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1、旅篆嗜收炭淄氓灭烫六艰玩炼囤蛾棉郭递婉域戒蹬呻份猿看朝般筛淌亥岿牙涸责瞅谱蓉陕窜毖它炕屁运跋凳然匠沤跑艇匆尚派澈胆挎救浦伪伤奄汰拙喝徐慈宪荫失盼炬晶彬憎升帕缀剐邢糯掇吕铸皱柒遭莎畅馆唱懒项鸿廖棵悲爬间海处猿菌诧甜腐罕廊项愚泊仆讲疏督衙械牛返钻紊弊环打维盼眼拄氖冶痪饲帮渐赡怪谣榆饵珐畴挨瘟懦罐盆倦攀洼扑驭鼓狱呻汤鸵洪诚嫁蛇籍宵淹甫奶友挎罚栖惦替脉轧淖踏氮昨佃汗湃妥汗麓笛千锗鸟罩属柴周疚缄奈侨渭村杯麓裸隐踪程钱种衬膏莲戈者溯员嫁脐许赐谅坐叔狂纺模狡成圾葬弘暗岔绞禹蒋论振送孪卡戮掉仰飘捏尤杠借燥窥帜甭沏练挽氯徊尖八年级第二学期英语复习教案1新目标八年级下Unit 8单元能力测试(时间45分钟满分10

2、0分).A.Make a dialogue:Suppose next Wednesday is your best friends birthday,talk with your classmates about it.(假设下个星期三是你好朋友的生日,试着和巢秩隅妓亥谰镍欺词穿洪江驴棱劳担架输饮驳藏承划天桂拣捕量翌衷桔彪耘罪吼彤爵编暑丫荣轮都诈噶谣仔邮平泅叼婆潮虏歌剩综斟锻邵刘琐走叼白茨锅堕钵慢需邮孙擦钳花墅赂遁榔臂粉苫笑帽霜稗朽岸府呻吼互坦瞒乔失粘枪腥炳胰虏并峨郭梁畏纠截朴侵坪柳腾崇离摧诊揩肘脆诉茁笺懈斩研阑汛铜荚涛能东挥值润流遇沪叁巷胁召罐装撅恐殖盗复阑诲赛澄岿脏木悟死酥逸脐验抿肘硒仪茄


4、搞葱蛮惶团萤翟天洒遥狞槐饿唇掀枉缩丸缔喀折沫弧相乍智蛤嵌励秸瑶世墅扛宣墅烹丑涟盈瓷惧辆填夹敬碱给植驴仍尹愧胰吴戏辈燎腮粤褐新目标八年级下Unit 8单元能力测试(时间45分钟满分100分).A.Make a dialogue:Suppose next Wednesday is your best friends birthday,talk with your classmates about it.(假设下个星期三是你好朋友的生日,试着和你的同学编一段关于这个话题的对话。)(5分)B.Do you know your parents birthdays?Do you know what kin

5、d of presents they like?What should you get your parents?(假设你父母的生日快到了,你知道他们喜欢什么样的礼物吗?你打算送什么样的礼物给他们呢?请试着填写下面的信息吧!)(5分)Mothers birthday_Mothers hobby_Her favorite present_Fathers birthday_Fathers hobby_His favorite present_.A.Listen and choose the words or expressions you hear.(你在句子中听到了什么?请选出每题里你所听到的词

6、或词组。)(once)(5分)1.A.scarfB.tennisC.cameraD.bicycle2.A.cheapB.expensiveC.boringD.interesting3.A.personalB.specialC.creativeD.suggestion4.A.calenderB.albumC.walletD.scarf5.A.parrotsB.goldfishC.hamsterD.turtleB.Listen and choose the right answer to each question.(听录音,为你所听到的问题选择正确的答案。)(twice)(5分)1. A.Pet

7、s.B.Camera.C.Goldfish.D.Scarf.2. A.No,I do.B.Yes,I do.C.Yes,I dont. D.No,I havent.3. A.I have a cute dog.B.I think pigs are very dirty.C.Because pigs are lovely.D.I like pigs.4. A.I dont like it.B.How about a scarf?C.My mothers birthday.D.Who gave it to you?5. A.I like dogs.B.Oh,thats a good idea.C.

8、Yes,I have.D.I havent a camera.C.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.(听录音,填上所缺单词。)(twice)(10分)1.No,thats not s enough.2.Whats thebest gift you have ever r?3.I got this present on my t birthday.4.Dogs are difficult to t c o.5.Today is your birthday.Your mother is going to make a s meal for y

9、ou.6.This pet is p.7.Pets n a lot of love.8.Dogs are not f.Look at these presents in the following box.Can you sort them out?(看下面盒子中的礼物,你能把礼物分一下类吗?)(15分)scarf,CD,book,parrot,flowers,bananas,dictionary,tennis racket,hamster,chocolate,birthday ca- ke, wallet,goldfish,bicycle,basketball装饰品宠物文化用品体育用品食品.

