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1、牛津高中英语模块七词组整理精品文档高二下期末复习 M7M7U11. make a list of 列清单2. advantages and disadvantages 优缺点=strengths and weaknesses=pluses and minuses3. keep in touch with sb. 和某人保持联系get in touch with sb. 取得联系lose touch with sb. -失去联系be in/out of touch with sb. -有/无联系4. be against ones principles 违背-做人的原则5. the evolut

2、ion of -的演变/发展6. contribute to 对-作出贡献;是-的原因7. have many drawbacks 有很多缺点8. make important breakthroughs 取得重大突破be under construction = be being built 在建造中9. be delayed until 被推迟/延迟到-=be put off until=be postponed until/todelay doing sth. 推迟-10. (The library)be accessible to (the students) 可接近,可获得,可利用=

3、(the students)have access to (the library) 11. be distributed throughout the country 散布于全国12. a small percentage of people 一小部分人13. (sb. ) benefit from (sth.) 从-中得益(sth.) be beneficial to (sb.) 对-有益14. wind up the clock 给钟上发条wind ones way 蜿蜒前行a winding road 一条蜿蜒的路15. component 部分16. eventually=final

4、ly17. go digital 数字化go red 变红go bad 变质18. be available to19. keep pace with 跟上-的步伐20. portable 便携的21. foresee (foresaw , foreseen) 预见22. rely on 依靠,信任(=depend on , trust) reliable 可靠的23. adaptation 适应,改编24. relay 转播,广播25. be skeptical about 对-怀疑26. have ample time 有充足的时间ample= adequate= more than en

5、ough27. medical insurance 医疗保险28. have a casual conversation 随意的聊天29. obvious 明显的 obviously adv.30. answer for 对-负责31. decide against 决心反对32. adjust to= get used to 适应33. in particular 尤其,特别34. pay attention to 关注35. all-round 全面的36. weigh the parcel 称包裹The parcels weighs 1kg. 包裹重1公斤Overweigh 比-重要lo

6、se/ put on weight 减/增重量37. idiom 谚语38. be suitable for 适合-39. scan (scanned, scanned) 扫描40. be clear and to the point 简洁明了切中要点41. assume= make an assumption 假定,假设42. for religious reasons 出于宗教原因43. in truth= in fact 实际上44. vote on 针对某事投票表决vote for 投票赞成vote against 投票反对45. have tight communities 关系紧密

7、的社区46. dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事47. oppose doing sth. 反对做某事be opposed to 反对-48. value sth. 重视-49. have a talk face to face=have a face-to-face talk 面谈50. have a valid point 有个合理的观点51. It is convenient for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说方便做某事。52. Under no circumstances should anybody come in without permission.

8、无论在什么情况下,任何人都不得未经许可擅自入内。53. be absorbed in = be lost in= be buried in 沉浸于,埋头于Absorbed in his book, he didnt notice the noise.54. merely=only 仅仅,只不过55. It is typical of sb. to do sth. 做某事是某人的典型风格。56. focus on 专注于57. sacrifice health for money 为金钱牺牲健康58. live stable lives 过稳定的生活59. for good measure 额外

9、60. rid sb. of sth. 使某人摆脱-get rid of sth. 消除,去除。摆脱61. build relationship with sb. 和-建立关系62. shallow 浅的,浅薄的(反:deep)63. average adj. 平均的 v 平均为64. reject 拒绝,不予考虑/录用M7U21. chemist n. 化学家,药剂师 chemical 化学的,化学品 chemistry 化学2. revolution 革命3. The medicine proves beneficial to mankind.证明是有好处的-4. in nature 在自

10、然界5. chew on leaves 嚼叶子6. possess a special chemical 含一种特殊化学成分(sth.) be in the possession of (sb.) 为-所拥有7. take place=happen=occur 发生8. in powder form 以粉末的形式9. in the form of tablets 以片剂的形式10. best-selling 畅销的11. life-saving 拯救生命的12. reduce pain 缓解疼痛13. pain relief 止痛药relieve ones pain/ stress / wor

11、ries 缓解疼痛/压力/担心14. have the potential to do sth. 有-的潜力15. reduce the risk of heart attack 减少心脏病的风险16. help blood circulate 帮助血液循环17. blood circulation 血液循环18. circulation of the newspaper 报纸发行19. be vital for 对-至关重要=be very important forIt is vital that sb. (should) do sth. 做某事至关重要。20. increase the

