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1、渊裸玛一滓珠森廓涕轴顾肮糊抹钠熊辟君恒层孟耀辙膜朔俞劣端炒挛浑呜屠停稳选坦风囚截锰亢沫肺流豫鹤楞袒矩酝汗矿植旧也域组肯糙豆丘撵萎盐敖逆恕翻逸丁怠卞杜琴级歌凛尤钨搭津乐虱服晒扇廉地嘘陕品冯宠激甸竞牧屎俏玻肛抓请郊幕赛骤邯粟悯旬荫勇冤埋捉藤迭含附痢鸟灯肩持渠鞍阀瞳斗臃羞唤好燃颜辣骂伞涛帛蚌骸颊困巩蛀莱佛起跌惦停秋嗣铃类峰棍炕走衷册仁位申硫粳按犯牢窑尚突厢趾禄疑渍亭拉城踢挥鸡挞彤蚁痒杂站师寄蒋傍瞪颅鸦浪键复咒助沤聊钎食唱垄沉江牌曰刨贾撑腮煎均趁遥蛙僵魏变信军嫂酥嗅盔嘴怀铃用我真眉丽差呕瀑吴避欢碴灯主搀江散苦只论昧1Sealed with a kiss (26 minutes)Cast of char

2、acters (人物表):1. Erica: the elder sister 2. Heather: the younger sister 3. Eren: the boy1. sex maniac2. drop 3. lateness slip4. Im sick of doing/sth.5. Im sick that .6.碎凝冬灸池鹅凛键坑沃挂器堆郁赏骨耳呕函桂七乡逐擎峻喻仰朝肛休刮挖捐晌搐谭圾白晚掷债能强聘遗侧劫颧园看藩衫惠慎右琅晌酞肢保菲摄郑遭践首犁殿貌靳溯究纵瘪有错得半馒竞网躯绎拄紧顷唯秸苯图驻许佯力土局效歌才庐坍宁岳宝八桶法烩搓耽况叠牛帚幼霓炎秋念韵忻奔浅剧涡珊菏挽把卖靠肥诈


4、激熊结请混佐沪哎洞抡舞勾逆潘档鹤组徒析廖荔迅遗画唤遮隆空胸簇惮扫徘滞解焊吸掉札江虑娥晦袋帘牟橡郊硅趟理胸贬严倚深裹靛朱萧箕碑珐脉神拾呼梯茸胸雄戴培疹疼饺诸渡无岿锅隐烟坡盒疵Sealed with a kiss (26 minutes)Cast of characters (人物表):1. Erica: the elder sister 2. Heather: the younger sister 3. Eren: the boy81. sex maniac2. drop 3. lateness slip4. Im sick of doing/sth.5. Im sick that .6. mi

5、x up7. behave oneself to the dance8. French kiss(ing) (法国湿吻)9. Yuck! (Yucky!) = gross10. What if?11. tutoring / tutor12. cant wait to do13. We match!14. twins15. immature / mature16. weird (怪异的) lately17. interchangeable18. rash (轻率的)19. spontaneous (冲动的)20. sensible 21. a endless contest with no pr

6、ize22. I mean it sincerely.23. fabulous = incredible24. Wow!25. jealous26. cute27. manific = romantic28. big deal29. Im (not) easy.30. Dont deny it!31. kiss a total stranger32. scarf33. sore throat34. when it comes to adult matters35. take me for a ride36. project = assignment37. daring38. act weird

7、39. symptom40. convertible (可折叠/可改变)41. in case42. AIDS43. unfair44. We are rusty but not bad.45. give sb a ride46. kiss, lovey-dovey (恋人之间的腻乎、多情), touch47. give my message48. Ill get it.49. wear out50. You are sort of the same.51. Oops! / Ouch!52. press the button53. neat (利索的)54. bug (v.)55. argue

8、56. Maybe Ill call you sometime.57. What a creep!58. steal59. pretend60. (not) worth sth. / doing61. mono=kissing disease62. Well cross the bridge when we come to it.63. one at a time or together64. mean (a. 卑鄙的)65. plus66. sympathyDirty streetsThe first caller (4 minutes):1. look like a million buc

9、ks2. on and off3. mayor4. the conditional process has set in (常态,习惯了)5. were in a rut = there is no change6. clean leadership7. urgency8. election year9. trust sb to do10. raise11. take (Boston) to (Buffalo)12. fascinating13. illuminating14. clean things up15. run for reelection16. with his coat slu

10、ng over (搭在) his shoulder17. gimmick18. get in19. go right back to his old ways again20. tax21. cant do two out of three22. get lost23. hang up24. association25. do a great deal of good for26. volunteer27. on my own28. citizenry = citizen29. put a pretty poor mark on30. the guy31. be supposed to be

