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1、MIS RevisionChapter1 Growing interdependence between ability to use information technology and ability to implement corporate strategies and achieve corporate goals Business firms invest heavily in information systems to achieve six strategic business objectives:1. Operational excellence2. New produ

2、cts, services, and business models3. Customer and supplier intimacy4. Improved decision making5. Competitive advantage6. Survival利用信息技术和能力,实现公司战略和实现企业目标的能力之间日益相互依存 商业公司大量投资于信息系统,实现六个战略业务目标: 1.卓越运营 2。新产品,服务和商业模式 3.客户和供应商的亲密关系 4。改善决策 5.竞争优势 6。生存 Information system: Set of interrelated components Colle

3、ct, process, store, and distribute information Support decision making, coordination, and control Information vs。 data Data are streams of raw facts Information is data shaped into meaningful form信息系统: 设置相互关联的组成部分 收集,处理,存储和分发信息 - 支持决策,协调和控制 信息与数据 数据是原始事实流 - 信息是数据的形成有意义的形式 Three activities of informa

4、tion systems produce information organizations need1. Input: Captures raw data from organization or external environment2. Processing: Converts raw data into meaningful form3. Output: Transfers processed information to people or activities that use it信息系统的三项活动产生的信息组织需要 输入:从捕获的组织或外部环境的原始数据 处理:原始数据转换成

5、有意义的形式 输出:传输处理的信息来使用它的人或活动Information Systems Are More Than ComputersUsing information systems effectively requires an understanding of the organization, management, and information technology shaping the systems。 An information system creates value for the firm as an organizational and management s

6、olution to challenges posed by the environment.利用信息系统需要有效的组织,管理和信息技术塑造系统的理解.一个信息系统,为公司作为一个组织和管理解决方案被环境所带来的挑战创造价值。Q: Complementary Assets? In order to obtain meaningful value from information systems, organizations must support their technology investments with appropriate complementary investments i

7、n organizations and management. These complementary assets include new business models and business processes, supportive organizational culture and management behavior, appropriate technology standards, regulations, and laws。 New information technology investments are unlikely to produce high retur

8、ns unless businesses make the appropriate managerial and organizational changes to support the technology。为了从信息系统中获得有意义的价值,企业必须支持他们的技术投资,在组织和管理的适当补充投资. 这些互补性资产,包括新的业务模式和业务流程,支持组织文化和管理行为,相应的技术标准,法规和法律。 新的信息技术投资,不太可能产生高回报,除非企业做出适当的管理和组织变革,以支持该技术。Using Information Systems to Achieve Competitive Advanta

9、ge Business value chain model Views firm as series of activities that add value to products or services Highlights activities where competitive strategies can best be applied Primary activities vs。 support activities At each stage, determine how information systems can improve operational efficiency

10、 and improve customer and supplier intimacy Utilize benchmarking, industry best practices企业价值链模型 浏览次数事务所作为一系列的增值产品或服务的活动 那里的竞争策略才能最好地应用亮点活动 主要活动与辅助活动 在每个阶段,确定信息系统如何能够提高运营效率,改善客户与供应商的亲密关系 利用标杆,行业最佳实践Business Processes and Information Systems Business processes: Workflows of material, information, kno

11、wledge Sets of activities, steps May be tied to functional area or be crossfunctional Businesses: Can be seen as collection of business processes Business processes may be assets or liabilities业务流程: 的材料,信息,知识工作流程 活动组,步骤 可连接到功能区或跨功能 商家:可以看作是收集业务流程 业务流程可能是资产或负债Chapter2Types of Information Systems Tran

12、saction processing systems Perform and record daily routine transactions necessary to conduct business Examples: sales order entry, payroll, shipping Allow managers to monitor status of operations and relations with external environment Serve operational levels Serve predefined, structured goals and

