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1、新概念二册课课练答案(1-96课)精品文档Lesson 1 A private conversationKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. bear 2. enjoyed3. go to the theatre4. get, angry5. Turn round6. pay attentionPart II1.in the end 2. an interesting play3. to get a good seat4. private use 5. none of your business6. speak so rudely7. behind Tom语法部分Pa

2、rt I1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.APart II1.different 2.went3. was leaving4.won 5.was watching 6. silentLesson 2 Breakfast or lunchKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. stayed in bed 2. thought 3. has breakfast4. repeat 5. ring6. arrived 7. looked outPart II1. until lunchtime 2. on Sundays3. by train4. Dear me 5.

3、 got up语法部分Part I1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B Part II1. depends 2. Are; doing3. How carefully4. am typing 5. practices Lesson 3 Please send me a cardKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. made a decision 2. spent 3. lent4. sent5. spoilPart II1. the whole day 2. a single point3. friendly to visitors4. in public

4、 places 5. taught my children not to 6. went to Hainan 7. visited my aunt语法部分Part I1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. BPart II1. read 2. made 3. borrowed4. watched 5. bought 6. offered Lesson 4 An exciting tripKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. abroad 2. A great number of 3. in the center of4. different5. exc

5、itingPart II1. fly to the moon 2. have received many letters3. work for4. has been to the zoo 5. has gone to live语法部分Part I1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. D Part II1. Have, been 2. have learned3. have become4. impossible 5. lying Lesson 5 No wrong numbersKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. other 2. A great

6、many 3. service4. in this way5. Up to now6. only five miles from7. distance 8. spare Part II1. get a telephone 2. covered a lot of ground3. his request4. your telephone message 5. the other语法部分Part I1. D 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. APart II1. swam; lived 2. played3. have collected4. has been 5. has studi

7、ed; was Lesson 6 Percy ButtonsKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. called at 2. ask for3. move to4. went away 5. stand on his head 6. knock atPart II1. In return for this 2. ask his parents for3. put the cap4. once a month 5. in the street语法部分Part I1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C Part II1. a; the 2. /; the3. a4

8、. has 5. /; /; / Lesson 7 Too lateKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. at the door 2. To my surprise 3. at the airport4. a few hours earlier 5. all morning 6. a valuable parcel of diamondsPart II1. tried to thank them 2. keep guard 3. is full of4. took it off the shelf语法部分Part I1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A P

9、art II1. was traveling 2. was starting3. was going4. wanted; was sitting 5. got Lesson 8 The best and the worstKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. over a pool 2. Each year3. competition4. Nearly 5. in my townPart II1. enter for 2. win the first prize3. in the town4. More and more people语法部分Part I1. B 2.

10、 A 3. C 4. B 5. B Part II1. better 2. more3. the hardest; more4. less 5. more interesting Lesson 9 A cold welcomeKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. gathered 2. welcomed 3. shouted 4. looked at5. strucktwelve6. refused to 7. began toPart II1. a large crowd of people 2. at two minutes past twelve3. recei

11、ve a cold welcome 4. at that moment 5. in twenty minutestime语法部分Part I1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B Part II1. in 2. on; on3. until4. during 5. at 6. at 7. past Lesson 10 Not for prizeKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. was damaged 2. tried to3. was shocked4. play jazz on 5. belongs toPart II1. an old an

12、d young musical instrument 2. the clavichord3. is made in Shanghai 4. in the living room 5. be allowed to express语法部分Part I1. D 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. BPart II1. was answered 2. be handed3. is spent4. is being repaired 5. aunts Lesson 11 One good turn deserves anotherKey to the exercise词汇部分Part

13、 I1. borrow; from 2. gets a good salary 3. pay; back4. worked in 5. deserved Part II1. To my surprise 2. immediately 3. paid for; paid thirty dollars for4. lend me your dictionary 5. gave my friend a present语法部分Part I1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. B Part II1. came; became 2. was killed; was walking 3.

14、has done4. lend 5. paid for Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luckKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. important 2. many times3. plenty of4. famous 5. neighborPart II1. sail from 2. at the harbor3. set out4. sailed across 5. say goodbye to 6. take part in 7. are proud of语法部分Part I1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. B Part I

15、I1. will miss 2. permits; will go3. reach; will ring4. will be 5. will come Lesson 13 The Greenwood BoysKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. will be arriving 2. have a difficult time3. tried to4. will be staying 5. keep orderPart II1. a group of 2. At present3. by train 4. Most of the young people 5. as

16、usual 6. On these occasions 7. all parts of the country语法部分Part I1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D Part II1. will be lying 2. willfit3. will go4. will be giving 5. am leaving; will finish; leaveLesson 14 Do you speak English?Key to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. waved to 2. says good morning to3. drove on to

17、4. asked; for a lift 5. got intoPart II1. amusing 2. in the south of France3. On the way4. as soon as 5. in the same language 6. Apart from 7. not; at all 8. Neither of us语法部分Part I1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. BPart II1. Chinese 2. opened; looked at; died3. met; hadnt seen4. had learned 5. arriv

18、ed; workedLesson 15 Good newsKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. went into 2. look up3. entering4. could not afford to 5. interruptPart II1. my turn to speak 2. in a weak voice 3. an extra thousand pounds a year4. feel good 5. that he had worked语法部分Part I1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A Part II1. had joined 2.

