1、阅读理解专题推理判断题推理判断题推理判断题属于高层次阅读理解题,既要求考生透过文章表面信息推测文章隐含意思,又要求考生对作者的态度、意图及文 章细节的发展做出正确的推理判断,解答 该类题时,学生一定要力求从作者的角度 去考虑,千万不可脱离原文而仅凭个人的 看法而主观臆断,绝不可空穴来风,无中 生有,一定高根据作者的字里行间来推测(Read between the lines)做推理判断题时要善于抓住某一段话 中的关键信息,即某些关键词或短语 去分析、推理、判断,利用逆向或正 面推理,从而推断出对应信息所隐含 的深层含义。若对全文信息进行推断,则有时需要在弄懂全文意思的基础上,整合与题目相关的有
2、用信息,综合起 来去推理判断,从而确定最佳结论。07、08广东高考阅读理解推理判断题:巾!2007 年42题,45题,49题,51题,53题,54题,55题2008 年44题,45题,47题,48题,50题,54题,55题阅.推断作者观点或态度L推断隐含意义6.推断指代意义3.推断写作目的理判断题推断文章出5.推断上下文内容3小!、7.推断文章结构推测隐含意义名师指津要求考生根据文章的某个句子、段落或全文所提供 的事实进行逻辑推理,推断出作者没有提到的或者没有 明说的事实或者可能发生的事实。旨在考查考生透过词 语的字面意义去理解作者的言外之意或弦外之音的能力。这类试题的题干中常含infer(推
3、断),suggest(暗示),imply(暗示),indicate(暗示),conclude(得出结论),be likely to等词语。解答这类题时,首先通过寻读找到相关信息点;然后研读,理解相关信息点的字面意义;结合语境和常识,在 字面意义的基础上进行符合逻辑的推断,从而理解作者 的言外之意。选择答案时,注意排除以下干扰项,以便缩小选择范围:(1)原文信息的简单重复,而非推断出来的结论。(考生 易误选)(2)推理过度的片面结论。(3)与文中内容不符或完全相反的结论等。(4)符合考生已有常识,但文章中没有信息支持。(考生 易误选)解题技巧:通过寻读法一迅速找到相关的信息点,根据 文章的字面意
4、义,由表及里,由浅入深的推 理、判断!一定要做到:2.技巧点拨:1判断有据,推论有理,忠实原文2).全面分析:不可断章取义,切忌片面思考3).善于揣摩作者思路,尽可能与作者的思路吻合如何推断除*1.Question forms:It ca n be inferred fro m t he t ext t ha tFro m t he t ext w e kno w t ha t.is mo st likelyWhen t he w rit er t a lks a bo ut.w ha t t he w rit er rea lly mea ns is.The w rit er suggest
5、 s t ha t.The st o ry implies t ha t.We ca n infer/co nclude fro m t he pa ssa ge t ha t.这类题干中通常含有infer,suggest,imply,co nclude 等标志性词语。考点击破阅读下列短文或段落,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。(1)2009年广东卷We once had a poster competition in our fifth grade art class.Everyone in the class made a poster.Some of us used par
6、ts of those fancy paper napkins,while others used nothing but colored construction paper.Some of us would wander past the good students5 desks and then return to our own projects with a growing sense of hopelessness.It was yet another grown-up trick of the sort they seemed especially fond of,making
7、all of us bdieve we had a fair chance,and then always-always-rwarding the same old winners.1,mingSlMhijinI believe I drew a sailboat9 but I cant say that with any certainty.I made it.I admired it.I determined it to be the very best of all of the posters I had seen,and then I turned it in.Minutes pas
8、sed.No one came along to give me the grand prize.and I probably never would have thought about that poster again.I was still sitting at my desk,thinking,what poster?When the teacher gave me an envelope with a ten-dollar bill in it and everyone in the class applauded for me.50.We can infer from the p
9、assage that the authorA.enjoyed grown-up tricks very muchB.loved poster competitions very muchC.felt surprised to win the competitionD.became wise and rich after the competition(l)Co 由 aanother grown-up trick of the sort.always一 always-rewarding the same old winners(这是大人特别爱 玩的一个把戏:好象给每个人一个平等的机会,最后得奖
10、 的却总是、总是那相同的几个人)J,I can,t say that with any certainty(我没有把握)和I was still sitting at my desk,thinking,what poster?(我坐在座位上想,谁的广告 会得奖呢)”等可推断出,作者对自己得奖还是惊讶出(2)2009年全国II卷I know what youre thinking:pizza?For breakfast?But the truth is that you can have last nights leftovers in the morning if you want to.I
11、know lots of women who skip breakfast,and they have a ton of different excuses for doing it.Some say they dont have time,others think theyre“saving”calories(热量单位,卡 still others just dont like breakfast food.But the bottom line is that eating in the morning is very important when youre trying to lose
12、 weight.And even pizza can be healthy if its loaded with vegetables,and you stick to one small piece.士神4 2.What can we infer from the text?A.Working women usually have breakfast in a hurry.B.Many people have wrong ideas about breakfast.C.There are some easy ways of cooking a meal.D.Eating vegetables
