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1、总复习要点1一 句子汇总 1。 否定句标志:not, no, nt,“不”。肯定句例句否定句例句一些someI have some books。 我有一些书。anyI dont have any books.我没有一些书。也tooI like orange, too.我也喜欢橘子eitherI dont like orange, either。我不喜欢橘子.和andYou should shake hands and say “Hello.你应该握手和打招呼。orYou shouldnt push or run. 你不应该推挤和跑.2. 特殊疑问句必用疑问词。疑问词:what什么, who谁,

2、 whose谁的, which哪个, when什么时候, why为什么, where哪里, how怎样, how often多常, how long多长, how far多远, how old多少岁,how many多少, how much多少钱。3. 一般疑问句Be(Am/Is/Are/Was/Were ? )肯定回答:Yes, is/are/was/were.否定回答:No, isnt/arent/wasnt/werent.如:1. -Was there a subway 50 years ago?50年前有地铁吗?-Yes, there was。是的,有.-No, there wasnt

3、。不,没有。2. - Am I wrong?我错了吗?肯定回答:-Yes, you are。 否定回答:No, you arent。-Do/Does/Did ? 肯定回答:Yes, do/does/did。否定回答:No, dont/doesnt/didnt。如:Did you find something?你找到什么东西了吗?Yes, I did。是的,我找到了。-No, I didnt.不,我没找到。Can/Could/Will/Would/Shall/Should/Must/May?肯定回答:Yes, . can / could/will/would/shall/ should/must

4、/may.否定回答:No, cant / couldnt/ wont/wouldnt/shant/ shouldnt /neednt/ mustnt。如:Can we talk to Grandma?我们能和奶奶说话吗?-Yes, we can。是的,我们能. -No, we cant。不,我们不能。4。 反义疑问句前肯定,后否定.例:He can swim, cant he?前否定,后肯定。例:He cant swim, can he?二. 语法汇总名词可数名词单数a + 辅音字母或发音 an+元音字母(a,e,i,o,u)或元音发音a boy; a girlan hour; an appl

5、e复数直接加sdesk-desks, day-days以s, x, ch, sh,结尾,加esbus-buses; boxboxes, watch-watches; fish-fishes 以辅音字母+y结尾,把y改I,再加esparty-parties; familyfamilies以辅音字母+o结尾,加espotatopotatoes; tomato-tomatoes例外:photophotos; piano-pianos。以f, fe结尾,把f, fe改v,再加esknife-knives; life-lives不规则变化childchildren; manmen; woman wome

6、n; foot-feet; goose-geese(鹅); toothteeth; mousemice(老鼠);peoplepeople人; 不可数名词不能按个数来计算的名词。没有复数。如:money, time;液体:water; coffee; juice.;细碎的东西:hair,第一人称 第二人称 第三人称单数复数单数复数单 数复 数人称代词主格I我we 我们you你you你们he他 she她 it它they 他们宾格me 我us我们you你you你们him他 her 她 it 它them 他们物主代词形容词性my 我的our我们的your 你的your 你们的his 他的 her 她的

7、 its 它的their 他们的名词性mine我的ours我们的yours你的yours你们的his 他的 hers 她的its 它的theirs 他们的反身代词myself我自己ourselves我们自己yourself你自己yourselves你们自己himself他自己herself她自己itself它自己themselves他们自己用法:1. 人称代词的主格在句中作主语,宾格在句中作宾语.主语是句中描述的人或物,放在动此前;宾语是动词或介词所指向的对象,放在动词或介词后如:I am learning English。 (作主语) 我在学习英语。We are waiting for th

8、em。 (作宾语) 我们在等他们.2。 形容词性物主代词+名词,名词性物主代词不加名词.形容词性物主代词+名词=名词性物主代词.如:My father is a teacher。 (my是形容词性物主代词,后面必加名词) 我的爸爸是老师.This is my homework。 That is yours. ( yours是名词性物主代词,后面不加名词,等于“your homework”。) 这是我的作业。那是你的(作业)。3. by+反身代词 意思是“亲自,独自”。如:I do my homework by myself. 我独自做作业。4. “某人的用“s” ,表示所属关系。如:汤姆的-T

9、oms, 我妈妈的my mothers。用法如下名词所有格(名词后加s 表示所属关系)单数名词直接加sthe boys schoolbag 男孩的书包 my fathers watch我爸爸的手表复数名词已有s, 加the boys schoolbags男孩们的书包 the teachers office老师们的办公室复数名词没有s, 加sWomens Day妇女节 Childrens Day儿童节几个人共有一样东西,只需在最后一个人后加sJim and Toms bedroom 吉姆和汤姆的房间 (两人共有)各自拥有的东西,每个人后都要加sJims and Toms bike (吉姆和汤姆的

10、自行车) (各自都有)连词用法意思例句and并列关系和I brought sweet and sour pork. 我买了酸甜猪肉。but转折关系但是Mary likes spicy food but she doesnt like sour food.玛丽喜欢辣食但不喜欢酸食。so因果关系所以I like vegetables so I brought vegetable soup。我喜欢蔬菜所以我带来了蔬菜汤。because因果关系因为I brought 4 apples because I like eating apples.or选择关系或者I need some water or j

