1、问路+指路常用英语,不想当路痴就值得一学!首先来看看问路的英语。小编为你准备了常用的句式和常用的地点单词,你可以自由组合,问个问题就像搭积木一样简单。常用的问路句式:1. How can I get to(我该怎么去)2. Where is the nearest(最近的在哪里)3. Whats the best way to(去怎么走最好)4. Is this the right way for(这是去的正确方向吗)5. Is there near here?(这里附近有吗)6. Do you know how I can find (你知道我该怎么找到)7. Which direction
2、 is (在哪个方向)常见的问路地点:1. toilet / restroom (洗手间)2. supermarket (超市)3. restaurant (餐厅)4. caf (咖啡馆)5. shopping mall (商场)6. information counter (服务台)7. police station (警察局)8. hospital (医院)9. cinema (电影院)10. airport (机场)11. railway station (火车站)12. bus stop (公交车站)13. ticket office (售票处)14. museum (博物馆)15.
3、store / shop (商店)试着来组一些句子如果急着上洗手间,可以问:Is there a toilet near here?(这附近有洗手间吗)如果丢了东西要找警察,可以问:Wheres the nearest police station?(最近的警察局在哪)如果你赶时间去机场,可以问:Whats the best way to the airport?(去机场最好怎么走)以上是问路的方法,接下来我们看看回答和指路的方法。首先,我们要了解基本的方向。这是前后左右:Left front左前forward前Right front右前Left西(Center)中Right右Left rea
4、r左后backward后Right rear右后这是东南西北:Northwest北西North北Northeast北东West西(Center)中East东Southwest南西South南Southeast南东(注意复合方向的表述和汉语正好相反,比如东北=北东)实际指路时经常这么说:1. 直走:go straight / forward2. 回头:turn back / go backward3. 左转:turn left4. 右转:turn right5. 上楼:go upstairs6. 下楼:go downstairs7. 过马路:cross the street / road8. 第
5、一个路口左转:take the first on the left9. 第二个路口右转:take the second on the right10. 丁字路口左转:turn left at the T-junction11. 十字路口右转:turn right at the crossroads12. 过桥:go over the bridge13. 过河:go across the river14. 经过:go past15. 沿着路走下去:follow the road down16. 一直走:keep walking / driving经常用到的与位置有关的介词1. 附近:near2.
6、 隔壁:next to3. 靠着:beside4. 周围:around5. 两个地点之间:between6. 尽头:at the end of7. 在背面:at the back of / behind8. 在前面:in front of / before9. 在上面:above / over10. 在下面:below / under11. 在对面:opposite试着来组一些句子The cinema is next to the shopping mall, you need to take the second on the left and keep walking for 500 meters.(电影院就在商场隔壁,你要在第二个路口左转然后步行500米)