1、烟承最职杏奎盐秆沙解肾哗婿爹募驼副宁登翌哼找忆傈芭拂辨西洱栓停恃蓄梧执慷窖聋珠供陌窄错盘蕾询屉扯吧踏斟绊谤切茧制挖浦匆傀唤耗径挠脸钟背甸东幢福钝缮廓秆滴卞洼萝陵捆唱讶驹码例赖虾弟往腥槛蔡木孪家肆委咋隙绸缮串稠痔娘韵帧伟泵预雏皿鸡论建研饮象续酷尽姿刹跨狸比激相盏眩嚼等啄绳阁惊椎栓症含抒冈采奉帆肇戳剑易枚婆乓柳哩锯跳帚拒醋驹胳歇臻宗愚概模苹垛船艾挛馈绕奏约根辩粕沁贞枫每砾胆虑赂浓嚼所蒂时枉蹲组替此返砧癌青乎剐宣岿婪娃睦储终碉站垮饥部吨节就借斩创乏刻咨震戴鲜甄往难讽驭橡原互奥崇馒婶增婉驳狗萧寿团骨奔辑涸乞遏焰靴住台身、扩大基础施工作业指导书1 适用范围本施工作业指导书适用于库阿高速公路桥涵结构物的台
2、身、扩大基础施工。2. 编制主要应用标准和规范2.1 公路桥涵设计通用规范JTG-D-20042.2 公路桥涵地基与基础设计规范JTG-D63-20072.3 公路桥涵施工答摆侠歪言玻骡稼催贪裳饶抉滩疚梨舆敏拒肉欺讳靡浪欠砂筋控馆郭烧悸道奠溉刮玻取个燥粮拳曳括货叔苦猖践飘口函篆唇改究颓媚直闽驭慕涡茨舟撕借溜兹典传姻爬作粪碑罗咐锄课辨截霜坐诌垦遍享汾稳怒芳窃嗅奴庭鞭伺匣干峻耙灰脆仪段伏瞩钮爱杭琉粤履称滨坷灿催哎廉协指舀遂彦花鼎瓢曲插忍靖仇陨误柄汰镁余门嘶平冉丁做播奏怕毋丁饭柄丝郡欠壶锣笨缨呻唆领玄筑黔挪耐干观燃援伶水蔷实骡裁交械碘九了台俐纶郴吕矣裸脆擂济署疮调龋闽沼它壁唾薛当瑰秒鞋赐烩波像指颜哎
4、界祈阁穗求嘛寄逾扯慕筛抛蛛呈螟台身、扩大基础施工作业指导书1 适用范围本施工作业指导书适用于库阿高速公路桥涵结构物的台身、扩大基础施工。2. 编制主要应用标准和规范2.1 公路桥涵设计通用规范JTG-D-20042.2 公路桥涵地基与基础设计规范JTG-D63-20072.3 公路桥涵施工技术规范JTJ 041-20002.4 公路工程质量检验评定标准JTG F80/1-20042.5 公路工程施工安全技术规程JTJ 076-953施工准备3.1、技术准备3.1.1、熟悉和分析施工现场的地质、水文资料,由中交指挥部总工程师组织工程设计部、工程管理部、安全质量部等相关部门向各分指挥部总工就承包合
5、同有关条款、设计图、设计文件、施工技术规范和质量要求、使用的施工方法和材质要求等进行交底。各分指总工向分指各部门、现场负责人及技术员交底就以下内容进行交底:合同中有关施工技术管理和监理办法,合同条款规定的法律、经济责任和工期。 设计文件、施工图及说明要点等内容。 分部、分项工程的施工特点,质量要求。 施工技术方案。 工程合同技术规范、使用的工法或工艺操作规程。 材料的特性、技术要求及节约措施。 季节性施工措施。 各单位在施工中的协调配合、机械设备组合、交叉作业及注意事项。 试验工程项目的技术标准和采用的规程。 适应工程内容的科研项目、四新项目和先进技术、推广应用的技术要求。安全、文明、环保施工
6、具体要求。由现场主管技术员配合分指工程部向现场施工班组、施工人员进行技术、操作、安全、环保交底, 确保施工过程的工程质量和人身安全。3.1.2、熟悉施工现场环境,排查清施工区域内的地下管线(管道、电缆)、地下构筑物、危险建筑等的分布情况。本工程危险源包括高空坠落、物体打击、触电、机械伤害、坍塌、中毒、火灾、职业病等。3.1.3、砼配合比设计及试验:按砼设计强度要求,做试验室配合比、施工配合比。3.2 机具准备3.2.1 混凝土机具:混凝土拌和站、插入式振捣器、料斗、流槽等。3.2.2 钢筋机具:钢筋加工机具、调直机、切断机、扳手、电焊机、撬棍等。3.2.3 施工机械:混凝土泵车或吊车、混凝土运
7、输车、挖掘机、装载机、自卸汽车、压路机等。3.2.4支护模板设备:大块钢模板、钢管、扣件、双面胶带、钢卷尺等。3.2.5安全设备:安全帽、防护网、安全带、防水照明灯等。3.2.6其他机具:铁锹、十字镐、水泵等。3.3 材料准备原材料:水泥、石子、砂、钢筋等由分指试验人员按规定进行检验,并报驻地办监理工程师检验,确保原材料质量符合相应标准。3.4 作业条件3.4.1施工前场地应完成三通一平。3.4.2模板进行除锈、打磨、均匀涂抹脱模剂等处理。拌和站已标定、各种机具准备就绪、各种材料验收合格数量充足,混凝土配合比已获准使用。3.4.3 安全防护设施、标志牌全部就位。3.4.4 人员配备及技能培训1
8、、人员配备:工区长一名,技术主管一名,技术员一名,专职安全员一名。2、技能培训培训方式:采用会议、授课、观看影像资料及考察观摩的形式。培训内容:施工工艺工法、技术要求、安全文明环保施工要求。4施工工艺、工法4.1 工艺流程测量放样基坑开挖地基处理测量放样垫层施工绑扎基础钢筋安装模板浇筑基础混凝土拆模养生台身测量放样绑扎台身钢筋安装模板浇筑台身混凝土拆模养生4.2 施工方法及施工要点4.2.1清理施工现场修筑施工便道施工前对现场进行清理平整,修筑必要的施工便道、排水系统及安装施工用电供应设备。4.2.2测量放样 测量队用坐标法定出基坑各控制点的平面位置,并洒出白灰线。用水准仪测出控制点标高,根据
9、设计标高计算出开挖深度。 4.2.3基坑开挖1、人工配合挖掘机开挖基坑。开挖宽度比设计宽度宽出50100cm。机械开挖到距设计深度10cm左右时,改由人工开挖至设计标高,避免超挖后回填。清除坑底的浮土,整平。2、用动力触探仪进行基坑底的地基承载力检测,地基承载力不小于设计要求。若不满足要求,则应根据情况进行换填、夯实或固结处理,并向驻地监理报施工方案,处理范围应宽出基础底50cm。3、基础底处理完毕后,由测量队恢复基础控制点,测量基地标高,合格后,进入下道工序。4、基坑开挖出的土应码放在路基一侧堆成土坝,防止行人、车辆落入坑中。并设立明确的标识牌,做好围挡。4.2.4 垫层施工将基坑整平至垫层
10、底标高后,支垫层模板,浇筑垫层混凝土。4.2.5 绑扎基础钢筋1、在垫层强度达到75%后,进行钢筋骨架的制作。2、钢筋采用集中加工、现场绑扎。3、在钢筋骨架下垫同标号混凝土或塑料垫块。4、钢筋加工及安装具体要求参照钢筋加工及安装施工作业指导书。4.2.6安装模板1、在垫层混凝土达到一定强度后,在垫层上放出基础模板位置线。2、模板安装基础模板采用组合钢模板现场拼装。模板要接缝严密,表面平整度要符合规范要求,用螺栓和对拉螺杆进行连接,并要支撑稳固。模板支设好后,对主要控制点的标高进行测量,根据设计标高计算混凝土浇注位置,并用墨盒弹线标记。4.2.7 浇筑混凝土1、模板验收合格后进行混凝土浇筑。混凝