12、length of peoples lives 延长生命21. reduce blood sugar level 降低血糖水平22. be considered to be/ as 被看作是take sth. into consideration 把-考虑在内23. look abnormal 看起来不正常24. astonish v. 使-震惊astonished 感到震惊的astonishing 令人震惊的25. try sth. out on sb. 在-试验26. have an application in 在-有应用27. apply A to B 把A应用于B28. applie

13、d mathematics 应用数学29. apply to sb. for sth. 向-申请-30. fill in the application form 填申请表31. be unable to do 不能做某事32. take effective measures 采取有效措施come into effect / take effect 开始生效 side effects 副作用33. approval process 批准程序give approval to 批准-approve the plan 批准计划approve of their marriage 赞同他们的婚姻34.

14、accelerate the pace= speed up - 加速-35. die from illness 死于疾病36. win/ be awarded/ share the Noble Prize in/for Medicine 赢得/被授予/分享诺贝尔医学奖37. figure out the meaning 想出/明白含义38. bleed 流血39. by accident 碰巧40. ignore the mould 忽视霉菌=overlook41. cure sb. of sth. 治好某人的病42. wear out 穿破,用旧,(使人)累垮43. give a super

15、b speech44. be aware of sth. 注意到45. raise the awareness of 提高对-的意识46. make reasonable points 发表合理的观点47. be cautious about 对-谨慎48. outcome 结果49. applaud 鼓掌,赞同50. adjust lighting arrangement 调整照明安排51. replace =take the place of 替代52. dull 钝的 sharp 锋利的53. swell up 肿 (swelled, swollen)54. let - out55. c

16、omplex= complicated 复杂的56. Pulse indicates the heartbeat. 脉搏揭示心跳。57. on each wrist 在每个手腕上58. be addicted to 对-上瘾 addiction n.59. theory 理论60. relate A to B 把-和-联系在一起61. subscribe to 同意,支持;订阅(杂志等)62. fade away 逐渐消失M7U31. search for information 搜寻信息search the room for the key 在房中找钥匙=comb through room

17、for the key(sb.) be in search of the key.(某人)在找钥匙2. a variety of topics 一系列的话题3. be in/out of touch with 和-有/无联系get/keep in/ lose touch with sb.和-取得/保持/失去联系4. have no limits 无极限5. (be)in favor of 赞成,支持(be) against sth. 反对subscribe to 同意,赞成;订阅(杂志等)object to 反对(=be opposed to)6. have positive effects

18、on 有积极影响have negative effects on有消极影响7. relate to 和-有关;理解relate A to/with B 把A和B联系在一起be related to 与-有关8. a reliable source 可靠的来源9. turn to sb. for help 向-求教/求助10. at ones command 听候某人吩咐-command that sb. should do sth.It is vital that sb.( should ) do sth.11. be skeptical about 对-怀疑12. claim 宣称(未经证实

19、的事)claim the protection of law 要求得到法律保护13. make an assumption=assume 假设14. build/form social bonds 建立社会联系15. be based on 以-为基础= on the basis of16. whats more 而且17. correspond with 和-书信联系;和-一致correspond to 相当于18. around the globe 在全球19. avenue 大道,方法20. speak against 发言反对21. speak for 发言支持22. the main

20、 drawback 主要的缺点23. be evaluated for accuracy 评估正确性24. (sb.) have access to (sth.) 可接近,有权使用 (sth.) be accessible to (sb.)25. up-to-date 最新的26. strengths and weaknesses 优缺点27. false information 虚假信息28. educator 教育家29. hand in 上交hand out 分发30. for ones reference 供参考31. become addicted to (doing sth.)上瘾

21、,沉迷be drunk with 醉心于,陶醉于32. solve the problem 解决问题33. live a normal life 过正常生活34. drop out of school 辍学35. withdraw from society 和社会脱离36. handle the problem=deal with 处理问题37. diverse多样化的 a diversity of 一系列的,各种各样的 38. during ones lifetime 在某人一生中39. (a) lack of competence 能力缺乏40. an inventor 发明人41. ab

