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1、 Lesson Twentyfive NAVAIDS 助航仪器Dialog A: Talking about New Installed ARPA对话1: 谈谈新装的ARPA雷达Chief Officer: The new installed ARPA can not be used, Mr. Captain。大副: 船长先生,新装的雷达无法使用。Master: Whats the matter?船长: 是什么问题?Chief Officer: The scanning line is dark red, and the background is black. Sometimes it is

2、 difficult to distinguish the scanning line on the display.大副: 扫描线是暗红的,背景是黑色的,有时很难在屏幕上辨别扫描线。Master: It must be designedly defective. I will send a cable to the manufacturer to ask for replacing the software。船长: 一定是设计缺陷,我发报给制造商,要求换软件。Dialog B: Reporting VHF Defectiveness对话2: 报告VHF故障Second Mate: The V

3、HF transmitting/receiving convertion button is not working。 When I wished to overtake the vessel ahead and used VHF, I found the VHF installation can not send any message. The VHF installation still works in receiving function。二副: VHF收/发转换按键不好用,我在要追越前船用它时,我发现VHF不能发任何信息,VHF仍处于接受功能。Chief Mate: Let me

4、check. Oh, the button is out of order. It can not be pushed down, inform radio officer to come with necessary tools.大副: 让我检查一下,噢,这个按键坏了,按不下去。告诉电报员带工具来.Second Mate: Yes, sir。 Anything else?二副: 遵命,还有其他事吗?Chief Mate: Tell Third Officer to strictly obey the international regulations for preventing colli

5、sion at sea. Navigate with caution. If necessary, use siren instead of VHF to express handling intentions for vessels in the vicinity。 I hope the VHF will be in good order very soon.大副: 告诉三副严格遵守国际海上避碰规则,谨慎航行,若可能用声号向附近船表明操纵意图。我希望VHF会尽快恢复正常工作。Dialog C: Reception of Repair Personnel对话3: 接待维修人员Second Ma

6、te: Wont you have a cigarette?二副: 不来一支烟吗?Repair Engineer: No thanks。 Lets continue to work。 Pass me the multi-meter and the screw driver, please。维修工程师: 不,谢谢!我们继续工作吧,把万用表和螺丝刀递给我。Second Mate: OK, sir!二副: 好,先生!Repair Engineer: Oh, my God! I got it! The magnetron is out of order.维修工程师: 哦,我的天啊!我找到了。磁控管坏了

7、。Second Mate: Did you bring the spares?二副: 你带备件了吗?Repair Engineer: I am sorry to tell you that I have not brought any spare with me. I must return to the station to fetch it.维修工程师: 很抱歉的告诉你,我没有带任何备件,我必须返回站里去取。Second Mate: OK。 See you then!二副: 好,到时见!Practical Expressions 实用表达方式Part A: Compass 罗经1. Swi

8、tch on fine tunning button. 打开微调开关。2. The sensitivity is not enough. The gyro compass does not respond when the course changed within 1.5 degrees.灵敏度不够,船首向改变小于1.5度时,陀螺罗经无反应.3. The current of gyro ball is too large。 The value has exceeded 1。1 Ampere。陀螺球电流太大,已超过1.1安培.4. The course error is about 30 de

9、grees to 60 degrees。航行误差大约30至60度。5. Rotate the gyro ball continually along vertical axis.把陀螺球绕垂直轴连续地转动。6. The gyro ball is too low。 The height of sinking test is below 6mm.陀螺球太低,下沉实验高度小于6毫米。7. Check s。g of support liquid with hydrometer.用比重计检查支承液的比重。8. The generator turns wrong direction due to wron

10、g phase of the power supply.由于电源相位反了,发电机转向错误。9. Please check the circuit with circuit map。请按电路图检查电路。10. Connect voltage meter in the connection bar No。 134/135 of the electric motor.在执行电机接线柱134/135处接上电压表。11. Insert simulative bridge 148108 instead of amplifier。插入模拟电桥148108代替放大器.12. The follow bridge

11、 circuit has cut off or high resistanced。 The trouble is convergence coil, brush or amplifier.随动电桥断路或高电阻出现,故障是汇电环、电刷、或放大器。13. Keep follow system with minimum voltage rotation from 000 degree to 360 degrees. Find the insensitive point。保持随动系统以最低电压转动,在000360度范围内找出不灵点。14. The course indication of repeat

12、ers does not match that of gyro compass。主罗经和分罗经航向示度不匹配。15. All the courses of repeaters are same, except for main gyro compass。所有分罗经指示同一读数,只有主罗经指示其他值。16. Please turn graduated disc of 0.5 degree。请转动刻度盘0。5度。17. Change electron tube ECC82. Check the voltage whether or not it is 20 V.换ECC82电子管,再检查,看电压是

