穿着;He got up quickly, and his uniform. Look, he is a uniform. 3、teach sb. sth. 教某人某事, 不能说成 teach ones sth 教某人的某事。Mr Liu teaches our English。(改错) 。4、kind of = a little一点 My work is kind of dangerous.A kind of 一种 Dogs are a kind of

17、 friendly animals. 5、go out to dinners 到外面吃饭,下馆子。Im busy, lets go out to dinners. 6、重点句子:(1)问职业:What does your father do ? = What is your fathers job ? = What is your father ? (2)问理想:What do you want to be ? 你想成为什么?-I want to be a teacher. (3)We have a job for you as a waiter. (for表适合于;as 表作为 )(4)Do

18、 you want to work for a magazine ? (work for 为 工作、效力)(5)Do you like to work with other young people ? (和某人一起工作,合作)(6)Do you want to be in the school play ? (be in 参加)(7)We want a P.E. teacher to teach soccer. (want sb. to do sth. 想要某人去做某事)Unit 5 1、介词on 还可以用于电子媒体前,如: on the phone, on TV, on the radio

19、, on the Internet; on the computer . 题:I often learn English the radio. (A. in B. on C. at )2、wait 是不及物动词,不能直接接宾语,须与for连用。 Wait me ()wait for me ()3、去购物 = do some shopping 4、语法:现在进行时态结构:be (am, is , are) + v-ing. 现在进行时态用法: 表示正在进行的动作I am writing a letter now. (常与now, listen, look 等词连用) 表示最近一直在做的一件事(但

20、说话时不一定在进行)I am reading Harry Potter these days. (常与these days/ weeks 等连用) 表示即将发生的动作I am coming. 我马上来。(此类动词常表位置移动:go, leave for, visit, arrive 等) 表示总是出现的事情(含有感情色彩,批评或表扬,常与always连用)He is always borrowing money from me. 他老是找我借钱。(批评) He is always helping others. 他总是帮助别人。(表扬)5、重点句子:(1) Whats he waiting f

21、or ? 等什么 (2) Who are they talking to ? 和谁谈(3) What are they talking about ? 谈论什么【注意】what和who 分别是代事物和人的疑问代词,作wait for, talk to, talk about 的宾语,而wait, talk都是不及物动词,所以后要加介词,即 wait for what, talk to who, talk about what。 疑问代词还有,which, whom 等。问时间when, 地点 Where,方式 how 等不是代替人或事物的词都是疑问副词,因为副词可以直接修饰动词,所以不及物动词

22、可以直接使用,如: Where are they talking ?( talk后不带to) When will he arrive ? (arrive 后不加at, in ) (4)Here are some of my photos. 我的照片中的一些在这儿。【注意】of 可表“中的”,如; one of 中之一;some of 中的一些;many of 中的很多; most of 中的大多数。Some ,many, most 也可以不与of 连用,后直接接名词, 如 some of my photos 或 some photos of mine, 不能说成 some my photos.

23、 (5)I am with my sister Gina. (be with sb 和某人在一起)Unit 61、rain (1)名词,雨 Dont go out in the rain. It is a heavy rain. (2) 动词,下雨 It is going to rain. rainy 形容词,下雨的。It is rainy/raining. I dont like a rainy day. 2. snow (1)名词,雪 Snow is white. (2)动词,下雪 It snowed heavily/ hard yesterday. snowy 形容词,下雪的 It is

24、 snowy/ snowing. 3. cloud 名词,云 cloudy 多云的; wind 风 windy 有风的;sun太阳 sunny 晴朗的4. cook 动词,煮,做饭。He is cooking. 名词,厨师 My father is a cook. cooker 名词,炊具,锅 A cook uses a cooker to cook meat. 5. study 和learn的区别,他们都表学习,常可互换,但study有研究意思,比learn 学得深一些。I enjoy studying/ learning English. 6. Lie有平躺,位于的意思,lie还有撒谎的意

25、思。Lay意思为放,搁,下蛋。其过去式、过去分词、现在分词如下: lie(平躺,位于)laylainlying 如:He is lying on the beach. It lies in Hubei.lie(撒谎)liedliedlying 如:Dont lie to me. lay(放,搁,下蛋)laidlaidlaying 如:He laid his coat on the bed. 题:Dont your coat on the floor. It easily gets dirty. A. lie B. lay C. lied D. laid 7. Cool 凉爽的 Its cool

