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1、词汇题Structure1。 Danny left wordwith my secretary _ he would call again in the afternoon。A. who B. that C。 as D。 which2。 What present_ for your birthday? A。 you expect she has got B。you expect has she gotC。 do you expect she has got D。do you expect has she got3。 So far this year, we_ a fall in house p

2、rices by between 5 and 10 percent.A. saw B。 see C. had seen D。 have seen4。 _ is known tous all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing。A. It B。 What C. As D. Which5。 Nancy enjoyedherself so much _ she visited her friends in Sydney last year.A。 that B. which C。 when D。 where6。 There

3、 _ notime left, we had to change our plan.A. being B。 had C. would be D. has7. Jack lost his joba year ago and he _ another job yet。A. has found B. hasnt found C。 found D。founded8. He can hardlyunderstand what the teacher has said, _。A。 nor shall I B。 neither can I C. so do I D。so I can9。 _ is known

4、to all, Peking University is one of the most famous universities in China。A。 It B。 As C。 What D。 That10. If you dont mind,I _ do my homework than play cards with you。A。 had better B。 would rather C。 prefer D。would like参考答案与解析:11. B that 引导名词性从句.句意:Danny留话给我的秘书说下午他会再打电话来的。12。 C疑问词do you think/believe

5、/expect句子的其他成分,该句子用陈述句语序。句意:你期待她给你买什么生日礼物?13。 D so far是现在完成时时间状语,意为“到目前为止”。句意:今年到目前为止,我已经看到房价下降了5%10。14。 B what做主语。句意:我们大家都知道,2008年奥运会将在北京举行.15。 C when引导时间状语。句意:南希去年去悉尼看望朋友时,玩得很开心.16。 A用现在分词形式表示独立主格结构.句意:因为没有时间了,我们不得不改变计划.17。 Bnotyet、for、since等是现在完成时的时态标志语.句意:杰克去年下岗了,至今尚未找到工作.18。 B倒装结构。hardly表示否定的意思

6、,意为“几乎不.句意:他几乎不理解老师在说什么,我也如此。19。 B 引导非限制性定语从句的关系代词。as作关系代词引导定语从句时,常位于句首,意为“正如”。另外,当先行词被the same或such等词修饰时,也要用as来引导。 句意:众所周知,北京大学是中国著名的大学之一。20。 BA项意为“最好(做);B项意为“宁愿(做而不做)”;C项应为prefer to;D项也应该是would like to。句意:如果你不介意,我宁愿做作业而不和你打牌。21。 There _ no time left, we had to change our plan.A、beingB、hadC、would b

7、eD、has正确答案:A22。Jack lost his job a year ago and he _ another job yet。A、has foundB、hash t foundC、foundD、founded正确答案:B23。 He can hardly understand what the teacher has said,_。A、nor shall IB、neither can IC、so do ID、so I can正确答案:B24. I m amazed that the young actress married the photographer so soon, fo

8、r she _ him very well.A、wont have knownB、cant have knownC、shouldnt knowD、mustnt know正确答案:B25。 Some people say that we live _ the age of computers。A、withB、inC、onD、for正确答案:B26。 Peter _ come with us tonight, but he is not very sure yet.A、mustB、canC、mayD、will正确答案:C27。 Ive heard him _ about you often.A、s

9、pokeB、speaksC、speakD、speaking正确答案:C28. Ahead of me I saw a woman _ I thought was my auntA、whoB、whomC、of whomD、whose正确答案:A29。 This is the key _A、which you are looking forB、for which you are lookingC、you are looking for whichD、for that you are looking正确答案:A30. The woman _ is his motherA、has foundB、has

10、h t foundC、foundD、founded正确答案:C31. _ in the queen for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car。A、WaitingB、To waitC、Having waitedD、To have waited正确答案:C32。 A great man shows his greatness _ the way he treats little manA、underB、withC、onD、by正确答案:D33。 There was such a

11、 long line at the exhibition _ we had to wait for about half an hourA、soB、asC、thatD、hence正确答案:C34。 The article suggests that when a person _ under unusual stress he should be especially careful to have a well-balanced diet.A、beB、wasC、isD、were正确答案:C35. Things might have been much worse if the mother

