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1、教 案 首 页教案序次21课题Unit 6 Sports Events and Outdoor Activities 课 型 理论 讨论 习题 实验 技能训练 设计 实习授课时间授课班级周次星期节次日期教学效果教学目标设计能看懂并能设计英语运动海报;能用英语简单谈论和评价某项运动;能流利地读出两个主题对话。能看懂范例(篮球比赛、划船友谊赛),了解美国人口头表达上述情景的方式.学习正确的语音语调。学生基础分析新生的录取总分基本在240450之间,而高考的英语分数大多在50分左右,仅有2的学生达到及格线.教材分析本次课为第二单元听说课。对话中涵概了表达体育运动和户外活动情景时,常用的交际语。听力短

2、文为一篇介绍美国人喜欢户外烧烤的文章。参看学生练习册(workbook P78 ),计划2学时完成。教法选择互动教学法(听与说的互动);角色表演法Interactive Teaching Method; roleplay重点难点分析1. Understanding and designing a sports event poster2. Inviting and going to see a sports event 3. Talking about and commenting on a sports4. Key words and expressions: cheer for/suppo

3、rt, be eager/keen to, used to, beat, on the team教具选用Taperecorder/Multi-medium/Language Lab。课堂组织主板书设计Unit SixSection& Section Language Points: 1. well done2. It is who3. too to4. multi-purpose5. 21st Century6. eager7. the English corner8. I do feel a bit like a fish a fish out of water here.1. the st

4、udents union2. Chinese opera3. The Storm4. freshmen5. exhibit-6. available7. give sb。 Some advice on8. make it look attractive9. highlight知识点及时间分配序号知识点时间 PreteachingIntroduction - Teaching PlanLeadin - Business Cards and Passport While-teaching Follow the Samples - Meeting People for the First Time

5、Meeting People AgainBeing all ears - Dialogue Passage Post-teaching SummaryHomework-P89。 Put in Use12752作业布置计划布置实际布置Ex。1-3,P89。Ex。3,P89。课后自评教案内容教学提示备课内容(教学设计、知识点、课堂组织、教学方法等)Section Talking Face to Face参看学学练练考考(workbook P78,P86)Section Being All EarsUnit Six: Sports Events and Outdoor Activities(Note

6、:-focal point,- difficult point).IntroductionThe topic area of Talking Face to Face in this unit is to talk about posters, notices, and announcements。 The focus is on the patterns and terms that are appropriate for writing posters, notices and announcements.Leadin: posters1. Warm-up questionsWhat ar

7、e the purposes of sports event posters?Have you ever designed an English poster for any of your college sports event?2。 Students read and translate the posters in this part under the guidance of the teacher。. Sample Dialogues1. Warm-up questionsCan you design a simple sports event poster in English?

8、Do you know how to invite people to go and watch a sports game in English?Are you interested in making comments on a sports event in English?How can you invite people to take part in an activity in English?2。 Students read the sample dialogues after the teacher and try to find out the useful sentenc

9、es and expressions for understanding and designing a sports event poster, or for inviting people to watch a sports game。3。 Students practice the dialogues in groups。4. Give students several minutes to prepare short conversations in pairs by simulating the five small dialogues。5. Students roleplay th

10、e similar situations they create consulting the five small dialogues, first in groups, and then in front of the class。 Assignments for this section: Pair work: Invent some situations of inviting your classmates to watch a sports game according to a poster。Students do Put-inUse exercises in groups in

11、 groups by reading outloud all the three dialogues they have completed。Dialogue The General Idea of the Passagekey。 Listening Practice1。 Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item。2。 Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.

12、3。 Play the tape with a pause after each sentence for the second time and ask the students to take notes of the key words.4。 Play the tape for the third time, and ask the students to simultaneously repeat while they are listening。5。 Do all the exercises in this section。 .Script Bob: Look, Xiao Li。 W

13、hat a clear day!Xiao Li: Yes, it looks very nice。 A good day for outdoor activities.Bob: Right. And it will be good for us to spend time outdoors. What do you feel like doing exactly?Xiao Li: I havent made up my mind yet. What do you think?Bob: How about a bicycle ride to the lake area?Xiao Li: Good

14、 idea! Lets take a ride through the woods。Bob: Yeah! It would be so nice to take in the beauty of nature。Xiao Li: Yes, indeed. Wed better go slowly so that we can seemoreof the view.Bob: And we can take deep breaths of the fresh air。Xiao Li: Now lets see what we should bring with us. Swimming suits?

