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1、模块二Unit1单词学案1. unexplained adj. 无法解释的,神秘的tales of the unexplained 无法解释的故事 fairy tale folk tale A tale has it that.He weled the new students and make an explanation about the school rules.对做出解释explain sth. to sb.- explain to sb. sth.I dont like the way_ he explained to me. I dont like the way_ he exp

2、lained this question to me.2.puzzled adj. 困惑的,茫然的puzzle 使动词,有两个形容词 -ed,(指人感到) -ing(指物,令人感到)类似的使动词:confuse; embarrass; frighten; satisfy; convince(使人信服);disappoint; amaze等。a puzzled voice/look/expression_用puzzle正确形式填空The girl looked at me with a _ expression. maybe the _ question _ her.选择:1. The _ lo

3、ok on her face suggested that she _ it.A. puzzling; hadnt expected B. puzzled; hadnt expected C. puzzling, wouldnt expect D. puzzled; shouldnt expect2. in the play, the servant bursts into the room, next to the queen,_.A. empty-handed B. looks worried C. looking puzzling D. to his puzzlementIt was _

4、 to see so many _ people in a small town.(amaze)to ones amazement让人惊奇的3. step up 加紧,加强,促进The police stepped up their research for the missing boy. Much more munications and understandings step up the relationship between parents and children. step by step 逐步地; step out 走出去; take steps to do sth 采取措施

5、去做某事;4incident n.发生的事情(尤其不寻常的或讨厌的)2.指(两国间的)外交,政治方面的摩擦或者军事冲突accident 偶然发生的不幸事件或事故matter 指日常的事情。普通用语event 历史或者现实生活中的发生的大事或者运动项目练习:(1) Police reports are full of _ that occurred when people fell into sleep.(2) we shouldnt forget the July 7th _ of 1937.(3) which _ have you entered for?(报名参加)(4) whats th

6、e _ with you?(5) recently CCTV Station has taken great efforts to make a program which reviews the important _ of the past 20 years.6due adj.当付的,应付的 预期的 适当的 When is the rent due? The bus is due to arrive in 8 minutes. After due consideration, he made a decision. due to 做状语,表语。不放句首because of=owing to

7、=as a result of做状语,表语。放句首或句中thanks to多亏了Thank to your help, I finished the task on time.句首,状语以上都是” “因为,由于”的含义 是介词短语,+ n./ doing以下是连词,+句子。- because/ since/ as/for/now that.be due to do/ for sth. 预期/预定做某事The book is due to be published next week. The train is due to start at seven oclock.be due (for)

8、应有,应得the old man said the accident _careless driving, so a large sum of money _ be paid by the driver.A. was due to; was due to B. due to; was due to C. is due to; has due to D. is due to; was due to7disappear vi. 消失,不见;灭绝,消亡(无被动态) appear = show up= turn up; appearance n. 外表,出现 disappearance n.消失8 w

9、itness n.目击者,证人- be witness to sth. vt.目击,见证the past two years has witnessed a sharp rise in oil price, which adds to the burden of auto transportation industry.9 assume vt.假定;认为 n. assumption Its generally assumed that working out everyday has a positive effect on our body both physically and psych

10、ologically.Its generally assumed that smiling is beneficial to making friends.Assuming (that)he doesnt e, we will deal with the problem by ourselves.假如 = suppose/supposing that=If10construction n.施工;建筑物constructive adj.建设性的- construct v.修建,建造under construction/discussion/control 在修建/讨论/控制中11occurocc

11、urred-occurred 发生vi=happen= take place(主意、想法)浮现于脑子中,某人突然想到sth. occur to sb.; it occurs to sb to do; it occurs to sb. that = sth strike to sb it strikes sb that. it hits sb that .A good idea occurred to him. It occurred to her that a missing boy may be taken by the alien in the spaceship.12. show up=