13、否20伏。18. Switch off follow button. The course gear wheel is feel from synchro accordingly.关随动开关.方位齿轮随后脱开同步机。19. Turn graduated disc of main gyro compass to comply with the graduated disc of repeaters. Then install synchro.转动主罗经刻度盘到分罗经同一示度,然后装上同步机。20. The gyro ball has tilted. It has scars。 Request t

14、o replace.陀螺球倾斜,并且有伤痕,要求换陀螺球。21. Check and correct s.g of support liquid。检查和纠正支持液的比重。Part B GPS 全球卫星定位系统22. The position indication on display has been wrong. The error has been calculated by degree。屏面船位显示错误,误差用度来计算.23. Shut down it and start it with COLD switch on. Try again and again。停机后,进行冷启动,反复试

15、试看。24. There is no indication on screen, but the input is correct.显示屏无任何显示,但输入正常.25. There is no illumination. The fuse has been broken down.没有照明,保险丝已烧断。26. The tracking of satellite is not stable. It has lost ships position。跟踪卫星不稳定,并丢失了船位。27. The capacitors C251 and C252 need to be replaced。电容C251和

16、C252需要更换。28. Cease to track satellite in coastal waters. Then return to normal working order in offshore waters。在近岸航行时丢失跟踪卫星。然后在离岸较远时又恢复正常.Part C INMARSAT 国际海事卫星系统29. The terminal not respond any signal unperiodically. Switch off power. It resumes after 5 seconds。不定期出现死机现象,关电源5秒钟后恢复正常。30. The INMARS

17、ATC SES terminal printer is out of order。国际海事卫星C船站终端打印机故障。31. The receiving level of the INMARSAT SES is not stable.卫星船站的接受电平不稳定。32. The fuse has been broken down due to unstable power supply of the ship。由于船舶电压不稳定,保险丝烧断。33. The control button of STAURNC is not sensitive. The interface between keyboa

18、rd and CPU has been found disconnected。 STAURN-C站键控不灵敏,经查发现键盘接口与CPU插头断了。34. The transceiving signal level sometimes disappeared. It can not guarantee correctness of receiving。收发信号电平有时没有.不能保证准确接受。35. The maker is Sailor company. 制造商是希勒公司。The manufacturer is JRC. 制造商是日本电气公司。The model type is JUE 75 A。

19、 设备型号是JUE 75 A.36. The INMARSATA display was damaged. The highvoltage insulation was broken down. INMARSAT-A显示器受损,高压绝缘被击穿。37. The ship-toshore communication can not be established even if the line is not busy.即使线路不繁忙时也无法建立与岸站通信。38. The receiving part of machine memory is occupied due to misuse of te

20、xt editor。 It can not eliminate useless messages。机器存储器内的接受设备已存满,由于电文编辑不当,无法消除无用的信息。Advise to adjust transmission of machine memorys. The receiving ratio is adjusted to 100:0。建议调整存储器的发射,接受比率调整为100:0。Part D FAX machine 传真机39. My weather FAX receiving machine is out of order. The model type is FRUNO ma

21、de from JRC.我的气象传真接收机故障,型号是日本电气公司的FRUNO.40. The symptom is all control buttons inoperative。故障现象是各功能键失效。The symptom is printing paper always squeezed。故障现象是总夹纸。41. The wheel does not turn and printer only prints a heavy line.轮不转,打印机只能打出一条粗线。42. The printing of FAX214 facsmile machine is not clear。 The

22、 print head is probably out of service. FAX214传真机打印不清,可能是打印头老化.43. The FAX receivers antenna was broken due to strong wind. For emergency use, we must connect to main receivers antenna.传真接收机无线被强风折断,我们必须连接接收机天线以备急用。44. The memory controls of FAX receiver are out of operation.传真机的有储按钮失灵。Part E Radar 雷

23、达45. The motor carbon brush of radar antenna has been worn seriously due to long time service。 It can not touch really。雷达天线电机炭刷由于长时间使用磨损严重,接触不良.46. There is sometimes no scanning line on radar screen。雷达屏幕上有时没有扫描线。47. The radar antenna can not rotate。雷达天线不能旋转。48. The waveguide assembly was full of wa

24、ter。 The radar can not transmit and receive normally. There is a cluster of echoes in the centre of radar screen.波导管进水,雷达不能正常发射与接收,雷达屏幕中间部位有一团回波。49. The surface of display sweep coil contaminated by dust。 The echo signals in some sectors missing on the screen。由于显示器扫描线图表面不清洁,荧屏上回波信号部分区域丢失。50. The ech

25、o signals are very weak. Small targets can not be sighted。 It is possible to say that magnetron is out of service.回波信号太弱,小目标看不到,可能是由于磁管老化。51. The automatic tracking function of the ARPA is out of order。 We can only input data manually, and the deviation is beyond the scope。ARPA的自动跟踪功能坏了,我们只能手动输入数据,误