13、 decision making事务处理系统 执行和记录必要进行业务的日常交易 例如:销售订单录入,工资单,发货 允许管理者监控业务,并与外部环境的关系状态 服务运营水平 预定义的服务,结构化的目标和决策 Management information systems Serve middle management Provide reports on firms current performance, based on data from TPS Provide answers to routine questions with predefined procedure for answer

14、ing them Typically have little analytic capability管理信息系统 担任中层管理人员 提供对公司目前的业绩报告的基础上,从TPS数据 解答常规问题与预定义的程序,他们回答 一般没有什么分析能力 Decision support systems Serve middle management Support nonroutine decision making Example: What is impact on production schedule if December sales doubled? Often use external inf

15、ormation as well from TPS and MIS Model driven DSS Voyage-estimating systems Data driven DSS Intrawests marketing analysis systems决策支持系统 担任中层管理人员 支持非例行决策 例如:什么是对生产计划的影响,如果月销售额增加了一倍? 经常使用外部信息以及从TPS和MIS 模型驱动的决策支持系统 航程估算系统 数据驱动的决策支持系统 Intrawest酒店的市场营销分析系统Chapter3 Business intelligence Class of software

16、 applications Analyze current and historical data to find patterns and trends and aid decision-making Used in systems that support middle and senior management Data-driven DSS Executive support systems (ESS)商业智能 软件应用类 分析当前和历史数据来发现规律和趋势,并帮助决策 用于支持中高级管理系统 数据驱动的决策支持系统 行政支持系统(ESS)Business Intelligence i

17、n the Enterprise Business intelligence Infrastructure for collecting, storing, analyzing data produced by business Databases, data warehouses, data marts Business analytics Tools and techniques for analyzing data OLAP, statistics, models, data mining Business intelligence vendors Create business int

18、elligence and analytics purchased by firms商业智能 基础设施,用于收集,存储,分析业务产生的数据 数据库,数据仓库,数据集市 业务分析 工具和技术,用于分析数据 OLAP,数据统计,模型,数据挖掘 商务智能厂商 创建商业智能和分析了企业购买Types of Information SystemsEnterprise Application ArchitectureEnterprise applications automate processes that span multiple business functions and organizatio

19、nal levels and may extend outside the organization。信息系统的类型 企业应用架构 企业应用程序自动跨越多个业务功能和组织水平,并可能延长该组织以外的进程.Management Structure for Information Systems Projects1:_Corporate strategic planning group_.2:_ IS steering committee .3:_ Project Management_ 。4:_ Project Team _信息系统项目管理架构 1:_企业战略规划GROUP_。 2:_ IS指导

20、委员会。 3:_项目Management_。 4:_项目组_Enterprise Systems Enterprise Systems Also called “enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems” Suite of integrated software modules and a common central database Collects data from many divisions of firm for use in nearly all of firms internal business activities Inform

21、ation entered in one process is immediately available for other processes企业系统 企业系统 也被称为“企业资源规划(ERP)系统”- 集成软件模块套件和一个共同的中央数据库 - 从公司的许多部门用于收集在几乎所有的公司的内部业务活动的数据 在一个过程中输入的信息,可立即用于其他进程Types of Information Systems Supply chain management (SCM) systems Manage firms relationships with suppliers Share informa

22、tion about Orders, production, inventory levels, delivery of products and services Network of organizations and processes for: Procuring raw materials Transforming them into products Distributing the products信息系统的类型 供应链管理(SCM)系统 - 管理与供应商的公司的关系 关于股票信息 订单,生产,库存水平,提供产品和服务 网络的组织和流程: 采购原材料 转化成产品 配送产品Supp

23、ly Chain Management Systems Information and supply chain management Inefficiencies cut into a companys operating costs Can waste up to 25% of operating expenses Just-intime strategy: Components arrive as they are needed Finished goods shipped after leaving assembly line Safety stock Buffer for lack