12、turn up= appear 出现;show sb. around 带领某人参观; show interest in 对某事表现出兴趣; show off 炫耀; show sb. sth.= show sth. sb. 给某人看某物13. aboard adv.+ prep.在(轮船,飞机,火车等)上;上(轮船,飞机,火车)-The plane is taking off. please go aboard 登机*abroadthe internet helps me know much more knowledge both home and abroad.在国内外*broad 宽的br

13、oaden your horizons 拓宽你的视野14. possibility n.可能性possible 可能的- possibly 副词,可能*it is possible that= theres a possibility that * There is no possibility that they did a good job, or they should have got an award.没有的可能性15. sb. take charge of sth. 掌管,负责= sb. be in charge of sth.sth. be in the charge of sb

14、. 某物被某人掌管在内free of charge 免费 charge sb. with .指控某人 charge the telephone 充电charge sb. some money for sth.因为某物向某人索价多少钱16.case 案件look into the case 调查案件具体情况,实例in this case, in that case在这/那种情况we should smile to our classmates, in which case we can make more friends with them.I have reached this case_ I

15、 must make the decision on my own.I have reached this case_ _they all disagree with.在定语从句中,先行词是case,point,situation,condition,position并且从句中缺状语,用where/ in whichleave the key with your neighbor in case you lock yourself out one day以免、以防in case of17.make up 构成-56 students make up our class.= our class

16、is made up of/consist of 56 students.编造,杜撰make up a story和好,和解-they quarreled but soon made up.给某人化妆- she takes 30 minutes to make up every morning补足- I have to make up the test I missed last week. make up for 弥补;补偿18. evidence n.证据 (不可数) a piece of convincing evidence 一条令人信服的证据19. dismiss vt.解雇,解散(

17、多是被动态)- he was dismissed for his laziness.消除(想法)- she dismissed the idea of gong to Paris. dismiss my doubts 下课 dismiss the class 20.look into caselook aroud_; look back on_; look up to._; look down on/upon _;look up the word in the dictionary_;look out_; look through_21. burst into laughters /burst

18、 out laughing大笑22.be enthusiastic about 对热心;热衷于; show enthusiasm for sth.23. base n.基地;底部;基础basic基础的 v.以为基础base on - be based on 以为基础This story is base on a love story._ an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it.24. exist 存在 vi.- existence n.存在 e into existence 开始存在25.

19、 flash a flash of light一束光 in a flash 瞬间;立刻 Some thoughts/ideas flash across ones mind.(想法的)突现26. disagree vi disagree with sb on/about sth 在某事上与某人意见不同他和我在这件事上意见不同_.disagreement n. 分歧;争论 in disagreement with 有分歧 in agreement with 和.一致reach an agreement 达成共识They are _(有分歧)usabout the data.这正是我不同意的地方。

20、This is _ I disagree.27. blank adj.空白的; 空的,无信息的,未填写的; 茫然的; 空虚的a blank look 茫然地表情 My mind went blank. 我的大脑一片空白。She stared at him blankly.她面无表情地凝视着他He tore a _ page from his notebook他从他的笔记本上撕下一页空白纸。Put a word in each _to plete the sentence.每个空格填上一个单词,把句子补充完整。28. award vt. 奖品,奖金 v. 授予,奖励Zhang Ziyi won

21、the best actress_. She was awarded the prize for both films.她的两部电影双双获奖。他因勇敢而受到了嘉奖。 He _his bravery.reward n.报酬; 报答; 赏金; 酬金 vt.酬谢,奖赏; 报答,惩罚The firm last night offered a 10,000 reward for information昨晚这家公司悬赏 1万英镑.Make the extra effort to impress the buyer and you will be rewarded with a quicker sale.多