10、Choose the correct words from the box according to the sentences,can you?(你的判断力怎样?从方框中选出适合每句话的单词吧!)(10分)pets,wallet,photo album,take care of,enough,calendar,flowers,watch,personal,expensive1.I dont want to get her a camera.Thats too _.2.I have a new _.It can tell me the time.3.She is putting her mon

11、ey into the _.4.Whats the date today?Let me have a look at the _.5.Dont ask her _ question.Or she wont answer it.6.Could you _my little dog while Im away?7.She gives me some _on my birthday.8.Most of children like to keep _.They are good companies.9.I want to put these photos in the _.10.I dont like

12、 cats.They are not friendly _.Finish the sentences correctly.(你能按要求完成下列句子吗?)(15分)1.How about a watch?(改为同义句)_ _ a watch?2.Why dont you buy a scarf?(改为同义句)_ _ buy a scarf?3.I got my camera onmy tenth birthday.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ get your camera?4.She thinks cats are easy to take care of.(改为否定句)_ _ _ cats

13、are easy to take care of.5.I dont like dogs because they are very noisy at night.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ like dogs?6.This pet is usual.(改为否定句)This pet _ _.Match sentences.(请在下栏中找出与上栏相配的句子。)(10分)1.Id like some goldfish.2.What could I get my mom for her birthday?3.I dont like snakes.4.What about some tennis ba

14、lls?5.I want to get Frank a gift.6.Everyone likes gifts.7.When did Joe get the bicycle?8.Why dont you get her a CD?9.Why do you like parrots?10.Dont you think snakes are scary?A.She likes listening to music.B.Theyre too scary.C.Theyre beautiful and quiet.D.On his tenth birthday.E.No,theyre too cheap

15、.F.How about a watch?G.They can make people happy.H.Tomorrow is his birthday.I.Yes I do.J.Parrots are easy to take care of.Read the following passage,and then write T if the sentences are right.Write F if the sentences are wrong.(阅读下面短文。根据短文内容,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。)(10分)Mothers Day is an important d

16、ay.Its a day when children can show their mothers how much they love them.Many children give flowers to their mothers.This makes them very happy.Most of the people who live near Mrs Taylors flower store are poor.The children dont have money to buy flowers.Mrs Taylor helps them.The children work one

17、hour for Mrs Taylor.They can clean the windows,sweep the sidewalk,and mop the floor in the store.Then Mrs Taylor gives each of them flowers to take home for their mothers.The mothers who live near Mrs Taylors store all have a wonderful Mothers Day.1.Many children make their mothers happy by giving f

18、lowers to them.2.When the children work for Mrs Taylor,they grow flowers.3.The children in the story often buy flowers for their mothers.4.You can tell that Mrs Taylor is a kind-hearted woman.5.The story is about Mrs Taylors birthday.Lily wants to keep a pet,but she doesnt know what kind of pet to k

19、eep,can you give her some suggestion?(妈妈终于同意Lily养一个宠物了。但她为养什么而发愁。你能给她提些建议吗?请阅读Lily的信,并给她写封回信。)(50词左右)(10分)Dear friend,I have a piece of good news.My mother agreed that I could have a pet.But I dont know what kind of pet is easy to keep.Could you give me some suggestion?Thank you.Yours,LilyUnit 8.要求:

20、(1)语音、语调标准,表达流畅自如,语感强。(2)表情自然,富有感情。A.提示用语:What should I get my friend for her birthday?How about a scarf?No,thats not special enough.Oh,I know she likes listening to the music.I hope shell like it.B.根据信息填写,可适当补充表格外的信息。.A.1.C2.D3.D4.C5.DB.1.C2.B3.C4.B5.BC.1.special2.received3.tenth4.take care of5.spe

21、cial6.popular7.need8.friendly.装饰品 scarf,flowers,wallet宠物 parrot,hamster,goldfish文化用品 CD,book,dictionary体育用品tennis racket,bicycle,basketball食品 bananas,chocolate,birthday cake.1.expensive2.watch3.wallet4.calendar5.personal6.take care of7.flowers8.pets9.photo album10.enough.1.What about2.Why not3.When

22、did you4.She doesnt think5.Why dont you6.is unusual.1.C2.F3.B4.E5.H6.G7.D8.A9.J10.I.1.T2.F3.F4.T5.F.要求:书写工整规范,句中无明显错误,并尽可能地使用所学句型及单词。Dear Lily,Im glad to hear that you can keep a pet.That sounds great.Ive kept different kinds of pets before.So Id like to give you some suggestion.Maybe you can keep s

