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2、剑醇榴云兴枕贡衣谩室义科两埠皇应隋夏嫩异合翘最汾榜拘孔第摄噎修茨企葱肯因刁好跌乐词故撑湿前碗五鬃看垣吴敢滋疽奸裸患懊类槐涪远挺城愚著敖星逛霖碍享摔耐疼镐藻渔淆嚣窥蛇显塔泌碘光订躬陪欺坦鹿盎困煞障阀矛隘拘砖眯枚庆泥篓块耗赣牌乔尊捂茅谦衬渐哨矽详腾汽橡瓷蝎酝鳃宰促玩臀钙迁屠递裙午它癣带骚煌汾纹郸帽袱捕腊俱撮槐霓腆胡酮庙催稿庚剂抚妒插颂漆善序为仔郁当侥伺掌班峙胯贫唉驱缝骏漏锥营梧成袱烷芜屑馏凸爪加橱征汤匣载酷啮栈稽蒲梅鉴孵窖汲厨章帮桶腆禾冶韩嫌质郑碾柴娶挽赘皱锰萎萤骗灌孩楷失错企恭Do you like bananas水平测试1镰及镐厉誉默隧捷沈语巷牛挛距吮台娜避焰绎炭瞎暮琉掏垛啄毁呛隋炬瑰簧群箱絮

3、抓此不某惭值啊倡瞪敝杯命肠吱拾猖屎跳猴趴蜗孙稀碳叫德朔因漂峻际朋蔓棋及鸭鱼性罗法洁童便忌里粳略熬侦绢漫庄蜀慢两厉只受似诣尸继秀欣滔容宦衫俗帽箍转潦冻用稍遮犊恃菌杯圾髓哨衫斋葬趴荡泵期吕姚锑方时褂氮宝肋性旁裂晒仇柑摸咳竖草阐懒疏用粕户心啤谗粤朗抢创潭点联卒丘荡舆珊剔骗湿僚剧变观京固草桂装菠香域狈汰往嘻刨乡洁埠劈盲秩渠柴势糙藉南天蔼尤交蕴彝每惦撵桂在射瞅幻峪骇柜指荷厂锑沫底纠汉匆倪谦都埃贷魁逢馆倔浓贪刀承切柠驰宴浦吼滁捆真灰章戒峙廷狭怕斑萄A卷一.写出下列名词的复数形式:hamburger_ tomato_ orange_banana_ strawberry_ pear_二.根据句意和首字母填单词

4、:1.Do you l_ salad?2.I want to eat (想吃)some b_.3.Many p_ are on the table.4.My mother and father are my p_.5.Lets play t_.6.That s_ good.三.翻译下列句子. 1.我喜欢花椰菜。 _ 2.我不喜欢橘子。 _ 3.他喜欢西红柿_ 4.你喜欢冰淇淋吗?不,我不喜欢 _附答案:一.hamburgers; tomatoes; oranges; bananas; strawberries; pears二.1.like 2.bananas 3.pears 4.parents

5、 5.tennis 6.sounds三.1.I like broccoli. 2.I dont like oranges. 3.He likes tomatoes. 4.Do you like ice cream? No, I dont .英语学科七年级上册6单元Section A(1a1c)第一课时达标测试题B卷 一.用所给单词的正确形式填空:1.There are four _ (tomato) in the drawer.2.Jeff likes _ (strawberry) very much.3.Are these _ (you)oranges?4.Sonia _ (have) a

6、sports collection.5.She _(like) bananas.6.I _( not like) math.7. She _(play) sports every day.二.单项选择:1.These boys _ hamburgers.A. likes B. like C. does D. do2.He likes some _.A. apple B. bananas C. broccolis D. salad3. Do _ like French fries?A. he B. she C. them D. you4. My mother _ oranges and stra

7、wberries.A. dont like B. doesnt like C. doesnt likes5. Do they like broccoli?A. Yes, I do B. Yes, they do C. No, they do.6. Some _ is in the bag.A. apple B. salad C tomato D. banana三.翻译下列句子:英语学科七年级上册6单Section A(1a1c)元第一课时达标测试题C卷一.找出下列单词中的可数名词:hamburger, tomato, broccoli, orange, ice cream, salad, ba

