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1、连云港VTS用户指南精品文档船舶报告SHIPS REPORT交通服务TRAFFIC SERVICE到港预报: 发给:连云港海事局 内容:IMO SRS 代码: A B G I O P Q T U 时限:按主管机关要求 通过:代理过门线报告: 时间:抵达VTS区域门线时 内容:船名、国籍、吃水及VTS中心需要的信息抛、起锚报告: 时间:抛锚完毕 内容:船名、抛锚时间及锚位 时间:起锚前30分钟 内容:船名、预计起锚时间及动态位置报告: 时间:进入航道、驶出航道、靠泊完毕、驶离泊位 内容:船名、位置及动向紧急情况报告: 时间:船舶发生或发现交通事故、污染事故等紧急情况时 内容:事故发生时间、地点、

2、装载、损失情况、事故原因异常情况报告: 时间:船舶发现助航标志异常、有碍航行安全的障碍物、漂浮特及其它妨碍航行安全的异常情况时 内容:时间、位置及发现的异常情况ETA report: TO: Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration Giving: IMO SRS Code: A, B, G, I, O, P, Q, T, U Time limit: As required by the competent authority Via: AgentPassing gate line report:Time: Arrived at the VTS Ar

3、ea gate lineGiving: vessels name, nationality, draft and other information required by VTS CenterAnchoring or heaving up anchor report:Time: Finishing dropping anchorGiving: Vessels name, time of dropping anchor and anchor positionTime: 30 minutes before heaving up anchorGiving: vessels name and exp

4、ected time of heaving up anchor and intended movementTime: entering and leaving channels, berthing , leaving berthGiving: Vessels name, position and intended movementEmergency report:Time: Whenever a maritime accident or pollution accident occurs or is foundGiving: Time and position of the accident,

5、 loading, damages and causes of the accidentAbnormal reports:Time: Whenever the vessel finds abnormality of navigation aids, obstacles to impede the safety of navigation, floating objects and other abnormal circumstances to impede the safety of navigationGiving: Time and position and the abnormal ci

6、rcumstances foundVTS中心可以提供:航警服务:航行通(警)告信息,水文气象信息,船舶动态信息或其它重要安全信息。咨询信息服务:港口水域地理情况,水文气象信息、船舶动态信息、港口有关规章和其它有关信息。航行助航服务:船舶定位、测定船舶操纵行动效果、助航、航行建议、搜寻船舶等目标和其它有关安全航行等信息。交通组织服务:连云港航道使用实行审批制度,VTS中心可对船舶航行计划进行调整。支持联合行动:在搜寻救助等联合行动中,VTS中心可为船舶传递有关信息。其它交通服务。VTS Center may provide:Navigational warning services: impor

7、tant safety massages including navigational warnings, notices to mariner, hydraulic and weather forecast, vessels movements or others.Consultant services: Geographic information, hydraulic and weather forecast, vessels movements within the port waters, relevant port regulations and rules, and other

8、relevant information.Navigational assistance services: Position fixing, measuring the effectiveness of ship handing action, navigational assistance, navigation advice, searching for vessels or other objects, and other massages related to navigation safety.Traffic organization services: Using Lianyun

9、gang Channels shall be approved. VTS Center may adjust the vessels sailing plans.Support of allied activities: VTS Center may distribute relevant massages to the participating vessels during the allied activities such as search and rescue.Other traffic services通信程序Communication Procedures禁止和许可Prohib

10、itions & PermissionsVTS中心通信频道安全值守频道: 16业务通话频道: 66播发航警频道: 69Channels used by VTS Center:Safety watching channel: 16Communication channel 66Navigational Warning broadcasting channel: 69呼叫:连云港交管Calling: Linayungang VTS注意:在VTS区域所有船舶应在VHF CH.16上保持守听。Attention: All the vessels within the VTS Area shall ke

11、ep watch on VHF channel 16 航行通(警)告播发时间为北京时间:1000时、1500时。 The times for broadcasting navigation warnings are 1000&1500 Beijing Time. 和外运代理、港务局调度、引航公司等港口单位联系可通过VHFCH16呼叫连云港海岸电台接转。 Vessels shall call Lianyungang Coast Radio station via VHF 16 to contact the harbor Services such as the Agency, Harbor Op