13、 helps save energy.(2)BO第二段谈到许多人以各种不同借口不吃早餐,可 见他们对吃早餐有错误认识。/i/mingshizhijln 一”一/(3)2009年四川卷Pedestrian deaths went down by 12%from 5,4 4 9 in 1996 to 4,784 in 2006.But among those in 2006,4 71 were killed in crosswalks,down slightly from 4 88 ten years earlier;the National Highway Traffic Safety Admi
14、nistration(NHTSA)says.59.The report from NHTSA suggests that.A.fewer people were injured in crosswalksB.crosswalk safety has been greatly improvedC.much has been done to reduce traffic accidentsD.pedestrian deaths in crosswalks remain a serious problem(3)Do由But后的数字可知,行人死亡问题依然严重。(明2008年湖北卷Another cha
15、llenge Margaret has to face is the reaction of other people when she tells them what she does for a living.They think youre a cleaner because you dont know how to read and write,said Margaret.UI used to think what my parents would say if they knew what Id been doing,but I doif t think that way any m
16、ore.I doif t dislike the work though I caif t say Im mad about it.”64.The underlined part in the last paragraph implies that Margaretas parents wouldA.help care for her children B.regret what they had said C.show sympathy for her D.feel disappointed in her(4)Do字面意思“我以前常常想,如果我父母知道我是做清洁工,他们会说什么;但是我现在不
17、这样想了,虽然说不上特别喜欢这份 工作但也不是不喜欢这份工作 O根据常识和前面两句话,不难推 知,“父母知道我一直做的是清洁工会对我感到失望的”。(5)2008年天津卷As kids,my friends and I spent a lot of time out in the woods.The woods”was our part-time address destination purpose,and excuse.We sometimes told ourselves that what we were doing in the woods was exploring.Explorin
18、g was a more popular idea back then than it is today.History seemed to be mostly about explorers.Our explorations,though,seemed to have less system than the historic kind:something usually came up along the way.Say we stayed in the woods,throwing rocks,shooting frogs,picking blackberries,digging in
19、what we were briefly persuaded was an Italian burial mound.52.What can we infer from Paragraph 2?A.The activities in the woods were well planned.B.Human history is not the result of exploration.C.Exploration should be a systematic activity.D.The author explored in the woods aimlessly.(5)Do由第二段第三句“但是
20、我们的探索与历史上的相 比不够系统,有些东西通常都是在沿途中偶然出现的”基本可知,作者探索是aimlessly(漫无目的);再根据 Say(=for example)后面举的例字可以进一步确定,正确 选项是D。Practice:J(passage!)Did you ever hear a strange sound coming from the wall?Did it sound like a clock?If so,it may have been made by a beetle.Long ago people thought the ticking meant that someone
21、 was about to(鲤)Thus the beetle is called“the deathwatch beetle.n(1 分钟)The sound of this beetle.A pleased people.B.surprised people.Qfrightened people.D.excited people.!Several Afferent bison species have lived on the North American continent since the Ice Age;today only two exist.The wood 些on is th
22、e larg里 of the two,and&BetterknownCQieJJnred记憎e iiains而n,or buffalo.At one time,herds of these animals could be sighed almost everywhere from the Appalachian Mountains in the East to the Rocky Mountains in the West.The author implies that several types of bison_X live outside the United Stated and C
23、anadaB.are well adapted to swampy terrainX existed before the Ice Age04iave been killed or have died out Do yo u a lw a ys underst a nd t he direct io ns o n a bo t t le o f medicine?Do yo u kno w w ha t is mea nt by“Ta ke o nly a s direct ed?”Rea d t he fo llo w ing direct io ns a nd see if yo u un
24、derst a nd t hem.“To reduce pa in,t a ke t w o t a blet s w it h w a t er,fo llo w ed by o ne t a blet every eight ho urs,a s required.Fo r night-t ime a nd ea rly mo rning relief t a ke t w o t a blet s a t bedt ime.Do no t t a ke mo re t ha n six t a blet s in t w ent y-fo ur ho urs.Fo r children
25、six t o t w elve yea rs o ld,eive ha lf t he a mo unt Fo r children ynde:six yea rs o ld,a sk vo ur do ct o rs a dvice.Reduce t he a mo unt o f if yo u suffer fro m rest less o r sleeplessness a ft er t a king t he medicine.”It ca n be inferred fro m t he direct io ns t ha t t his medicine.A.helps y
