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1、2021高考英语单项选择精英定时训练题(8)及答案单项选择151. The passenger _ at his watch and found that it was too late when he arrived the railway station. A. gazedB. staredC. glancedD. glared152. - Things are getting more and more expensive now. - It is certain that price will _. A. get upB. go upC. go downD. go down to153

2、. - How did you know that I won? - I just from the look on your face. I am not so sure. A. guessed B. looked C. knew D. supposed154. The primary school pupil us through the narrow streets to the central mosque. A. got B. guided C. let D. ordered155. The teacher was a little angry because the student

3、s didnt _ their exercise books on time. A. hand outB. hand toC. hand inD. hand on156. Such knowledge was _ from father to son. A. handed down B. handed up C. handed in D. handed out157. - I will go picnicking with Jane this Sunday. - _ A. Dont give up now.B. Have a good time.C. Please eat more.D. I

4、have no money.158. What is the matter with the dish? I cant bear it. I want to _ a word with your manager. A. speakB. sayC. talkD. have159. There is something wrong with my car. I dont know where the nearest garage is and I want to have it _. A. hibernatedB. huntedC. repairedD. repairs160. It seemed

5、 that there was strange sound outside. We _ carefully but nothing. A. listened to.heard B. heard.listened C. listened.heard D. heard.listened to161. I will write to my mother, for I her yesterday. A. heard of B. heard about C. heard from D. listened to162. Can you me out with this maths problem. I a

6、m not very good at maths. A. help B. bring C. make D. get163. Hearing the sad news that she lost the game, Janes mother couldnt help _. A. a cry B. to cryC. cryingD. but bursting into tears164. It is said that the headmistress _ three months ago will soon _. A. hired; firedB. dismissed; be firedC. h

7、ired; be firedD. hiring; be dismissed165. Mr. Black the nail with a hammer on the wall and hung a family photo on it. A. hit B. beat C. host D. miss166. I think your bookshelf is too high. I cant reach a book on top even when I _ my hand. A. hold backB. hold onC. hold outD. hold up167. At this very

8、moment, I _ you had a very pleasant marriage. A. wishB. hostC. hopeD. expect168. In the past, the poor people often _ hungry. So many of them died _ hunger. A. went; ofB. became; fromC. went; fromD. became; of169. ! Its time to go to school. A. Hurry up B. In a hurry C. Hurry out D. Dont worry170. T

9、he girl has fallen off her bicycle, and her knees . A. injured B. wound C. hurt D. cut参考答案151155CBABC 156160ABDCC 161165CACCA166170CAAAC单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,共15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例:Its so nice to hear from her again _, we last met more than thirty years ago.A. Whats more B.

10、Thats to say C. In other words D. Believe it or not答案是D。21-Are you satisfied with what Tom has done? -Not a little. It cant be _.A. any worse B. any better C. so well D. so bad【答案】B 【解析】试题分析:考查形容词用法。本题考查的形容词比较级和否定词连用表示最高级。句意:你对她做的事情满足吗?格外满足。再好不过了。本题的关键是Not a little表示格外,说明对他做的事情格外满足,故B正确。22.We have t

11、o stop talking here outside, Listen, !Hurry up, or well be late.A. there goes the bell B. there does the bell go C. there the bell goes D. goes the bell there 【答案】A【解析】试题分析:依据语境和选项,本题考查动词时态和倒装句的基本学问运用,此题设计很奇异,一个很简洁的语境,奇异地把完全倒装表示动作进行设计在一题之中,很有新意。从第一句中的Listen, !看该句应当用现在进行时,而从选项看却没有进行时态;再依据倒装句相关学问可知the

12、re goes the bell= the bell is going there ,所以答案是A。23. It comes as _ extremely great surprise that _ dream of space walk will soon come true. A. the; a B. the; theC. an; theD. a; 不填【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查冠词用法。句意:太空闲逛的幻想不久将会实现,这样是一个胃肠令人惊异的消息。在第一个空填不定冠词an, 用于surprise之前,表示“让人感到意外或惊异的事”,其次个空表示特指。24. John return

13、ed with two workers and with _ help we finally got the car out of the mud. A. whichB. whose C. theirD. that【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查并列句与非限制性定语从句的结构差异。句意:约翰和两个工人回来了,在他们的挂念下,我们最终把车从泥里弄了出来。两句间有and一词格外关键,如没有,答案非whose莫属。有and则不同,是并列句。在句中用作形容词性物主代词,作定语修饰help;which和that在句中只用来指代物,在句中作主语、宾语或表语。所以只能是C。25. Xiao Wang has

14、 failed to get advice from Professor Li on the problem again. What a pity! If only she _ before he went abroad on business. A. arrivedB. had arrivedC. should have arrived D. could have arrived【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查虚拟语气。句意:小王未能再次就这个问题向李教授获得意见。多么圆满呢!要是她在李教授到国外出差之前到就好了。if only之后接从句,要用虚拟语气。从句子语境可知,谓语动词动作发生在过去

15、,所以选B。26. One shoulcl accomplish tasks_ instead of alWvays turning to others for help. A. actively B. Skillfully C. voluntarily D. independently【答案】D【解析】试题分析:考查副词辨析。四选项的意思是:actively乐观地;活跃地,Skillfully奇异地;精致地,voluntarily自动地;以自由意志,independently独立地;独立地。依据题意可知应选D。27. _to work on time, she has to start ve