26、 in fall. 好极了 They look cool. 8. heat 名词,热量 I am surprised they can play in this heat. (在这样的高温下) 动词,给加热 heat the milk 9. 短语: On vacation 在度假 take a photo 拍照 look at 朝看 have a good/great/wonderful time 玩得高兴,过得愉快 = enjoy oneself = have fun.in this heat. 在这样的高温下10、重点句子: (1)问天气: Hows the weather? = What

27、s the weather like?-Its sunny/windy/cloudy/raining. (2)Hows it going ? (你过得)怎样?-Pretty good相当好/ Great很好/ Not bad 还可以/ Terrible 真糟糕 Review of units 161、describe 动词,描述 Words can not describe my feelings. 言语不能描述我的感受。 description 名词, 描述 Your description of the man is correct. 你对他的描述是正确的。2、following 下面的,

28、放于所修饰词前,如:the following words 下面的单词。同义词below(下面的)和反义词above(上面的)都用于所修饰词后,如:the words below/ above.3、look for 寻找;find找到;I looked for it everywhere, but I cant find it anywhere. 4、talk about 谈论; talk to/ with 和某人交谈5、improve 动词,改善,提高。I tried my best to improve my English.6、in order to 表“为了”,后接动词原形。I get

29、 up early in order to catch the early bus. 【扩展】 in order to= so as to 表“为了,以便” 后都接动词原形, 否定形式分别为:in order not to 和 so as not to 如:She got up early in order to/ so as to catch the early bus. in order to 可放句首,而so as to 不能。 so as to 可分开使用,而 in order to 不能。 如: The teacher spoke so slowly as to be underst

30、ood by the students. (2) so that 和 in order that 都表“为了,以便”后都接句子。 so that引导的从句只能放在句中,而in order that引导的从句既可放在句首也可放在句中。另外,so that还可引导结果状语从句,意为“因此,结果”,例如: She got up early so that / in order that she could catch the early bus. (为了,以便) Jack is badly ill so that he has to rest.(因此)Unit 7 1、popular adj. 受欢

31、迎的,流行的。短语:be popular with 受某人的欢迎 Li Yuchun is popular with young people. 李宇春受年轻人的欢迎。 2、tall与high 都指高,但tall常用于人、树木等细长物(反义词short短、矮),high 用于指物而不指人(反义词low低的)。如:a tall man, a high mountain. 【扩展】tall/ high 是形容词,名词为height(高度),如:The mountain is high, the height of it is 5 kilometers above the sea. 类似的有:lon

32、g 长的 length 长度;wide宽的width 宽度;heavy重的 weight重量3、a little bit 一点儿4、joke 名词,笑话。He loves to tell jokes(讲笑话)【短语】play a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑 He likes to play a joke on me. 5、stop doing sth. 停止正在做的事情;stop to do sth.= stop doing A to do B 停下来去做另件事 比较:stop talking (停止讲话);stop to talk (开始讲话)。类似的有:go on dong st

33、h. 继续做某事(同件事);go on to do sth. 接着去做某事(另件事)题: You have worked for a long time. You should stop (have) a rest. You should stop (smoke). Its bad for your health.7、 people 和 person (1)person指人,是可数名词。指具体的人,侧重于个体,无男女性别之分,常和数词连用,一般用于数目不大且比较精确的场合。例如: A young person came in. 一位年轻人走了进来。 (2)people 泛指人们,是集体名词,做

34、主语时谓语动词用复数形式。例如: Some people speak French in this country. 在这个国家一部分人讲法语。 【扩展】people还可表示民族;种族,是可数名词,其复数形式为peoples。例如: There are fifty-six peoples in China.中国有56个民族。 题: The on the bike is my sister. There are a lot of in the room. 8、 look 除作动词“看”,还可作名词,常用复数,表“长相”。如:She has good looks.8、remember 动词,记得。

35、remember doing sth. 记得做过某事(做过);remember to do sth. 记得要去做某事(事还没做)。类似用法的动词有 forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事;forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事。如: I remember/ forget telling you.我记得/忘记告诉过你了 (告诉你已经发生过) ; I will remember to tell you. = I wont forget to tell you我将记得告诉你。(目前还没告诉)10、not any more(1) not.any more = no more表示次数

