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1、仁爱九年级上册Unit4-Topic3-SectionD-课课练精品文档Unit4 Topic3 Section D友情提示: 本课知识点:学习有关宇宙和太阳系的知识;复习含有情态动词的被动语态结构;总结本话题的有用表达。一、词汇检查,按要求写出下列短语。1数百万年_2围绕太阳运行_3. 其它七颗行星_4被称为太阳系_5超出太阳系之外_6宇宙_,如:在宇宙中_太空,空间_,如:在太空中_7给某人发送信息_8. 这么多的星星_9上交_,如:上交作业_二、精读课文1a,完成下面的分析与练习。1There has been life on earth for millions of years.地球

2、上的生物已经存在数百万年了。There has been意思是_,是there be句型的_时态。2. We havent found life on other planets yet. 我们还没有在其它行星上发现生命。yet,副词,意思是,通常与或时态连用,常用在和句中。如:Is supper ready yet?晚饭准备好了吗?He has not begun to work yet.他还未开始工作。3And there are seven other planets that also go around the sun.还有其它七颗行星也绕着太阳运行that also go arou

3、nd the sun是_修饰4. Are we alone?我们是单独存在的吗?alone与lonely的区别和用法:比较:alone -独自地(副词);alone - -独自的(指无人陪伴的客观事实);lonely - 孤独的,寂寞的(指主观的感觉) ; lonely - 偏僻的 练习:a.她独居,但并不感到寂寞。She lives _, but she doesnt feel _.b.去年他独自去了一个偏僻的小村庄。He went to a _ village_ last year. 三、巩固练习题:( )1.Half a month _ since I came to Beijing,

4、I miss my students very much.A. have passedB. have pastC. has passedD. has past( )2.It is said that an old man lives on the _ island _.A. alone; aloneB. alone; lonelyC. lonely; lonelyD. lonely; alone( )3.Our playground is not so tidy and beautiful as before. Students must _ dirty things on it. A. be

5、 stopped to throwB. be stopped from throwingC. stop to throwD. stop from throwing( )4.The shoes were worn out, whats more, they arent worth _. A. to mendB. mendingC. mendedD. for mending( )5.Do you know who _ the Tomb of Emperor Qin and who _ the mobile phone?No, but we may ask our teacher. A. disco

6、vered; inventedB. was discovered; was inventedC. invented; discoveredD. was invented; was discovered四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1、这些小树苗应该赶快浇水。 These young trees _ _ _ _ _.2、我将直到亲眼所见才相信有外星人。 I _ _ there are aliens _ I see them _ _ _ _.3、自从我来到这所学校已经有十多年了。 _ _ _ more than ten years _ I _ to this school.4、我宁愿睡觉也不愿意看这样的电视剧。 I _ _ sleep _ _ watch such TV plays.5、花了我们三个小时才完成这个任务。 _ _ us three hours _ _ this task.没有经历过磨难才是真正的不幸,饱尝艰辛的人更加勇敢,逆境教会人慎重、教给人经验,一生生活在顺境中,就难以成就一切事情,与暴风雨搏斗才能显示与铸就海员的勇气,因为只有将自己置于险境,才能真正体现人的本色收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

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