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1、新概念英语第一册Lesson87精品文档新概念英语第一册Lesson87-88(2012-10-27 14:26:44)转载标签:杂谈分类:新概念英语第一册Lesson 87A car crash车祸Listen to the tape then answer this question. Can the mechanics repair Mr. Woods car?听录音,然后回答问题。修理工能否修复伍德先生的汽车?MR. WOOD:Is my car ready yet?ATTENDANT: I dont know. sir.Whats the numberof your car?MR.

2、WOOD:Its is LFZ 312G.ATTENDANT: When did you bring it to us?MR. WOOD:I brought it here threedays ago.ATTENDANT: Ah, yes, I remember now.MR. WOOD:Have your mechanicsfinished yet?ATTENDANT: No, theyre still working onit.Lets go into thegarage and have a look at it.ATTENDANT: Isnt that your car?MR. WOO

3、D:Well, it was my car.ATTENDANT: Didnt you have a crash?MR. WOOD:Thats right.I drove it into a lamp-post.Can your mechanics repair it?ATTENDANT: Well,theyre trying to repair it,sir.But to tell you the truth.you need a new car!New Word and expressions 生词和短语attendantn.接待员bring(brought, brought)v.带来,送来

4、garagen.车库,汽车修理厂crashn.碰撞lamp-post灯杆repairv.修理tryv.努力,设法参考译文伍德先生:我的汽车修好了吗?服 务 员:我不知道,先生。您的汽车牌号是多少?伍德先生:是 LFZ312G。服 务 员:您什么时候送来的?伍德先生:3天前。服 务 员:啊,是的,我现在记起来了。伍德先生:你们的机械师修好了吗?服 务 员:没有,他们还在修呢。我们到车库去看一下吧。服 务 员:这难道不是您的车吗?伍德先生:唔,这曾是我的车。服 务 员:难说您没有出车祸吗?伍德先生:是啊。我把汽车撞在电线杆上了。你们的机械师能修好吗?服 务 员:啊,他们正设法修呢,先生。不过说实在

5、的,您需要一辆新车了。Lesson88 Have you .yet? 你已经.么?Have you met Mrs Jones yet?Yes,I have.When did you meet her?Imet her two weeks ago.2. Has the boss left yet?Yes, he has.When did he leave?He left ten minutes ago.3. Have you had breakfast yet?Yes, we have.When did you haveit?We had it at half past seven.4. Ha

6、s she found her pen yet?Yes, she has.When did she find it?She found it an hour ago.不规则动词过去式和过去分词buy - bought -boughtfind- found - foundget- got - gothave- had - hadhear- heard- heardleave- left- leftlose- lost- lostmake- made- mademeet- met -metsend- sent- sentsweep- swept - swepttell- told - toldEx

7、ercises1.用所给词的适当形式填空1. The _( attend) works in a garage.2. Have you finished _(read) the book yet?3. Remember _(bring) me some medicine.4. They are trying their _(good) to repair it.5. There are a number of _(student) in the classroom.6. Keep quiet, please. the doctor said to us _(quiet).7. Have you

8、 tried _( eat) the new fruit?8. His watch is _(lose)9. All the students are busy _(get) ready for the party.10. Lets help them _(pick) the bananas.用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Mary is always ready _(try) out some new ideas.2. We must stay here and _(look) after our lunch basket.3. Mr Wood _(bring) his carto the g

9、arage three days ago.4. _they _(finish) buying their clothes yet?5. The mechanics _still _(work) on the car now.6. Lets go into the garage and _(have) a look at it.7. They are trying _(repair) your car.8. _(tell) you the truth, you need a new car.9. He tried out for the play, but he _not _(make) it.