15、Bob: No, the water might be cold by now. Just some food and drinks。 Oh, yes, and perhaps thebarbecue grills.Xiao Li: Barbecue grills? All right。 With them we can have a good picnic by the lake。Bob: And how about the fishing rod and fishing line?(Omit)outdoors, families, charcoal smoke, popular, in a

16、 hot sauce, vegetables clever cook, so good, nobody, blue jeans, experience教 案 首 页教案序次22课题Unit 6Sports Events and Outdoor Activities (1)课 型理论 讨论 习题 实验 技能训练 设计 实习授课时间授课班级周次星期节次日期教学效果教学目标设计牢记Passage 1 中所出现的生词和短语,理解课文大意,学会用英语评论体育活动。看懂并能设计体育海报。能独自完成页第二至三道练习题,能在老师的帮助下,完成其余的练习题。掌握句型:1.It seemed sothat2。 c

17、onfidently, 3. realized then thatend up4。 I am afraid that if5。 I was alimost as good as6。 With her devotion to学生基础分析新生的录取总分基本在240-之间,而高考的英语分数大多在50分左右,仅有2%的学生达到及格线.教材分析本次课为第六单元第一次课精读课。Passage 1是该单元的核心部分,本文通过一位少女的亲身经历,讲述了铁人三项的无穷魅力。板书关键词的用法,分析课文中出现的长、难句,并举例.突出重点句型的讲解,结合课后练习(Ex。6)进行强化训练。计划23学时完成.教法选择互动

18、教学法(讲与练的互动,教与学的互动) 重点难点分析1. Weatherreport for different places/across the country/across the world2。 Key words and expressions: 教具选用Taperecorder课堂组织主板书设计Section Unit Six:Passage 1Language Points:Important Words Difficult Sentences1. promise2. punish3. offer4. repeat5. worth6. enter7. follow8. tempt9

19、. taste10. endurance知识点及时间分配序号知识点时间Preteaching Review Unit Five and DictationLeadinWhileteaching Explain Passage 1Postteaching SummaryHomework-P96,Ex。 5-6 15732作业布置计划布置实际布置P96,Ex.5-6P96,Ex.5课后自评教案内容教学提示备课内容(教学设计、知识点、课堂组织、教学方法等)Work BoardImportant WordsExampleExampleExampleUnit Six:Sports Events and

20、Outdoor Activities(1) (Note:focal point, -difficult point). Warm-upQuestions1。 What is your favorite sport? Give your reasons。2。 Do you know anything about triathlon?Triathlon (铁人三项) Trackand-Field (田径) Decathlon (十项全能) Pentathlon (五项全能)The Modern Pentathlon (现代五项) . Textrelated InformationFill in t

21、he blanks with the information about Melanie Sears.Name: _ Age: _Sex: _ Sport item: _ Motivation for triathlon:_.Achievement at 14: _ _Reasons for failure in National Championship: _Weakness of the three items: _Big trouble faced: _. Language Points1。 promisev. n. (give) a written or spoken undertak

22、ing to do or not to do something许诺, 保证They have promised to reply immediately。 If you dont keep your promise, you will not be trusted any longer。 I think Ill promise myself a quiet weekend. 2。 punish v. cause somebody suffering for wrongdoing, treat roughly 惩罚,惩处The driver was punished with a fine f

23、or speeding. You shouldnt punish the child in that way。 She was already severely punished with her own mistake。3.offerv。 give or exchange, say what one is willing to do, kindly present 主动提供,给与They offered to reward for the return of the lost document。 She is kind enough to offer me the help。 Example

24、ExampleExampleExampleExampleExample Example Example DifficultSentencesAnalysisTranslationExample AnalysisTranslationExampleAnalysisTranslationExampleAnalysisTranslationExampleAnalysisTranslationExample AnalysisTranslationExample AnalysisTranslationExample AnalysisTranslationExample Useful words and

25、expressionsExample Example Example Example Example Example This job offers you a good chance to enrich your experience。4。 repeat v。 say or do again 重复,反复(说/干)The important thing is not to repeat the same mistake in your work。 The job is so boring。 I have to repeat the same thing all the time. Please

26、 repeat the sentence after me。 5. worth prep。 having a certain value of 值得,具有价值The secondhand car is worth much more than what you had paid. I think the work is worth the time and energy we spent. That book is well worth reading。 6。 enter v。 come or go into, join, take part in 进入,加入,参加At that time,

27、it was very difficult for women to enter that profession. She entered the bedroom quietly so as not to wake up othersThey want to enter the examination at the end of the term. 7。 followv. go after, go along, keep to, keep as a guide遵循,跟随,遵照Ill go first and please follow me. You should follow his exa

28、mple。 The paragraph following this one can be omitted。 8。tempt v。 persuade or attract somebody to do something 诱惑,吸引,引诱Nothing could tempt me to do such a silly thing。 The clear water in the beautiful lake tempted us to swim in it。 He was tempted into making that wrong decision。 9。 tasten. sense by

29、which flavor is known, ability to enjoy beauty, liking or preference; the flavor sensed品味,欣赏的能力; 喜好I dont like the sour taste in this icecream。 She has very good taste for dresses. The explorer has a strong taste for adventures。 10。 endurancen。 ability to bear sufferings or hardship 耐力The sportsman

30、showed remarkable power of endurance。 Sorry。 I have come to the end of my endurance。 Endurance plays an important role in this event。1. (Para. 1) Recently it has drawn huge crowds attracted (and worried)byathletesswimming1500m, cycling40km, and then running10kmwithout stopping. the past participle p

