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1、第二版新视野大学英语3选词填空V全原文及翻译(非机器翻译)精品资料1When I think of people in this world who have really made a difference, I think of my parents.当我认真的思考在这个世界上真正做出贡献的人,我就会想到我的父母。They were truly saints among ordinary people.他们是活在平民百姓之中的圣人。I was one of the ten children my parents adopted.我是被我的父母被收养的这十个孩子之一。They rescued

2、 each of us from a life of poverty and loneliness.(G)他们救助了生活在贫穷和寂寞中的我们。They were hardly able to restrain themselves from bringing home more children to care for.(O)他们几乎无法控制他们自己将流浪的孩子带回家照顾。If they had had the resources ,they certainly would have.(D)如果他们当时有足够的财力,他们一定会领养更多孩子。Most people do not realize

3、how much they appreciated someone until they pass away.(I)大多数人在自己感激的人离开这个世界之后才意识到自己是多么的感激他My sisters and brothers and I did not want this to happen before we uttered the words Thank you to our parent(K).我的兄弟姐妹和我都不希望这种情况发生在我们身上,都不希望父母听不到自己买你说“谢谢”。Although we have all grown up and scattered about the

4、country, we got back together to thank our parents.(L)虽然我们现在已成人并散居全国各地,我们还是回家团聚感谢父母。My brother Tom undertook the task of organizing the event.(B)具体的组织活动由哥哥汤姆负责Every Friday night, Mom and Dad have had the ham dinner special at the same restaurant for the last twenty years.在过去的二十年里,每周五晚上,妈妈和爸爸都会到同一家餐馆

5、吃那里的特色火腿餐That is where we waited without their knowing.我们就在那儿等着,没有提前告诉他们When we first caught a glimpse of them coming across the street, we all hid underneath a big table.(F)(A)我们一瞥见他们过马路,就纷纷躲到一张大桌子下When they entered, we leapt out and shouted, Thank you, Mom and Dad.当他们进来时,我们跳出来大喊:“谢谢爸爸妈妈”。My brothe

6、r Tom presented them with a card and we all hugged.(N)汤姆送上卡片,我们彼此拥抱My Dad pretended that he had known we were under the table all along.而父亲呢,他假装早已知晓我们藏在桌下22Women who exercise regularly need to be careful with what they eat.经常锻炼的女性需要留心她们的饮食。Researchers have found evidence that even moderate exercise

7、can result in losing iron.研究员发现甚至有节制的锻炼也能造成铁的流失。They said that women who exercise regularly, especially in endurance activities, typically lose iron.他们说经常地锻炼,尤其是从事耐力运动的女性,普遍性的缺铁。In order to prevent this from becoming a problem, it is important that those women consume more meat or take supplements t

8、o replace the iron lost.为了要缓解这一个问题,那些女性摄入较多的肉类或者采取补充物代替流失的铁。Those who do not bother to get plentiful amounts of iron may begin to feel weak and tired.那些不厌其烦的摄入大量铁的人们可能会感到疲劳和虚弱。If you can get the recommended daily allowance of iron in your diet, you will probably perform better, said one diet special

9、ist.一个饮食专家说 如果你能知道你的饮食中推荐的铁摄入限额,你或许将会更好的表现! One shortcoming of taking iron pills is that the pill form is not well absorbed and can sometimes make you sick”.补铁药剂的缺点在于它们不能被很好的吸收而且有时还会使你身体虚弱。It is preferable that you try to remedy the deficiency by getting more iron-rich meats in your diet.更好的治疗方法是,你尝

10、试着在你的饮食中摄入更多含铁量较为丰富的肉类治疗铁缺乏。There are ways to help your body store away the iron it takes in.这里有很多方法可以帮助你的身体储存吸收的铁。By getting plenty of Vitamin C, your body is able to process , or use, the iron better.藉由得到大剂量维生素C ,你的身体能够更加妥善的处理或使用铁Researchers acknowledge that everyones body is different and the pro

11、blem will be less serious for some.研究员承认每个人身体是不同的因此缺铁的问题对一些人来说可能并不严重。Because it is impossible to decide whether or not this could be a problem for you, health specialists say it is advisable to check your iron levels.因此直接判断你是否缺铁这一问题是不可能的,健康专家们说检查你体内铁含量水平是明智的决定。Even when you cant feel it, you may sti

12、ll have a problem即使当你不能感觉它,它可能仍然作为一个问题存在!3While many private schools are focusing more on values, public schools are moving toward testing standards.虽然许多私立学校是更多地关注价值但公立学校都走向趋向于通过测试标准。The national government demands academic success and tests are taken as a key measurement for a schools performance.国

13、民政府要求将学术上的成功和通过考试作为度量一所学校表现好坏的关键。Schools with low test scores face penalties such as a reduction in money to run their schools.学校在测验中得到较低的分数所面临的处罚就像负债经营学校。And, even individual teachers are being graded on how theyre preparing their students for these tests.而且,甚至个别老师正在准备用这些可实现的手段为学生划定等级。We have conce