12、_ on her right to keep the baby。A、had insistedB、has been insistingC、insistedD、would insist正确答案:A36. Who should be responsible for the accident? The boss, not the workers。 They just carried out the order _。A、as toldB、as are toldC、as tellingD、as they told正确答案:A37。 By nine oclock, all the Olympic torch

13、 bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma, _ appeared a rare rainbow soon。A、of whichB、on whichC、from whichD、above which正确答案:D38. Can those _ at the back of the classroom hear me?A、seatB、sitC、seatedD、sat正确答案:C39。 You have no idea how she finished the relay race _ her foot wounded so much.A、For

14、B、whenC、withD、while正确答案:C40. Would you like to join us in the game?A、I willB、Id love toC、I wontD、Im afraid not正确答案:D41。 Danny left word with my secretary _ he would call again in the afternoon.A、whoB、thatC、asD、which正确答案:B42。 What present _ for your birthday?A、you expect she has gotB、you expect has s

15、he gotC、do you expect she has gotD、do you expect has she got正确答案:C43. So far this year we _ a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent。A、sawB、seeC、had seenD、have seen正确答案:D44。 _ is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.A、ItB、WhatC、AsD、Which正确答案:B45. Nancy

16、enjoyed herself so much _ she visited her friends in Sydney last yearA、thatB、whichC、whenD、where正确答案:C46。 There _ no time left, we had to change our plan.A、beingB、hadC、would beD、has正确答案:A47。 Jack lost his job a year ago and he _ another job yet。A、has foundB、hash t foundC、foundD、founded正确答案:B48. He ca

17、n hardly understand what the teacher has said,_。A、nor shall IB、neither can IC、so do ID、so I can正确答案:B49。 _ is known to all, Peking University is one of the most famous universities in China。A、ItB、AsC、WhatD、That正确答案:B50. If you don t mind, I _ do my homework than play cards with you.A、had betterB、wou

18、ld ratherC、preferD、would like正确答案:B51. Our neighbors gave _ a baby bird yesterday that hurt _ when it fell from its nest.A、us, itB、us, itselfC、ourselves, itselfD、ourselves, it正确答案:B52. This watch is ( ) by hand, not by machine, so it is very expensive。A、boughtB、coinedC、purchasedD、manufactured正确答案:D5

19、3 These two horses look so much alike that we can not ( ) one from the other.A、differB、recognizeC、distinguishD、defeat正确答案:C54 The president of that company was very calm during the political ( ) 。A、failureB、fashionC、processD、crisis正确答案:D55. ( ) is usually the chief enemy of the camera lens。A、Occasio

20、nB、VainC、MoistureD、Deck正确答案:C56。 The ( ) left the ship after sixty hours of hard struggle.A、dashB、cellC、crewD、gay正确答案:C57. On our way to Beijing, we visited Xian, a city of two million ( ) and stayed there for two days。A、insectsB、humanC、inhabitantsD、flights正确答案:C58。 One of the main reasons for air p

21、ollution is that many cars smoke into the atmosphere。A、gatherB、dischargeC、escapeD、hire正确答案:C59。 Dont forget to to let us know you arrived safely.A、cableB、borderC、cageD、bay正确答案:A60。 She gave him a ( ) that she could not come to his party.A、signalB、callC、clueD、hint正确答案:D61。 When the temperature is bel

22、ow zero, water will .A、freezeB、freezingC、sinkD、seek正确答案:A62。 He felt _ of what he had done in school.A、shyB、ashC、advisableD、ashamed正确答案:D63.Milk, butter and cheese are _ here from the farmsA、importedB、transferredC、transformedD、transported正确答案:D64。 I never realized that someday I would be married to

23、a _。A、moleculeB、oxygenC、geniusD、rug正确答案:C65。 We all _ your coming to help us。A、appropriateB、appreciateC、admitD、affect正确答案:B66. What they are _ about is which comes first: the chicken or the egg?A、summingB、strikingC、stirringD、arguing正确答案:D67. I certainly didnt intend to _ your plans。A、upsetB、shakeC、s

