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1、情景对话Is a library nearby?这附近有一个图书馆吗?A: Excuse me, is a library nearby?B: Yes,there is a library between the drugstore and the post office.A: Thank you very much.B: You are wele.A:对不起,这附近有一个图书馆吗?B:是的,这里有一个图书馆在药店和邮局的中间。A:非常感谢。B:不客气。What are you parents like?你的父母是什么样的?Boy: Hey, Kerry. Can I ask you some

2、thing.Kerry: Yes. Whats that?Boy: You know,I ran into your parents on the street the other day.Boy: They made a good impression on me.Boy: What are you parents like?Kerry: Well. How can I say?Kerry: My father is very kind-hearted and considerate.Kerry: And my mother is always kind to me and praises

3、me a lot.Boy: They are very nice people as I expected.Kerry: Thank you for saying so.男孩:嘿,凯丽。我能问你一件事。凯丽:好的。什么事?男孩:你知道,有一天我在街上碰到了你的父母。男孩:他们给我留下了很好的印象。男孩:你的父母是什么样的?凯丽:嗯。我该怎么说呢?凯丽:我的父亲非常善良和体贴。凯丽:我的母亲总是对我很亲切,并经常称赞我。男孩:我认为他们都是非常好的人。凯丽:谢谢你这么说。You are late every time你每次都迟到Student: Are you upset to me?Teach

4、er: Dont talk to me.Student: Im really sorry,please accept my apology.Teacher: You are late every time.Student: Ill never be late again.Teacher: e on. You already said that about 100 times.Student: This is the last time, please forgive me.Teacher: Ok. If you are late again,it will be over.学生:我若怒你了吗?

5、老师:不要跟我说话。学生:我真的很抱歉,请接受我的道歉。老师:你每次都迟到。学生:我以后不会再迟到了。老师:行了吧。你已经说饿了一百多次了。学生:这是最后一次,请原谅我。老师:好吧。如果你再迟到,它也就结束了。Invitation邀请Man: Betty,do you want to go to cinema this weekend?Betty: Is there anything good showing?Man: Yes,its Romeo and Juliet.Betty: Great! What time will it start?Man: 6p.m. Will you be fr

6、ee then?Betty: Yes,Ill be free. Id love to go.男:贝蒂,你要不要这个周末去电影院?贝蒂:有什么好的电影吗?男:是的,是“罗密欧与朱丽叶”。贝蒂:太好了!什么时候开始?男:下午6点。你有空吗?贝蒂:是的,我有空。我很想去。Picking all the dandelions采摘蒲公英Mimi: Hello, Costa. What are you doing here?Costa: Spring is here and they dandelion seeds are flying everywhereCosta: I want to get rid

7、 of them because theyre tickling my nose!Mimi: But Costa, they have to do that otherwise they cant bloom.Costa: So what. I dont care. ChinChin: Hey,whats going on Mimi?Mimi: ChinChin, Costa is picking all the dandelions.Mimi: What should we do?ChinChin: Costa! Stop it!Costa: Its none of your busines

8、s!ChinChin: Oh yeah? Well see about that.ChinChin: Will you listen now?Costa: Ok. You win.Costa: Im sorry.Costa: Ill stop picking the other dandelions 咪咪:嗨,科斯达。你在这里做什么?科斯达:春天来了,而蒲公英的种子到处乱飞!科斯达:我想摆脱他们,因为它们让我鼻子发痒的!咪咪:但是,科斯达,它们必须那样,否则它们不能播种。科斯达:那又怎么样。我不在乎。晨晨:嘿,咪咪,这是怎么回事?咪咪:晨晨,科斯达采摘蒲公英。咪咪:我们应该怎么办?晨晨:科斯达

9、!住手!科斯达:这不关你的事!晨晨:哦,是吗?我们走着瞧吧.晨晨:现在你听了吗?科斯达:好的。你赢了。科斯达:对不起。科斯达:我会停止采摘其他蒲公英Zoo动物园Costa: What are you going to do today?Buba: I am going to the zoo.Buba: I am going with Mimi and Chinchin.Costa: Zoo? What kind of animals are there at the zoo?Buba: There are lions,seals,kangaroos,monkeys and many more.