12、eration or Pilotage etc.禁止:(A) 船舶在航道、港池、掉头区及禁锚区锚泊;(B) 在航道、锚地、港池、掉头区及其附近水域内捕捞和养殖;(C) 抛弃任何废弃物;(D) 船舶在助航标志上系泊。Prohibitions:(A) No vessels shall anchor in the Channels, port basins , turning areas and prohibited anchorage;(B) No fishing or cultivation is allowed in the channels, anchorage, port basins,

13、turning areas and their adjacent waters;(C) No wastes or garbage shall be dumped into this Port;(D) No vessels shall be moored to the navigation aids.船舶进行列活动,必须经VTS中心许可:(A) 外国籍船舶和300总吨及以上的中国籍船舶使用航道(需提前1小时申请)。(B) 在航道内吊拖、试航、测速。(C) 船舶在锚地以外的通航水域锚泊。(D) 船舶在引航检疫锚地进行过驳作业。(E) 船舶在内港一号锚地锚泊。(F) 锚泊时进行下列事项:1、 拆修主

14、机、锅炉、锚机、舵机;2、 试车、试航、试笛、试放火箭信号、校对罗经;3、 放艇(筏)进行救生演习。(G) 船舶在锚地并靠。Vessels to carry out the following operations shall get permissions from the VTS Center:(A) Any vessel of foreign nationalities and any Chinese vessels of 300 gross tonnage or above using the channels (They shall make an application 1 hou

15、r in advance).(B) Towing, making a navigation trial or speed testing in the Channels.(C) Anchoring outside the anchorage in the navigable waters.(D) Carrying out cargo transffering operations at the Pilot & Quarantine Anchorage.(E)Anchoring at the Anchorage NO.1 in Inner Port Area.(F)While anchoring

16、:1. Overhauling main engine, boiler, windlass or steering gear;2. Testing main engine, navigation trial, testing siren, testing rockets or flare signals and calibrating magnetic compass;3. Launching life craft for drill. (G) Getting alongside another vessel at anchorage.区 域 名 称Area Names区 域 界 定Area

17、Boundaries说 明Descriptions主航道Main Channel从号灯浮标到22号灯浮标。其中:主航道甲段从1号灯浮标到9号灯浮标;主航道弯段从9号灯浮标到11号灯浮标;主航道乙段从11号灯浮标到22号灯浮标。From light buoy NO.1 to NO.22. Main Channel Part A is from light buoy NO.1 to NO.9; Main Channel Bend is from light buoy NO.9 to NO.11; Main Channel Part B is from light buoy NO.11 to NO.

18、22.全长12.5海里,通航水深-11.0米;主航道甲段10.5海里,轴向243063,底宽170米,设标宽度280米;主航道弯段长约0.5海里,轴向267.5087.5,底宽370米,设标宽度490米;主航道乙段长约1.5海里,轴向292112,底宽170米,设标宽度280米。Total length 12.5 nautical miles, navigable depth 11.0m; Main Channel Part A: length 10.5 miles, bearing 243-063, bottom breadth 170m, breadth between buoys 280

19、m; Main Channel Bend: length about 0.5 miles, bearing 267.5-087.5, bottom breadth 370m, breadth between buoys 490m; Main Channel Part B: length about 1.5 miles, bearing 292-112, bottom breadth 170m, breadth between buoys 280m.庙岭航道Miaoling Channel从22号灯浮标到51号灯浮标。其中:庙岭航道甲段从22灯浮标到33号灯浮标;庙岭航道乙段从33号灯浮标到51

20、号灯浮标。From light buoy NO.22 to NO.51, In this channel, Part A is from light buoy NO.22 to NO.33; Part B from light buoy NO.33 to NO.51.全长2.7海里,通航水深-11.0米,底宽140米,设标宽度230米。其中:庙岭航道甲段长约0.9海里,轴向292112;庙岭航道乙段长约1.8海里,轴向270090。Total length 2.7 miles, navigable depth 11.0m, bottom depth 140m, breadth between

