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1、新概念第一册-短语总结-上精品文档新概念第一册 短语总结 上(1-72课)Lesson 1 101. Excuse me打扰了 2. This is your 这是你的 3. Is this your?这是你的.吗? 4. This is not my这不是我的 5. What is this?.这是什么? 6. Thank you very much非常感谢 7. Here is my 这里是我的 8. There那里 9. Son and daughter儿子和女儿 10. Umbrella and ticket伞/票 11. Number five第五号 12. Shirt and sk

2、irt衬衣/短裙 13. Teacher and student教师/学生 14. Good morning早上好 15. In the morning在早上 16. A new student一个新学生 17. He is German他是德国人 18. He is a German teacher 他是一德国教师1. Mr. Mrs. Miss先生/夫人/小姐 2. Nice to meet you见到你很高兴 3. What make is it? 它是什么牌子的车?1. What nationality are you?你的国籍是什么? 2. You are你是 3. You are

3、not你不是- 4. Are you.?你是吗? 5. Yes, I am No, I am not. 是,我是/不,我不是1. What is your name? 你名字是什么?1. My name is= My names 我名字是-1. An engineer and an mechanic 一名工程师/机械师1. A keyboard operator键盘操作人员 2. Policeman and policewoman 男警察/ 女警察1. A doctor and a nurse医生/护士 2. Hair and hairdresser头发/理发师 3. Air hostess空

4、中小姐 4. A taxi driver出租车司机 5. Postman and milkman 邮递员/送牛奶人1. How are you?你身体好吗? 2. I am fine我很好 3. How is Tom?汤姆身体好吗? 4. He is well.他很好/形容词 5. Day and today天/今天 6. Look at me看我。 43.主格宾格形容词性物主代词我Imemy你youyouyour他hehimhis她sheherher它ititits我们weusour你们youyouyour他们theythemtheir44.形容词放在Be 后面叫主系表位置:放在名词前面或者


6、aliaAustralianEnglishLesson 11 201. Who 谁(特殊疑问词) 2. who is that man?那个男人是谁? 3. who are they?他们是谁? 4. Whose 谁的 5. whose bag is it?它是谁的包? 6. Perhaps可能 7. perhaps+句子Perhaps it is. 8. Office办公室 9. Officer长官Customs officer 10. Friend朋友 11. Employee雇员Employer雇主 12. How do you do?你好(初次见面) 13. Sales reps销售代

7、表 14. Hard-working努力工作的 15. Matter事情关系 16. what is the matter?怎么了? 17. what is wrong with? .有什么毛病了?1. Right正确 2. 颜色color = colour 下面是形容词 红色绿色蓝色黄色黑色redgreenblueyellowblack白色棕色橙色粉色灰色whitebrownorangepinkgrayColour it red把它染成红色(动词染色)What colour is it?它是什么颜色?20 帽子大衣女衬衫男衬衫hatcoatblouseshirt领带鞋裙子短裙tieshoed

8、ressskirt套服裤子裤子袜子suittrouserspantssock1. 家庭成员family member 爸爸妈妈兄弟姐妹fathermotherbrothersister爷爷奶奶阿姨叔叔grandfathergrandmotherauntuncle1. How many people are there in your family? 你家有几口人? 2. Here you are.给你 3. passport 护照 4. be 动词的四种句式 肯定句AmI am a Chinese student.IsIt is a green passport.areTheyare whit

9、e handbags.否定句AmI am not busy.IsHeis not my friend.areThey are not dirty.一般疑问AmAmI right?IsIsyour daughter thin or fat?AreAreyou German?特殊疑问句子AmWhere amI ?IsWhat is your name?areHow areyou?我 后面用am.你/你们,他们复数后面用are他她它及单数或不可数名词后用is.1. 缩写 I am = Im我是You are = YoureIt is = Its它是They are = they reHe is =

10、Hes他是We are = We reShe is = Shes她是Is not = isntThat is=Thats那是Are not = arentMy hat is = My hats 我的帽子是There is= Theres What is = WhatsToms a teacher Tom是一位老师Toms hat is old. Tom的帽子是旧的。1. 名词的单数复数 规则变化名词不规则变化名词单数复数单数复数jobjobsMan MenpassportpassportsWoman Women casecasesChild Children touristtouristsPe

11、rson People dressdressesKnife Knives boxboxesbusbusese upstairs and see it上楼来看看28.It is the same colour.同样颜色可爱的勤奋的累的口渴的lovelyhardworkingtiredthirstysmallheavylongopenbiglightshortshutThis these这些That those 那些Lesson 21 301. Which book?哪一本? 2. 给某人某物(one/ones指代) 单数复数Give sb sth给某人某物=Give sth to sbGive