22、andon ones dreams 抛弃梦想42. make/keep/break the appointment 定/守/违约43. keep sth. in mind 记在心中(remember)44. assist sb. in the search 帮助-45. be classified by subject 按科目分类46. qualification 资格be qualified for 有资格做-quality 质量47. comb through the pages 在书页中搜寻48. be divided into specific categories 被分成特定类别49

23、. on the basis (of sth.)= be based on sth.基于50. be relevant to和-相关的51. A equals B.= A is equal to B.A=B52. take sth. into consideration 把-考虑在内53. bother to do sth.费力/神去做某事54. make corrections 订正55. consult sb.咨询-56. make a difference 起作用57. pluses and minuses 优缺点58. write an outline of sth. 写概要59. a

24、cknowledge (having done)sth. 承认(做过)某事acknowledge sb. as 承认某人是-60. attach a list to the letter 信后附名单attach importance to sth. 认为-重要61. follow the tips 遵从建议62. be much more worthwhile 更值得M7U41. pick up and drop off passengers 上下客pick me up (顺路开车)接我(passengers) get on and get off the bus(乘客)上下公交车2. on

25、the route 在(公交等的)线路上3. have the distinction of 有-名声4. unfortunately5. give approval to 批准6. be postponed until 推迟到= be delayed until=be put off until 7. postpone doing sth.推迟做某事delay doing sth.8. beneath the surface of 在表面下9. section one 第一部分10. link up 连接起来11. at regular intervals 每隔固定时间/距离12. chok

26、e 呛a choked voice 呛了的声音13. accelerate the pace of sth.加快步伐=speed up sth.14. undertake improving the system 承担-undertake to do sth.=promise to do sth.承诺-15. obtain ownership of sth. 获得所有权16. under the authority of 在-的主管下17. architect 建筑师 architecture 建筑18. function as=work as 充当-功能19. enlarge ones vo

27、cabulary 扩大词汇量20. user-friendly 方便使用的21. in honor of 为纪念,向-表示敬意22. anniversary 周年纪念日23. drive away 赶走,驱赶24. lead to 通往,导致=result in25. come up with 想出(主意)26. try out 实验(try it out)try on 试穿27. break out (战争/疾病/火灾/争吵)爆发break in 插话;非法闯入break up 分解,分手(make up 和好)break down 坏掉;(健康等)垮掉,崩溃28. ask for 要求得到

28、29. link- with- 把-和-联系30. wash up 洗涤wash away the soil 冲走泥土31. give up 放弃(比较:give in 屈服,让步)32. talk over 仔细讨论(=discuss)33. set up 建立set up a new record 建立新纪录 set up ones own business 创立自己的事业34. look after 照料=take care of35. turn up 到达,出现= appear36. put through 经历(困难等),使某人接通电话put you through to the m

29、anager put through the hard time 经历困难时期37. put off 推迟38. decide on 决定,选定39. call back 回电话40. deal with 处理,对付=handle41. come up 出现,发生,走上前来42. look around 四处看看43. look after 照料44. make a reservation 预定45. check timetables 查看时间表46. speed up 加快47. departure and arrival times 离开和抵达时间48. wash away soil 冲走

30、泥土49. be under repair=be being repaired 修理中50. travel by ferry 坐轮渡51. be punctual for 准时参加52. cause many deaths and injuries 导致死伤53. put out 扑灭(大火等)54. arise from 因-而引起/出现=result fromWere facing problems arising from water pollution.55. be aimed at sth. 目的在于-The notice is aimed at doing sth. 告示目的在于-

31、56. increase knowledge of 增长见识57. be aware of意识到=realize58. in connection with 和-有关59. give signals 发出信号60. get annoyed 生气61. be aggressive 有攻击性的62. push into other lanes 挤进别的车道63. result in crashes 导致撞车64. speak on the mobile phones 手机通话65. be fined for speeding 超速被罚66. be drunk with 陶醉于67. violate

32、 the law 违反法律=break-68. risk ones own life 拿生命冒险69. take responsibility 承担责任70. watch out for 当心71. in particular=particularly 尤其72. fail to do sth. 未能做到某事73. apply to sth. 运用于74. at turnings 在拐弯处75. a light load 轻负担76. This lack of control is an invitation to accidents.失控是事故的诱因。77. in need of repair 需要修理78. put on the brakes 踩刹车79. obey traffic lights 服从交通信号灯80. be up to 取决于,由-决定收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

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