36、不再继续;如:I wont be late any more. = I will be no more late.(2) not .any longer = no longer表示时间不再继续。如:You are not a child any longer. = You are no longer a child.11、nobody= not anybody 没人 There is nobody in the room. = There is not anybody in the room.12、Class Five, Grade Nine = Class 5,Grade 9 (九年级5班)

37、 【注意】专有名词要大写,名词在前,数字在后,前不用 the . 题:She is in . A. room 102 B. 102 Room C. the Room 102 D. Room 10213、Yes, thats her. 那就是她。 Its me. 是我。(用代词宾格her, me )14、the captain of 的队长 He is the captain of basketball team. (captain 还表“船长,机长”)15、重点句子(1)问长相:What does he look like ?-He is of medium height / build. 他

38、中等身高/体型。 短语: be of medium height / build 中等身高/体型(2)She is tall. She has curly hair. 她很高,长着卷发。 动词be 后常接形容词作表语,用来描述主语是怎样的。have 除了表“吃喝;有”的意思外,还可以表“长着”,He has two big eyes. Unit 81、drink 除了表“喝”,还可以作名词,表饮料,常用复数。2、不可数名词不能直接用数词来修饰,须与数量词连用,结构为:数词+量词+of +名词。 如a cup of tea two cups of tea 两杯茶; a bowl of rice

39、two bowls of rice两碗米饭a bag of salt two bags of salt两袋盐; a bottle of water two bottles of water 两瓶水 【注意】数词大于1,量词要用复数,但不可数名词没有复数。可数名词也可以与数量词连用,但要用复数形式。如:a bag of apples two bags of apples 题:Would you give me_, please? A. two papers B. two piece of paper C. two pieces of paper D. two pieces of papers 3

40、、would like (想要)= want 后接名词或动词不定式,即:would like to do sth. 想去做某事。 如:Id like to play basketball with you. 4、重点句子:(1)问种类:What kind of noodles would you like ?-Id like beef noodles. (2)问尺寸: What size bowl of noodles would he like ?-Hed like a small/ medium/ large bowl of noodles. Unit 9 1、what about = h

41、ow about 用来询问“. 怎么样?”,about是一个介词,后接动词ing。如: What about playing basketball ? - Good idea. 2、stay at home 呆在家里 3、do some reading 阅读 (类似的短语有:do some shopping 购物;)4、practice 动词,练习。 practice doing sth. 练习做某事。 (只能接动名词,不接不定式的动词有: enjoy喜欢, finish完成,practice练习,;allow允许,consider考虑, discuss讨论advise建议; mind介意,

42、stand忍受)题: I enjoy (practice) (speak ) English every day. You have finished (read). Would you mind (lend) it to me ?5、辨析take;cost;spend;pay主语为人的有spend和pay;主语为物的有cost;主语常为“it”的有take.(1) spend表“某人花费时间或金钱做某事/在某事上”,用于:Sb spend some money/ time (in) doing sth. 或 Sb spend some money/ time on sth (2) pay常表

43、“某人花钱买某物”。用于:Sb. pay some money for sth. (3) cost 常表“某物花费某人某些钱”,用于:Sth. cost sb. some money. (4) take尤指“做某事花费某人某些时间”, 常用于:It takes sb some time to do sth【例题】How much money did you in fixing your watch?A. cost B. pay C. spend 6、go for a walk 去散步 7、study for a test 复习备考8、Its time to do sth. = Its time

44、 for sth. 该是的时候了。如: Its time to go to school. = Its time for school. 该上学了。9、suggestion 和 advice 都表“建议”,但suggestion 是可数名词,而advice 是不可数名词。题:I have a to make. 10、重点句子:(1)What did you/ she / they do last weekend ? -I / She/ They went to movies. (2)I have no friends = I dont have any friends.He want to d

45、o nothing. = He doesnt want to do anything. 【总结】可以在动词后接否定的宾语,也可以用助动词否定动词。完成下题目: He have money. = He has money. He knows nobody in the town. = He know in the town. 11、语法:一般过去时态Unit 101、fantastic 极好的= great , 如:It was a fantastic / great movie. 2、expensive 昂贵的,反义词:cheap3、think of 想起 ;考虑,认为 think about 考虑,认为 4、in the corner of a room 在房间的角落里; on the corner of a street 在街道拐角。5、decide 决定,用法: (1) decide on sth 选定/决定某事物:We will try to decide on a school. (2) decide to do sth. = decide on doing sth. 决定去做某事 I decide to study hard. 6、crowd 动词,拥挤 名词,群 crowded

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