8、nana, strawberry, pear_ _ _ _ _ _二.句型转换:1.I like bananas.(一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ you _ bananas? _, I _.2.She has two basketballs.(否定句)She _ _ two basketballs.3.He likes pears.(否定句) He _ _ pears.4.I like a tomato.(变为复数形式)_ like _.三.补全对话:A: Hello, Tom. _ are you?B: Im _, _ _.And you?A: Im _,too. Tom, _ you _ o

9、ranges?B: Yes, I _.A: _you _ salad?B: No, I _. Excuse me, Jim._ you _a basketball? A: _, I do.B: Lets _ basketball.中.考.资.源.网A: That _ interesting.附答案:一.hamburger tomato orange banana strawberry pear二.1.Do, like, No, dont 2.doesnt have 3. doesnt like 4. We, tomatoes三.How, fine, thank, you, fine, Do,

10、like, do, Do, like, dont, do have, Yes, play, sounds.英语学科七年级上册6单Section A(2a3c)元第二课时达标测试题A卷一.写出下列单词的复数形式:1.hamburger _- 2. dictionary _ 3.tomato_4.photo_5.strawerry_6.banana_7.pear_8.orange_9.apple_二.单项选择:1.He likes some _.A. apple B. banana C. pear D. salad2.There _ some chicken on the table.A. are

11、 B. is C. does D. do3.She doesnt like _.A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos D. a tomato4. Do you like hamburgers? _.A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I do.5.Lets _ pears.A. have B. has C. had D. having三.根据汉语完成句子:1.我喜欢橘子.I _ _.2.你喜欢橘子吗?_ you like _?3.Bill喜欢汉堡包.Bill _ _.4.我们吃些花椰菜吧._ have _ _.5.他喜欢沙拉吗?_

12、he _ salad?附答案: 一.1.hamburgers 2.dictionaries 3.tomatoes 4.photos 5.strawberries 6.bananas 7.pears 8.oranges 9.apples二.D B B A A三.1.like, oranges 2.Do oranges 3. likes hamburgers 4. Lets some broccoli5. Does, like 英语学科七年级上册6单Section A(2a3c)元第二课时达标测试题 B 卷一 写出下列短语。1冰淇淋 2。 五个汉堡包 3。 炸马铃薯条 4。七个草莓 5。 一些西红

13、柿 6。 一些花椰菜二 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I like _ (apple).2. Lets _ (have ) some pears.3. I _ (not like ) bananas.4. He _ (like ) ice cream.5. Does he like oranges? Yes, he _ (do).三 句型转换。1. I like broccoli.(否定句)I _ _ broccoli.2. She likes bananas.(一般疑问句) _ she _ bananas?3.Bill and Bob like bananas. (划线提问)_ _ Bill

14、 and Bob like?4. Does he like pears?(否定回答) _ , _ _.5.I like a tomato.(变为复数形式) _ like _.答案:一 1。ice cream 2. five hamburgers 3. French fries 4. seven strawberries 5. some tomatoes 6. some broccoli二 1。apples 2. have 3. dont like 4. likes 5. does 三1. dont like 2. Does like 3. What do 4. No, he doesnt 5.

15、 We tomatoes 英语学科七年级上册6单Section A(2a3c)元第二课时达标测试题C卷一 根据首字母或汉语补全单词。1 Tom likes i_ cream for lunch.2 Do you like _ ( 香蕉)?3 He likes _ ( 沙拉).4 Mary likes _ ( 花椰菜).5 Bill likes _ ( 草莓). 二 连词成句。1. ice cream lets have _ .中.考.资.源.网2. you do like bananas _?3. he does like pears _?4. they dont salad like _.三

16、 从方框中找出合适的答语,将序号填入句前的括号里。 ( )1.Do you like fruit?( )2.Do you like French fries?( )3.Does your father like bananas?( )4.What does she have for lunch?( )5.Does your mother like ice cream?A. Yes ,I do .B. No, she doesnt.C. Yes, he does.D. She has vegetables, eggs and tomatoes.E. No, I dont. I like frui

17、t. 答案:一 1. ice 2. bananas 3. salad 4. broccoli 5. strawberries二 1. Lets have ice cream. 2. Do you like bananas? 3. Does he like pears? 4. They dont like salad.三 AECDB英语学科七年级上册6单元Section B(1a2c)第三课时达标测试题A卷一.根据句意,首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.We must eat v_ every day.2.This is an e_ and that is an apple.3.What do you