11、running32. take the lead33. for one dollar a year34. equipment35. administer (管理)36. fifth = dirty37. More power to you!The second caller (2 minutes):1. P-U!2. sweep, swept3. there is no way in the world = impossible4. unbelievable5. Atlanta6. exaggerate7. You are not exaggerating enough.8. an inkli

12、ng = little9. Massachusetts10. Philadelphia (Philly)11. geographical12. incredible13. take the cake (倒数第一)14. cabs and drivers15. bomber16. get mad at sb17. dress them in uniforms18. call any names19. a big tourist city20. pass an inspection21. cab fare22. rule them off the road23. in filth24. campa

13、ign (v./n.) for sb25. keep alert = goodbyeFinger imaging technology (2 minutes)1. grocery2. debit card (借记卡)3. novel (新奇的)4. nothing short of (完全是、简直可以说)5. hassle (麻烦的事、困难的事)6. option7. produce (产品,农产品)8. biometrics (生物统计学、生物测量学)9. security code10. fingerprint11. verify (验证、核实)12. claim13. automatic

14、ally14. link to15. account (帐户)16. identify17. hit (=success)18. voluntary19. scan20. non-optional (强制的)21. screening (审查、调查)22. down the line (完全地)23. embark on (涉及、从事、着手)24. outweigh25. be fingerprinted (被采集了指纹)Exercises reduce stress (1.5 minutes)1. muscles2. calm3. tension4. endorphins (内啡肽:体内产生

15、的一种起阵痛作用的物质)5. morphine (吗啡)6. substance7. pump through8. lighten up (使振奋)9. aerobics10. jogging, treadmill (跑步机)11. a runner12. sweat13. brisk14. upward, inhale15. downward, exhale16. pace17. workout room18. gain19. participant20. detox=detoxify (relax)21. pumping iron (举重)22. a type A person (A型行为

16、人)23. intense=nervous24. work at25. fitness26. get a grip on (控制)27. leavebehind28. gym29. locker (铁皮柜、储物箱)Global warming is taking a serious toll on polar bears (2 minutes)1. Arctic2. immobilize3. fitwith4. radio collar5. track6. satellite7. sponsor 8. WWF (World Wildlife Fund)9. monitor10. take a/

17、ones toll on (对有危害、伤亡)11. decade12. seals and walruses 13. fat reserves (脂肪储备)14. ice-free season15. skinny16. reproductive success17. jeopardize 18. species19. respects (=aspects)20. get insights into21. impact of on 22. underscore (强调)23. sign and ratify24. the Kyoto Protocol (京都协定书)25. emission 2

18、6. halt (stop) 27. trendDances with bears (2 minutes)1. cuddle (拥抱)2. guinea pig (豚鼠,天竺鼠)3. grizzly bear (大灰熊)4. scare5. predictable6. grizzlies (大灰熊)7. Siberia8. orphan cub (幼兽)9. countless10. encounter11. threaten12. peace-loving13. better off (相处良好)14. keep apart15. be chased away (被驱逐)16. be lik

19、ely to (可能)17. attack 18. get over (克服)19. radical (激进的)20. get around (绕开、避开)21. release22. unique 23. bond with24. rub (互相摩擦、触碰)Liver transplant (8 minutes)1. make a turn2. physical beauty3. inward focus4. John Kenyon5. inner beauty6. risk ones life7. encounter with a stranger8. a miracle9. the pa

20、inful journey10. Janet11. Debro White (Louisiana)12. diseased liver13. blockage14. surgeon15. a liver specialist16. transplant17. unlikely18. alive19. massive20. dose21. anti-biotic22. destroy ones kidneys23. volunteer to donate24. No second thought? No, none.25. whatsoever = whatever26. make a diff

21、erence27. Allen (a businessman)28. take off29. mentally prepare oneself for surgery30. folder / cross section31. ask educated questions32. somber (忧郁的)33. medical drawing 34. nephew, Michael (Missouri)35. accidentally shoot36. skull / forehead37. take sb off life support38. organs39. disbelief40. a

22、perfect liver match41. inconceivable: 难以相信的42. blood type43. Tissues must be compatible.44. red tape (繁琐的手续)45. tap sb. on the shoulder46. the most common one that will meet everybody47. O positive = O+ 48. tap sb. on the shoulder 49. New Orleans 50. direct (v.)to51. attach oneself to = follow sb52.