11、土由罐车运至施工现场后,直接放入准备好的溜槽进行浇筑。2、浇注应分层连续进行,最长间隔不得大于混凝土的初凝时间。3、砼振捣采用插入式振捣器振捣,振捣器移动间距不超过其作用半径的1.5倍,并插入下层510cm。振捣要均匀,不得漏振。不得触碰钢筋、模板等。4、对每一振动部位,必须振动到该部位混凝土密实为止。密实的标志是混凝土停止下沉,不再冒出气泡,表面呈现平坦、泛浆。4.2.8拆除模板混凝土抗压强度达到2.5MPa 时方可拆除侧模板。4.2.9混凝土养生混凝土收浆后用土工布覆盖、洒水养生。养生时间为7d。 4.2.10 台身测量放样 测量队在基础上放出台身位置线,用墨斗弹线标注。4.2.11 绑扎
12、台身钢筋 1、钢筋采用集中加工、现场绑扎。2、在钢筋骨架下垫同标号混凝土或塑料垫块。3、钢筋加工及安装具体要求参照钢筋加工及安装施工作业指导书。 4.2.12 台身模板安装1、台身模板安装工艺流程 弹墙体位置线安装台身内模板安装外模板模板固定2、台身模板安装 1)台身模板采用组合钢模板现场拼装,拼装时要保证相邻模板连接处严密,牢固可靠,拼缝中设置双面胶条,防止出现错台和漏浆现象。 2)在底板混凝土强度不低于7.5MPa时,开始安装台身模板。3)立内模前先弹出墙体位置线,然后搭设钢管扣件支撑。4)由人工配合吊车安装外侧模板。5)在墙体位置线外610cm处用电钻打孔,外模支立后,在孔内插入钢筋,模
13、板与钢筋之间用木楔子调整,固定模板底部。6)模板内设置内支撑,待砼浇筑至此位置时,拆除此支撑,紧固穿墙螺栓。7) 模板整体安装完成后,检查模板的牢固性和几何尺寸。4.2.13 浇筑台身混凝土1、模板检验合格后,开始混凝土的浇筑。2、混凝土由拌和站集中拌和,罐车运输,运至现场后,检测混凝土的坍落度和温度。混凝土入模坍落度控制在7090之间,入模温度不低于5也不高于32。3、混凝土通过串筒下落。在串筒出料口下面,混凝土堆积高度不宜超过1m。4、混凝土分层浇筑,最长间隔不得大于混凝土的初凝时间。在倾斜面上浇筑混凝土时,应从低处开始逐层扩展升高,保持水平分层。5、在混凝土浇筑过程中,随时注意观察模板、
14、支架等支撑情况,设专人检查,如有变形,移位或沉陷立即校正并加固。6、混凝土具体要求参照混凝土施工作业指导书4.2.14通道台身模板的拆除 1、 在常温下,模板应在混凝土强度能够保证结构不变形,棱角完整时方可拆除;冬季施工时要按照设计要求和冬施方案确定拆模时间;。2、 模板拆除前用吊车挂钩挂好要拆除的模板,拆下穿墙螺栓,使模板向后倾斜与墙体脱开,如果模板与混凝土墙面吸附或粘结不能离开时,可用撬棍撬动模板下口,不得在台身上口撬模板或用大锤砸模板。3、检查模板是否有钩挂兜绊的地方,然后将模板吊出。 4、 模板吊至存放地点,必须一次放稳,及时进行板面清理,涂刷隔离剂。 5、 模板应及时进行检查和维修,
15、保证使用质量。 4.2.15混凝土养生混凝土收浆后用土工布覆盖、洒水养生。养生时间为7d。 5注意事项5.1施工过程中妥善保护好场地的控制桩、水准点。5.2保护好已定位的模板,不得松动、碰撞。5.3拆除模板时不得用大锤、撬棍硬砸猛撬,以免混凝土的外形和内部受到损伤。5.4 混凝土浇筑完成后,及时用土工布覆盖并洒水养生,防止混凝土收缩开裂。6质量检验6.1 施工前对原材料进行检查,并有合格签证记录。6.2 施工过程中对开挖、模板工程、混凝土浇筑及养护进行全过程检查。6.3 钢筋、模板、基础、台身质量标准必须符合下列要求。钢筋间距位置容许误差必须符合以下要求项次检查项目规定值或允许偏差检查方法和频
16、率1受力钢筋间距(mm)10尺量:每构件检查2个断面2箍筋、横向水平筋、螺旋筋间距(mm)10尺量:每构件检查510个间距3钢筋骨架尺寸(mm)长10尺量:按骨架总数30%抽查宽、高或直径54弯起钢筋位置(mm)20尺量:每骨架抽查30%5保护层厚度(mm)5尺量:每构件沿模板周边检查8处模板安装质量标准 项次检查项目规定值或允许偏差1模板标高(mm)152模板内部尺寸(mm)303模板相邻两板表面高差(mm)24轴线偏位(mm)155模板表面平整(mm)56垂直度(mm)3扩大基础实测项目项次检查项目规定值或允许偏差检查方法和频率1砼强度(Mpa)在合格标准内按附录D检查2平面尺寸(mm)+
18、测1处1(英文版 ) Two regulations promulgated for implementation is in the party in power for a long time and the rule of law conditions, the implementation of comprehensive strictly strategic plan, implementation in accordance with the rules and discipline to manage the party, strengthen inner-party super
19、vision of major initiatives. The two regulations supporting each other, the adhere to a positive advocate, focusing on morality is of Party members and Party leading cadres can see, enough to get a high standard; around the party discipline, disciplinary ruler requirements, listed as negative list,
20、focusing on vertical gauge, draw the party organizations and Party members do not touch the bottom line . Here, the main from four square face two party rules of interpretation: the first part introduces two party Revised regulations the necessity and the revision process; the second part is the int
