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1、浙江省海曙区2017-2018学年八年级英语上学期期末考试试题 温馨提示:1. 全卷分试题卷和答题卷,试题卷共8页,有7个大题,满分为100分,考试时间为90分钟。2. 请将姓名、考号分别填写在试题卷和答题卷的规定位置上,做在试卷上或超出答题区域书写的答案无效。试题卷I一、听力(本题有15小题,每小题1分;共计15分)第一部分 听小对话回答问题(计5分)本部分共有5道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话只听一遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。1. What does the girl want to be when she

2、grows up?A. A doctor .B. A pianist.C. A scientist.2. Who is more outgoing?A. Anna. B. Tara. C. Tina.3. How does the man feel about bicycle sharing in Ningbo?A. Sad. B. Angry. C. Happy.4. What is the man doing in his room?A. Watching news. B. Watching movies.C. Playing games.5. Where does the convers

3、ation probably happen?A. On a bus. B. On the street. C. In a cinema.第二部分 听较长对话回答问题(计5分)本部分共有5道小题,你将听到两段较长对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。现在听一段较长对话,回答第67两小题。6. Which film are they talking about? A. Frozen. B. Coco. C. Zootopia.7 . What does the man think of the film?

4、A. Educational and enjoyable B. Serious and boringC. Meaningless and sad听下面一段较长的对话,回答第810三小题。 8. Where is Cindy?A. At Marys home. B. In a shopping mall.C. In a supermarket.9. Whose birthday is next Monday?A. Cindy and Daves. B. Cindy and Marys. C. Dave and Marys.10. When is Daves birthday party?A. A

5、 quarter past seven. B. A quarter to seven. C. Half past seven.第三部分 听短文回答问题(计5分)本部分共有5道小题,你将听到一篇短文,短文听两遍。在听短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。Telephone Message CardFrom whom11. It is from _.What to do12. To watch a _ match .When 13. The match will begin at _.How much 14.The price of t

6、he match ticket is $ _.How long15. The match will last about _ hours.11. A. Jenny B. Jack C. Jane12. A. baseballB. basketball C. football13. A. 14:00B. 14:30 C. 15:0014. A. 110B. 120 C. 10015. A. One and a halfB. Two and a half C. Three and a half 二、完形填空(本题有15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选

7、项中选出最佳选项。My son Joey was born with club feet (畸形足). The doctors said that with treatment he would be able to walk, butwould 16 run very well. He 17 the first three years of his lifein hospital. By the time he was eight, you wouldnt know he has a problem when you saw him 18 . Children in our 19 alway

8、s ran around 20 their play, and Joey would jump and run and play,too. We never told him that he probably wouldnt be 21 to run like the other children. So he didnt know. Inseventhgrade he 22 to join the school running team. Every day he trained. He ran more than any of the others, 23 only the top sev

9、en runners could run for theschool. We didnt tell him he probably would never 24 the team, so he didnt know. He ran four to five mile every day, even when he had a fever. I was 25 , so I went to 26 him afterschool. I found him runningalone. I asked him how he felt. “Okay,” he said. He had two more m

10、iles to go.Yet he looked straight ahead and kept 27 . Two weeks later, the names of the team 28 were out. Joey was Number Six on the list. Joey had made the team. He was in 29 grade, and the other six team members were all eighth graders. We never told him he couldnt do it so he didnt know. He justd

11、idit. How 30 he was!16. A. alwaysB. often C. neverD. usually17. A. cost B. spent C. took D. paid18. A. talk B. walk C. study D. stand19. A. school B. neighborhood C. club D. theater20. A. during B. after C. before D. until21. A. able B. readyC. up D. similar22. A. refused B. promisedC. decided D. ag

12、reed23. A. when B. before C. so D. because24. A. make B. keep C. get D. find25. A. upset B. surprisedC. bored D. worried26. A. look back B. look out C. look for D. look up 27. A. running B. riding C. playing D. walking28. A. jumpers B. runners C. teenagers D. travelers29. A. seventh B. eighthC. sixt

13、h D. ninth30. A. wonderful B. carefulC.interesting D. unlucky三、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分;共计30分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A31. How long does the film festival last? A. 5 days.B. 6 days.C. 7 days.D. 8 days.32.Beautiful Lies is a film_ . A. in JapaneseB. in FrenchC. in GermanD. in Korean33.From the post

