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1、新概念英语第一册1-24课测试精品文档新概念英语第一册1-24课期末测试 姓名:一. 选出划线部分文读音与其他三个不同的单词。( )1. father pardon car fat( )2. nurse horse policeman coat( )3. shut small sit thirsty( )4. tin knife big little( )5. desk bed dress excuse二、将对应的反义词连线。 fat clean tall shut dirty short busy thin light heavy open full big new empty cold h

2、ot little old free三、根据要求变换(10分): 1、I(宾格) _ 2、dish(复数) _ 3、he(宾格) _ 4、she(物主代词) _ 5、desk(复数) _ 6、housewife(复数) _7、children(单数) _ _8、tomato(复数) _9、this(复数) _ 10、is not(缩略式) _四、用a,an填空。 1.Itis_Englishcar.2. Heis_engineer.3.Timis_Frenchteacher.4.Robertisnot_student.5.Itis_Americancar.五、用is,am,are填空。1.He

3、_Tom.2.They_students. 3. _youtourists?4.Myname_Robert.I_astudent.5.This_mycar.It_black. 六、选择题。( )1 _ this your handbag?A. is B. are C. Is D. Are( )2、We have some_, but we need some_. A. tomatos; potatos B. tomatoes; potatos. C. tomatoes; potatoes D. tomatos; potatoes. ( )3、-Can I help you? -Yes, Id

4、like some_. A. banana B. pears C. apple D. book( )4. -Whats your name? -_A. Policeman B. Policewoman C. Hostess D. Robert( )5. -Whats your job? -_A. French B. Teacher C. Robert D. Italian( )6. -Are you French? -_. A. Yes, I am not. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I am D. Yes, you are. ( )7. There are _ flowers

5、 in the vase.A. any B. a C. some D. an( )8. They go to school _ 7 oclock every day.A. in B. on C. from D. at( ) 9.-_is your car? -Its black. A. What B. Where C. How D. What colour ( ) 10.-Nice to meet you! - _. A. Good morning B. Hello C. Nice to meet you, too七、句型转换(15分)1. This is your schoolbag.(变一

6、般疑问句)2. This is Toms book. (就划线部分提问)3. It is my new car.(变一般疑问句)4. This is your schoolbag.(变为否定句)5. Nice to see you. (同义句转换)八、改错。1. My beg your pardon._2. Thanks you very much._3. Alice is a new students._4. Whose shirt are that?_5. Is this you newspaper?_九汉译英1、这是你的大衣吗?2、你怎么了?3、请给她一把雨伞。4、我们很热。5、哪一些玻

7、璃杯?这些吗?十为下列疑问句选择正确答语,将对应的答案填写在左边括号里(15分): ( ) 1. Whose shirt is this? ( )2. Come and see my new bedroom. ( ) 3. Who is this young man? ( ) 4. Where are my tickets? ( ) 5. Are you French or American? ( ) 6. Can you make the tea, Sam? ( ) 7 Do you like beef or lamb? ( ) 8 Is this your handbag, Alice?

8、( ) 9 How are you today? ( ) 10 Whats your job? ( ) 11 What colour are your new shoes? ( ) 12 What are their jobs? ( ) 13 How do you do? ( ) 14 What nationality are you? ( ) 15 Excuse me!a. Were Chinese. b. No, my bag is blue. c. Yes, I can. d. Thank you, sir. e. Perhaps it is Tims. f. Theyre red. g

9、. Beef, please. h. Im very well, thank you. i. How do you do? j. Theyre policemen. k. Im a nurse. l. Yes? m. Theyre on the desk. n. Im American. o. He is our officer. 十一. 阅读理解: (10分)Fred and Jean are brother and sister. They are Americans. They are inthe same school. Their school is not far from the

10、ir home. Fred is in Mr.Blacks class. He is thirteen. He is one of the best students in his class.Mr. Black likes him. He is good at Chinese, but Mr. Black is not. Jeanis eleven. She is in Mrs. Blacks class. Mrs. Black is an English teacher.Jean is good at English, but she is not good at Chinese( )1.

11、 Are Fred and Jean twins?A. Yes, they areB. No, they arentC. Yes, they are in the same class.D No, they are not Americans. ( )2. How old is Jean? she is_.A. eleven B. twelve C. thirteen D. ten( )3. Who is good at Chinese? A Mr. Black B. Mrs. Black C. Jean D. Fred( )4. Where is Fred and Jeans school?

12、A. Its in ChinaB. Its behind a hillC. Its near their homeD. Its in English( )5. Which sentence is wrong?A. Fred and Jean are in the same familyB. Mr. Black and Mrs. Black are Fred and Jeans father and mother.C. Mr. Black likes Fred very much.D. Mrs. Black is Jeans English teacher.收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

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