16、ry early every morning to avoid the traffic jam. A. To get B. Getting C. To have got D. Get【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查非谓语动词。依据句意_to work on time是目的状语,所以选A。28Among all these trees _ a kind of special pine tree, which was planted by famous writer last yearsAincluded Binclude Cis included D were included【答案】C【解析】

17、试题分析:考查考查动词的事态、语态及主谓全都等方面的学问,题干中的主语是a kind of special pine tree,故选C。29. So far as he could, John had always tried to _ the example he saw in Lincoln.A. live up to B. set forth C. call for D. cut out【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查短语动词辨析。题意是:只要约翰能够,他总是努力做到他在林肯身上所看到的榜样。四段意思分别是:live up to不辜负,作到; set forth阐明,提出,列举;cut

18、out删去; call for需要,要求;依据句意应选A。30How do you usually find out about new software?In the magazines like Popular Electronics. Thats computer companies usually advertise.Awhich BwhereCwhat Dwhy【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查Popular Electronics.名词性从句,题意是:-你通常怎样找到新的软件?-在象Popular Electronics这样的杂志上,那是计算机公司长做广告地方。在表语从句中缺地点状语

19、,所以选B。31They all wanted to stop working because they were tired, but of them would say stop.Aany BsomeCnone Dneither【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查不定代词的用法。依据前后句语义转折可知应选C。32. Scientists have to work hard to keep _ with modern discoveries and developments. A. company B. track C. touch D. pace【答案】D【解析】试题分析:考查名词及固定短语辨

20、析。Keep与选项相关的搭配意思是:keep pace with跟上: Keep in touch with与.保持联系;了解(状况);Keep company(with)与.相好: Keep track of通晓事态,了解动keep track of的反义结构是lose track of(失去联系)。33One of our rules is that every student _ wear the school uniform while at schoolAmight Bcould Cshall Dwill【答案】C 【解析】试题分析:考查情态动词:四选项意思是:might 可以,co

21、uld能,shall用于承诺,命令,规定,will表示意愿,句意:我们学校的规定是每个同学在校期间要穿校服。选C。43. 34. When will the visas be ready, sir?_everything goes well, you should get them in 14 workdays.A. AlthoughB. As far asC. UnlessD. As long as【答案】D【解析】试题分析:考查状语从句中的连词用法。依据语境可知应选D。35. The main road through Little bury was blocked for three h

22、ours today after an accident _ two lorries. A. containing B. connecting C. involving D. including【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查动词辨析。四动词的意思是:involve 涉及到。contain 包含,装有;connect 连接,include 包括。该题意是:今日在涉及两辆卡车的交通事故发生后,穿过Little bury的大陆堵塞了3个小时。依据题意应选C。241. I am leaving in an hour but I havent _ my clothes into my trunk. A

23、. pacedB. packedC. sentD. carried242. We have got everything ready and all of us are waiting for you. You should have _ quickly for the trip to Guangzhou. A. wrappedB. tiedC. packedD. packeted243. - Please change this sentence into Chinese. - _? - I asked you to put this sentence from English into C

24、hinese. A. Excuse B. Beg your pardonC. Im sorry D. Forgive me244. Last Sunday, My friend and I drove to the Summer Palace in Beijing. We found there were so many cars here and there and we couldnt find a place to _ the car in. A. pause B. stop C. place D. park245. It is estimated that over 15,000 ci

25、tizens will _ the celebration, such a grand occasion once every ten years. A. join inB. keep out ofC. keep atD. take part in246. This is a document about mortgage loan(按揭贷款) Please read it and _ him. A. pass it on to B. pass on it toC. pass it for D. pass it on247. The narrow passage _ the big mount

26、ain for one mile. A. passes through B. leads to C. leads on to D. reach248. - How do you plan to spend this weekend?- Id like to listen to the music _ by Li Ming.A. performB. performingC. performed D. to perform249. Weather _, well go boating in the West Lake tomorrow. A. permitsB. permittedC. permi

27、ttingD. permit250. Jack is a very stubborn(顽固的) person. I was unable to _ him to do as I said. I want to ask you to have a word with him.A. let B. make C. prevent D. persuade251. The weather turned to be very bad. Very soon the wind had _ the snow into drifts. A. collected B. gathered C. piled D. pl

28、aced252. My little brother _ the Young Pioneer Team last year.A. took part in B. attended C. joined D. accepted253. Great changes _ for the latest twenty years in China.A. have taken placeB. have been taken place C. have happenedD. have taken the place of254. - We are going to have a volleyball matc

29、h on the playground tomorrow afternoon. - Really? I _ watch it. A. will B. am going toC. can D. am able to255. The college entrance examination is drawing near and all the students are ploughing through their studies. What does the underlined part means _.A. learning to ploughB. studying hardC. plou

30、ghing the fieldD. studying the plough256. A few years ago, some authorities _ that our NMET was not a good way to test students ability.A. pointed toB. pointed outC. pointed atD. pointed off257. It is no use to _ the stupidity of his behavior to him, because he will never listen to your advice. A. c

31、all outB. pick upC. put outD. point out258. As soon as the principal _ the news on the bulletin, the students began gathering in the school garden. A. mailed B. sent C. posted D. handed259. At present, what _ most heavily on American people is the terrorist accident(恐怖大事).A. hit B. pressed C. beat D. stroke260. The lazy boy pretended _ homework when his parents came to check him.A. doingB. to be doingC. to doD. to doing参考答案241245BCBDA246250AACBD251255CCAAB256260BDCBB

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