12、me a book给我一本书Give a book to meGive me some glasses给我一些杯子Whichones?哪些?This one ?这本?These ones ?这些?The red one那本红的The ones on the shelf架子上那些5某处有某物句型(There be句型)单数复数There is a/an+单数There are+复数There is a refrigerator有一个冰箱There are some chairs有一些椅子否定:there isnt a /anThere arent .一般疑问:Is there a book on

13、 the shelf?Are there any books on the shelf?特殊疑问: How many books are there on the shelf?6.some和any用法(一些)一些some一些any用于肯定句用于否定句疑问句There are some boys in the classroomThere is not any water in the cupIs the a cat in here?Some/any 修饰可数也可以修饰不可数名词7.many和much(许多)许多many许多much修饰可数名词修饰不可数名词I have many friends

14、.He has much water.Many/much可以用于肯定否定疑问句子8介词短语Onthe table在桌子上In the kitchen在厨房里In the middle ofthe room在房子中间Nearthe window在窗户附近Underthe desk在桌子下In front ofthe tree在树前面Behindthe wall在墙后面On the left/right在左边/右边9动词短语Come in请进Shut the door关门Open the window打开窗户Air the room给房间通风Make the bed铺床Dust the dress

15、ing table给梳妆台除尘Sweep the floor扫地Turn on the television打开电视Turn off the light关闭电灯Empty the box倒空盒子Sharpen the pencil削尖铅笔Put on the coat穿上大衣Take off the tie脱掉领带Read a book读书10情态动词 必须must肯定句子You must go to school now.你现在必须上学否定句子We must not watch TV.我们禁止看电视一般疑问Must he open the window?他必须开窗吗?特殊疑问What mus

16、t we do?我们必须做什么?11名词(东西) 形容词(.的)Clothes衣服untidy不整洁Spoon勺子Empty空的Fork叉子Full慢的Box盒子Large巨大的Cup茶杯Little小的Bottle瓶子Sharp锋利的Glass玻璃杯Blunt钝的Tin罐子Big大的Shelf架子Small小的Cigarette香烟Electric带电的Floor地板Magazine杂志Plate盘子Stereo音响Armchair手扶椅Cupboard橱柜Wall墙Kitchen厨房Door门cooker炊具Picture图片Lesson 31 401.实意动词短语Sit under th

17、e tree坐在树下Climb the tree爬树Run across the grass跑过草地Run after the cat追逐猫Type a letter打信Eat a bone吃骨头Clean his teeth刷他的牙齿Cook a meal做饭Drink milk喝牛奶Walk over the bridge在桥上走Go under the bridge从桥下过Fly over the river从河上飞Wait for a bus等公共汽车Jump off the wall从墙上跳下Cry哭Swim across the river游泳过河Go into the park走

18、进公园Walk out of the building从楼里走出Sit beside his mother坐在妈妈边Work hard努力地工作Make a bookcase制作书架Paint it pink把它染粉色Do ones homework做作业Listen to the stereo听音响Wash the dishes洗碗Put it on the table把它放桌上Drop the vase扔掉花瓶Show me the picture给我看图片Take it to her把它带给她Send it to my wife送它给我妻2.现在进行时态(now/ at the mome

19、nt/present)结构主语(人)+be动词+doing(现在分词)肯定句子She is sitting under the tree.It is running after a cat否定句子He is not climbing a tree.The sun is not shining.一般疑问Arethey walking over the bridge?Is she looking at a big ship?特殊疑问What arethey doing?Where is the boy swimming?3.介词短语Acrossthe river越过After a cat在后面In

20、the sky在天空里With his family和.一起Overthe river在上方Alongthe bank沿着(河岸边)Betweentwo hills在两者之间Into the room进入(房间)Off the tree(从树上)落下Besidethe tree在旁边4.一般讲来时态结构主语(人)+be动词+going to do(原形)肯定句子Iam going to paint this bookcase.We are going to listen to the stereo.否定句子Heis not going to put it on the table.They a

21、re not going to wait for the bus.一般疑问IsTom going to work hard?Are they going to do their homework?特殊疑问What are yougoing to do with it?What is he going to do now?实意动词为具体的动作(区别于be动词)do 带表动词原形doing代表动词现在分词5.I beg your pardon?再说一遍6.What about the dog? 关于怎么样?7.It is a fine day today.今天是好天(带天气it)8.The sun