14、ntrated too much on teaching the kids how to take these tests, commented one elementary school teacher. 我们已经集中太多精力教小孩该如何应对测一位小学老师评论到。We should be providing a more comprehensive curriculum to these kids.我们应该提供一个更加广泛的课程给这些孩子。We should be cultivating leadership and curiosity.我们应该栽培孩子们的领导领导能力和好奇心。Unfort

15、unately, there is never time.不幸地,我们没时间这么做。One school principal remarked, Its true that it would be beneficial to our kids if they were getting better scores on the subjects being tested.一位学校校长评论到:“在孩子们得到优秀分数的基础上,获得这样的教育是有益的。The trouble is that in poorer areas of the city like ours, kids start school

16、 less equipped to perform well.但困难是,在像我们那样贫穷的城市和地区,孩子们开始上学的装备很差不能好好运转。We have many obstacles to overcome before we can teach them basic subjects.在我们能教他们基础学科之前,我们有许多障碍需要克服。All schools are not alike, so they shouldnt be tested that way.所有学校不相似,因此他们不应该那样被测试。” The goal is to improve performance in schoo

17、ls that are not providing their students with tools for success, said one government official.一位政府官员说:“目标是改善学校提供给学生通向成功的工具的现状。”He admits, however, that he is having a hard time convincing faculty and teachers this plan will work.他承认,然而使全体教员和老师信服的为这一个计划运作是有困难的。44For many, beauty and fashion are perma

18、nently linked.对许多人来说,美丽和时尚是永久地联系在一起的With regard to fashion, the Barbie doll has been consistently in style.关于时尚,芭比娃娃一向流行。From the first Barbie dolls, Mattel took care to dress them in detailed, fashionable clothes.从第一个芭比娃娃,美泰公司就专门注意它们穿着。Some observers note that the fashions of the Barbie doll trace

19、fashion trends perfectly since 1959.一些观察家仍指出的流行芭比娃娃微量时尚往往从1959年开始完美。While critics complain that the models do not represent average female bodies, they also complain about the Barbie dolls size.尽管批评人士批评抱怨模型不代表“一般”女性的身体他们也抱怨芭比娃娃的大小Some have criticized the dimensions of the Barbie doll as an unattaina

20、ble ideal of the female shape.有人批评尺寸的芭比娃娃作为高不可攀理想的女性的形状Charlotte Johnson, the Barbie dolls first dress designer, explained that the doll was not intended to reflect a female figure realistically, but rather to portray a exaggerated shape underneath fashionable clothes.夏洛特约翰逊作为芭比娃娃的第一个服装设计师,解释说,这个娃娃是

21、无意的现实反映了女性形象而是描述了一个夸张的形状下面时髦的衣服However, the unrealistic dimensions of the doll have brought the strongest criticism regarding the dolls encouragement of an obsession with weight and looks.然而,不切实际的尺寸带来了强烈的批评洋娃娃关于洋娃娃的鼓励执著于重量和外观。Convinced of the negative effects of the Barbie doll on children, Cathy Me

22、redig of High Self Esteem Toys developed a more realistically proportioned doll in 1991.相信这个芭比娃娃的负面影响的儿童,在1991年凯西Meredig高自尊地开发了一种更实际的洋娃娃的比例Her doll did not sell well, however.她的洋娃娃销路不佳,但这些年来,Throughout the years, the Barbie doll has had several competitors, but none have been able to compete with th

23、e glamour offered by the Barbie doll.芭比娃娃已经有好几个竞争者的,但是,没有一个解释能竞争以提供的魅力芭比娃娃。5As a surgeon, I have seen a lot of deaths.身为一位外科医生,我已经见到许多人的死亡。I am rarely astonished by anything.我很少对一般事情感到惊讶。The other day , however ,one humorous and slightly odd story I heard touched me.然而就在前几天我听到的一个富有幽默感并带有些许奇妙的故事触动了我。

24、A doctor told me that a very old woman he was treating was lying motionless on her pillow face down.一位医生告诉我他正在照顾一个俯卧在枕头上一动不动的老女士1He thought she was dead ,but when he approached, he noticed she was breathing.他认为她已经死了,但是当他接近时,他注意到她还有呼吸。Her hospital gown exposed her back bare, so he put a cover over he

25、r.她的病号服暴露出她的背部,因此他给她盖上被子。Just then she sat up slowly, startling the doctor.然后她竟然慢慢地坐了起来,这一举动令医生感到震惊。She seemed quite alive.她看上去相当有活力。“I thought you were nearly gone,” the doctor said . 我几乎认为你即将死去 ,医生说。“Your breathing was so shallow and you seemed lifeless.”你的呼吸是如此的浅,而且你看起来了无生气。” “Never mind that , d

26、octor, Ive been waiting for you,” the old woman said quite confidently as if she were his mother. ”不必介意,医生,我一直在等你, 老女士非常自信地说到就好像好像她是他的母亲。She had been a good mother to four, but she had survived them all.她是一个拥有四个孩子的好母亲,但是她活的比他们全部久。She gracefully handed the doctor a jar of strawberry jam.她优雅地递给医生一个装着草

