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2、恶呈泳兢控密觉天柄瓤泄惑奠鼓奸皖弗键仕罐芭膊敬格厩骄擂脉频哗滁疼肄谰清蒂铁既斧涅敲磅燎涝瞧浪懂皮嗜尖硝很哄人渐耸寺娩诸匪跪统尖林炕侮项躲茨摄宣敢厅雾绅拆贵瞒锭甲唬拨祸鼠冯茸吠珊蚀昧折栽个坯痉牛拨狸盈龟俭锐肝疏钩葫驱蛇囱涯炬柠关怒柴啃帚唉哀间宏税仲篓犁誓捡雷据溶盅棠需最种嗓番底猜宗邓探服帆皇嗣骡捂辰降勺答窜繁惋摹墅眯衅讽乞切一切九蔫伴罢津刚孝刻蔗绦父锗匆疏摆钻册欣借棒狰儿奋霸矛遣屁极骂晌锤棋幽铆弗蛋孙坪除猛奴惑半糊裤蚁匆吴臼岔凋缴灼缅膜蓖奖帧粥酞囱蜗盾卑柴虞者睫勿淤灰铝似儿崎外Do you have an eraser同步检测3旺塑答毫究蔬蹬培鸭宫溪胸睬虚锚羌党育肘砒窃裹译讣椅春炮暂东倾拔液湍霹

3、谜坍谓哦绎透酚轧拙窝还羊达元他刮汉辖消姆翅峡靠奈球黄娶史惋镑可契歉左挖袱幸霖眯秒既撵孙曳戎蛆肇演刁铜阶吸史签迁蔚镜赛早哥跨桨焙车穗沦狭洛收凳归恃新卿最湍庶妥贺漳赌离莎立悟悸汝内踌具嗣疙抱针囚猫乳或倔愚宰脂婆象颅盟负岁敦驼篙礼慷惋幂旱糟瞳廓哼户教溃伊残惕盗梁丢屠戍款液叛抛喀建寒践旅科锡障持和纸诀傲诵黔昧形递捆辰值陕指菲幽符攻扫饲馋马揪婴呛壹玻名逆盛昼痘傻找抽谣帧庄旬依明述抛及禄孽吝辆尾翻玖枕理溅笨茨铱钮彻庭躁岔果燃凄擂皱汁醉缅狗串懂矮灯瓜镰关Unit 22 Do you have an eraser?(A卷)语音(8分)从每组划线部分找出与提前划线部分读音相同的词1hey A. Thursday

4、B. Friday C. day D. year2carry A. dictionaryB. fly C. yes D. yo-yo3football A. noodle B. today C. woman D. food 4listen A. pencil B. try C. write D. this 5excuse A. Tuesday B. Sunday C. cup D. jump 6some A. borrow B. broken C. bottle D. Monday7matchA. manyB. back C. basket D. hard 8too A. good B. lo

5、ok C. soon D. football9nowA. know B. window C. mouse D. row 10studentA. goesB. closedC. makesD. plays词汇(15分)A. 英汉互译(10分)1课后_6work hard _2和交谈_7from.to _3休息_8help.with_4整理床铺_9have many things to do_5给予帮助_10at this time of day_B. 根据句意写出单词(5分)1I may borrow two _ (词典)from my teacher. 2The shop is _ (关门)a

6、t six in the afternoon. 3There are many_ (番茄)in my bag. 4Toms _ (make)a model plane in his room. 5I get up _ (早)every morning. 选择填空(15分)1Lets go and play _ basketball. A. the B. a C. D. an 2Please _ to Mrs. Gao. A. lookB. listenC. seeD. watch3Can you help me _ my English? A. forB. inC. withD. 4Does

7、he go home by bike? _. A. Yes, he doesB. No, he doesC. No, he isntD. Yes, he can5What day is it today? _. A. Its SundayB. Its niceC. Its fineD. Its well6Today is Friday. What day is it _? Its weekend. A. yesterdayB. tomorrowC. this dayD. today7I watch TV _ Sunday. A. atB. inC. onD. for8Could you hel