22、 is shining.阳光照耀(the sun)9.A photograph of our village我们村的一张照片10.Another photograph不特指另一个11.The bookcase isnt for me.(for为某人介词12.Pink is her favourite colour.最喜爱的13.a lovely vase可爱的花平(形容词)14祈使句(表示命令语气)省略听话人(you)肯定否定Be careful.Dont do thatGive me the rulerDont put it thereLook at the pictureDont runL

23、isten to meDont play15代词放中间名词放两边(穿上大衣)Put it on = put the coat on = put on the coatLesson 41 501名词可数名词不可数名词Cheese 奶酪Bag 书包Bread 面包Bird鸟Soap肥皂Kettle 水壶Chocolate巧克力Teapot茶壶Sugar糖Glass 玻璃杯Coffee咖啡Book 书Tea茶Housewife家庭主妇Tobacco烟草Hammer 锤子Milk 牛奶Newspaper 报纸Water 水Car 汽车News 新闻Bus 公汽Handwriting书法Dish 盘子C

24、ake 蛋糕Minute 分钟Butter黄油Boss 老板Honey蜂蜜Biscuit 饼干Jam果酱Coat 大衣Whisky威士忌Tomato西红柿Beer 啤酒Potato土豆Mince 肉馅Lettuce莴苣Chicken 鸡肉Cabbage 卷心菜Beef牛肉Pea 豌豆Lamb羊肉Bean 豆角Meat 肉Pear梨Steak牛排Grape 葡萄Wine 果酒Peach 桃2数量词表示短语A piece of 一块片Cheese/newsA loaf of 一条BreadA bar of 一板Soap/chocolateA bottle of 一瓶MilkA pound of 一

25、磅MeatHalf a pound of办磅CoffeeA quarter of a pound ofTeaA tin of 一听TobaccoA glass of一杯WaterA cup of 一杯TeaA box of 一盒ChalkTwo boxes of 两盒Apples3There Be 句型 some与any用法肯定There issome +不可数名词There is a/an +可数名词单数There are some +可数名词复数否定疑问Is there any +可数名词复数Is there a/an +可数名词单数Are there any +可数名词复数4情态动词 “

26、能”can 没有人称和数的变化can 后边加动词原形肯定I can pit my hat on.否定I cant lift the chair.一般Can you jump off the box?特殊疑 问What can I do for you?When can you come here?5动词动作与结果看/看见找/找到听/听见动作Look (at)Look forListen(to)结果seefindhearHelooks for his pen, but he cant find it.6实义动词的用法*重点*单数主语复数主语肯定She likes apples.I like ba

27、nanas.He wants a bottle of beer.They want some biscuits.否定She doesnt like applesThey dont want any apples.does体现单三人称likes转为原形Do/does助动词帮助动词疑问否定一般Does she like eggs?Do you like him?Does it rain here?Do they swim?特殊疑问What does she like?What do you do ?When does the sun rise?Where do you go every Sunda

28、y?特殊疑问词+do/does引导一般疑问句He doesnt do his homework at home.Doesnt中does助动词无意义,do实义动词7at the butchers / the doctors 在肉铺8.tell you the truth说实话9.His handwriting is terrible.他书法很糟10.over there 在那边11.of course 当然Lesson 51 601月份in + 月份January一月July 七月February二月August 八月March 三月September 九月April 四月October 十月M

29、ay 五月November 十一月June 六月December 十二月2天气weather 气候climateweatherWhat is the weather like today?climateWhat is the weather like in your country?你的国家气候怎么样?SunnyCloudyRainySnowyWindy明媚的云的雨的雪的风的WetDryFinepleasantWarm湿的干的晴朗宜人的暖的3季节season 方向(前边用in )春夏秋冬SpringSummerAutumnWinter东南西北EastSouthWestNorth4like 的两

30、种词性动词喜欢We like the car very much.介词像He looks like his father.What is the weather like?Everyone like him likes swimming.像他一样的每个人都喜欢游泳。5一般现在时态标志词Often 经常He is often busy.Usually通常He usually gets up at 7Always 一直I always work hard.Sometimes 有时It rains sometimes.Every day每天I see him every day.6be from =

31、 come from来自*同义句*Be动词We are from China.They are not from Japan.Is he from Australia?Where is your teacher from?实义动词We come from China.They dont come from Japan.Does he come from Australia?Where does your teacher come from?7数词表到方法基数词1.2.序数词 第1第21 one7 seven1st first7th seventh2 two8 eight2ndsecond8th