27、莓果酱的广口瓶。take the lid off and try some,she said.打开盖子尝一些吧, 她说。He sampled a little and told her it was delicious.(样品)他尝了一些并告诉她它很可口。“Good,” she said ,handing him a piece of paper with writing. 好 ,她说,并且要了一张可以写字的纸。“This is how to make it .”这是怎样制作而成的?” He understood what a(n) privilege she had given him an

28、d took it with thanks and then left.”他了解她给了他什么样的东西,他说了声谢谢并且离开了。The old woman lay back down and died soon after his departure .老女士向后倒下而且在他的离开之后很快就死了。6Do you know February 2nd is Groundhogs Day (土拨鼠日)?你知道二月二日是土拨鼠日吗?Legend has it that on this morning, if a groundhog can see its shadow, there will be si

29、x more weeks of winter.传说在这一天的早晨,如果土拨鼠能看见自己的影子,那么冬天还将持续六周。If it cannot see its shadow, spring is on the way.如果它不能看到自己的影子,那将预示春天即将到来Some believe that the means of forecast is rather arbitrary and is often incorrect.一些人认为这样的预测手段是随意的,而且常常是不准确的Others argue that it is significant because it recognizes th

30、at the different parts of nature are connected in some way.另一些人则认为这样的预测手段是十分重要的,因为它确认了自然界万事万物总是以某种方式彼此关联。Each part is dependent on the rest of the parts for a healthy system.对于一个健康的体系而言,每一部分都是与其余部分相互依存,息息相关Some farmers pay close attention to the behavior of ducks and geese when predicting the weathe

31、r.一些农夫在预测天气时会关注鸭群、鹅群的行为动向。It is sensible to guess an early winter is coming when you see ducks and geese moving south in October.当你注意到鸭群和鹅群在十月向南时,初冬即临的猜测也是情理之中的。Many dog owners can tell when winter or spring will come by stroking their pet.许多养狗的人抚摸他们的宠物以知晓春季或冬季何时来临。In preparation for winter, a dogs

32、hair becomes thicker.入冬时,因御寒狗毛会变的更密实。Dogs lose hair as spring sets in.春天来临时狗毛又会脱落。Information gathered from nature can help people to take precautions against a hard winter or bad storm.从自然界采集的信息可以帮助人类采取预防措施以应对极寒天气或肆掠的风暴。Some animals are even believed to be able to detect when an earthquake will occ

33、ur.人们相信一些动物能侦测到地震即临的讯息。People holding this belief even go further to say that information gathered by computers is often worthless and nature is far more accurate:一些动物甚至能够检测时,会发生地震。人们抱着这一信念更进一步说,收集的信息往往是毫无价值的,自然电脑更准确:Isnt it time we started paying attention to what is around us?不是时候,我们开始关注什么是我们周围?7B

34、ill Gates is known around the world for the founding of Microsoft.比尔.盖茨因创建微软公司而闻名世界。And, most people are quite aware that his Bill Gates is known around the world for the founding of Microsoft.并且,大多数人相当了解他的比尔盖兹为微软的建造在全世界被知道。And, most people are quite aware that his evolution from computer hacker to

35、the worlds richest man was due in large part to his partner Paul Allen.许多人都知道他从电脑黑客转变成世界上最富有的人在很大程度上得益于他的搭档保罗.艾伦.But, while Gates fame has mushroomed since the beginning of Microsoft, Allen has remained less famous.比尔盖茨的名声自微软公司创建以来迅速传播开来但是艾伦仍就不如比尔出名Many around the world have followed the life of Gat

36、es, but are ignorant of what has happened to Allen.世界上许多人都一直关注着比尔的生活却对艾伦的生活一无所知。In fact, as most in the Northwest can tell you, Allen has made quite a impact on the region and the world.事实上,正如西北许多人告诉你的,艾伦对这地区和世界的影响相当大。In 2000, he retired from Microsoft, but the company retains him as a permanent adv

37、isor to top executives.(保持)2000年,他从微软退休,但是微软仍雇佣他为公司高层行政官的永久性顾问Not all of Allens interests involve commercial success.艾伦并非所有的利益都涉及商业Allen has given four hundred million dollars in charity to the University of Washington for science and technology research.艾伦向华盛顿大学捐献了4000万美金的慈善基金供科研。He created the Exp

38、erience Music Project in Seattle, employing famous architect Frank Gehry to design the building.他还在西雅图建立了音乐体验馆,雇佣著名建筑师弗兰克.盖瑞设计建筑。This is not his only contribution to the arts.这不是他对艺术唯一的贡献。Allen is very involved with modernizing Hollywoods movie technology.艾伦同样也投身于好莱坞电影科技的现代化事业中。His film studio is th

39、e most advanced in the world.他的电影摄影棚是世界上最先进的。He has also built a sports empire, buying both a basketball and a football team as well as helping to support a local stadium, and he owns a sports magazine.他也建造了一个体育帝国,买进一只足球队和一只篮球队,赞助当地一家体育馆,他还拥有一家体育杂志。Oh, and lets not forget, Allen is the seventh richest man in the entire world.哦,别忘了艾伦是世界上排名第七的富豪, Not bad.真不错。仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢12

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