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1、新概念2一课一练41-50精品文档Lesson 41一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1.Its very _(无礼的) of her to leave without telling us.2.A _(灯塔) must be built at that dangerous place.3.The story _(提醒) me of an experience I once had.4.Yesterday Professor Smith _(评说) on the difference between the two dictionaries.5.She sta

2、red at herself in the _(镜子).6.There is a _(孔) in the wall.二从下面的方框中选择适当的词填空(可以重复使用),并注意运用正确形式。need, dare, be able to, have to, had better1. - Can I have this window open at night?- You _not. It is cold outside.2. How _ you ask me such a question?3. I had plenty of money, so I _ help you.4. I t is get

3、ting late. I think I _ go now.5. I dont think you _ to worry about.6. My young sister _ not go out alone.7. If you dont feel well, you _ go to see a doctor.三单项选择。1. Three hours _, the work was finished.A. later B. late C. after D. next2. _ she took a walk in the park, she found a very strange thing.

4、A. Since B. Until C.As D. While3. You _ wash all those clothes! We have a washing machine to do that sort of thing.A. neednt B. cant C. mustnt D. darent4. I regret _ you that we lost in that football match.A. telling B. told C. to tell D. having told5. Please remind me_ to my mother tomorrow.A. to w

5、rite B. to writing C. of writing D. write6. You can never be _ careful when crossing the busy road.A. very B. so C. much D. too7. How _ she do things like that to me?A. dare B. need C. must D. may8. The editor(编辑) _ that article was well written.A. observed B. noticed C. remarked D. complained9. Man

6、y people in Beijing find _ to afford an apartment.A. is hard B. hard C. it hard D. that hard10. He often sleeps with these windows _.A. open B. opening C. to open D. be openedLesson 42一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1. He lay there without _(动作).2. Their school is _(不同) from ours.3. He caught a _(

7、一瞥) of me when I passed by.4. He was born in a _(精通音乐的) family.5. Tom often _(跳舞) the waltz with Jane.6. They _(继续) to meet every week though they are in different places now.7. Youre _(显然) worried about something.8. They put a new product on the _(市场).9. Tony wrote the words of the song and Kris wr

8、ote the _(曲调).10. The child was frightened by the _(蛇).二用“have+ 名词”来代替下列句子中划线的词,注意运用have 的正确形式。1. Youd better talk with your parents about that.Youd better _ with your parents about that.2. If you feel tired, you can rest on this chair.If you feel tired, you can _ on this chair.3. Are you going to s

9、wim this weekend?Are you going to _ this weekend?4. He asked me if I wanted to look at that picture.He asked me if I wanted to _ at that picture.5. I regret quarreling with him that day.I regret _ with him that day.三单项选择。1. The sun _ in the east every day.A. rises B. rose C. raises D. raised2. I wil

10、l telephone you _ I get to Beijing.A. as long as B. as well as C. as soon as D. as possible3. Mary _ the book on the ground and put it on the shelf.A. picked B. picked up C. picked out D. picks4. This mountain is covered _ snow all the year round.A. in B. among C. between D. with5. She opened the wi

11、ndow and had a glimpse _ the river. A. at B. on C. of D. in6. _ I dont need to say how important this work is. You all know it. A. Obviously B. Nearly C. Generally D. Hardly7. Can you _ the difference between British English and American English?A. judge B. say C. talk D. tell8. Wang Lin continued _

12、 in touch with his friends after he moved to Xinjiang.A. keeps B. to keep C. keep D. to keeping9. He has sold the old store and opened a new one_ make more money.A. in order B. in order that C. in order to D. as to10. A computer _ think for itself; it must be told what to do.A. cant B. couldnt C. ma

13、y not D. might not Lesson 43一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1. He made a _(严重的) mistake last week.2. It _(似乎) that it is going to rain.3. He has given those poor children _(无尽的) love all his life.4. The plane _(坠毁) within seconds of taking off.5. H e completed the _(飞行) in 25 hours and 50 minutes.