14、er, we know that _ .A. all the films begin at 7 pmB. the film festival is in ParisC. there is an English film D. its the 10th international film festivalBOn Nov. 11, there is a holiday created by Chinese people for singles (单身人士). It is known as Singles Day. But now it has bee the biggest online sho

15、pping day in the world. Tmall, Taobao and many other online shopping sites have huge sales on this day to attract shoppers. This years sales reached 253.97 billion yuan. There are similar shopping days in the United States as well. The most famous of these is Black Friday. It always falls on the day

16、 after the Thanksgiving holiday. On this day, stores will have specials, just like on Singles Day in China. On Black Friday, shoppers will often wake up very early to wait in line at stores before they open. They might start to wait in line as early as 2 or 3 am. Sometimes the crowds will be so big

17、that it is impossible to get inside the store. Another similar holiday is Cyber (网络的) Monday. This day always falls on the Monday after Thanksgiving. It is like Singles Day, since it is only for online shopping. Personally, I dont like any of these holidays. They place too much importance on buying

18、things. I prefer to celebrate Buy Nothing Day. It is a “holiday” that falls on the same day as Black Friday. It is an international day of protest (抗议) to the problem of over-consumption (消费过度). What do you think about these holidays?34. What holiday is on Nov. 11 ?A. Thanksgiving. B. Black Friday.

19、C. Singles Day D. Buy Nothing Day.35.On Black Friday, people usually _.A. get up early and wait in front of storesB. stay at home to have good luckC. stay up late to shop onlineD. get together to celebrate the holiday36.What is the authors attitude(态度)toward these shopping holidays?A. He doesnt say

20、anything about these holidays.B. He prefers to celebrate these holidays on other days.C. He likes these holidays and celebrates them every year.D. He thinks they can cause the problem of over-consumption.37.What is the story mainly about?A. To call on people to save money.B. To introduce Singles Day

21、 in China.C. To talk about ways of holiday celebration.D. To introduce some famous shopping festivals.CThese days, tall modern buildings are rising everywhere. But if you go to a Chinese water town, you can still take a trip back in time. CNN has picked Chinas five most beautiful water towns. The vi

22、llage of Zhouzhuang in Jiangsu calls itself the “oldest water town in China”. The village was built in 1086 and is crossed with canals (运河). Taking a boat ride through town, the red lanterns might make you think of Chinas romantic past. Hongcun in Anhui is 900 years old. It was built to look like a

23、big ox (牛). Mount Huangshan is the head; the town is the body and the bridges are legs. Hongcun is filled with lakes and beautiful Anhui-style buildings. Fenghuang in Hunan doesnt look like a bird. But its name means “phoenix” in Chinese. The town is really as beautiful as the mythical (神话的) bird. T

24、he Tuojiang River and the stilted(吊脚) buildings on both sides look like a postcard. Huangyao in Guangxi is known for its natural feng shui. The town lies in a river bend (河湾). People say it can stop the villagers good luck from going away. While most water towns are in the south, Shandongs Taierzhua

25、ng stands out in the north. The town lies on the bank of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. It was a busy trade center during the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911). In the town, there are ancient bridges, canal and temples, making you think of its wonderful past.38. Which village did people build i

26、n 1086?A. Zhouzhuang in Jiangsu.B. Hongcun in Anhui.C. Fenghuang in Hunan.D. Huangyao in Guangxi.39.Hongcun in Anhui looks like a(an) _.A. boatB. oxC. birdD. human40.Which is TRUE about Huangyao Town?A. It is crossed with canals.B. It is a busy trade center.C. It can stop good luck from being lost.D

27、. It can make the town popular.41. The writer wrote the story to _.A. tell us five beautiful water townsB. ask visitors to visit the water townsC. advertise(做广告)for a travel agencyD. pare(比较)the differences among the five water townsDPaul was a rich young man. When his father died, he left Paul a be

28、autiful forest manor (庄园). Unfortunately, before Paul could sell it for a lot of money, a lightening strike (雷击) made a fire in the manor. Watching the beautiful green trees became ash (灰烬) overnight, Paul felt his heart break. In order to bring back the forest manors beauty, Paul tried to borrow mo

29、ney from a bank. But the bank refused him, for the bank didnt believe hed pay it back. Then he felt too sad to eat or drink. So he hid in his room for days. His wife was worried about him and suggested he take a break outside. Paul went for a walk. When he turned the first corner, he saw a store wit

30、h a huge crowd. The housewives were waiting in line to buy charcoal (木炭) used for winter heating.Then Pauls eyes lit up. He ran home and hired some workers to process (加工) the forests burnt trees into charcoal. Soon, he sold more than 1,000 boxes of charcoal. As soon as his charcoal went on the mark

