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1、语法填空动词类练习语法填空专项训练(动词)一 解法探究 语法填空中,提示词为动词时,从几方面考虑?Group One 解题并思考,本组题的考点是什么?1. After a four-day journey, the young man _ (present) the water to theold man. His teacher took a deep drink, smiled warmly and thanked .(2010广东)2. Every few years, the coal workers _(have) their lungs X-rayed to ensure thei

2、r health. (2010上海)3. people stepped on your feet or _(push) you with their elbows, hurrying ahead to get to a bargain. (2009广东)小结:本组题考查动词时态。如果一个句子没有谓语动词,或者虽然已有谓语动词,但所填的动词与之是并列关系,就确定填动词谓语,谓语动词首先要考虑时态。 Group Two:解题并思考,本组题的考点是什么?3. Her mother was excited. “ Your father has at last decided to stop smoki

3、ng,” Jane _ (inform) (09 广东)4. Linda, make sure the tables _ (set) before the guests arrive. (2010全国II)小结: 本组题考被动语态。确定填谓语动词之后,不仅要考虑时态,也要考虑语态。Group Three:解题并思考,本组题的考点是什么?5. After the student left, the teacher let another student taste the water. He spit it out,_ (say) it was awful. (2010广东)6. With Fa

4、thers Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank _(buy ) presents for my dad. (2010全国1)7. Alexander tries to get his work _ (recognize) in the medical circles. (2010 辽宁)小结:本组题考查非谓语动词。如果一个句子已有谓语动词,且不是并列谓语,就要考虑非谓语(-ing形式、过去分词或不定式), 然后分析该非谓语动词在句子中作什么成分,再根据非谓语动词各自的特点和用法,同时看谓语动词有没有特别的

5、要求,再结合与逻辑主语是主动关系或被动关系,确定该填哪种形式。Group Four:解题并思考,本组题的考点是什么?8. John is very _ (rely) - if he promises to do something, hell do it.9. The patient is seriously ill and is being kept under continuous _ (observe).小结: 本组题考词语派生。分析句子结构,当所给动词不充当谓语或非谓语,必须弄清要填的词在句子中充当哪种句子成分,做该成分需要哪种词类的词,把括号中的词转换成相应的词类。比较(一)1.Th

6、e film which is popular among young people _ (produce) last year.2.The film _ (produce) last year was popular.3.We all like the film which _ (produce) last year.(二)1.I know Mr. Brown. We _ (introduce) to each other at an international conference.2.I know the man _ (introduce) to me by my friend at a

7、n international conference.(三)1.The new theatre which is said to be bigger than the old one _ (build) here next year.2.The new theatre _ (build) here next year is said to be much bigger than the old one.二. 单句填空 用括号中动词的适当形式填空。1. The boy, who had remained silent and deep in thought on the journey home

8、, _(reply) in a way that shocked his father.2. When_(compare)withthesizeofthewholeearth,thebiggestoceandoesnotseembigatall.3. They use computers to keep the traffic _ (run) smoothly.4. Up to now, the program _ (save) thousands of children who would otherwise have died. 5. The Group of Eight, or G8,

9、_ (form) by eight of the worlds wealthiest nations in 1998.6. With the world changing fast, we have something new _ (deal) with all by ourselves every day.7. Mr. Smith, _ (tire) of the _ (bore) speech, started to read a novel.8. Barbara is easy to recognize as shes the only one of the women who _ (w

10、ear) an evening dress. 9. Liuxiang was the first Asian _ (win) the mens 110m hurdles at the Olympics in Athens.10. When the first English settlers arrived in the New World, the Indians wearing jewellery made of animal bones _(greet) them warmly. 11. When first _ (introduce) to the market, these prod

11、ucts enjoyed great success.12. _ (give) the right kind of training, these teenage soccer players may one day grow into international stars.13. We were astonished _ (find) the temple still in its original condition. 14. A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, _ (kill) all f

12、our people on board.15. The play _ (produce) next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.16. He had a wonderful childhood, _(travel) with his mother to all corners of the world. 17. Do you believe that there is a _ (connect) between smoking and heart disease?18. Last night was the most _ (en

13、joy) time Ive had in a month of Sundays.19. Helenhadtoshout_(make)herselfheardabovethesoundofthemusic 20. She stared at the painting, wondering where she _ (see) it.21. I dont believe youve already finished reading the book I _ (lend) to you this morning.22. With the governments aid, those _ (affect

14、) by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements. (09 上海)23. The children all turned _ (look) at the famous actress as she entered the classroom. 24. _ (approach) the city centre, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height. (2010上海)25. _ (see) from the top of the tower, the south foot o

15、f the mountain is a sea of trees.(2010陕西)26. Listen! Do you hear someone _ (call ) for help? (2010湖南)27. The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if _ (carry) out regularly, can improve our health.28. I had great difficulty _(find) the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.(2010上

16、海)29. That is the only way we can imagine _ (reduce) the overuse of water in students bathrooms. 30.Theflowers_(smell)sweetinthebotanicgardenattractthevisitorstothebeautyofnature31._(wait)inthequeueforhalfanhourTomsuddenlyrealizedthathehadlefthiswalletathome.32.A cook will _ (fire) if he is found _

17、(smoke) in the kitchen.33.Friendship is like money: easier make than _ (keep).34.Unless _ (invite) to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.35.AftermyguestsleftIspentasmuchtimeasIcould_(clean)therooms三 语篇模拟 A Shu Pulong has helped at least 1000 people 1 (bite) by snakes.“It was 2_(see) p

18、eople with snake bites that led me to this career,” he said . In 1963, after his army service, Shu entered a medical school and later _3 (become) a doctor of Chinese medicine. As part of his studies, he had to work in the mountains. There he often heard of people who had their arms and legs 4 ( cut

19、) off after a snake bite in order to save their lives. “I was greatly _5_ (annoy) by the story of an old farmer I met. It was a very hot afternoon. The old man _6_(pull) grass in his field when he felt a pain in his left hand. He at once realized he _7_(bite) by a poisonous snake. In no time he wrap

20、ped a cloth tightly around his arm _8_(stop )the poison spreading to his heart. _9_(rush) home, he shouted Bring me a knife !Minutes later the man lost his arm forever.” “The sad story touched me so much that I decided to devote myself to_10_(help) people bitten by snakes,”Shu said. B An Arab was wa

21、lking through the desert, thirsty for water,_1_he saw something far off in the distance. _2_(hope) to find water, he walked towards the image, only to find a little Jewish man _3_ (sit) at a card table with a bunch of neckties laid out on it. The Arab asked, “Please, I _4_ (die) of thirst, can I hav

22、e some water?” The Jewish gentleman replied, “ I dont have any water, but why dont you buy a tie? Heres one that _5_ (go) nicely with your robes.” The Arab shouted, “ I dont want a tie, you idiot. I need water.” “ Ok, dont buy a tie. But _6_ (show) you what nice guys Jews are, Ill tell you that over

23、 that hill there, about 4 miles, is a nice restaurant. Walk that way, and they _7_ (give) you all the water you want.”The Arab _8_ (appear). Three hours later, the Arab came _9_ (crawl) back to where the Jewish man sat behind his card table. He said, “I told you, about 4 miles over that hill. Couldnt you find it?” The Arab rasped, “ I found it all right. Your brother would not let me in _10_ a tie!”

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