31、hrase is used to modify huge crowdsthepresentparticiplephrases areusedtomodifyathletes又长跑10公里.近来它已经吸引了大批为它着迷 (又惧它三分)的观众群,因为这项运动要先游泳1500米,骑自行车40 公里, 然后紧接着This science fiction has attracted many readers interested in the characters of the story working and living on the moon。 2。 (Para。 1) Great for th

32、ose watching, maybe, but what makes the triathletes want to punish their bodies so much? This is an elliptical sentence。 It may be rewritten like this: The triathlon maybe great for those who watch it, but how come the triathletes are willing to suffer so much physical hardship?这项比赛对于观看者来说固然带劲,但究竟是什

33、么让铁人三项的参赛者想如此折磨他们的身体呢? Interesting for those enjoying the soap opera, maybe, but what makes the producers want to devote so much to the lengthy story?3. (Para。 2) Melanie Sears has not yet learnt those oftenrepeatedphrases about personal satisfaction, mental challenge and higherobjectives that most

34、athletes always use when asked similar questions。that-relative clause梅拉尼希尔丝还没学会使用那些多数运动员在被问类似的问题时常脱口而出的陈词滥调:个人的满足感啦,精神上的挑战啦,向更高目标迈进啦等等。The honest man refused to take advantage of the privileges abused by those who ignored other peoples interests。 4.(Para。 3) .。 I ended up cycling 20 kilometers too f

35、ar. I cried all the way through the running.?in the whole course of.。., during。?end up doing sth: “其结果是以而告结束”结果是我多骑了20公里的自行车。长跑时我哭了一路.We ended up picking up balls all the time。 I sweated all over at the tennis court。5。(Para。 5) “。. The big trouble is, I have no one of my age to train with.”she says。

36、 Funny, that。 The sentence may be paraphrased like this: She says her big trouble is that she has no one of her age to train with. That is really a funny thing. As well as is a conjunctive phrase, meaning “and, in addition to It serves as the connection of a unique culture and a beneficial form of e

37、xercise, with the emphasis on the former。 糟糕的是, 我没有同龄选手可以一起训练。”她说。那可真是好笑。The trouble is, he has left his passport at home. Unbelievable, that。 8。 (Para。 4) According to a report, one in every ten Americans once studied or is studying a style of martial arts。 the present perfect form of the phrasal v

38、erb carry over in its passive voice根据一份报告统计,每10个美国人中就有一个人曾经练过或者正在练习某一流派的武术。You can find many virtues in him that have been passed down from generation to generation.9.(Para。 5) However, Ive never had much difficulty, and many Chinese who have spoken with me always say that my pronunciation is just l

39、ike that of a native.引导定语从句pronoun, referring to the pronunciation然而,这方面我从未有很多困难。 跟我交谈过的中国人总是说我的发音很地道.The local people who are working with me say that my working style is just like that of theirs.10.(Para。 5) I know they are simply being polite。used in present continuous, emphasizing the action is

40、in process我知道他们只是在说客气话而已。Whatever I suggest, he always says “No!”。 I realize he is being against me.1。 promise to do:be likely to do; have the chance to do即将成为This new skyscraper promises to be the highest building in the city。2. be worth (doing) sth。:having a certain value of doing sth。I think the

41、work is worth the time and energy we spent。 3。 end up doing sth。:complete sth.; with the result ofHaving different opinions about the matter, _ (结果我们激烈争论起来). we end up debating heatedly4。 all the way:in the whole course of; duringIts late. It seems that I have to run all the way to school。5。 be temp

42、ted to do:be attracted to doMany students are tempted to play the games online.很多学生被网络游戏所吸引。6。 sooner or later:in the endThey will realize the importance of protecting the environment sooner or later.他们迟早会认识到保护环境的重要性.(realize, protect environment)IV. Activities(individual work)V。 SummaryVI. Homework

43、Preview Passage 2 and try exercise 7。Ex. 7 TTFFT, TTTFTEx. 8-bdcdab教 案 首 页教案序次23课题Unit 6 Sports Events and Outdoor Activities(2)课 型理论 讨论 习题 实验 技能训练 设计 实习授课时间授课班级周次星期节次日期教学效果土管0901/02地信0901/02勘查0901/02教学目标设计知道中国人喜欢的运动项目, 了解中华武术.熟记本文中出现的生词和短语,理解主题大意.能能独力完成课后练习,判断题的正确率应达到70。学生基础分析新生的录取总分基本在260之间,而高考的英语

44、分数大多在50分左右,仅有2的学生达到及格线。教材分析本次课为第六单元第三次课-泛读课.Passage 2是一篇介绍中华武术的文章,将采取快速阅读的方式,来扩大学生的消极词汇量。计划1-2学时完成。教法选择互动教学法(听与译的互动);讲练结合重点难点分析1. Some traditional Chinese sports and activities2. Something about Chinese Martial Arts3。 Key words and expressions:martial, decide, meditation, goal, calm, cheerful, beneficial, mentally, physically, unique教具选用Taperecorder课堂组织主板书设计Section Unit Five: Passage 2Difficult SentencesLanguage Points:Important Words1. be crazy about2. regard as3. have a great deal to do with4. benefit from知识点及时间分配序

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