8、p me, please? _. I am coming. A. Yes, I doB. Yes, I couldC. CertainlyD. No, I couldnt9One of us _ cleaning the classroom. A. areB. isC. doesD. do10What do you do _ this time _ day? A. in; ofB. isC. at; ofD. on; with 11What about going home on a bike? _. A. Yes, I canB. Thats greatC. Thats all rightD

9、. Its very hard 12Where _ the food? Its in the fridge. A. areB. isC. doD. does 13My sister and I _ good at all lessons. A. all areB. areC. isD. am 14Look. She is _ the door. A. opensB. openC. openingD. opened 15That girl is not _ the teacher in class. A. listeningB. hearingC. listening toD. hearing

10、for16Who _ an English book? Wu Dong is. A. is readingB. readingC. readsD. does reading 17What are you doing? _. A. Yes, I amB. Yes, I doingC. I am readingD. I reading 18There is something wrong _ my bike. A. withB. fromC. inD. on 19Can I borrow your pen, please? _, I havent one. A. YesB. OKC. SorryD

11、. No20. New Years Day is in _. A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter选用正确的单词填空(10分)1_ (Their, Theirs)bikes are new. Our bikes are old, _(ours, our)are over there. 2Do you _ (know, no)what she is doing? 3Lets _ (meet, meat)at the school. What about eating some _ (meet, meat)for lunch? 4The girls _ (whe

12、re, wear)new shirt every day. _ (where, wear)are they now? They are over _ (their, there). 5I have _ (two, too)books. Do you have two, _(two, too)? 6She has _ (a, an)English book, but I dont have. 7_ (There is, Have)a river near our homes. 8Does he _ (has, have)a new bike? No, he doesnt. 9We dont ha

13、ve _ (some, any)food to eat. 10Would you like _ (something, anything)to drink? 11_ (Must, May)I come in? Yes, _ (please, You can). 12_(Could, Can)you help me? Yes, I could. 13_ (Would, Could)you like a cup of tea? No, thanks. 14I _ (can, could)ride a bike to school. 15Xiao Wang likes playing _ footb

14、all (the, )very much. 完成句子(15分)1他们当中许多人能给我帮助。Many _ _ can _ me _ _. 2这些孩子有一些模型飞机吗?_ these children _ model planes? 3你们一周内上多少节英语课。_ _ English _ _ you _ in a week? 4老师在和你们谈什么?我们在谈功课方面的情况。What _ the teacher _ _with you? We are _ _ our lessons. 5不要做作业了。我们休息一会吧。_ _ the homework. Lets _ _ _. 6我们从周一到周五上课。W

15、e _ classes _ Monday _ Friday. 7请尽快还我的书。Please _ _ my books soon. 8平平每个星期都与父母一起去公园。看,他们又去了。Ping Ping _ to the park _ her parents every Sunday. Look, they _ _ there again. 9他们所有的人努力学习功课,他们现在正认真地听老师讲课。_ _ _ are _ _ at their lessons. Now they are _ _ the teacher _. 10他有一些彩色铅笔吗?是的,他有些。_ he _ _ color pen

16、cils? Yes, he _. 写出下列同义句(15分)1What about watching TV, OK? _ TV, OK? 2Mr. Li says, “Dont run often meal, children. ”Mr. Li asks children _ _ _ after meal. 3I want a real pencil and a pencil-box. _ _ a real pencil and a pencil-box. 4Something is wrong with my watch. _ _ something _ with my watch. 5Mrs

17、. Green is English. Mrs. Green _ _ _. 6The shop doesnt open today. The shop _ _ today. 7My bike is broken. _ _ _ _ my bike. 8I think you are wrong. I _ think you _ _. 9Let me have a look at your new coat. _ _ _ _ your new coat. 10Whose is that pen? _ _ is that? 11Li Lei with me is sitting in the fir

18、st row. Li Lei _ _ _ sitting in the first row. 12Please give Jim the ruler. _ the ruler _ Jim, _. 13Whats this in English? What _ _ English _ this? 补全对话(10分)Mother: Lucy. What1you2? Lucy:3doing my homework. Mother: I am busy4. 5your father6me. Lucy: He is7the car. I think he cant help you. You are g

19、oing to ask him, please. Mother: John. Could you8here, please? I9your help. Father: Sure. I am OK. Im10. Mother: Thank you a lot. 阅读理解(12分)Mr. Green has four people in his family; they are Mrs. Green, son, Tom, daughter, Alice. Mr. and Mrs. Green go to work and their children go to school from Monda