26、差太大.52. The rotation of scanning line is not in even speed。扫描线转动不均匀。53. There is no scanning line at the beginning of switch on.开机后开始没有扫描线。54. The rotation of scanning line is into reverse.扫描线反转。55. The scanning line reverses, pauses, skips。扫描线反转、停顿、跳跃。56. The false targets occurred.出现了假回波。57. There

27、 is no echo signal, but brightness, scanning line are still exists.没有回波,但亮度、扫描线均正常。58. There is no echo and brightness. It is examined that fuse has broken。雷达无亮度、无回波,经查为保险丝烧断。59. The antenna does not synchronize scanning. The heading line is not stable. The echo position is changed accordingly.天线与扫描

28、不同步,船首线不定,物标位置也随之变化。60. The change button between relative motion and true motion in the panel does not touch firmly.面板上的真运动与相对运动转换按钮接触不良。61. You should often clear up carbon brush.你需要经常清洗炭刷。62. The flag rope fouled with antenna. The antenna can not rotate.旗绳绕住了天线,天线不能转了。63. The waveguide assembly f

29、looded。 It affects resolving power。波导管进水,影响分辨率.64. The mixer crystal is outdated。 The echo signals are not clear. For bigger rage scales, small targets are always missing。混频晶体老化,回波不清楚,大海里档小物标常丢失。65. The synchrous motor is out of order。 The heading line swings back and forth.同步电机故障,船首线来回摇摆。66. The ec

30、ho signals are weak. The edges of the signals are unclear as well。 The current of the magnetron is a little bit less than normal.回波弱,边缘也不清楚,磁控管电流略小于正常值.67. The fixed screw in synchrous motor is not fixed。 The antenna motor rotates with synchrous motor. The signal line was broken by the rotation.同步电机

31、的固定螺丝没有固定,天线电机随同步电机一起转.同步电机的信号线被绞断了。68. You are kindly advised that ARPA radar has been found inoperative。谨此通知您ARPA雷达发现有故障。69. There should be one target, whereas two targets are indicated in the radar screen。本应该是一条船,在雷达屏幕上却显示两条船。70. There is a blind sector between 330 degrees and 350 degrees for DP

32、-2000 type radar.DP-2000型雷达330350度间有盲区.Part F Transmitter and Receiver 收发机71. The frequency synthesizer can not lock well。 It can not transmit messages but illumination light glimmers.频率合成器锁定不好,指示灯闪烁,但不能发射。72. The output power is too low. Require to replace power tubes.输出功率太低,请求更换功放管。73. The grid ci

33、rcuit is out of order.栅极电路发生故障。74. The touch points are not firmly connected due to long time usage of relay.由于长期使用继电器触点上接触不良。75. The high voltage fed in. The circuit was cut off。 The current meter shows over loaded.高压加入后,电路跳电,电流表显示过载.76. The transmitting distance was shortened, as transmitting can

34、not be performed with full power。由于不能用全功率发射,发射距离缩短。77. The numerical indicator tube is out of order.数码管故障。78. The tune in S1250 is not stable.S1250发射机调谐不稳定。79. The receiver has occurred frequency shift。收信机出现频率漂移。Your transmitter has occurred frequency shift。你的发射机出现频率漂移。80. The frequency changing rel

35、ay is out of order. It can not change frequencies。频率转换继电器故障,不能转换频率.81. MF transmitter is in normal working order, but HF transmitter is out of order.中频发射机能正常工作,高频发射机故障。82. The rechargeable accumulator can not be recharged。 It can not operate longer when it is full recharged.可充电蓄电池不能充电,充满电后不久就没电了.83.

36、 The possible reason is that the accumulator is out of date, or that it is not recharged and discharged periodically.原因是蓄电池过期或蓄电池没有及时充放电。84. You did not make a DF selfdeviation curve table。你没有做无线电测向仪自差曲线表。85. The receiving voice in VHF distorted。VHF接收话音失真。86. The VHF transmitting/receiver converter

37、relay can not touch firmly。VHF收发转换继电器接触不良。87. When pushing button in handset, the VHF still works in receiving function。当按下话音按钮开关时,VHF仍工作于接听状态。88. Adjust magnetic core in resonance coil connected to No.9 foot of Integrated Circuit MC 3357, until normal voice is received.调整与集成块MC3357底9脚相联的谐振线圈中的磁心,直到收到正常话音信号为止。89. The VHF transmitting/receiving button vibrates. We can not commumicate via it。VHF收发转换按钮振动,我们无法完成通信。90. The function controls of the ARQ terminal are defective.ARQ终端功能控钮有故障.91. The thermohead is damaged。热感头有故障。92. The DSC transceiver connector is trouble。数字选呼收发机连接器故障。

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