14、6. Japan _(位于) to the east of China.7. The _(飞机) is made in America.8. Cold winds swept the open _(平原).二 用 can 或者 be able to 的正确形式填空, 完成下列句子。1. They will _ tell you the news soon.2. He _ flee Europe after the war broke out.3. He _ be a bad man. He is always kind to others.4. I _ pay you today. _ you

15、 wait till tomorrow?5. Since his accident he hasnt _ leave the house.6. _ you please show me the way to the nearest hospital?三单项选择。1. The two girls students talked_ at the beginning for the term.A. by the first time B. for the first timeC. the first time D. in the first time2. As the explorers tried

16、 to get over the mountain, they ran _ trouble.A. in B. on C. up D. into3. He said he had lost his passport(护照) and hadnt _ leave the country.A. been able to B. be able to C. could D. can4. I seem _ someone knocking at the door.A. hearing B. to hearing C. to hear D. hear5. A kite flew_ my house when

17、I was watching television in this living room.A. down B. over C. at D. across6. _ new books were published by the Foreign Language Press last month.A. A great number B. A plenty of C. A large sum of D. A great many7. He decided to buy the painting _ first sight.A. at B. in C. with D. by 8. Could you

18、 please_ a photo of us? A. make B. bring C. do D. take9. Mike says he has some difficulty _ learning English.A. at B. with C. in D. on10. The soldiers were _ to go to the front.(前线).A. advised B. ordered C. invited D. told Lesson 44一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1. All my _(所有物) are right here.2.

19、 After all that running, he was short of _(呼吸).3. Show me the _(里面的物品) of your suitcase.4. He saved my life at the _(冒险) of losing his own.5. They went on a _(野餐) on the beach.6. They lived in a house on the _(边缘) of a forest.7. He offered to _(修理) the radio for me.8. There are two _(皮带) on the suit

20、case.二 根据句意, 用so 或者such 填空。1. The boy is _ young that he cant go to school.2. He told us _ a funny story that we all laughed.3. He has _ few books to read that he has to borrow some books from the library.4. It is _ a tall building that I cant see its top.5. The girls had _ high a fever that she nea

21、rly died last week.6. They are _ clever children that all the teachers love them.7. It is _ delicious orange juice that we all would love to drink it.8. I t is _ a little dog that Lucy likes it very much.9. There is _ little water that it is not enough for_ many people.10. It was _ fine weather that

22、 they all went swimming.三 单项选择。1. Would you like to _ the risk of going to the island with me?A. take B. do C. make D. get2. There was _ noise outside that we couldnt hear the teacher.A. so many B. such much C. such many D. so much3. This clavichord has been _ my familys possession for years.A. at B

23、. for C. in D. by4. I always start the day by _ my e-mails.A. going through B. giving up C. getting on D. turning over5. Do you have some good ways on _ English?-Yeah, I practice _ English for at least two hours every day.A. learn; speak B. learning; speaking C. learning; to speak D. learn; to speak

24、6. _ a deep breath if you feel nervous. That will be of some help.A. Do B. Make C. Take D. Give7. Dont put the vase _ the edge of the table. It may get knocked off.A. at B. in C. by D. under8. Tom, your room needs _. Its too dirty.A. clean B. to clean C. cleaned D. cleaning9. If you run_ two hares,

25、you will catch neither.A. out of B. into C. after D. away from10. He was seen _ some money from an old man.A. to stealing B. to steal C. be stolen D. to be stolenLesson 45一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1. Now that Ive told you everything, I can leave with a _ (清白的) conscience.2. They spent all th

26、eir _(存款) to treat his disease.3. The _(村民) always ask us to stay for lunch.4. He opened his _ (钱包) an looked some money.5. He spends a large _(百分之-) of his income on food and drink.6. The jar _(包含) ten glasses of water.7. Please _(包裹) this gift for me as quickly as possible.二 单项选择。1. He won _ money

27、 and then bought a very big house.A. a large sum of B. a great number ofC. a good many D. a lot2. People have come to know that their health must _.A. pay more attention B. pay more attention to C. be paid more attention D. be paid more attention to3. While _ from the hill, I find the park is very b

28、eautiful.A. seen B. to see C. seeing D. be seen4. The room_ yesterday, for it is very tidy now.A. must be cleaned B. must have cleanedC. must clean D. must have been cleaned5. I paid a very high price_ this apartment.A. for B. at C. on D. in6. When Li Ming hurried home, he found that his mother_ alr