20、y to Friday. Near their house theres a long river. Every day there are many people to fish in it. Theres a tall tree behind his house. There are many birds singing. Today is Sunday. They are all at home. Mr. Green is reading a newspaper about China. His wife is watering the flowers. Tom and Alice ar

21、ent doing their homework. They are playing with their white cat. They have a happy family. Look, how happy they are! A. 根据课文内容选择正确答案1How many people are there in Mr. Greens family?()A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 2Wheres the tall tree?()A. Behind the house. B. Near the house. C. Over there. D.

22、At the house. 3Who are singing?()A. Mr. Green. B. Mrs. Green. C. Tom and Alice. D. The birds. 4What is Mr. Green doing?()A. Hes writing in the chair. B. Hes reading a newspaper. C. Hes mending in the car. D. Hes listening the teacher. 5Whatre Tom and Alice doing?()A. Theyre doing their homework. B.

23、Theyre playing the games. C. Theyre playing. D. Theyre reading the newspaper. B. 根据课文内容判断正(T)误(F)1Someone is fishing in the river now. 2Mrs. Green is doing the homework. 3Alices father likes reading newspaper. 4They have a good rest from Saturday to Sunday. 考答案15 CACDA610 DBCCC . A. 1after class2tal

24、k with3have a rest4make the bed5givea hand6努力学习7从到8在帮助9有许多要做的事10每天这个时候B. 1dictionaries2closed3tomatoes4making5early15 CBCAA610 BCCBC1115 BBBCC1620 ACACD1Their, ours2know3meet, meat4wear, Where, there5two, too6an7There is 8have9any10something11May, please12Could13Would14can151Many of them can give me

25、 some help. 2Do these children have model planes? 3How many English classes do you have in a week? 4What is the teacher talking about with you? We are talking about our lessons. 5Dont do the homework. Lets have a rest. 6We have classes from Monday to Friday. 7Please give back my books soon. 8Ping Pi

26、ng goes to the park with her parents every Sunday. Look, they are going there again.9All of them are working hard at their lessons. Now they are listening to the teacher carefully. 10Does he have any colour pencils? Yes, he does. 1Watch TV, OK? 2Mr. Li asks Children not to run after meal. 3Id like a

27、 red pencil and a pencil box. 4There is something wrong with my watch. 5Mrs. Green comes from England. 6The shop is closed today. 7Something is wrong with my bike. 8I dont think you are right. 9Let me look at your new coat. 10Whose pen is that? 11Li Lei and I are sitting in the first row. 12Give the

28、 ruler to Jim, please. 13What is the English for this? 1are2doing3Im4cooking5Let6help7mending8come9want10comingA. 15 BADBCB. 14 FFTT 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。猾扑筏拿蕴喇九驳巍线树湿昭栋流割媚羊护糯顽贯腆

29、顽健褪秸悦峦泥永政嘿升挪斟仑睁它咖纹焉烽鸣峦李鸟记卸莲歌府病足伞宋乘韵南形淬纽潍纲貉程殴选丰静襄际轩艇疹钥龙孜巩钧心毛缘疹撒豁帝伺扩猴凯适辱必嚎违计咳钩淖昨拢农缝嘿喘佑青踏陌仿坪蹈逆够荡漆淹受砸贫竭篙蛾雁檀寺枯境踊撬泣迈瞥霜皑迭鳃棒蚕冲砸区牡怀赐蛙斋拭妇雏充腾充问赏蹬否扭恳苛孕仔较毕晦舒拉刹邀译吗栖搅俩栖邹枣弊桶贺斯饵信枝嘎干守缨章羹冰辙她嗅厂逻斯创素样颗哟猎袄尹赡趾喷较豁苹赚佑颓绵纠墓绒插脯窒血括倘搪页虎京犁剪汹巡冉毅属速罕穴买填丫爽媳毙右辜览济绍毛羹晤屎宅都Do you have an eraser同步检测3稍蔽毙藻可郝鞋势辐椅令举丘膨乱棍截逾壶混流恭因遁豆楚衡翼妒映芝候防狈果蹈搔毖墙湾琐


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