10、10. I _ never _(see)such a beautiful city.新概念英语第一册Lesson87-88讲解笔记(2012-04-19 22:16:01)转载标签:教育分类:新概念英语一册讲解笔记Lesson 87A car crash车祸Lesson 88have you yet?你已经了吗?Listen to the tape then answer this question.Can the mechanics repair Mr. Woods car?听录音,然后回答问题。修理工能否修复伍德先生的汽车?MR. WOOD:Is my car ready yet?ATTE

11、NDANT:I dont know, sir. Whats the number of your car?MR.WOOD:Its LFZ 312 G.ATTENDANT:When did you bring it to us?MR. WOOD:I brought it here three days ago.ATTENDANT:Ah yes, I remember now.MR. WOOD:Have your mechanics finished yet?ATTENDANT:No, theyre still working on it. Lets go into the garage and

12、have a look at it.ATTENDANT:Isnt that your car?MR. WOOD:Well, it was my car.ATTENDANT:Didnt you have a crash?MR. WOOD:Thats right. I drove it into a lamp-post. Can your mechanics repair it?ATTENDANT:Well, theyre trying to repair it, sir. But to tell you the truth, you need a new car!New words and ex

13、pressions 生词和短语attendant n. 接待员bring (brought brought) v. 带来,送来garage n.车库,汽车修理厂crash n. 碰撞lamp-post灯杆repair v. 修理tryv. 努力,设法Notes on the text 课文注释1 在英文中可以用一般疑问句的否定形式来表示期待、请求或希望得到肯定的答复,如课文中的Isnt that your car? 和 Didnt you have a crash?2Well, it was my car.well是感叹词。在这里表示“哎”。was用斜体,表示“过去是,现在不是了”。was要重

14、读。3 drive into 是“撞倒”的意思。4 theyre trying to repair it, 他们正在设法修理。try 后面常接 to+ 动词不定式。参考译文伍德先生:我的汽车修好了吗?服务员:我不知道,先生。您的汽车牌号是多少?伍德先生:是LFZ312G。服务员:您什么时候送来的?伍德先生:3天前。服务员:啊;是的,我现在记起来了。伍德先生:你们的机械师修好了吗?服务员:没有,他们还在修呢。我们到车库去看一下吧。服务员:这难道不是您的车吗?伍德先生:唔,这曾是我的车。服务员:难道您没有出车祸吗?伍德先生:是啊。我把汽车撞在电线杆上了。你们的机械师能修好吗?服务员:啊,他们正设法

15、修呢,先生。不过说实在的,您需要一辆新车了!attendant n. 接待员bring (brought/brought) v. 带来,送来garage n. 车库,汽车修理厂crash n. 碰撞lamp-post 灯杆repair v. 修理try v. 努力,设法attendantn. 接待员attend 参加attend school 上学= go to schoolattend a meeting 出席会议attend a wedding 参加婚礼attend a lecture 参加演讲attend a funeral参加葬礼attend a ceremony参加仪式attend

16、church去教堂join参加某个组织,成为其成员join in使成为成员,参加,加入;与某人一道参加某种活动Would you like to join in us?一块做某事take part in参加,强调参加人的作用,与某人一道参加某种活动,强调在其中起了作用Eg:Dont you want to take part in my birthday party?难道你不想参加我的生日聚会bring (brought/brought) v. 带来,送来bring (从别处)拿来take (从此处)带走take the book to the library ,please 请把这本书拿去图

17、书馆。bring them back here 把他们带回这里来take him in my office (错。应为bring)takeit with you when you go there 你去那里时,把这带着Bringit with you when you come here .你来这里时,把它带着)his voicecarriesthe ring of authority 他的声音中带有权威的口气Pleasefetchmycup, OK?你做做好事,给我倒杯茶吧He wascarryinga briefcase.他提着公文包。例:Shecarriedher son to the

18、car.她抱着儿子向车走去bring 带来;take 带走;fetch 去拿来;get 拿,常用于口语中go into the garagelet sb.do sth.Lets go into the garage.bring与take ,fetchbring表示将人或物带到/拿到自己所在的位置take表示将人或物拿开/带离自己所在的位置fetch表示去拿某物bring是在一个地方带来的意思,强调“带来”Bring me a cup of tea, please.fetch相当于“to go and get and bring back”,首先去一个地方,再把东西拿来的意思,强调“去某个地方拿