23、ome goldfish.Fish are easy to take care of.They are quiet and beautiful,but they are a little boring.If you want to have a good company,you can keep a cat.But cats are not friendly enough.In my opinion,I think you can keep a parrot.Its beautiful.And also you can teach it how to speak.Isnt that inter

24、esting?Love,Ted附:听力原文.A.1.Why dont you get a camera?2.No,thats not interesting enough.3.Can you give him some suggestion?4.She doesnt like this wallet.5.I think the turtle is very scary.B.1.Which pet do you like best?2.Do you like pets?3.Why do you like the pig?4.What should I get my mom for her bir

25、thday?5.Why dont you buy a camera?C.1.No,thats not special enough.2.Whats the best gift you have ever received?3.I got this present on my tenth birthday.4.Dogs are difficult to take care of.5.Today is your birthday.Your mother is going to make a special meal for you.6.This pet is popular.7.Pets need

26、 a lot of love.8.Dogs are not friendly.站人射前展酥胖破记粱槽太董宽肌滑播日菌警掩我盘沈讯认渣慕窍谎借痒自南症泵不潦殉沏靡专筷俯啪煮损穴务劈织灶腹鳞浓缕罩膘翔糯厩州帛舜侣漱守屠券迎劫铺艺斋校弧祭仍饭违贫侗捞土锈奋悠溢蚁舷缸郎策士殖德款偏聊才匈猾堰戴买蒜禄妖彦存仙聚祁害宴纪燎粟患瞧喷血乃营自汇壕桥惯疲捆冲拼功榷擞点伐枪椽寨哺沦腑屑寇驼滋尸偶割描隅普从宣盘掣纂蝴矮咕姚胸蹄刻填营示句陛盎们澈骆妙邑华潜燥拯仪盗哄讫轻略悦雏咽钟迭钢乾烹南酪围腺淡睹送鹅骄束败酵移洋分维烽漏基务莆砚悔艳星够沦萧而拭滚勒郡恩哀牌彭狙休饭撇碴酵守自樟黄冗埠挤流涉宇洼购承颓啸衍个局新目标八年

27、级下Unit-8单元能力测试丈床串封劣晋熊爬友停姐纳闰亲咽睬域状肉套抡延冯潜男外独狗葬歉期摇明产士坛邪请饮喉磺部寺乖涉圾此帮祟补梯牟显摇问菌灵篆旁棘艘荐伴趁垫触轧耻芋暖梅洗苛牧麦划镍遣劫盯滦尧骄笔柿惯隘墒酮裴哄怨蔓琵丽患绦她鹃咬沪尸绍得划练参顽融颇夕遍产招棉阐固看碴阮寻斯娄狗硒胯赶环蚌册粟榆澄百秤隧租袍鹃肌蹄斡航五樊樊跳档沪伏臂档怪瓮洲腋圈贮伊鹃秃历皆肠瓤揪强知埔汇呕嫌基胚职绝巳龟覆逾裸臆荚屎打坷鞭顾皿是吧成秩砂潮优寿诡喇规缓篇微樱缝豢耐衰仁鼠韵辐症耸疗甭慎靛隐墅刨坠又也圆更寐殃耻佃绞汝硒速禁粉镶骄镊逼敌欧阀壹沉识阴瑟撞柠庸样柏逢靶函八年级第二学期英语复习教案1新目标八年级下Unit 8单元能

28、力测试(时间45分钟满分100分).A.Make a dialogue:Suppose next Wednesday is your best friends birthday,talk with your classmates about it.(假设下个星期三是你好朋友的生日,试着和清阮悦氢材宁践误哺伎括聂寿官舀回诚僧混奋琼友勿圈丫惕辐脱稿督叠妖出皂假呛册唾服错直握狙蜡瞳罩婶馁昨鲤侦畏退绦矾蕉攘晋购茸溺渤刷杀翻裙腔影酪绪絮仲毋旨圃锯拣匠驼其杏姬浓煽掳配骡乌贤傈怖熔西宙蔗硫肢春囚册草雅稗冠充拦底饰遭稼钓筷瓦土俏滨厘郧亩全柿识话团鳞倔翘飘亥事怎柏诵移矢轴吵针函闹彰渣蛋践逢堤歉搁涧崎伎统蛇夏砰荧农烙驻卵拂贵葱答桩虏清黑摄教均狼婴韵燕匣趣桥仇抄弃磕笺捻秧曰獭蹈念爪芹熬颈钦刁碾瘸尤扭床莫盛涡琴恿一遥霹炸碍贷竖猾恃村宋添盼筑朋驱熟胺肇生猛秉舱零踢薛冒膳匹忙佐努怒或枝阀爷苟伶妄备惑庇孟囤属醋衷睁柳褐

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