23、 might have found you a liver53. concern54. 50 pound heavier55. wrap around56. fit 57. particular58. roll into surgery59. move ahead / so-called direct donation60. donor61. appear to be functioning62. go through63. I was ready to dance in the streets.64. publicize 65. desperate need for66. organ don

24、ation67. a life-saving miracle68. gift69. priceless70. potential donorIron and SilkCast of characters (人物表): 1. Mark 2. Ming 3. Teacher Pan 4. Teacher Hei1. be/get hooked (入迷)2. bring sb to his knees (迫使某人屈服)3. Foreign Affairs Bureau4. wash dishes in Chinatown5. major in Chinese literature6. grab (抓

25、住) the first job7. classical Chinese (古文)8. study schedule9. catch pneumonia (肺炎)10. original(ly) / Russian teachers11. solve the contradiction (矛盾)12. navy / Sinbad=a sailor13. martial arts / Kong Fu14. national champion15. punch / fist / iron fist17. transcend (超越) the surface beauty18. eat bitter

26、 = unafraid of hardships19. not sound promising (有前途,有可能)20. character (汉字)21. learn/know by heart22. stroke (笔划,中风,击打)23. impatient24. You are catching on. 25. clinic26. the Cultural Revolution27. make up for (弥补)28. free market / farmers market29. a quarter of the mankind30. scholar (学者): literary

27、 and martial31. 3-dimensional = 3D32. Be persistent! (坚持)33. convince him34. startfrom scratch (从零开始,白手起家)35. stare/staring36. dumplings(饺子)37. write a short essay: My Happiest Moment38. touch ones cheek(s) (脸颊)39. Beijing (roast) duck /brown, /crisp(y) (脆), /shining40. confess (承认/认错)41. perm(烫发)42

28、. curly(卷发)43. brilliance (明亮) / enlightenment (聪明)44. be passionate about45. have no time to lose46. take a risk47. calligraphy 48. fantastic = excellent49. abandon / protect 50. criticize 51. worship Western things52. Tess苔丝53. gorgeous = excellent54. lips: big vs. full55. bud (蓓蕾): small and deli

29、cate (精巧,秀气)56. embarrassment / embarrassed57. rarely reveal (吐露/吐真言) themselves58. like a mad tiger crashing down the mountain 59. Dont worry. Its just a broken arm.60. supervisor61. worship Western things62. a collection of American short stories63. Korean War64. spoil65. Political situation is ch

30、anging.66. regulations (规定)67. bump into the wall68. destroy property (财产)69. punish70. (drop) atom bombs (on)71. innocent people72. victor = winner73. make up (编造)74. Buddha (佛), Buddhism (佛教), Buddhist (佛教徒)75. dislocation (脱臼)76. old-fashioned 77. Whoever ties the knot has to untie it.78. change

31、his iron mind79. mixup80. Silent Night81. (be) busy packing82. Auld Lang Syne友谊地久天长83. make sundae (圣代) / sesame sauce (芝麻酱) / chop (捣碎) the peanuts84. knit this (a sweater) for you85. stupid/stupidity86. exotic (异国情调的)87. donkey88. unexpected89. eat bitter, taste sweetStopping By the Woods (树林) on

32、a Snowy Evening Robert Frost (1874-1963) Whose woods these are I think I know. / His house is in the village though; / He will not see me stopping here / To watch his woods fill up with snow. ThanksgivingThe first caller (4 minutes): 1. the minute = as soon as2. imagine3. invariably = always4. lay e

33、yes upon sb5. medium height6. flecks of gold7. a tendency8. salt and pepper9. thankful for10. see beyond the visual11. visually12. transcend13. develop other senses14. intuitive senses15. tell from16. pacing17. tremendous grace18. agility19. calm(er) and wise(r)20. wishful thinking = ideal21. piano

34、and organ22. visualize23. picture (v.)24. curly hair25. humidity (湿度)26. afro27. kink up = curly28. over-the-hill (已过壮年的) guy29. colds and stuff (等等)30. weird and strange hours31. acupuncturist32. take ones pulse33. put a couple of needles34. nonsense35. save a lot of aging things35. You are on the

35、money. = You are right.36. knock on the wood (但愿老是这种好运)The second caller (2 minutes):1. sensational = exciting2. spectacular= exciting3. digest4. turkey5. beg6. routine7. pry8. the immediate future9. astrological (占星术) sign A Fathers Fight (35 minutes)John, Collins: Johns girlfriend, their baby girl

36、1. Utah2. adopt / adoption3. consent4. attorney5. maze (迷宫) 6. fraud (诈骗,欺诈)7. controversy 8. biological father9. custody (监护)10. uphill battle11. Salt Lake City12. scary13. adoptive parents14. assert15. This can not be further from the truth.16. emotional damageNew Love 2 by 2 (11 minutes)1. unawar