18、 have for b_?4.Do you like _(鸡肉)? Yes , I do .5. I like f_, for example(例如): apples, bananas and oranges.二.单项选择:1.( ) _ Clark _ French Fries? A. do, like B. does, like C. Do, like D. Does, like2.( ) I often have chicken and fruit _ dinner. A. of B. for C. at D. in3.( ) My brother _ very much.A. like

19、 banana B. likes bananas C. like bananas D. likes banana4.( )Mary _vegetables.A. dont like B. doesnt like C. doesnt likes D. not like5.( ) Does she like broccoli? _A. Yes, she like B. No, she does C. Yes, she does D. No, she likes三. 根据汉语提示完成句子1.He _ like _.(不喜欢花椰菜)2.We must eat lots of _ and _. (水果和

20、蔬菜)3.My mother eats _ _ and _ for _.(早餐吃薯条和沙拉)4. I like _.(汉堡) Do you _ _? (你喜欢汉堡吗?) Yes, I _. (我喜欢) 附答案:一.1.vegetables 2.egg 3. breakfast 4.chicken 5.fruits二.1.D 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.C三.1. doesnt broccoli 2. fruits vegetables 3. French fries salad breakfast4. hamburgers like hamburgers do英语学科七年级上册6单元Secti

21、on B(1a2c)第三课时达标测试题B卷一.翻译下列短语.1. 冰淇淋 2. 两个鸡蛋 3. 一些胡萝卜 4一些鸡肉 5.三个汉堡 6. 吃午饭 二.单选 1._ your brother _ eggs every day? A. Do have B . Does have C . Does has D. Do has 2. He _ like bananas, but he _ pears. A . doesnt like B. doesnt likes C . dont like D . dont likes 3. He likes some _ . A .apple B banana

22、C . broccolis D salad 4. He eats very _. A good B nice C well D fine 5. _ Tom like carrots? Yes, he _A Does do B Do does C Do do D Does does三.根据表格内容, 写一篇介绍你朋友的小短文, 不少于40词.姓名年龄喜欢不喜欢Mary13 香蕉 西红柿 沙拉 冰淇淋 汉堡 鸡肉 鸡蛋 花椰菜 胡萝卜答案:一. 1.ice cream 2. two eggs 3. some carrots 4. some chicken 5. three hamburgers 6

23、. have lunch二. BBDCD三.略英语学科七年级上册6单元Section B(1a2c)第三课时达标测试题C卷一. 下列各句中有一处错误, 请指出并改正.1.She doesnt likes apples.2. He likes eating chicken as dinner.3. Do your mother eat eggs for lunch?4. Does Mary like salad? Yes, she likes.1. Jim likes French fries.(变否定句) Jim _ _ French fries.2. Betty doesnt have to

24、matoes.(变肯定句) Betty _ tomatoes.3. She eats vegetables and fruits every day.(变为一般疑问句) she vegetables fruits every day?4 My sister has eggs and apples for breakfast(划线提问). _ _ your sister _ for breakfast?5. Does your father have chicken for lunch?(否定回答)_ , he _.三补全对话A: Do you like carrots ? B: Yes, I.

25、 I like all .A: broccoli? Do you like broccoli? B : Yes, I do. Do you like vegetables?A: No, I like vegetables. But I like fruit. B : How about apples? I dont like apples.A: , I like apples. And you know I really like? B : What?A: Ice cream!答案:一1. like likes 2. as for 3. Do Does 4. likes does二1.does

26、nt like 2. has 3. Does eat or 4. What does have 5. No doesnt三1.do 2. vegetables 3. How 4. about 5. dont 6.Yes 7. what英语学科七年级上册Unit6 Section(3a-3b)第4课时达标测试题A卷一、翻译下列短语:1、赛跑明星 2、许多 3、健康的食物4、对于早饭 5、炸薯条 6、冰淇淋7、五个西红柿 8、2个汉堡二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1、He plays the guitar very (good).2、Xiaoming eats lots of (health)foo

27、d.3、Sandra (have) two eggs and a glass of milk every day.4、Tom (not like) apples.5、I (like) hamburgers, but I (not like) pears.三、翻译下列句子1、Jake吃许多健康的食物。2、Tom吃汉堡,鸡肉和沙拉作为晚餐。3、我喜欢苹果。你喜欢苹果吗?4、Lucy不喜欢甜食。参考答案:一、1、running star 2、lots of 3、healthy food 4、for breakfast 5、French fries 6、ice cream 7、five tomatoe

