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初二英语下册:Unit 8 词汇运用专练.docx

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1、一、根据汉语提示填写单词完成句子。1. No one knew where he hid the treasures(珍宝). 2. There are many islands(岛屿)in the southeast of China. 3. Not only I but also my father loves the classics(经典作品).4. You will find the answers over the page (页).5. Theres no need to hurry(匆忙). Weve got plenty of time.6. The office worke

2、r told us to stand in line (行) to wait for the ticket.7. Liu Tao is new. He is introducing (介绍) himself to his classmate.8. My mother can speak French (法语) because she has studied in France.9. The good old days we spent together have been lost forever (永远).10. Success (成功) belongs to the ones who st

3、udy hard.11. There is a small island(岛) in the middle of the sea.12. Knowledge is treasure (财富), and practice is the key to it.13. I enjoyed reading classics (名著) when I was young.14. The Little Prince is a good book and I have read 80 pages (页).15. There are many ships(船) on the sea. 16. Do you kno

4、w what animal is the biggest on land(陆地)?17. Computers are good tools(工具) in our life. 18. He noticed two policemen coming towards (朝;向) him.19. He made marks (记号) with a pencil. 20. People used to go to America by ship(轮船) from China.21. Look! The two girls are running on the sand (沙滩) and enjoying

5、 themselves.22. The boy raised his gun (枪) and shot at the rabbit.23. Have you ever thought about becoming a musician(音乐家)?24. Dont wake (唤醒) him up. He stayed up late last night.25. Who is your favorite pop (流行音乐) star?26. U2 is one of the most famous bands (乐队) in the world.27. Alice thinks rock (

6、摇滚乐) is too noisy. She doesnt like it.28. The books about Harry Potter have been very popular, both at home and abroad (在国外).29. I have collected many records(唱片) of Jay Chou. Im his fan(狂热爱好者).30. Actually(事实上), he isnt used to eating southern (南方的) food.二、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词1. Lisa can speak a little F

7、rench because she has been to Francemany times.2. Sanya is a beautiful city in southern China.3. We should wait in line to buy the tickets.4. If you study hard, you will get good marks.5. You should learn to do some housework by yourself. You cant depend on your parents forever.6. Computers play an

8、important part in modern life.7. He tried his best, and made great success in the end.8. The Diaoyu Islands belong to China.9. The famous singer has lots of fans all over the world.10. Lei Feng will live forever in our hearts.11. I bought some records of my favorite singer yesterday.12. Mikes intere

9、sted in ancient history instead of modern history.13. Wang Ling will study abroad next year, but he hasnt decided to go to the USA or the UK.14. He said he loved this city and he would live here forever.15. Im a fan of Yi Yangqianxi, and I know everything about him.三、熟悉单词,并写出其不同形式。1. sand n. 沙滩;沙san

10、dy adj. 铺满沙子的;含沙的2. French n. 法语France n. 法国3. pop n. 流行音乐;流行乐曲popular adj. 受喜爱的;受欢迎的4. southern adj. 南方的 southn. & adj. 南;南方;南方的5. laughter n. 笑;笑声laugh v. 笑;大笑6. beauty n. 美;美丽beautiful adj. 美丽的;美好的beautifullyadv. 美好地;美妙地7. record n. & v. 唱片;记录;录制;录(音) Recorder n. 录音机;录像机8. actually adv. 真实地;事实上 a

11、ctualadj. 真实的四、根据汉语写出对应的词汇,使句意完整。1. 我们已经看过这部关于太空的电影了。We have already seen the film about space.2. 她刚刚收到父母的一封来信。She has just heard from her parents.3. 吉姆还没有找到他的自行车。Jim hasnt found his bicycle yet .4. 你们已经为韩老师的晚会作准备了吗?Have you prepared for the party for Miss Han yet?5. 他们已经决定了这周末去个地方。They have already decided to go somewhere this weekend.

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