22、用心去打动顾客,货物就会更快售出。29. attack vt.& n. 攻击;进攻 attack the enemy 攻打/敌人 This puter is being attacked.Theres a newspaper article _ the president. (attack)be under construction/ discussion/ attack 正在建设中/正在讨论中/遭受攻击在保护下 _ 在指导下 _ 30. track n.小路,小道;痕迹,踪迹vt. 跟踪;追踪 follow the tracks of .沿着.的踪迹 keep track of 记录;了解的

23、动态;留心的发展31. examine vt 检查; examination n. They examined his luggage at the airport.= They had their luggage_ at the airport.have ones body examined 体检 He had his eyes _ (examine) the other day.In china, the College Entrance Examination(高考)is of great importance to many people.32. dozen n. 一打,十二a doz

24、en eggs 一打鸡蛋 two dozen eggs 两打鸡蛋 two dozen students 二十四个学生 dozens of 表许多 dozens of students 许多学生 注意:two dozen of them/ these studentsWe bought two dozen storybooks yesterday. There are dozens of people in this room.The number of deaths has risen to more than two_.(dozen)The project has gone through

25、nearly a dozen years of planning.该项目已历经近12年的规划。The riot left four people dead and several _ injured.暴乱中四人丧生,数十人受伤。33.reserve n.& vt. 1). nature reserve 自然保护区 2).vt. 预订 reserve a table/room/ticket = book Id like to reserve a table for two. 我想预订一张两人的餐桌。他预定了三张去上海世博会的票。_. 3). 保留 v. reserve ones pinion._

26、. n.寡言;矜持;内敛The subject is one which must be discussed with reserve.对这个话题必须进行慎重的讨论。Id prefer to _my judgment until I find all the evidence.A. show B. express C. pass D. reserve34. strength n. 力气,力量 build up ones strength=get into shape强身健体Everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses.strength 指的是固有的

27、潜力,指人的“力气”,或物的“强度”。energy 指人的“精力”,或者“能量”。“能源”power 权力 权势 电源 力量 beyond ones power 超出某人的权力e into power 上台执政 turn on the power(电源)force 主要指自然界的力量,暴力,势力,军事力量After a long walk, my _ gave out.Young people usually have more _than the old. Knowledge is _. 知识就是力量。Well settle the problem by_ if necessary. 如果有

28、必要的话,我们会用武力解决这个问题。35. belong to 无进行时态;无被动语态The dictionary belongs to the library. 那本词典是图书馆的。Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future _to the well-educated. A. belongs B. is belonged C. is belonging D. will be belonged.The car _ (belong) to me cost 100000 yuan.36. convince vt. 使信

29、服;说服(后接名词、代词、或从句)Nobody could convince him.谁也没能说服他。convince +sb +of(使某人相信某事) make sb. convinced of sth./ that+句子使某人信服convince sb that 使某人相信 All this convinced me that he was innocent(清白无辜的) = All this convinced me of his innocence.他使我们相信他是诚实的。_be convinced of/that 相信.I am convinced that she is innoc

30、ent. = I am convinced of her innocence.我相信她是无辜的We are convinced by the convincing fact.我们完全被令人信服的事实说服了Im convinced that what you said is quite right.我相信你说的是对的。convincing adj . 有说服力的;令人信服的 convincing evidence 令人信服的证据Thats a convincing argument.这是一个有说服力的论点。His analyses were always so convincing.他的分析是那

31、么令人信服。练: He became _ that they exist. (convince)I tried to _ them _ my success.=I tried to _ them _ I would _.37. make ones way to sp 去; 前往 He made his way to the forest.feel ones way to sp 摸索前进 fight/struggle ones way to自己打拼,创出一条路,杀出一条路push ones way 挤出一条路 force ones way 挤着向前走38. survive 幸免于,从逃生;经历后继续存在 n. survivor幸存者 n. survival 幸存survive the fire 从大火中逃生 survive the air crash.She was the only one to survive the air crash. 她是这次飞机失事的唯一幸存者。 Few buildings_ the fire. 极少数的建筑物在这场大火中幸免于毁There was only two _from the plane crash.

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