24、of flexibility in supply chain Bullwhip effectInformation about product demand gets distorted as it passes from one entity to next across supply chain供应链管理系统 信息与供应链管理 - 效率低下切成公司的运营成本 会浪费高达营运开支25 刚刚在时间策略: 在需要时到达的组件 离开装配线后,制成品运 安全库存 缓冲区缺乏供应链的灵活性 牛鞭效应 有关产品需求信息被扭曲,因为它传递从一个实体到下一个跨越供应链Types of Information

25、 Systems Customer relationship management systems: Provide information to coordinate all of the business processes that deal with customers in sales, marketing, and service to optimize revenue, customer satisfaction, and customer retention Integrate firms customerrelated processes and consolidate cu

26、stomer information from multiple communication channels信息系统的类型 客户关系管理系统: - 提供信息,以协调所有与客户打交道的销售,营销和服务的业务流程,优化收入,客户满意度和客户保留 - 整合企业的客户相关的流程,并从多个沟通渠道整合客户信息Customer Relationship Management Systems Knowing the customer In large businesses, too many customers and too many ways customers interact with firm

27、Customer relationship management (CRM) systems Capture and integrate customer data from all over the organization Consolidate and analyze customer data Distribute customer information to various systems and customer touch points across enterprise Provide single enterprise view of customers客户关系管理系统 了

28、解客户 - 在大型企业,客户太多,太多的方式与客户互动公司 客户关系管理(CRM)系统 捕获和来自全国各地的企业整合客户数据 巩固和分析客户数据 分发客户信息的各种系统和客户接触点的跨企业 为客户提供单一企业视图Types of Information Systems Knowledge management systems (KMS) Support processes for acquiring, creating, storing, distributing, applying, integrating knowledge How to create, produce, distribu

29、te products and services Collect internal knowledge and experience within firm and make it available to employees Link to external sources of knowledge信息系统的类型 知识管理系统(KMS) - 获取,创建,存储,分发,应用,整合知识支持流程 如何创建,生产,销售的产品和服务 - 收集内部知识和经验,在公司,并使其员工使用 链接到知识的外部来源Chapter9Enterprise Systems Enterprise Systems Also c

30、alled “enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems Suite of integrated software modules and a common central database Collects data from many divisions of firm for use in nearly all of firms internal business activities Information entered in one process is immediately available for other processes企业

31、系统 也被称为“企业资源规划(ERP)系统集成的软件模块套件和一个共同的中央数据库 从公司的许多部门用在几乎所有的公司的内部业务活动中收集数据 在一个过程中输入的信息,立即可用于其他进程: How do customer relationship management systems help firms achieve customer intimacy? Customer relationship management (CRM) systems integrate and automate customerfacing processes in sales, marketing, and

32、 customer service, providing an enterprisewide view of customers。 Companies can use this knowledge when they interact with customers to provide them with better service or to sell new products and services. These systems also identify profitable or nonprofitable customers or opportunities to reduce

33、the churn rate. The major customer relationship management software packages provide capabilities for both operational CRM and analytical CRM. They often include modules for managing relationships with selling partners (partner relationship management) and for employee relationship management.如何客户关系

34、管理系统帮助企业实现客户的亲密关系? 客户关系管理(CRM)系统集成和自动化面向客户的流程在销售,营销和客户服务,为客户提供的企业级视图。当他们与客户进行互动,为他们提供更好的服务或推销新产品和服务的公司可以利用这方面的知识。这些系统还找出有利可图的或非赢利性的客户或机会,以降低客户流失率。 主要的客户关系管理软件套件提供了两种操作型CRM和分析型CRM的功能.它们通常包括模块,用于管理与销售合作伙伴(合作伙伴关系管理)和员工关系管理的关系.Organizations and Information Systems Information technology and organization

35、s influence one another Complex relationship influenced by organizations Structure Business processes Politics Culture Environment, and Management decisions组织和信息系统 信息技术和组织的相互影响 - 复杂的关系,通过组织的影响 结构 业务流程 政治 文化 环境和 管理决策Organizations and Information Systems What is an organization? Technical definition:

36、Stable, formal social structure that takes resources from environment and processes them to produce outputs A formal legal entity with internal rules and procedures, as well as a social structure Behavioral definition: A collection of rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities that is del