24、haveD、drag正确答案:A68. If you want a pen, look inside the _ of the desk。A、boxB、drawerC、majorD、melt正确答案:B69。 Under no _ will I go there again。A、circumstancesB、situationC、giantD、happen正确答案:A70. This supermarket developed rapidly under his _。A、administrationB、suggestionC、approachD、appearance正确答案:A71. That

25、 is a _ point of view。 I dont agree with you.A、crystalB、proteinC、unionD、conservative正确答案:D72。 Mr。 Green said that he did not want to _ any further responsibilities.A、take onB、put onC、get onD、look up正确答案:A73 I expected her to _ her promise.A、carry onB、carry outC、carry offD、carry away正确答案:B74。 Recentl

26、y he _ every night until after one o clock, preparing for the contest.A、shows upB、shows offC、stays inD、stays up正确答案:D75。 Breakfast is the important _ of the day。A、foodB、dinnerC、lunchD、meal正确答案:D76。 The names of the successful candidates will be _ on the college notice board.A、put upB、put asideC、came

27、 upD、coped with正确答案:A77. That radio company is so big that it has a lot of _ in foreign countries。A、introducersB、instructorsC、conductorsD、agents正确答案:D78。 I am afraid it was a _ for you to do this。A、botherB、bitterC、bakeD、band正确答案:A79。 Yesterday was such a _ day we decided to go for a drive。A、glorious

28、B、badC、dynamicalD、active正确答案:A80。 That is _ behavior and nobody likes it.A、traditionalB、goodC、selfishD、noble正确答案:C81. During these ten years, many new methods have been _ in the field of foreign language teaching.A、adoptedB、adaptedC、alarmedD、aided正确答案:A82. The production _ of the factory is now 800,

29、000 units。A、abilityB、powerC、capacityD、possibility正确答案:C83。( romance )When I was young, I had ideas of becoming a writer.正确答案: 1、 romantic84.(agree)It took several months for the two companies to reach an 正确答案: 1、 agreement85(difficulty) I think Japanese grammar is much more to learn than English gra

30、mmar正确答案: 1、 difficult86(practice)This model of typewriter is efficient,economical and 。正确答案: 1、 practical87(heavy )My husband used to smoke , but he has given it up。正确答案: 1、 heavily88(help)The local hot springs are very for your wounded arm正确答案: 1、 helpful。89(friend) The local people are very in ou

31、r country.正确答案: 1、 friendly90(establish) The of Peoples Republic of China is on October 1st,1949正确答案: 1、 establishment91(response) We appreciate working with him,because he has a good sense of 。正确答案: 1、 responsibility92(attend) The at the lectures on American Literature has dropped off。正确答案: 1、 atte

32、ndance93(connection) You must the power before you leave the room.正确答案: 1、 connect94(satisfy)Toms success in his career will be a great to his family。正确答案: 1、 satisfaction95(delight)The mother was to see her daughter.正确答案: 1、 delighted96(heavy) It began to rain as soon as I got home.正确答案: 1、 heavily

33、97(inform) Please keep us of any developments。正确答案: 1、 informed98(rain) It is a day, isnt it?正确答案: 1、 rainy99(sing)I wish I will be a one day正确答案: 1、 singer100(announce) The came as no great surprise.正确答案: 1、 announcement101(importance)It is that the problem is worked out today。正确答案: 1、 important102

34、(believe)It is that you have been 56 years old. You look much younger than that。正确答案: 1、 unbelievable103(delight)The father was to see his son。正确答案: 1、 delighted104(patient)He can t be a good teacher because he has no with children.正确答案: 1、 patience105(hesitate) I have no in recommending her for the

35、 job.正确答案: 1、 hesitation106(accurate)We worried about the of the report。正确答案: 1、 accuracy107Give up smoking. Your (healthy) will improve soon。正确答案: 1、 health108Both of the twin brothers are capable of doing (technique) work at present.正确答案: 1、 technical109(harm)These chemicals are to the environment正确答案: 1、 harmful110(sincere)The priest was a man of deep 。正确答案: 1、 sincerity111(accept)Please confirm your of this offer in writing。正确答案: 1、 acceptance112She may be (sleep) 正确答案: 1、 sleepy

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