19、来”Please fetch some chairs from the next room.请到隔壁房间拿几把椅子来Eg:Take these plates away to the kitchen and bring some clean ones,please.Ill fetch a glass.我去那个杯子来。crashn. 碰撞have a crash碰车They have a crash every week.(1)n.相撞,碰撞,坠落Eg:All the passengers were killed in the plane crash.在那次飞机失事中,乘客全部遇难。crash h

20、elmetn.安全帽,头盔crash barriern.分离人行与车道或高速公路上的护栏(2)n.东西坠落或猛撞时的轰隆声Eg:The tree fell with a great crash.那棵树哗啦一声倒了下来。(3)v.(飞机)坠毁,使坠毁Eg:The plane crashed in the mountains.那架飞机在山中坠毁。He crashed his car into the wall.他的车子撞到墙壁。repairv. 修理 v. 修理;修复;修补Ill have to get the bicycle repaired.She looked into the mirror

21、 and began to repair her face.她向镜中望去,开始往脸上重敷脂粉。 v. 弥补;修复;赔偿How can I repair the mistake I have made?It will take a while to repair the confidence of the general public.要恢复公众的信心尚需要一些时间。repair 用一定的技能修理什么东西fix 同上,一般美语中用的较多mend 修理打破或打碎的东西,一般指结构较为简单的,不需要特殊技能do up 修理小东西,renovate翻新,结构比较简单patch 打补丁,衣服或车胎坏了,

22、修补一下1)v.维修repair a broken watch修理坏掉的表repair a road修复道路repair a bridge修复桥梁Eg:I must have my car repaired.我必须把车子送去修理。(2)v.补偿;恢复(体力等),使恢复Eg:Nothing can repair the loss.怎样都无法补偿那损失。(3)n.修理,修复The hotel will be closed during repairs.那饭店在整修期间停业garagen.车库,汽车修理厂(1)n.车库Eg:He put his car in the garage.他把车子停进车库。

23、(2)n.汽车修理厂Eg:How many mechanies are there in your garage?在你的汽车修理厂里有多少修理工?tryv. 努力,设法have a try尝试Its a good try.很好的尝试try ones best/do ones best尽某人最大的努力Do your best!Try your best!I want to try my best.I have already tried my best.try to do sth.试着去做某事Can your mechanics repair my car?They are still work

24、ing on it.Theyre trying to repair it.manage to do sth. 设法做成了某事I managed to repair my car yesterday.try ones luck试试某人的运气try ones hard at尝试着做某事try trai(1)v.努力,设法Eg:You should try it again and again.你应该一再努力做这件事。I dont know if I can come but I will try.我不知道能否来,但是我尽量。try ones best尽最大的努力Eg:We should try o

25、ur best.She tried her best to solve the problem.她尽最大的努力解决这个问题。(2)try to do设法做某事,尽力做某事Ill try to learn English.我要设法学习西班牙语。(3)try doing试着做某事Eg:I tried opening the back door, but it was locked, too.我试着开后门,但后门也上了锁。Eg:He tried cleaning the spot with alcohol.他试着用酒精擦拭那污迹。try to do指试图做,try doing是想知道结果而尝试着做做

26、看。(4)try短语try on试穿(衣服,鞋等)试戴Eg:Please try the shoes on.Please try on the shoes.have a try试一试Eg;Its a good try.lamp-post lmppst灯杆lamp灯lampshade|灯罩a street lamp街灯an electric lamp电灯daylight lamp日光灯light泛指一般的灯,多数是在墙壁上或者是悬挂的。lamp可以指台灯,也可以与一些词搭配,指一些特定的灯Light强调亮,lamp强调灯本身“light”包涵有“点亮”的意思,lamp多作名词. Dont lig

