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1、高中英语必修三笔记精品文档Unit 11. mean v. 意思是,意味着+doing;打算,意欲+to doadj. 吝啬的My new job means travelling a lot.I meant to tell you the truth but didnt get a chance.I didnt mean to hurt you.He is too mean to buy his wife a birthday gift.2. take place vi. 发生Great changes have taken place in my hometown.3. of all ki

2、nds 各种各样的 of kind 类的Questions of this kind are difficult to answer.4. starve v. (使)挨饿,饿死The animals were left to starve to death.She is starving herself to lose weight. starvation n.5. honour v. 尊敬,尊重n. 光荣,荣幸;令人感到光荣的人或事The president honoured us with a personal visit.They are going o fight for the ho

3、nour of the country. be/feel honoured to do sth. 感到荣幸I am very honoured to be included in the team. do sb. the honour of doing sth. 使增光,赏光,给带来荣誉Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife? In honour of 纪念,为向表示敬意A dinner party will be held in honour of our guests.A monument will be put up in honour

4、 of those who died during World War.6. satisfy v. (使)满足,(使)满意Nothing satisfies himhe is always complaining.satisfy ones curiosity7. harm v./Un. 损害The rumor harmed his image.This will do harm to your career. harmful adj. 对有害的Smoking is harmful to your health.8. in memory of 作为对的纪念(+死人) in honour of 作

5、为对的纪念(+死人、活人)9. dress up 穿上盛装,穿上正式服装;装扮,乔装打扮There is no need to dress upcome as you are.10. arrival n. 到达,抵达We apologized for the late arrival of the train.Guests received the dinner on arrival at the hotel.11. gather v. 聚集,收拢,归拢The whole family gathered together at Jacks home.12. award n. 奖,奖品,奖金,奖

6、状win/receive/get an award13. produce Un. (农)产品 product Cn. 产品14. admire v. 钦佩,羡慕,赞赏,欣赏I have always been admiring your new car.I dont agree with her, but I admire her, for sticking to her principles.15. day and nightI think of you day and night.16. turn up We planned to meet at 7:00 but she never tu

7、rned up.17. hold ones breathHold your breath and count to ten.He held his breath when the results were announced.18. apologize v. 道歉+to sb. for sth.We apologize for the late arriving.Go and apologize to her. apology n. make an apology to sb. for sth.19. drown v.Two children drowned after falling int

8、o the water.The fruit was drowned in cream.20. obvious adj. be obvious to sb. thatIt is obvious to everyone that the child had been badly treated.21. marry sb. be married to sb.22. set off 出发+for.We set off for London just after ten oclock.23. remind v. 提醒,使想起You remind me of your father when you sa

9、y that.Please remind me to phone Jack before I go.24. forgive v. 原谅Ill never forgive her for what she did.Unit 21. diet n. 日常饮食,日常食物;特种饮食,规定的饮食;饮食限制A balanced diet and regular exercise are both important to our health.be/go on a dietThe doctor asked him to go on a diet to lose weight.Im on a diet.2.

10、 balance v. (使)保持平衡,(使)均衡,(使)平稳The dog balanced a ball on his nose. balanced adj. 均衡的,调和的3. frustrate v. 使沮丧,使灰心,使受挫折I find it frustrating that I cant speak French.Im feeling rather frustrated in my present job.4. barbecue v. 烧烤 n. 烤肉We had a barbecue on the beach. roast adj. 烤好的,烤制的 v. 烤5. slim v.

11、减肥adj. 苗条的I dont want any cake, but Im trying to slim.6. curious adj. 好奇的Im curious about what happened.We were curious to know where she had gone. curiosity n. 好奇心7. get away with 做了而未被发觉,未受惩罚How did she get away with cheating?8. lie v. 说谎 lied-lied ;躺,位于 lay-lain n. 谎言 lay v. 下蛋;放置 laid-laid9. ear

12、n ones living=make ones living 谋生He earned his living as a reporter.10. glare v. 怒目而视+atShe didnt shout. She just glared at me silently.11. spy on 暗中监视,窥探Have you been spying on me?12. limited adj. 有限的 limit n. 限度,限制,限量,极限a speed limitThere is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear.13. benefit n.

13、 优势,益处 vt. 使受益,对有用 vi. 得益于+fromHe couldnt see the benefit of arguing any longer.We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone.Who can benefit from those changes?14. combine v. 组合,结合,联合,混合combine work with pleasureIs it possible to combine the two parties?15. cut down 减少的量,缩减We co

14、uldnt cut down our expense any more.16. only too 极为,非常Im only too pleased to be able to get home.17. consult v. 咨询,请教+sb. about sth. ;与商议,商量+with sb. about/on sth.Unit 31. bring up 养育,抚养,教养;提出;呕吐She brought up 5 children.He was brought up by his aunt.Bring it up at the meeting.bring up the lunch2. s

15、et v. 为设置背景(常用作被动)The novel is set in London is the 1960s.3. bet n. 打赌,赌注make a bet 打赌win/lose a betWe have got a bet on who is going to arrive first.4. wander v. 漫游,游荡,闲逛;走神,开小差We wandered back towards the car.She wandered aimlessly on the streets.Try not to let your mind wander.Dont wander off the

16、 subjectkeep to the point.5. permit v. 允许,准许 permit sb. to do sth. permit doing sth.We dont permit smoking in the hall.Visitors are not permitted to take photos.6. go ahead (with sth.) 开始做,着手干May I start now? Yes, go ahead.The government is going to go ahead with its tax cutting plan.7. stare at 盯着看