26、o u t o fa ll a sleep quickly 日.ma y be da ngero us t o sma ll children C.ca nno t be t a ken if o ne feels sleepy D.sho uldnt be t a ken by children under six We ca n a chieve kno w ledge eit her a ct ively o r pa ssively.We a chieve it a ct ively by direct experience,by t est ing a nd pro ving a n
27、 idea,o r by rea so ning.We ca n a chieve kno w ledge pa ssively by being t o ld by so meo ne else.Mo st o f t he lea rning t ha t t a kes pla ce in t he cla ssro o m a nd t he kind t ha t ha ppens w hen w e w a t ch TV o r rea d new spa pers o r ma ga zines is pa ssive.Co ndit io ned a s w e a re t
28、 o pa ssive lea rning,it s no t surprising t ha t w e depend o n it in o ur everyda y co mmunica t io n w it h friends a nd co-w o rkers.nfo rt una t elpa ssive lea rning ha s a serio uspro blem,it ma kes t o ld even w hen it is区nd t g jccept w ha t w e a re t t le t ime mo re t ha n hea rsa jMnd ru
29、mo ur(i)(08 天津)Wha t ca n w e infer fro m t he pa ssa ge?A.Act ive lea rning is less impo rt a nt,ssive lea rning ma y no t be relia ble.C?Act ive lea rning o ccurs mo re frequent ly D.Pa ssive lea rning is no t fo und a mo ng scho la rs Ma la ria,t he w o rlds mo st w idesprea d pa ra sit ic(寄生虫)di
30、sea se,kills a s ma ny a s t hree millio n peo ple every yea r-a lmo st a ll o f w ho m a re under five,very po o r,a nd Africa n.Fo r deca des,t he first-cho ice t rea t ment fo r ma la ria pa ra sit es in Africa ha s been chlo ro quine,a chemica l w hich is very chea p a nd ea sy t o ma ke.Unfo rt
31、 una t ely,in mo st pa rt s o f t he w o rld,rna lma pa ra sit es ha ve beco me resist a nt t o it.uccessfU a lt erna t ives t ha t help prevent resist a nce a re a va ilably but t hey ha ve been in sho rt supply a nd eiy expensiw If t hese drugs sho uld fa il,no bo dy kno w s w ha t w o uld co me n
32、ext.(07 广东)It ca n be inferred fro m t he pa ssa ge t ha t A.no drugs ha ve been fo und t o t rea t t he disea seY St he a lt erna t ive t rea t ment is no t ea sily a va ila ble io mo st peo ple C.ma la ria ha s develo ped it s a bilit y t o resist pa ra sit es D.no bo dy kno w s w ha t w ill be t
33、he drug t o t rea t t he disea se.It w a s w int er mo rm,just a co uple o f w eeks befo re Christ ma s z005While mo st peo ple w ere w a rming up t heir ca rs,Trevo r,my husba nd,ha d t o get up ea rly ride his bike fo ur kilo met ers a w a y fro m ho me t o w o rk.On a rriva l,he pa rked his bike
34、o ut side t he ba ck do o r a s he usua lly do es.Aft er put t ing in 10 ho urs o f a la bo r,he ret urned t ofind his bike go ne.The bike,a bla ck Ko na 18 speTw a s o ur o nl t ra nspo rt.Trevo r used it t o getWeeks t o suppo rt his yo ung And t heBike alsu used lu get la ct o nes,sa ving us fro
35、m ha ving t o w a lk lo ng dist a nces fro m w here w e live.(全国)We ca n infer fro m t he t ext t ha t A.t he co uple w o rked 60 ho urs a w eek B.peo ple w ere busy befo re Christ ma s C.t he st ra nger bro ught o ver t he bike个 rrt ife w a s ha rd fo r t he yo ung fa milycTTOLula Lc 5uirla io w t
36、ha t t hese a re t hings yo u ca n ea t.Yo u ca n a lso use o t her senses w hen yo u cho o se yo u fo o d.Yo u ma y like it beca use it smells go o d o r beca use it t a st es go o d.Yo u ma y dislike so me t ypes o f fo o d beca use t hey do no t lo o k,smell o r t a st e very nice.Different a nim
37、a ls use different senses t o find a nd cho o se t heir fo o d.A few a nima ls depend o n o nly o ne o f t heir senses,w hile mo st a nima ls use mo re t ha n o ne sense.(全国)We ca n infer fro m t he t ext t ha t huma ns a nd a nima ls A.depend o n o ne sense in cho o sing fo o d5 B.a re no t sa t is