32、 eighth3 three9 nine3rd third9th ninth4 four10 ten4th fourth10th tenth5 five11 eleven5th fifth11th eleventh6six12 twelve6th sixth12th twelfth8时间表达早午晚InAtOnIn the morningAt noonOn MondayIn the afternoonAt nightOn SundayIn the eveningAt.oclockOn+具体天9交通工具(方式)By car乘车On foot步行By bus乘公汽By sea乘船By air坐飞机B

33、y bike骑车(提问方式how)How do you go to work?10动词短语+名词The sun rises升起At the moment此刻The sun sets.降落Tonight 今晚Rise earlyEnvelope信封Setlate副词修动词Writing paper信纸Take sb. to schoolA bottle of glue胶水Do sth. Together一起A box of chalk粉笔Stay at home呆在家Change 零钱Arrive home到家Shop assistant服务员11一般现在时与 现在进行时两种时态混用He usu

34、allyshaves at seven every day, but today heis shaving at eight oclcok.They usually play in the afternoon, but this afternoon they are swimming.12What else do you want? 其他的还要什么?13The Sawyers live at 87 King Street. 一家人做主语谓语用复数14an unusual day不寻常的一天15What is the time?It is eight oclock 八点钟了 it 表示时间16o

35、r选择疑问句或者Do you want the large size or the small size?Is he tall or short?Lesson 61 701疾病名词 看病动作Have a headache头痛Have an earache耳朵疼Have a toothache牙疼Have a stomach ache肚子疼Have a temperature发烧Have flu得流感Have measles出麻疹Have a cough得腮腺炎See the doctor看医生Take the medicine吃药Call the doctor给医生打电话What is the

36、 matter with him?What is wrong with him? 他怎么了?2好的(形容词) 好地(副词)Goodwell形容词品质好的He is agood student指人身体好的I am not well .副词He speaks English well3反身代词oneself 表示某人自己Myself我自己Ourselves我们自Yourself你自己Yourselves你们自Himself他自己Itself它自己Herself她自己Themselves他们自Enjoy oneself玩的高兴Do sth by oneself做某事靠自己4must 的否定形式 “禁

37、止做”=祈使句否定肯定必须做祈使句(听话人为你)You must see a doctor.Look at the blackboard carefully.否定禁止做祈使句否定(别)You mustnt talk in the roomDont play with that boy.5星期表达方法Monday星期一Sunday星期日Tuesday星期二Week周Wednesday星期三Weekend周末Thursday星期四On +星期几Friday星期五At the weekend周末Saturday星期六On+具体某月某日6半系动词+形容词(系表结构)Feel感觉He feels bet

38、ter.(比较好)Look看起来He looks ill. The flower looks nice.SoundSmelltaste听起来闻起来尝起来The song sounds good.The cake smells good.The apple tastes sweet.7remember记得+名词记得某物Remember his number+to do记得去做Remember to call+doing记得做过Remember calling8for的两种意义For+时间段He must stay in bed for another two days.For+某人It is g

39、ood newsfor him.9动词短语Remain in bed呆在床上Open your mouth张开嘴Show me your tongue给我看你舌头Eat rich food吃油腻食物Keep the room warm保持房间温暖Play with matches玩火Lean out of the window探出窗外Drive so quickly开车如此快Make a noise制造噪音Spend three days in.花费三天在Be absent from从 缺席Meet some friends见朋友10be 动词一般过去时态现在时am/is/are过去时was/

40、wereSb+am/is/are其他Sb+was/were+肯Sb+am/is/are +not.Sb+was/were not.否Am/is/are+sb+.?Was/were+sb?一Where is/are sb?What was/were.?特11 How are you all keeping? 身体怎么样?12 the key to the door门的钥匙13an exciting finish激动人心的结尾14介词短语At the bakers(s)In At不接定冠 词At schoolIn+月份At homeIn+ 年At churchIn+race15hundreds o

41、f成百上千的16on onesway home/on onesway to school一、一般现在时1一般现在时表示经常或习惯性的动作,也可表示现在的状态或主语具备的性格和能力。2一般现在时中,没有be动词和情态动词,主语为第三人称单数的肯定句,动词要按规则加上s,主语是非第三人称单数的肯定句,动词用原形。3在一般现在时中,句中有be动词或情态动词时,否定句在be动词和情态动词后加not,一般疑问句将be动词或情态动词放在句首。4在一般现在时中,句中没有be动词或情态动词时,主语为第三人称单数的否定句在动词前加does+not (doesnt),一般疑问句在句首加does,句子中原有动词用原形;主语为非第三人称单数,否定句用do+not (dont),一般疑问句在句首加do,句子中动词用原形。5.动词+s的变化规则1一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks2以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses,

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