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1、虹口区2017年高三英语二模试卷精品资料虹口区2016学年度第二学期期中教学质量监控测试高三英语 试卷 2017.4考生注意:1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答題必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。3. 答題前,务必在答題纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码貼在指定位置上,在答題纸反面清楚地填写姓名。第 I 卷 (共100分)I. Listening Comprehension Section ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short convers

2、ations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the

3、 best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Go to the officeB. Keep callingC. Try online bookingD. See a doctor2. A. A reporterB. An athleteC. A fishermanD. An organizer3. A. At a post officeB. At a fast-food restaurantC. At a booking officeD. At a check-in desk4. A. He already has plans.B. Th

4、e woman should decide where to eat.C. He will make a reservation.D. The woman can ask her brother for advice. 5. A. He got wet in the rain.B. The shower was out of order.C. He didnt hear the phone ringing.D. He got out of the shower to answer the phone.6.A. ReasonableB. BrightC. SeriousD. Ridiculous

5、7. A. Send leafletsB. Go sightseeingC. Do some gardeningD. Visit a lawyer8. A. Her doorbell doesnt need repair.B. She didnt expect him to come so earlyC. The man has just arrived on time.D. It is not the right time for her.9.A. She wont go to the beach if it rains.B. She would like the man to go to

6、the beach.C. It will clear up tomorrow.D. It was pouring when she was at the beach.10.A. What to take up as a hobby.B. How to keep fit.C. How to handle pressure.D. What to play with.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked

7、 several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you

8、have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11.A. Greet guests and talk to hotel staff.B. Have breakfast and examine room service.C. Prepare for the meeting and write new reports.D. Review the previous nights reports and check emails.12.A. Saying hello to every guest.B. Co

9、nsidering different bath requirements.C. Dining with a different staff member.D. Holding various operational meetings.13.A. A days life of a hotel manager.B. The daily routine at a hotel.C. Hotel service and improvement.D. Meetings attended by a hotel manager.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the

10、 following passage. 14.A. Educating children.B. Saving rare animals.C. Recreating an environment.D. Making a profit.15. A. Because animals make visitors stressful.B. Because animals must live their lives in cages.C. Because animals can feel bored and sad.D. Because animals are in danger of extinctio

11、n.16. A. They are still useful and necessary.B. They have more disadvantages than advantages. C. They are a perfect environment for animals.D. They are recreative places for animals.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. Tuesday.B. Wednesday.C. Thursday.D. Friday.18.

12、A. Either is acceptable.B. The guest doesnt mind it.C. The guest does mind it.D. Its up to the hotel waitress.19. A. 400 dollarsB. 600 dollarsC. 800 dollarsD. 1200 dollars20. A. There is no free WiFi access in the rooms of the hotelB. There is only WiFi access in the lobby of the hotelC. There is no

13、 free Internet access in the hotelD. There is no Internet access in the hotelII. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper

14、 form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Loss of Biodiversity (生物多样性) Affects Human SocietyIf a species of bee disappears forever or a particular plant is extinct, what does it have to do with us humans? Well, according to a team of international scientis

15、ts, biodiversity is dropping below levels (21) _ (consider) safe for the health and happiness of human societies.The issue is that everything is inter-connected and ecosystems support our societies (22) _ they provide us with, for example, food, fibres and fuels. If species go on disappearing, this

16、can disturb many vital processes (23) _ crop pollination (授粉) and the decomposition (分解) of waste.A framework which defines the environmental limits within (24) _ humans can really operate - called planetary boundaries - says (25) _ (lose) more than 10% of the biodiversity in an area places the loca

17、l ecosystem at risk. Ecosystems are all different but this percentage is considered as a good measure of safety.A study published in the magazine Science suggests that 58% of the worlds land surface (26) _ (reduce) below this level already. These areas house 71% of the global population. Professor A

18、ndy Purvis, from Imperial College London and the Natural History Museum, is one of the authors of the study. He says, “Once were the wrong side of the boundary, (27) _ doesnt mean everything goes wrong immediately, but there is a remarkable higher risk (28) _ things will go badly wrong.”The research

19、ers found that grasslands, savannas and shrub lands were most affected by biodiversity loss on average. Purvis hopes this report (29) _ become a wake-up call to those who design policies. Heres his warning: “Decision-makers worry a lot about economic recessions (衰退), but an ecological recession coul

20、d have even (30) _ (bad) consequences and the biodiversity damage weve had means were at risk of that happening. Until and unless we can bring biodiversity back up, were playing ecological roulette (轮盘赌).” Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can

21、be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. characteristic B. environmentally C. announced D. imports E. exposing F. invest G. extensively H. acquire I. machinery J. competitiveness K. crucialChina Set to Make Own Ballpoint Pen TipsOne of Chinas major stainless steel (不锈钢) p

22、roducers has independently developed the special steel needed to make the ballpoint pen tips and plans to mass-produce the material to replace _31_ in two years.The group has spent five years on research and development to _32_ the technology, ending a long-term Chinese reliance on foreign pen tips.