37、icately balanced over a period of time through conflict and conflict resolution组织和信息系统 什么是组织? - 技术的定义: 稳定的,正式的社会结构,需要从资源,环境和处理它们产生的输出 一个正式的法律实体与内部规则和程序,以及一个社会结构 - 行为的定义: 的权利,特权,义务和责任的集合,是精心一段时间,通过冲突和解决冲突的平衡 Features of organizations Use of hierarchical structure Accountability, authority in system o

38、f impartial decision making Adherence to principle of efficiency Routines and business processes Organizational politics, culture, environments and structures组织特点 采用层次结构 问责,权力公正决策系统 坚持效率原则 程序和业务流程 组织政治,文化,环境和结构Using Information Systems to Achieve Competitive Advantage Why do some firms become leader

39、s in their industry? Michael Porters competitive forces model Provides general view of firm, its competitors, and environment Five competitive forces shape fate of firm1. Traditional competitors 2. New market entrants 3. Substitute products and services4. Customers5. Suppliers利用信息系统获得竞争优势 为什么有的企业成为其

40、所在行业的领导者? 迈克尔波特的竞争力模型 - 提供公司,它的竞争对手,以及环境的一般看法 坚定的五种竞争力量塑造命运 1,传统的竞争对手 2,新的市场进入者 3,替代产品和服务 4。客户 5,供应商PORTERS COMPETITIVE FORCES MODELIn Porters competitive forces model, the strategic position of the firm and its strategies are determined not only by competition with its traditional direct competitor

41、s but also by four other forces in the industrys environment: new market entrants, substitute products, customers, and suppliers.新的市场进入者,替代产品,客户和供应商:在波特的竞争力模型,该公司及其战略中的战略地位不仅受到其传统的直接竞争对手竞争,同时也被其他四大势力在行业中的环境所决定的。 Four generic strategies for dealing with competitive forces, enabled by using IT Lowcost

42、 leadership Product differentiation Focus on market niche Strengthen customer and supplier intimacy为应对竞争力量四种通用的策略,通过使用它启用 低成本的领导 产品差异化 专注于利基市场 加强客户和供应商的亲密关系Chapter10Ecommerce and the Internet Why ecommerce is different 8 unique features1.Ubiquity Internet/Web technology available everywhere: work, h

43、ome, etc., anytime. 3. Global reach The technology reaches across national boundaries, around Earth4. Universal standards One set of technology standards: Internet standards5. Richness Supports video, audio, and text messages电子商务和互联网 为什么电子商务是不同的 8独特的功能 1,无处不在 互联网/ Web技术随处可见:工作,家庭等等,随时随地。 3,全球覆盖 该技术达

44、到跨越国界,地球绕 4,通用标准 一组技术标准:互联网标准 5,丰富度 支持视频,音频和文本消息 8 unique features (cont。)5. Interactivity The technology works through interaction with the user6. Information density Large increases in information densitythe total amount and quality of information available to all market participants7. Personaliza

45、tion/Customization Technology permits modification of messages, goods8. Social technology The technology promotes user content generation and social networking 8个独特的功能(续) 5,互动性 该技术的工作原理,通过与用户的交互 6,信息密度 大增加信息密度,总量和信息提供给所有市场参与者的质量 7,个性化/定制 技术允许的邮件,货物的修改 8,社会技术 该技术促进用户生成内容和社交网络E-commerce: Business and

46、Technology Types of e-commerce Businesstoconsumer (B2C) Businesstobusiness (B2B) Consumertoconsumer (C2C) Mobile commerce (m-commerce)电子商务:商业与技术 电子商务的类型 企业对消费者(B2C) 企业对企业(B2B) 消费者对消费者(C2C) 移动商务(m商务) E-commerce revenue models1. Advertising 2. Sales 3. Subscription4. Free/Freemium5. Transaction Fee 6. Affiliate电子商务的收入模式 广告 销售 订阅

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