10、Buba: What do you see? Do you see the polar bears?Mimi: Yes,I do. They are swimming.Buba: What do you see?ChinChin: I see elephants. They are taking a bath.ChinChin: And I see giraffes. They are eating leaves.Buba: What?That must be Costa.Mimi: What is going on?Buba: The monkey said. look!Buba: Cost

11、a,Stop it!Mimi: Hey,look! Do you see the kangaroos?ChinChin: Yes,I do. They are bouncing.Mimi: No, Costa is there.Buba: Stop that right now! Costa.Costa: Hahaha!科斯达:你今天要去哪里?布巴:我要去动物园。布巴:我与咪咪和晨晨一起去。科斯达:动物园?动物园里有什么动物?布巴:有海狮,海豹,袋鼠,猴子,许多其他的。布巴:你看到了什么?你看到北极熊了吗?咪咪:是的,我看到了。它们在游泳。布巴:你看到了什么?晨晨:我看到了大象。他们正在洗澡。

12、晨晨:并且我还看到了长颈鹿。他们正在吃树叶。布巴:什么?这一定是科斯达。咪咪:这是怎么回事?布巴:猴子说.看!布巴:科斯达,停下来!咪咪:嘿,看!你看到袋鼠了吗?晨晨:是的,我看到了。它们正在跳着。咪咪:不,科斯达在那里。布巴:停下来!科斯达。科斯达:哈哈哈!Making a Phone Call打xxSuji: June,Im sorry. I think I dont be able to go to the airport to see you off.June: Oh,dont worry about that.Ill definitely okay.Suji: Well,I real

13、ly wanted to go,but I have a terrible cold.What time will you leave home?June: As soon as my father get home. Anyway,I understand you. Just take care of yourself.We can say our goodbye right here and now.Suji: Okay, June. Have a wonderful trip.June: Thank you very much. I should say goodbye for now.

14、苏吉:对不起。我觉得我不去机场给你送行了。简尼:哦,不用担心。我一定会没事的。苏吉:嗯,我真的很想去,但我得了重感冒。你什么时候离家?简尼:只要我的父亲一到家。无论如何,我理解你。要好好照顾自己。现在,我们可以就在这里说再见了。苏吉:好吧,简尼。旅途愉快。I like shows which are very romantic我喜欢非常浪漫的电视节目Fred: I like TV shows are exciting.Jun: I like TV shows are educational.Fred: How about you,Kay?Kay: I like shows which are

15、very romantic.Fred: I wish there a cowboy movie on tonight.Jun: You do? I wish there were a good drama on.Kay: Not me. Id rather see a musical.Fred: Unfortunately there isnt a show on for all of us.Kay: What shall we do then?Fred: Why dont you two go to a movie?Jun: You must be kidding. How could we

16、 ever decide what to see?弗雷德:我喜欢令人兴奋的电视节目。小君:我喜欢教育累类的电视节目。弗雷德:凯,你呢?凯:我喜欢非常浪漫的电视节目。弗雷德:我希望今晚能看一场牛仔的电影。小君:你确定?我希望有一场好看的戏剧。凯:我不要。我宁愿看一场音乐剧。弗雷德:不幸的是没有一个使我们想看的。凯:那我们该怎么办?弗雷德:你们俩为什么不去看电影?小君:你一定是在开玩笑。我们怎么能决定看什么呢?I like grapes我喜欢葡萄Bobby: I like grapes. How about you?Betty: I dont like grapes. I like waterme

17、lons.Kimmy: Do you like apples?Amy: Yes,I do.Kimmy: Do you like bananas?Amy: No,I dont.Tommy: Whats your favorite fruit?Judy: My favorite fruit is grapes.鲍比:我喜欢葡萄。你呢?贝蒂:我不喜欢葡萄。我喜欢西瓜。吉米:你喜欢苹果吗?艾米:是的,我喜欢。吉米:你喜欢香蕉吗?艾米:不,我不喜欢。汤米:你最喜欢的水果是什么?朱迪:我最喜欢的水果是葡萄。I like school我喜欢学校ChinChin: I like school.Mimi: Me

18、 too. I like books.Mimi: I like to learn.ChinChin: How many students are in your class?Mimi: Its small. Only 10 students.Buba: I dont like school.Mimi: Why?Buba: Our teachers lessons are hard.Buba: And the teacher gives us too much homework.Mimi: Yeah. I have a lot of homework,too.Costa: Hello guys.

19、 Whats up?Mimi: Nothing much.Mimi: We were talking about school.Costa: School? I love school.Mimi and Buba: Really?Costa: Then,how was school today?Costa: Hahaha,it was a lot of fun.晨晨:我喜欢学校。咪咪:我也是。我喜欢看书。咪咪:我喜欢学习。晨晨:你的班上有多少个学生?咪咪:很少。只有10个学生。布巴:我不喜欢上学。咪咪:为什么呢?布巴:我们的老师讲的课太难。布巴:而且老师给了我们很多的功课。咪咪:是的。我也有很多的功课。科斯达:朋友们,你们好。怎么了?咪咪:没什么。咪咪:我们在谈论学校。科斯达:学校?我爱学校。咪咪和布巴:真的吗?科斯达:那么,今天在学校要干啥呢?科斯达:哈哈哈,这一定很有趣。

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