21、buoys 230m. In this channel, Miaoling Channel Part A is length 0.9 miles, bearing 292-112; Miaoling Channel Part B is length about 1.8 miles, bearing 270-090.墟沟航道Xugou Channel从51号灯浮标到54号灯浮标。From light buoy NO.51 to NO.54.全长约0.9海里,底宽约100米,通航水深-7.0米,轴向270-090,设标宽度150米。Total length about 0.9 miles, bot

22、tom breadth about 100m, navigable depth 7.0m, bearing 270-090, breadth between buoys 150m.老港区航道Old Port Channel从22号灯浮标到23号灯浮标。From light buoy NO.22 to NO.23.全长约0.5海里,底宽120米,通航水深-8.6米,轴向270-090,设标宽度170米;Total length about 0.5 miles, bottom breadth 120m, navigable depth 8.6m, bearing 270-090, breadth

23、between buoys 170m.大型船舶锚地Large Vessles Anchorage 以连云港羊窝头灯塔真方位239,距离16海里处为中心,1.5海里为半径的圆形水域 。A circular area with 1.5 miles of radius, centered at 16 miles 239 true from Yangwotou light house.水深1619米。The depth is 16m19m.一号引航检疫锚地Pilot & Quarantine Anchorage NO.1以连云港羊窝头灯塔真方位258 ,距离15海里处为中心,1.5海里为半径的圆形水域

24、。A circular area with 1.5 miles of radius, centered at 15 miles 258 true from Yangwotou light house.水深1517米。The depth is 15m17m.区域名称(续上表)Area Names(Continued)区 域 界 定(续上表)Area Boundaries(Continued)说 明(续上表)Descriptions(Continued)危险品船舶锚地Dangerous Goods Anchorage以连云港羊窝头灯塔真方位263,距离10海里处为中心,1.0海里为半径的圆形水域。

25、A circular area with 1.0 miles of radius, centered at 10 miles 263true from Yangwotou light house.水深1113米。The depth is 11m13m.二号引航检疫锚地Pilot & Quarantine Anchorage NO.2以连云港羊窝头灯塔真方位240,距离海里处为中心,1.0海里为半径的圆形水域 。 A circular area with 1.0 miles of radius, centered at 4 miles 240 true from Yangwotou light

26、house.水深79米。The depth is 7m9m.三号引航检疫锚地Pilot & Quarantine Anchorage NO.3以连云港羊窝头灯塔真方位271,距离1.6海里处为中心,0.5海里为半径的圆形水域 。A circular area with 0.5 miles of radius, centered at 1.6 miles 271 true from Yangwotou light house.水深56米。其中344455N,1193115E与344518N,1193210E两点连线以南部分停止使用。The depth is 5m6m, but the use o

27、f the south of a line joining 344455N,1193115E and 344518N,1193210E ceased.老港区掉头区Old Port Turning Area以北纬344434.2,东经1192658.1处为中心,200米为半径的圆形水域。The circular area with 200 m of radius, centered at 344434.2N, 1192658.1E.通航水深-8.6米。Navigable depth 8.6m.庙一掉头区Miaoling NO.1 Turning Area以北纬344503.066,东经11925

28、07.352处为圆心,260米为半径的圆形水域。The circular area with 260m of radius, centered at 344503.066N, 1192507.352E.通航水深-12.0米。 Navigable depth 12.0m.庙二掉头区Miaoling NO.2 Turning Area以北纬344458.7,东经1192525.9处为中心,225米为半径的圆形水域。The circular area with 225 m of radius, centered at 344458.7N, 1192525.9E.通航水深-8.7米。Navigable depth 8.7m.墟沟掉头区Xugou Turning Area以北纬344501,东经1192329.5处为中心,160米为半径的圆形水域。The circular area with 160 m of radius, centered at 344501N, 1192329.5E.通航水深-7.0米。Navigable depth 7.0.注:连云港避风锚地位于内港水域内。Note: Shelter Anchorage in Lianyungang Port is within the Inner Port Waters.收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

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