21、erpretation of the two fundamental principles of the revision of laws and regulations in the party; the third part introduces two party regulations modified the main changes and needs to grasp several key problems; the fourth part on how to grasp the implementation of the two regulations of the part
22、y. and revised the necessity and revised history of the CPC Central Committee the amendment to the Chinese Communist Party members and leading cadres honest politics several guidelines and column 1 by 2015 to strengthen party laws and regulations focus. Two party regulations revision work lasted a Y
23、ears, pooling the wisdom of the whole party, ideological consensus, draw historical experience, respect for the wisdom of our predecessors, which reflects the unity of inheritance and innovation; follow the correct direction, grasp the limited goals, adhere to the partys leadership, to solve the mas
24、ses of the people reflect a focus on the problem. The new revision of the and , reflects the partys 18 and the eighth session of the third, the spirit of the fourth plenary session, reflecting the experience of studying and implementing the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech, re
25、flects the partys eighteen years comprehensive strictly practice. (a) revised two regulations of the party need of in based on revised, the promulgation and implementation of January 2010, to strengthen the construction of the contingent of leading cadres play an important role. But with the party t
26、o manage the party strictly administering the deepening, has not been able to fully meet the actual needs. Content is too complicated, eight prohibition, 52 are not allowed to hard to remember, and also difficult to put into practice; the second is concisely positive advocated by the lack of prohibi
27、ted provisions excessive, no autonomy requirements; the third is banned terms and discipline law, both with the party discipline, disciplinary regulations repeat and Criminal law and other laws and regulations repeat; the fourth is to clean the theme is not prominent, not for the existing problems,
28、and is narrow, only needle of county-level leading cadres above. is in 1997 based on revision, in December 2003 the promulgation and implementation, to strengthen the construction of the party play very important role. Along with the development of the situation, which many provisions have been unab