29、eady _ to hospital.A. has; been seen B. had; sent C. has; sent D. had; been seen7. Ill be going to work on foot while my bicycle_.A. is being repaired B. is repairedC. will repaired D. has been repaired8. While_ TV in the room, I heard some knocking at the door.A. watch B. watching C. being watching

30、 D. to watch9. I got nothing to hide. My _ is clear.A. brain B. heart C. mind D. conscience10. The old woman_ of her money.A. robbed B. was robbed C. stole D. was stolenLesson 46一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1. Who first_(发现) America?2. I am _( 非常) sorry to disturb you, but I have something impo

31、rtant to tell you.3. You must _(承认) the task to be difficult.4. The doctor said the childs temperature was _(正常的).5. Car accident often_(发生) in the area.二 用适当的介词填空,完成下列句子。1. These people are accustomed _ hard work.2. I was preparing _ bed when I heard a knock at the door.3. Mrs Brown was very satisf

32、ied_ his son.4. I dont agree _ Peter on many things.5. He apologized to her _not going to her party.三 单项选择。1._ the students here in the meeting room is eighty.A. A number of B. The number ofC. A great many D. The most2. T o the teachers anger, he could not account _ his absence from school.A. on B.

33、in C. at D. for3. It didnt occur_ him that she would refuse to go there with him.A. to B. by C. with D. on4. I was extremely _ at the high price that they charged me for this book.A. astonishing B. astonished C. excited D. exciting5. The little boy admitted_ the window in the end.A. to break B. bein

34、g broken C. breaking D. have broken6. The lost bike was_ at the bus stop a few days ago.A. discovered B. realized C. observed D. noticed7. He felt very upset that _ could understand him.A. none B. no one C. nothing D. neither8. I t was _ that there was nobody on the street.A. such cold a day B. so a

35、 cold day C. so cold a day D. a such cold day9. I heard the news _ our team had won the game.A. when B. which C. that D. what10. The _ price of a ticket is $230, but I was asked to pay $500.A. normal B. formal C. often D. correctLesson 47一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1. The old man lives in a ho

36、use without any_(家具).2. After working for a long time in the bright sun, they felt very tired and _(口渴的).3. A piece of rock had fallen and _(堵) up the path.4. A great deal of _(威士忌酒) is made in Scotland.5. He received a gift but he didnt _(接受) it.6. Her pale face_(暗示) that she was will.7. _(摇动) the

37、bottle before taking the medicine.8. The building was said to be _(闹鬼) by the ghost.二 从下面的方框中选择恰当的词填在横线上。(可重复使用)before, even though, for, since, because, when, while, though1. -Why didnt you come?-_ my father wouldnt let me.2. He didnt hear the knock at the door_ he was listening to the radio.3. _ h

38、e is rich, he is not very happy.4. _ he said so, you need not believe him.5. Think again_ you do something.三单项选择。1. - Can I try this pair of shoes? -Sorry, these shoes are not _ sale.A. on B. for C. in D. at2. I was late for work _ there was a traffic accident.A. since B. because of C. due to D. bec

39、ause3. He said he heard someone_ loudly in the next room.A. sings B. sang C. singing D. to sing4. When _ this kind of computer _?-Last year.A. did; use B. was; used C. is; used D. are; used5._ the water_ when you are rushing your teeth. Dont let it waste.A. Turn; on B. Turn; off C. Turn; away D. Tur

40、n; out6. The streets are all wet. It _ during the night.A. cant have rained B. couldnt rain C. must have rained D. neednt rain7. He suggested _ a visit to the museum the next day.A. paying B. to pay C. pay D. being paid8. I shall have to _ these unpleasant working conditions.A. receive B. realize C.

41、 recognize D. accept9. _ I was in trouble, I always believed that things would change.A. As if B. Even C. In spite of D. Even if10. They had _ furniture for the small apartment.A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too Lesson 48一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1. The _(收集 )of these stamps took ten years.2. Why did you _(拔) up these plants?3. He _(点头) to me when he passed me.4. Mother went sh

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