11、uice.我需要一些水或果汁.介词(at, on, in, to, of, from, about, for, after, before, up, down, under, near, between, by, over,out,off, with)后加n。 或v-ing.1. at 的固定搭配at first首先at last最后,at the weekend在周末,at the top of在顶部, look at看着, at school在学校, at home在家,at Christmas在圣诞节,at war在战争中,at+具体时刻(at 11:00在11点), 2。on的固定搭配

12、on holiday在度假, on duty在值日, on foot 步行,on time准时, put on穿上, turn on开(灯,电视,电脑),on the earth在地球上, on the left/right在左/右边,get on上车,hold on请稍等, 3。in的固定搭配in time及时, in the morning/afternoon/evening在早上/下午/晚上, in the past/future在过去/未来, in English用英语, in bed在床上,in the end最后, in this way用这种方法, in +地点(in Shenz

13、hen在深圳), in+月份(in May在五月),in+季节(in summer在夏天),in space在太空里 4. to的固定搭配be going to将, go to去, listen to听, talk to向说话, near to靠近, come to来, write to写信给, fromto从到, walk to走路去, the way to去的路, taketo带到, giveto给, have to不得不,addto添加到三。 时态汇总时态时间词谓语构成概念动词变化规则一般过去时ago以前, yesterday昨天, last上一个的, just now刚才, one d

14、ay(过去的)某天, in+过去的时间( in 2008在2008年), this morning/ afternoon今天上午/下午动词过去式过去发生的动作或存在的状态;如: She finished her homework last night.直接加ed:playplayed以e结尾,直接加d:like-liked以辅音字母+y结尾,把y改i加ed:study-studied以重读闭音节单个辅音字母结尾,双写辅音字母+ed:stop-stopped一般现在时always一直,usually通常, often经常, sometimes有时, never从不,every每,seldom很少

15、,once一次动词原形第三人称单数形式(主语是第三人称单数)经常性或习惯性动作或状态;如:I finish my homework every afternoon.普遍真理、客观事实等。如:The Earth goes around the Sun。 (地球绕太阳转.)直接加s: like-likes以辅音字母+y结尾,把y改i加es: study-studies以辅音字母+o结尾,加es:gogoes以s, sh, ch, x等结尾,加es: watch-watches不规则变化have和be动词:have-has; be- am /is /are 一般将来时tomorrow, next下一

16、个的,in the future,one day/someday (未来的)某天will+动词原形be going to +动词原形即将要发生的动作或存在的状态.如:Im going to have a picnic tomorrow。现在进行时now=at this moment= right now现在,Look! Listen!be(am,is,are)+v。ing现在分词形式现在或现阶段正在进行的动作或存在的状态。如:Im doing my homework now。直接加ing。 :go-going以不发音的e结尾,去e再加ing:come-coming以重读闭音节单个辅音字母结尾,

17、双写辅音字母再加ing:getgetting以ie结尾的重读闭音节结尾,把ie变y, 再加ing.过去进行时at +时刻+过去时间was/were +V-ing过去某一阶段正在进行的动作或存在的状态。如:I was doing my homework at 7:00 last night。四。 短语或句子的固定搭配1. Its time for sth./ Its time to do sth. 是时候/该干某事。如:Its time for bed. = Its time to go to bed. 该睡觉啦。2. need sth。/ need to do sth. 需要某物/需要做某事。

18、如:I need a dictionary。我需要一本字典. I need to buy a dictionary。 我需要买一本字典.3. want sth。= would like sth。 想要某物如: I want a book。= I would like a book. 我想要一本书。4. want to do sth。= would like to do sth. 如:I want to buy a book。= I would like to buy a book。我想要买一本书.5。 Lets do sth.一起干某事。如:Lets go shoping.一起去购物吧!6。

19、be good for=be not bad for.。对有益如:Meat is good for you。= Meat is not bad for you。 肉对你有益.7。 be bad for=be not good for.。对无益如:Too much sugar is bad for your body。 = Too much sugar is not good for your body。太多糖对你身体无益。8. be bad to=be not good to。.对不好如:Her mother and sisters are not good to her。= Her moth

20、er and sisters are bad to her.她的妈妈和姐姐对她不好9. be good at擅长如:Im good at English。我擅长英语。10. a lot of= lots of很多如:You should eat a lot of vegetables.= You should eat lots of vegetables。你应该吃很多蔬菜。11。 be careful about小心如:You should be careful about the amount you eat. 你要小心你吃的数量。12。 Congratulations to sb. 祝贺某

21、人如:Congratulations to you!祝贺你!13。 far from=not near to.离远如:The sun is far from the Earth。= The sun is not near to the Earth.太阳离地球远。14。 be like像如:The moon is like a balloon。月亮像一个气球。15。 like to do sth。喜欢干某事如:I like to exercise. 我喜欢运动.16。 do ones best尽某人最大的努力如:Lets do our best.让我们尽最大的努力!17. be made from由制作如:Chocolate is made from cocoa。巧克力由可可粉制作的。18。 in front of 在前面如:The bus stop is in front of the playground。公交站在操场前面.19。 have a 如:have a picnic去野餐, have a fever发烧, have a headache头痛 have a nice day过得愉快

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