23、Without this technology, Chinas pen manufacturers, which produce 38 billion ballpoint pens per year, have had to purchase the _33_ parts from overseas markets, costing the industry $17.3 million a year, according to the China National Light Industry Council.“It will be one of our _34_ products in th

24、e long run, and we will try more materials for tips of ballpoint pens to remain competitive,” said Li Jianmin, director of TISCOs research and development center.Wang Huimian, TISCOs senior engineer, said the company will _35_ more financial resources and manpower to develop next-generation ballpoin

25、t pen tips in a(n) _36_ friendly way to further compete with rivals in Japan and Switzerland.“If these real economy-related factors are underdeveloped, its key _37_ wont be strong,” said Wang.The pen tip issue was first brought into the spotlight by Premier Li Keqiang in January last year, _38_ a ma

26、jor issue facing Chinese manufacturers weak competitiveness in key technology.Making such products requires high-precision _39_ and extremely-thin steel plates. Special microelements must be added to liquid steel to make a quality tip that can write continually for at least 800 meters.Eager to enhan

27、ce its earning ability, the company _40_ that it planned to produce 10.5 million metric tons of steel this year, including 4.5 million stainless steel products.Zhao Ying, a researcher at the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, said, “All these elem

28、ents can be reached only through long-term investment and increasing development,” he said.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the contex

29、t.Throughout history, many lives have been lost at the hands of severe weather. Meteorologists (气象学家) and scientists alike are always investigating new ways to increase the warning time for storms, with the hope of reducing the _41_ of lives. In the past few decades, local weather radar advancements

30、 have been made, which allow for better accuracy in _42_ the paths of storms.Meteorologists and scientists have been able to successfully track severe thunderstorms and possible tornadoes by using an advanced tracking system called NEXRAD (Next-Generation Radar). NEXRAD is a tracking network _43_ 15

31、8 Doppler weather radars. And during a storm this high-resolution computerized _44_ takes readings on the amount of precipitation (降水) in the air, the movements in the clouds, and the wind speeds.These _45_ are bounced back to a local weather computer, and a colorful image appears on the screen, giv

32、ing meteorologists a clear picture of what kind of weather is on the horizon. This final image is what you see when the meteorologist breaks in with severe weather reports and warnings. _46_, on your television screen you will see a computer animated image of the approaching storm. If the storm is s

33、evere enough, then the National Weather Service (NWS) will _47_ severe weather reports of severe thunderstorm warnings for your area. _48_, the storm captured on the radar will have produced strong readable winds, detectable lightning, and some hail (冰雹). Paying attention to the weather map is _49_

34、when severe weather is around.On the television screen you will see several colors on the precipitation map, _50_ from blue (the lightest) to black (the heaviest). If the colors for your _51_ area are yellow, take caution. If the colors range between orange and red, take cover immediately, as damagi

35、ng winds and dangerous lightning have been reported.When local weather radar in Atlanta, Georgia reported high winds, _52_ wind patterns and large hail earlier this year, the National Weather Service issued a tornado _53_. Meteorologists in the area used the collected data to predict what path the s

36、torm would take, _54_ which areas needed to be warned.Thanks to this technology, most residents received the severe weather reports early enough to seek _55_ before the storm hit. Paying attention to your local weather source during severe weather plays a vital role in your safety.41.A. lossB. incre

37、aseC. protectionD. value42.A. changingB. controllingC. predictingD. guiding43.A. faced withB. exposed toC. involved inD. made up of44.A. structureB. systemC. modeD. style45.A. figuresB. dataC. readingsD. statistics46. A. Most likelyB. Most evidentlyC. Most interestinglyD. Most importantly47.A. decid

38、eB. estimateC. handleD. issue48.A. By the wayB. In that caseC. To some extentD. On the contrary49.A. vitalB. reasonableC. normalD. available50.A. expandingB. spreadingC. rangingD. extending51.A. properB. specificC. typicalD. regular52.A. straightB. uniqueC. generalD. circular53.A. processB. threatC.

39、 warningD. sign54.A. indicatingB. recognizingC. revealingD. recommending55.A. rescueB. residenceC. supportD. shelterSection B Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C

40、and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)In this section we consider what you can do to train your brain to improve your game playing skills.1. Daily workoutIt is very easy to find tactical puzzles and train. However, you must try t

41、o solve them. Dont just stare at the position for 10 seconds and then turn to the solution. You wont learn anything. Have a go at trying to solve the puzzle. If you got it right then great - well done. However, if you got it wrong, then have another look. Ask yourself questions such as the following

42、:l Why did I get it wrong?l What was wrong with my solution?l What was the weakness that the tactic exploited?Where can you find tactical puzzles?Its easy. They are everywhere. Many newspapers, including Independent, and magazines have a daily or weekly chess puzzle. Key “chess puzzles” into Google

43、and youll find a whole load of them. There are plenty of puzzle books.2. Use software Nowadays chess software is terribly cheap. World Champion Vladimir Kramnik recently lost a match 4 2 against a software program. This program is available for about 30. In general, people use chess software for the

44、 wrong reasons. They often play game after game against the machine and get beaten every time. Bored with this, they turn the playing level right down so that the program is almost playing random moves and then they can beat it every time and feel better. Neither method will help you improve. Howeve

45、r, chess software can be a fantastically useful learning tool if used in two particular ways. The first is if you have tried to solve a puzzle but its a bit too difficult and you dont really understand the solution. Never mind - well done for trying. Now set the position up on the program and try di

46、fferent moves. Chess software is faultless at tactical play. It will instantly tell you the right and wrong moves and why they do or dont work. Secondly you can run over games you have played to learn where you have gone wrong and where you could have improved. Get into the habit of keeping the scor

47、e (i.e. writing down the moves) of games that you play. This will help you to improve and refine your understanding of tactical themes and patterns.56. What would be the best title of this passage? A. How to Train Your BrainB. Where to Find Tactical Puzzles C. Daily Workout and Use of Software D. How to Improve Your Chess-Playing Skills 57. The underlined part “tactical puzzles” in the second paragraph most probably means _. A. puzzles making us b

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