27、ht the lamp.别点灯.post柱,支柱a telegraph tel,grf post电线杆a gatepost门柱a signpost路标课文讲解】MR. WOOD:Is my car ready yet?(1)ready adj.be ready for为做好准备get ready forEg:Is everything ready for the dinner?宴会的一切工作都准备好了吗?You should get ready for the coming exam.你应该为即将到来的考试做好准备。be ready to do愿意做某事,准备好做某事,某事就要发生Eg:I a

28、m ready to help you.我很乐意去帮你。(2)yet已经,用在否定句,疑问句中Are you ready yet?Not yet.ATTENDANT: I dont know. sir. Whats the number of your car?I dont know = I have no idea.= Ive no idea.Whats the number?of your car介词短语作定语,修饰number,你的汽车的号码MR. WOOD:Its LFZ 312G.ATTENDANT: When did you bring it to us?(1)when引导的一般过

29、去时的特殊疑问句When did you come here?你们什么时候来?(2)bring带来,一个非延续动词,既这个动作的发生是瞬间完成的,非延续性动词不可以接表示一段时间的时间准状语for或since(自从)。但可以与表示点时间的时间状语连用,如ago, last .yesterday,the day before yesterdayMR. WOOD:I brought it here three days ago.three days ago三天前用一般过去时中,可以与非持续性动词连用。ATTENDANT: Ah, yes, I remember now.MR. WOOD:Have

30、your mechanics finished yet?yet现在完成时的一般疑问句,yet疑问句表示“已经”,否定句中表示“还”。ATTENDANT: No, theyre still working on it. Lets go into the garage and have a look at it.work on从事,干某事still仍然,还对working on it起了强调作用Lets = let us祈使句,咱们一起吧go into进入到,强调动作过程have a look at it看一看ATTENDANT: Isnt that your car?在英文中,可以用一般疑问句的

31、否定形式来表示期待,请求或希望得到肯定的答复。MR. WOOD:Well, it was my car.ATTENDANT: Didnt you have a crash?have a crash出车祸了否定疑问句Eg:Havnt you finished your homework?你还没写完作业吗?Dont you believe me?难道你不相信我吗?MR. WOOD:Thats right. I drove it into a lamp-post. Can your mechanics repair it?drive it into a lamp-post把车撞到了电线杆上ATTEN

32、DANT: Well, theyre trying to repair it, sir. But to tell you the truth. you need a new car!try to do设法做尽力做.try doing试着做,尝试做。try to repair it尽力修好汽车tell you the truth说实话Eg:To tell you the truth,I dont like him at all.说实话我一点也不喜欢他。need实义动词,需要疑问句和否定句要用助动词Eg:They need some water.(变化疑问句)Do they need any wa

33、ter?They dont need any water.【课后总结】bring sth to sb把带给某人bring sb sthwork on从事,干have a look at看一看driver the car into开车撞到have a cash撞车tell you the truth说实话,老实说try to do尽力try doing试着做Lesson 88have you yet?你已经了吗?Listen to the tape and answer the questions.听录音并回答问题。Written exercises 书面综习A Write questions

34、and answers模仿例句就以下句子提问,并作出否定的回答。Example:He bought a house last year.QUESTION:Did he buy a house last year?NEGATIVE:He didnt buy a house last year.1 He found his pen a minute ago.2 He got a new television last week.3 We heard the news on the radio.4 They left this morning.5 He lost his umbrella yeste

35、rday.6 I swept the floor this morning.B Write questions and answers.模仿例句提问并回答。Example:they/buy a new house/two weeks agoHave they bought a new house yet?yes, they have already bought a new house.When did they buy a new house?They bought a new house two weeks ago.1 he/meet Mrs. Jones/ two weeks ago2

36、the boss/leave/ten minutes ago3 he/have breakfast/at half past seven4 she/find her pen/an hour ago5 he/get a television/two weeks ago6 she/hear the news/yesterday7 she/make the bed/this morning8 he/send the letter/the day before yesterday9 she/sweep the floor/yesterday morning10 she/tell him the truth/last night收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

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