31、et, it sold out quickly. The following year in the spring, he used the money to buy a large number of seedlings (树苗). After a few years, the forest manor that everyone thought had disappeared came to life again.42. Paul wanted to borrow money from a bank because _.A. he didnt want to borrow money fr

32、om othersB. he wanted to buy some charcoal for winter heatingC. he didnt want to use the money his father left himD. he wanted to use the money to make his manor beautiful again43.Which of the following is NOT true?A. Pauls wife suggested he take a break and go outside.B. People needed charcoal for

33、winter heating at the market.C. Paul hid in his room because he didnt have money to pay back.D. Paul made some money by selling charcoal from the burnt forest.44.What does the underlined word “disappear” mean in Chinese?A. 不喜欢 B. 不相信 C. 消失 D. 不同意45.What is the main idea of the story?A. A lot of thin

34、gs are unusual in the business world.B. Talking about the facts helps solve problems.C. There is something good even in a bad situation.D. If you dont help yourself, then nobody else will help you, either.试题卷II四、词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分;共计15分)A. 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。46. The first speaker beg

35、an to talk, very fast and rather _ (大声地).47. It is hard to always keep coffee at the right _ (温度), especially in winter.48. Tom _ (庆祝) his 24th birthday with a party for his friends two days ago.49. He walked around the table touching glasses with all the foreign _ (客人).50. All the students are talk

36、ing and _ (发笑) in the classroom and it is noisy.51. I would like to _ (邀请) you to e with me, only it is such a long way.52. They usually have the most _ (舒适的) cars and live in the biggest houses. 53. You will do much _ (好的) if you are more careful with your spelling. 53. My wife makes the bread much

37、 _ (好的) than that at a store.54. It usually takes Grace about _ (四十) minutes to get to her home from the university.55. We are organizing a lot of _ (活动) to celebrate the birthday of the Party of China these months.B. 根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。write role prepare fantastic give On December 17th ,

38、 2017, Kaka said goodbye at the age of 35. He 56 down his career (职业生涯) on the Internet. “ I am now ready for the next journey.” He told Rede Globo television. “ I am 57 to have a different role, but I will never be a soccer player. I would like to take part in a club in a 58 more like someone betwe

39、en the field (球场) and the club. Kaka is famous for his 59 skills. The beauty of his soccer is that he always 60 others chances.五、语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分;共计10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式(最多可以填三个词)填空。 Christmas was ing. Mr. Smith had no money 61 (buy) any gifts for his children. H

40、is wife was ill and he spent a lot of moneyon her medicine. Everyone in his family was going to be hungry the next spring. He quiteworried 62 it.“We have only a cock (公鸡),” said Mrs. Smith one day. “You take it to the town. Sell it there and buy some cakes and 63 (chocolate) for our children.”“That

41、is 64 good idea!” the man said and 65 (catch) the cock the next morning and put it into a box. 66 (walk) on the road was difficult, because itwas covered with snow. Two hours later, he was very tired and wanted to have a rest. He put the box on the ground and sat down.“The air in the box must be clo

42、se,” the man said to 67 . “I should let the cock walk outside for a while, or it will die.”So he put the cock on the ground. Then, when he wanted to start again, Mr. Smith tried to look for the cock, 68 he couldnt find it.“ 69 foolish(愚蠢的) you are!” Mr. Smith was angry. “You can herald(预示) the 70 (b

43、egin) of day at night but you cant find the way to the town in the daytime!”六、任务型阅读 (本题有5小题,每小题1分;共计5分)不同的邀请方式代表着邀请者的不同意图,也需要被邀请者巧妙应答。请仔细阅读以下短文,从A-E中选出恰当的句子填入空白处。A. “WouldyouliketoeoverfordinnerthisSaturdaynight?”B. “Whynotgettogetherforapartysometime?”C. Theyjustshowthatthepersonistryingtobefriendl

44、y.D. “Oh,sorry.Iveticketsforamovie.”E. “Sure,thatwouldbegreat!”InCanadaandtheUnited States, people enjoyinvitingathome. However,notalltheinvitationsaresincere(真诚). Herearewhatpeoplesaywhentheyinvite someone to their homes: Realinvitations Realinvitationsalwayshaveacertaintimeordate toshowinviterssincerity.Theyusuallysendoutan invitationlike -71._ - “Hey,werehavingapartyon Friday.Canyoue?” Replie

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