19、would come3. said4. would see 5. Give 6. angryLesson 16 A polite requestKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. street signs 2. during a holiday3. No Parking4. in the wrong place 5. politePart II1. This does not always happen 2. to welcome you to our city 3. Pay attention to4. fail to plan 5. A friendly rem

20、inder语法部分Part I1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D Part II1. will buy 2. dont go3. wont be4. fail; will let 5. doesnt rain Lesson 17 Always youngKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. A girl of seventeen 2. In spite of this3. on the stage4. as a young girl 5. at least 6. thirty-five years oldPart II1. take part in th

21、e program 2. be grown up3. appears on the sky4. have to 5. in a tight black dress语法部分Part I1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C Part II1. must 2. Can, might3. mustnt, may4. might 5. can, cant have thrownLesson 18 He often does this!Key to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. have a good meal 2. took; into the garden 3. gav

22、e; back to4. look for 5. pay the billPart II1 had left his wallet on 2. In a few minutes3. he often returned with4. it wasnt there 5. have you got语法部分Part I1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C Part II1. have been 2. have had3. had; had4. have 5. has hadLesson 19 Sold outKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. was sold

23、out 2. exclaimed3. go back to4. returned 5. hurried toPart II1. Its a great pity 2. might as well3. at any moment4. hurry to 5. at once语法部分Part I1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D Part II1. should have visited 2. May; use3. may be4. couldnt have gone 5. Can, buyLesson 20 One man in a boatKey to the exercise词汇

24、部分Part I1. whole mornings 2. boots3. rubbish4. waste 5. fishermenPart II1. doesnt worry me 2. instead of3. or even 4. give up 5. should realize 6. at all语法部分Part I1. D 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A Part II1. Collecting 2. crying3. traveling4. speaking 5. making Lesson 21 Mad or notKey to the exercise词汇部分Part

25、I1. was determined to 2. drove, away from3. knock down4. came into use 5. drove, madPart II1. An aeroplane 2. a large sum of money3. go mad4. night and day 5. is probably语法部分Part I1. C 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. APart II1. added 2. holding3. parked4. increasing 5. cannot be used 6. have been leftLesson

26、22 A glass envelopeKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. received a letter 2. think of3. dream of4. travel across 5. decided toPart II1. of her own age 2. with my name and address on it3. write to4. each other语法部分Part I1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D Part II1. will recover 2. will be3. was resting 4. were fightingLes

27、son 23 A new houseKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. get a surprise 2. stayed with3. had a letter4. completed 5. looks strange toPart II1. in the country 2. There is3. work on it4. in the district 5. strange to语法部分Part I1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. BPart II1. had waited 2. come3. is, doing, is attending4. is

28、 5. may/ might beLesson 24 It could be worseKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. started to 2. complained about3. said to4. could do nothing5. containPart II1. had left, in my room 2. upset3. sympathetic4. a knock at the door5. There is语法部分Part I1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. APart II1. was robbed 2. had been fi

29、nished3. will have been completed4. are not allowed5. was killedLesson 25 Do they speak English?Key to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. several times 2. like that3. each other4. as well5. At lastPart II1. not only, but also 2. neither, nor3. wonder4. arrived in5. the way to语法部分Part I1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D Part

30、 II1. so 2. but3. but 4. but, soLesson 26 The best art criticsKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. noticed 2. came into3. appreciate4. pretend 5. hungPart II1. pretty 2. in the same way that3. critically4. upside down 5. for a moment语法部分Part I1. A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. C7. D8. CPart II1. whether 2. what

31、3. that 4. that 5. whetherLesson 27 A wet nightKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. hurried 2. creep into3. slept soundly4. woke up 5. put up 6. put outPart II1. late in the afternoon 2. winds its way acros3. in the middle of4. leapt out of语法部分Part I1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D Part II1. turned; went 2. was

32、reading3. had finished; went4. was doing; was cooking 5. had goneLesson 28 No parkingKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. turn to 2. was able to3. put up4. have effect 5. had trouble withPart II1. rare 2. because of3. Over the gate4. believes in; believes in 5. One of语法部分Part I1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A Pa

33、rt II1. that 2. that 3. whom4. who 5. what, whatLesson 29 TaxiKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. take 2. refused 3. deserted4. land 5. FlyPart II1. lonely 2. car park3. On another occasion4. on snow5. a block of flats语法部分Part I1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B Part II1. what 2. that3. whether4. visited5. havent

34、 seen, graduatedLesson 30 Football or poloKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. were thrown to 2. cut across3. Call out4. turn to5. had run awayPart II1. like 2. on fine afternoons3. as usual4. towards5. a passing boat 6. so, that 7. nearly 8. in sight语法部分Part I1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D Part II1. had told

35、2. The 3. that4. that 5. someLesson 31 Success storyKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. the long road to success 2. her hard early years 3. a small workshop4. a very large business company 5. the head of Part II1. retires 2. at that time 3. used to 4. In his twenties 5. make spare parts 6. want me to re

36、pair 7. saved money语法部分Part I1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A Part II1. was, had played 2. entered3. were you doing4. when 5. that 6. AsLesson 32 Shopping made easyKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. find out 2. was arrested3. wrap, up4. hand, to 5. walked out ofPart II1. not as honest as 2. fewer, than 3. arti

37、cles4. take the parcel 5. shop assistant 6. once a week 语法部分Part I1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. DPart II1. to attend 2. more expensive3. earliest4. who 5. rode, was Lesson 33 Out of the darknessKey to the exercise词汇部分Part I1. were caught in 2. struggled 3. struck4. set out 5. wake up6. cover a distance ofPart II1.have been caught 2. back at the hotel 3. during the war4. two years later 5. jumping from the window

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