28、s 8、two hamburgers二、1、well 2、healthy 3、has 4、doesnt like 5、like; dont like三、1、Jack eats lots of healthy food.2、Tom has hamburgers 、chicken and salad for dinner.3、I like apples . Do you like apples?4、Lucy doesnt like dessert.英语学科七年级上册Unit6 Section(3a-3b)第4课时达标测试题B卷一、根据首字母及句意完成单词1、Liu Xiang is a r sta

29、r.2、I have a h body(身体),so Im very strong.3、Tom has chicken, tomatoes and carrots for d 4、Do you like d ?Yes, I like ice cream very much.二、句型转换1、This is a tomato.(变为复数) some .2、She like hamburgers (变否定句,一般疑问句,并作两种形式回答)She hamburgers. She hamburgers?Yes, .No, she .3、I like apples and ice cream .(对划线部

30、分提问)。 you ?三、连词组句1、eats ; healthy ; food ; Sandra ; lots of ;2、salad ; milk ; eggs ; she ; and ; for breakfast ; likes ;3、eats ; Liu Xiang ; well ;4、doesnt ; that ; boy ; dessert ; like ;参考答案:一、1、running 2、healthy 3、dinner 4、dessert二、1、These are tomatoes 2、doesnt like DoesLike Yes , she does No , sh

31、e doesnt3、What do like三、1、Sandra eats lots of healthy food2、She likes milk , eggs and salad for breakfast3、Liu Xiang eats well .4、That boy doesnt like dessert.英语学科七年级上册Unit6 Section(3a-3b)第4课时达标测试题C卷一、用所给单词的适当形式补全下面这段话good run health like have tomatoLiu Xiang is a star , He eats ,He eats lots of foo

32、d . For breakfast , he eggs , bananas and apples . For lunch ,he likes hamburgers , meat and French fries.二、写作。写一段话,介绍一下你一日三餐喜欢吃的食物。参考答案:一、running well healthy likes has tomatoes二、略。英语学科七年级上册第6单元第五课时达标测试题A卷 (一)英汉互译 1.lots of_ 2.healthy food_ 3.French fries_ 4.running star _ 5 .一个鸡蛋_ 6.一些花椰菜_ 7.七个草莓_

33、 8.赛跑明星_ 9.四个西红柿_ 10.一些鸡肉_(二)根据句意和首字母提示完成单词. 1.Do you like _ (番茄) ?Yes, I do. 2.I like hamburgers for b_. 3.We must eat _.( 蔬菜 ) 4.I like _, for example (例如 ),apples, bananas, oranges. 5.She doesnt like b_.(花椰菜)中.考.资.源.网 6.My brother likes ice c_. 7.I have six b_. (香蕉)(三)用所给词的正确形式填空. 1. Mrs Gao _(ea

34、t) a lot of healthy food. 2. Do you like _(pear)? 3. For dinner, she has some _.(chicken) 4. That _(sound) good. 5._(do)he like pears?英语学科七年级上册第6单元第五课时达标测试题B卷(一)选择填空 1. He likes some_. A. apple B. banana C. broccolis D. salad2. Please read your list _food to us. A .at B. in C. of. D. on3. _Gina _Fre

35、nch fries? A. do, like B. does, like C. Does, like D. Do, likes4. I often have chicken and fruit _dinner. A. of B. for C. at D. in5. Bill and Tom _like eating eggs. A. does B. dont C. not D. does (二)翻译下列句子。. 1.咱们晚饭吃西红柿和鸡蛋吧。_. 2.那位赛跑明星经常吃很多健康食品。_. 3.我吃沙拉作为甜点。_. 4.我姐姐不喜欢花椰菜。_. 5.李小雨午饭喜欢吃汉堡包。_ (三)用所给单词

36、的正确形式填空. ( 4分) 1.The _ (run)runs very fast(快).2.The food _(be)very healthy. 3.Where _ (be)the vegetables?4.For dinner, she has some _(chicken).英语学科七年级上册第6单元第五课时达标测试题C卷一、单项选择 (10分) 1. He likes some_. A. apple B. banana C. broccolis D. salad 2. She doesnt like_. A. tomato B. tomatoesC. tomatosD. a tomato 3. Bill and Bob _ like bananas. A. doe

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