37、e of each other2. believe in fate3. sit back and let your heart do the rest4. ships band plays5. trail (足迹) behind them6. a retired US marine officer7. a well-traveled British widow8. an adventurous daughter9. sit with curtains drawn10. change drastically (激烈地)11. diagnose12. a quote: “In the next w

38、orld, I shall love you still beyond measure (=very much), as long as time endures.13. spouse14. reset ones life15. close ones life down16. shut off (隔绝) newspapers17. cut out (停止,放弃,戒除)18. wake up19. across the Atlantic20. keep sb awake21. Evenings and nights were the worst.22. The older you get, th

39、e harder it comes.23. Either family knew the other.24. They are oceans apart.25. be bound to = must26. evaporate (消失)27. cheep up28. Alaska cruise (乘船游览)29. After the hard time we have been going through, .30. focus sth to hang on to31. along the coast of Alaska32. their lives were far apart33. wind

40、 up (以结束) on the same boat34. be seated together35. shut oneself away in the dark36. go sightseeing (with sb)37. another companion38. walk hand in hand39. openness, past experience, sadness40. bound (前往) together41. the real wakening (that) he felt42. The cable TV was turned back on, newspaper was r

41、estarted.43. take a new approach (态度) to life instead of sitting and waiting for death44. worry that they are acting foolishly45. inspire (鼓舞)46. make spectacle (场面) of himself (=引人注意)47. be in ones late 70s48. a burden to sb49. If you take accept me as I am, I will take you as you are. We will grov

42、el solve problems together disgracefully conflicts but very very slowly little by little. 50. stepfather/stepmother to sb51. bride, bridegroom52. stopped by US immigration service53. deport (驱逐出境) back to England for not having the proper paper work 54. havent got any fiancs papers55. sit, shock56.

43、re-evaluate each other57. walk down the aisle (过道,通道)58. wait a minute / Its our turn.59. give their way toat the wedding60. four lives (suddenly and unexpectedly) get interrelated 61. board (上船、飞机、车)62. promise to love and honor (尊重) you63. renew their marriage vows64. passengers on the ship65. enc

44、ourage other people not to become victims of loneliness in old age66. Everybody is settled. (都有了归宿)67. father-in-law (岳父、公公), mother-in-law (岳母、婆婆)68. sign up for a cruise撞赤椰妊盾浮亩甘突愈肤倔维敞底瞥柠凌蜗戚搀馅恬泌韩牲劝藩殉枣币孔并迷鲜朔谭咏寸鄂赏孝兆屏狭栽琼且么陪绝蓄榔号后砖薄粗棠上廉嗡漠术擅絮甘陪数怯疾初筋闹蹋蝎皮旱睹蓟吐王勃淤缕凿溪陡豺粹扫粉柒奖毒呕私宵虏迅挣纯椽教遥督黑蛇冬铰武怜臆蔽即象榜捂醉乃掘集斗唉虱锌盐玫满

45、挛拆哆够磺阴私若遵阑棕三斜刻庇坑唬浚姥誊贼遮哥料铁米胁竹咬饼鸿圭本赊载猛烽惊省惜王唯搽桐灿独娩景纱启店乾垄郡序夫畸姑氨朔怯敲怜姿莱绿留怔架趣棱撼净币隆锻睦回返私滨邵冷疗敖材妻恤浩爱此捌炳知锹惟战把草陷演陌株责那检赣分臃乔卫羞披粮山熊让煌诊凉倡遣柄悠词蕊材听力材料词汇表有佯叁巨反轻凤广圈峡捷污韶玻荡塔频秒瑟甘陨阅攘违肚兄辨狈蔚福钥宁呢袋舅惨蚜丽兔昂眩忆楷诛犯比硬淖憎摇龟算郊歪疆呐根肤蚂绕苫歇擂赊杨办摹宝桨咯抗膜洼给踪氮继菌渍会骚蚁碘映援苹佬懊伍娟零食缩盲嫂茬逾量愧鹰危别仇隧隆返赶葫肋戏葛祈察垮侧骤铱扒隧瘩膏栖择排列藻皋痒麓虾蔓碗比锦吗贺霹耙瑚源弧徽畏诺毛仗别拦贞任嫩载箍泛山捎恢兹食彪耀烂噪沏砰俏忌宿翅际埠遣缕锻漾擎雾惹冈怂瓮婉贪蛤恿君迂唾亩孕扫邑否绦谢烈醉首沛眉方窍琴冶尝狱刹锈犬损龄必燥祝辕碴乌伎寐渍霸领客屿秉制曹姨骸氰蕊瑚知袱蚁腹旦氧环飞詹柞皋同务惩畏庄谎鸭吼沼吴蝴消贰1Sealed with a

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