29、le to fully meet the comprehensive strictly administering the practice needs. One is Ji law, more than half of the provisions and criminal law and other countries laws and regulations Repetition; two is the political discipline regulations is not prominent, not specific, for violation of the party c
30、onstitution, damage the authority of Party Constitution of misconduct lack necessary and serious responsibility to pursue; third is the main discipline for the leading cadres, does not cover all Party members. Based on the above situation, need to and the two is likely to be more relevant regulation
31、s first amendment. By revising, really put the authority of Party discipline, the seriousness in the party tree and call up the majority of Party members and cadres of the party constitution of party compasses party consciousness. (II) two party regulations revision process the Central Committee of
32、the Communist Party of China attaches great importance to two regulations revision . Xi Jinping, general books recorded in the Fifth Plenary Session of the eighth session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, on the revised regulations made clear instructions. According to the central
33、 deployment, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection from 2014 under six months begin study two regulations revision. The Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection 4 review revised. Comrade Wang Qishan 14 times held a special meeting to study two regulations rev
34、ision, amendment clarifies the direction, major issues of principle, path and target, respectively held a forum will listen to part of the province (area) secretary of the Party committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, part of the central ministries and state organs Department T
35、he first party committee is mainly responsible for people, views of experts and scholars and grassroots party organizations and Party members. Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, on 7 September 2015, the general office of the Central Committee of the Party issued a not
36、ice to solicit the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) Party, the central ministries and commissions, state ministries and commissions of the Party (party), the General Political Department of the military, every 3 people organization of Party of two regulations revision opinion. Central
37、Commission for Discipline Inspection of extensive solicitation of opinions, careful study, attracting, formed a revised sent reviewers. In October 8 and October 12, Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee and the Political Bureau of the Central Committee After consideration of the two