38、fied w it h t heir fo o d-eho o se fo o d in simila r w a ys D.ea t ent irely different fo o d Ima gine yo ure a t a pa rt y full o f st ra ngers.Yo u re nervo us.Who a re t hese peo ple?Ho w do yo u st a rt a co nserva t io n?Fo rt una t ely,yo uve go t a t hing t ha t sends o ut energy a t t iny c
39、hips in everyo nes na me t a g.The chips send ba ck na me,jo b,ho bbies,a nd t he t ime a va ila ble fo r meet ing-w ha t ever.Ma king new friends beco mes simple.-_ This ha snt quit e ha ppened in rea l 1t he w o rlH-i a lrea dy experiencing a revo lut io n t echno lo gy.When Ma rco ni invent ed ra
40、 dio乙he 计 w cmdused 盟甘np-t o-sho re co mmunic前5fo r po p 一 musicWho kliuws huw RFID RiidB7 t e3ecnno io gies w ill be used in t he fut ure?Heres a w ild guess:buying应安(湖北)The la st pa ra gra ph implied t ha t FRID t echno lo gy.A.w ill no t used fo r such ma t t ers a s buying milk,be w idely used,i
41、ncluding fo r buying 痴k.C.w ill be limit ed t o co mmunica t io n uses.D.w ill pro ba bly be used fo r po p music.Since t he beginning o f t he sprea d o f AIDS in 1981,a bo ut 11.7 millio n peo ple ha ve died o f it.It is ro ughly ca lcula t ed t ha t in 1997 a lo ne,a bo ut 2,3 millio n peo pledie
42、d o f it.Nevert heless,t here a re fresh rea so ns fo r t he ho fflo t he pa st fewyea rs,iCSe ha sj)een a drop ca ses inw ea lt hy na t io ns.In a ddit jgj)Ko mising drugs ho ldGuf22 ho pe o f bet t er hea lt h a nd lo nger lit e.(U/It ca n be co ncluded fro m t he pa ssa ge t ha t.A.pro mising dru
43、gs w ill so o n st o p AIDS sprea d o f AIDS co uld be co nt ro lled C.it is ho peless t o w in t he ba t t le a ga inst AIDS D.t he dea t h ra t e o f AIDS pa t ient s ha s been reducedTa ylo r sa id.Wa ves a re o ne o f na t ures w a ys o f picking up enert hereso urceis hu入a id Ja net SWo rldw a
44、t ch Inst it ut e.We w ilKiever run o ut o po w er/5 Tra dit io na l so urces o f energy like o il a nd ga s ma y so meda y run o ut.Dema nd fbr energy t o po w er o ur TVS a nd co mput ers,drive o ur ca rs,a nd hea t a nd co o l o ur上ynes 认 t hro ugho ut t he w o rld/Swairsa jdfuturen yo u t urn o
45、n a light,has been waiting in the queue for a long timeB.doesnt need to stand in the queueC.enjoys standing in the queueD.has stood in the wrong line名肺指68e The joke in Paragraph 2 implies thatthe young woman AA has been waiting in the queue for a long timeB.doesnt need to stand in the queueC.enjoys
46、standing in the queueD.has stood in the wrong line名肺指(6)Many people no longer have the patience to stand in a queue.One way to make life easier is to introduce n queue management11.Customers at supermarket cheese counters can now take a ticket with a number which appears on a screen when it is their
47、 turn.And while they wait for their number,they can do a bit of shopping But some people just like queuing.One man queued all night for Harrods famous January sale,and then returned home for breakfast at nine oclock the next morning without going into the shop.(2005年广东D 71)71.We can infer from the p
48、assage that B.A.queue management doesnt work wellB.there is still queuing in EnglandC.we dont see much queuing in ParisD.the French like queuing more than the British(2)Scientific experiments can sometimes go wrong and when they do the results may range from the disastrous to the troubling.The story
49、 began in 1956Then things began to go wrongBut worse was to follow.Having taken over the countryside the new bees,with their dangerous stings(叮),began to attack its neighbors-cats,dogs,horses,chickens and finally man himself.A long period of terror began that has so far killed a great number of anim
50、als and about 150 human beings.名如指津This would have been bad enough if the bees had stayed in Brazil.But now they are on the move,heading northwards in countless millions towards Central and North America,and moving at the alarming speed of 200 miles a year.The countries that lie in their path are na