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1、高中英语必修二Unit4知识点精品文档Unit 4 Wildlife protection【短语归纳】:1.die out灭亡;逐渐消失 2.in peace和平地;和睦地;安祥地3.in danger (of) 在危险中;垂危 4.in relief 如释重负;松了口气 5.burst into laughter突然笑起来;大声笑了出来 6.protect.from保护不受(危害) 7.pay attention to注意 e into being形成;产生 9.according to按照;根据所说 10.so that以致于;结果 【知识点总结】:1.Their numbers may

2、decrease.decrease vi. & vt. 减少;(使)变小或变少decrease to 减少至 decrease by减少了 e.g. By 1881, the population of Ireland had decreased to 5.2 million. Student numbers have decreased by 500.拓展:reduce to/reduce by减少到/减少了increase to /increase by 增加到/增加了2. As a result these endangered animals may even die out. die

3、 out灭绝、灭亡 e.g. How did the dinosaur die out?die of死于(通常指疾病、衰老等内因)e.g. Her grandfather died of cancer.die from死于(通常指交通事故等外因)e.g. Many villagers from snake bites.die away(声音、风、光线等)渐息,渐弱e.g. The sound of the car died away in the distance.die down(慢慢)熄灭,平静下来 e.g. The fire is dying down.die off相继死去 e.g.

4、The deer in the forest are all dying off from disease.拓展:be dying for 很想要;渴望 be dying to do sth.极想干某事 e.g. She is dying to see you.3.Why are they in danger of disappearing?in danger在危险中,垂危 e.g. We were warned that we were in danger.in danger of有的危险 out of danger脱离危险 4. Farmers hunted us without merc

5、y. mercy n仁慈;宽恕;怜悯 ask/beg for mercy请求宽恕show mercy to/have mercy on 怜悯/同情/可怜with mercy仁慈地 without mercy残忍地;毫不留情地at the mercy of任由摆布 It is a mercy that. 真是万幸e.g. She begged the president to have mercy on her husband.The poor cat is at the mercy of the naughty boy.5.They allowed tourists to hunt only

6、a certain number of animals if they paid the farmers.certain adj. 确定的;一定的;某一 (1)be certain of/ about sth.:对有把握(=be sure of/about sth.)be certain to do sth.:一定会做 to a certain extent:一定程度上for certain=for sure无疑地;确定地make certain (that.)弄清楚;弄明白It is certain that:肯定,一定会.(不能说It is sure that)e.g. We are ce

7、rtain to have a good time at the party tonight. It is certain that something is wrong with the machine6.Im protecting myself from mosquitoes. protect.from.保护不受(危害) protect.against保护以防(强调较大的事情,如敌人的入侵、天灾等)keep宾语from doingstop宾语(from) doingprevent宾语(from) doing 阻止做某事 注意:被动语态里from均不可省去,而在主动语态中,与stop/pre

8、vent搭配的from可以省略。7.It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.contain vt. 包含;容纳;克制(强烈的感情等);抑制 contain oneself克制自己 container n.容器;集装箱;货柜 易混辨异contain, include, including, included 1) contain意为“包含;容纳;里面装有”,侧重“整体内有”,在某一范围或容器内能容纳某物。其宾语与主语常是同位关系,不用于进行时态。此外,contain还有“控制,克制”之意。2)include意为“包含;计入;包括”

9、,只能用于表示所包含之物中的一部分,其后的宾语往往是主语的一部分。3)including可以作介词连接介词短语,放在所包括的东西之前。4)included是过去分词性质的形容词,放在所包括的东西之后。e.g. She was too angry to contain herself.The hall can contain/hold/admit 3,000 people. Many people like tennis, including me/me included.8.affect vt.影响;感动;(疾病)侵袭 1)be greatly/deeply affected by 被深深打动

10、 be affected by heat/cold 中暑/着凉 be affected with high fever 发高烧 2)affection n. 喜爱;感情 3)effect n.作用;影响 take effect生效 have an effect on 对产生影响 e.g. The disease is beginning to affect her eyesight. 9.You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live togethe

11、r.attention n.注意力;注意,留心 pay/give attention to注意attract/catch/draw/get ones attention吸引某人的注意力fix/focus ones attention on集中注意力于devote ones attention to专心于turn ones attention to将注意力转向e.g. The teacher told the student to pay attention to his spelling. 10.appreciate vt.欣赏;感激;意识到 appreciaten./pron./v-ing

12、欣赏/感激 I would appreciate it if. 假如我将不胜感激 appreciation n.欣赏;感激e.g. I will appreciate it if you can give me some advice about TOEFL test.提醒当appreciate,hate,dislike,depend on等词后接宾语从句时,一般先加it,再接宾语从句。 11.What must be done if wildlife protection is to succeed?succeed vi.成功;继承 vt.接替;继任1)succeed (in) doing

13、sth.成功 succeed to sth.继承 2)success nU成功,成就;C成功的人或事物 successful adj.成功的 successfully adv.成功地 e.g. If we team up with each other, we will succeed in overcoming the difficulties. He had to succeed to the business when his father passed away.12. Can they be employed to work in the park and not hurt the

14、animals? employ vt.雇用;利用(时间、精力等) (1)employ sb. as.雇用某人任 employ sb. to do sth. 雇用某人做某事 be employed in (doing) sth. 忙于某事,从事于某事 (2)employer n.雇主 employee n.雇员,受雇者 employment n.职业,工作,使用 e.g. He has been employed in writing a new book these days. 13.They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,

15、long before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time. come into being 形成;产生 come into existence开始存在;形成,产生 come into fashion 开始流行,风靡 come into effect 生效 come into sight/view看得见 come into office 就职 come into power当权;执政 come into use/service开始被使用e.g. When did the club first co

16、me into being? The new tax regulations came into effect last month.14.They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being. long before意为“很久以前”,常用于过去时或过去完成时的句子中作时间状语,before后边可以跟从句。 e.g. I had heard of him long before I came here. They said they had known each oth

17、er long before.拓展:(1)before long相当于soon或a little later,意为“不久; 不久以后”,常与将来时、过去时态连用,在句中作状语,不可以直接加从句。e.g. I hope youll be able to come to China again before long. (2)It is/was not long before从句不久就 It will be long before从句要过很久才 It will not be long before从句 过不了多久就 e.g. It wont be long before he goes abroa

18、d. 三、重点语法现在进行时的被动语态当强调动作正在进行或现阶段正在进行,并且主语与谓语动词之间是动宾关系(被动关系),我们需要使用现在进行时的被动语态。现在进行时被动语态构成为:am/is/are being done练习: 1. The most delicious cake in the world _ by Mum. Please wait an hour to enjoy it. A. makes B. is made C. is going to make D. is being made 2. I dont know what time it is now. My watch _. A. is repairing B. has been repaired C. is being repaired D. has being repaired 解析: 1. D. cake与make之间是被动关系,从后面的Please wait an hour to enjoy it.可知用现在进行时的被动语态。 2. C. 考查动词的时态和语态。由句意知My watch和repair之间是被动关系,且当前正在进行,故用现在进行时的被动语态。收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

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