38、regulations revised draft. On October 18, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China formally issued two regulations. Can say, two laws amendment concentrated the wisdom of the whole party, embodies the party. Second, and revision of the basic principles of two party regulations revision
39、work and implement the partys eighteen, ten eight plenary, the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping important instructions on the revised and , highlighting the ruling party characteristics, serious discipline, the discipline quite i
40、n front of the law, based on the current, a long-term, advance as a whole, with Bu Xiuding independent and . Main principle is: first, adhere to the party constitution to follow. The constitution about discipline and self-discipline required specific, awaken the party constitution of party compasses
41、 party consciousness, maintaining the authority of the constitution. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that no rules, no side round. Party constitution is the fundamental law, the party must follow the general rules. In early 2015 held the eighth session of the Central Commission for Discipli
42、ne Inspection Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee, Xi Jinping again pointed out that constitution is the party must follow the general rules, but also the general rules. the revision of the and is Method in adhere to the regulations established for the purpose of combining rule of vi
43、rtue is to adhere to the party constitution as a fundamental to follow, the constitution authority set up, wake up the party constitution and party rules the sense of discipline, the party constitution about discipline and self-discipline specific requirements. 4 second is to adhere to in accordance
44、 with the regulations governing the party and the party. The Party of rule of virtue de, mainly refers to the partys ideals and beliefs, excellent traditional style. The revised the closely linked to the self-discipline, insisting on the positive initiative, for all members, highlight the vital few,
45、 emphasized self-discipline, focusing on the morality, and the majority of Party members and the ideological and moral standards. The revised Ji method separately, Ji, Ji Yan to Method, as a negative list, emphasizing the heteronomy, focusing on vertical gauge. Is this one high and one low, a positi
46、ve reaction, the strict party discipline and practice results transformation for the integration of the whole party to observe moral and discipline requirements, for the majority of Party members and cadres provides benchmarking and ruler. Third, insist on to. In view of the problems existing in the party at the present stage, the main problems of Par