17、,凝视,注视I stared blankly at the piece of paper in front of me.8. fault n. 过错,过失,责任;缺陷,毛病,故障It was his fault that we were late.9. spot v. 发现,注意到,看见Where did you spot him? It was in the hotel where we lived.I finally spotted my friend in the crowd.10. passage n. 船费,旅费;航行,旅行Have a pleasant passage!work o

18、nes passage 在船上工作以抵船资11. account n. 账户 v. 解释,说明,是的原因+foraccount numberopen/close an accountHow do you account for the accident?12. seek v. 寻找,寻求 sought-soughtThey sought shelter from the rain.We must seek for a solution to the problem.13. amount n. 数量,数额+of+Un.large amounts of money14. take a chance

19、=take chances 碰碰运气,冒冒风险15. manner n. 方式,方法;态度,举止He answered in a businesslike manner.have a friendly manner manners n. 礼貌,规矩Its bad manners to eat like that.16. simply 确实,简直,非常,实在The view is simply wonderful.That is simply not true.17. in rags 衣衫褴褛,穿得破旧The beggar is dressed in rags.18. indeed 其实,实际上

20、;当然,真的,确实;真正地I dont mind. Indeed, i am pleased.Its indeed a beautiful bag.Im very sad indeed to hear of your fathers death.19. as for 至于,关于Youll have a bed, as for him, hell have to sleep on the floor.20. bow n./v 鞠躬He bowed to/before the queen.21. seat vt. 使坐下Im seated.Please be seated.22. disappoi

21、nted be disappointed in/with sb. at/by sth.Im very disappointed by the result.Unit 41. violent adj. 暴力的,强暴的;猛烈的,剧烈的,强烈的Children shouldnt be allowed to watch violent movies.a violent changea violent headache2. in time 及时;最后,终于The ambulance got there just in time.He learnt to accept his step mother in

22、 time.3. cool down=cool off 变凉,冷却下来4. fundamental adj. 基础的,基本的+toHard-work is fundamental to success.5. presence n. 在场,出席;存在,出现Your presence is requested at the meeting.6. dissolve v. (使)溶解Salt dissolves in water.Dissolve the salt in water.7. harmful n./adj. +toSmoking is harmful to your health.Smok

23、ing does harm to your health.8. multiply v. 乘;迅速增加,成倍增加 multiply A by B multiply A and B togetherMultiply 2 and 6 together and you get 12.2 multiplied by 6 is/makes/equals 12.9. remain v. 剩余,剩下;留待,尚待+to do link v. 仍然是After the big fire, very little of my house remained.It remains to be seen whether

24、they will like the gift.What happened to the amber room remains a mystery.10. spread v./n. 传播 -spread-spread11. lessen v. (使)缩小,变小,变少The noise lessened as the plane got further away.His behaviour has lessened him in her eyes.12. cheer up (使)高兴起来,振作起来Cheer up! The news isnt too bad.He took her to the

25、 party to cheer her up.13. now (that) conj. 既然,由于Now that John has arrived, we can begin.14. get/have the hang of sth. 熟悉某物的用法15. break out vi. (战争,恐慌,火灾等)突然发生,爆发Unit 51. rather than 而不是I think Ill have a cold drink rather than a coffee.2. baggage/luggage Un. 行李Two pieces of luggage have gone missin

26、g.3. chat v. 闲谈,聊天My children spent hours chatting on the phone to their friends.What were you chatting about?4. scenery Un. (某地、某国总的外景或外貌) scene Cn. (Scenery的一部分,但还包括其中的人及其活动;也可指展现在眼前的情景)The scene after the earthquake was horrible. view Cn. (从某处看到的景色)The view from the top of the tower was very wond

27、erful.5. surround v. 围绕,环绕,包围,围住 surround sb./sth. withTall trees surround the lake.The lake is surrounded by/with tall trees.They have surrounded the building with police.6. measure v. 测量,度量;有的长度、大小、分量A ships speed is measured in knots.This room measures 6 metres by 4.7. aboard prep./adv. 在上He is a

28、lready aboard the plane.We finally went aboard.8. settle down 舒适地坐下或躺下;定居下来过安定的生活I settled down with a book.When are you going to get married and settle down?9. manage to do=succeed in doing=be able to do 成功地做10. with in prep. 不出(时间、距离、范围、限度);在之内You should receive a reply within 7 days.Is it within

29、walking distance?11. slight adj. 轻微的,略微的I woke up with a slight headache. slightly adv. 略微,稍微a slightly different version12. confirm v. 证实,进一步确定,确认,批准The experiment confirmed his theory.The president confirmed that he would visit France the following month.13. distance n. 距离,间隔Whats the distance fro

30、m Changchun to Beijing?Whats the distance between Changchun and Beijing? in the distance 在远处,远方的I saw smoke in the distance.14. downtown n. 城镇的商业中心区 adj. 商业中心区的 adv. 在商业中心区I went downtown to do some shopping today.15. over 在期间,经过Will you be at home over Christmas?Over the years he has become lazier

31、and lazier.16. approximately adv. 大约,大概The hospital is approximately 5 kilometers from the station.17. nearby adj. 在附近的 adv. 附近My parents live nearby.18. terrify v. 使恐惧,使十分害怕Flying terrifies her.19. impress v. 给留下深刻印象;使铭记 impress sth. on/upon sb.His honesty impresses her.He impresses her with his honesty.My father impressed on me the value of hard work.收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

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