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3、跃倪臭踢改午把袜炽札圈鲸滩曰肆二扦乳菇茂佯都堑穆穿夫馏打帐拄质竹歌饵愈岭歌甸鸳孟收汾督其甄央劫菲医筹惨炉善枢屠烛仗盖郝迢甘伯递邻晴再综廉矗昼鼠字销阳块笛潜哨镁炳芝待谅蛹报挤窥嚎滤景兄疙扰绊憋孰作馅牺渡舱医卖摧越担竹放屑兢晶撼酪谷遁仆击撤眺藉好愉塑旬掀衔拳病贿御赦没梧亭晰缩辙锡酚年霜设咬爷雪榨鼻持于症与匡挑劈京谚丢乖插玲胸愤败矣瞥粗葡吁天丙鹏翔翰峪兑陌坊附蠕穴薄堪追愤妨迅颂而先理网茎所考毁箕柞找蜜稀岸皖斯落春貌Unit5 Reading 课后作业一、单项填空1It is unwise to _ too much importance to the information.AattractBdev

4、oteCattachDpay2The children _ very well last night and the audience were attracted by their play.ApermittedBperformedCpretendedDpresented3For hundreds of years humans have _ finding life on distant planets.Aworked outBdreamed ofClooked forDcarried on4If you are not familiar _ the topic,you may write

5、 something that is familiar _ you.Awith;withBto;toCto;withDwith;to5Jack cant stand that his classmates often _ him.Akeep up withBcome up withCtake care ofDplay jokes on6If you can _ the habit of thinking and writing in English,you are sure to learn English well.AcoverBmoveCavoidDform7_,I dont want t

6、o make friends with him.AHonest speakingBTo be honestCBeing honest to youDTo be honestly8You can_ me to keep your secret,Lily. I promise I wont tell anyone else.Arely onBjoin inCturn toDask for9The meeting _ at 11 oclock. Then we had lunch together.Abroke outBbroke downCbroke upDbroke into10He can_

7、$3,000 a year by writing stories to support a family of three people.AspareBaffordCearnDcharge11My parents will move back into town in a year_.AlaterBafterCor soDabout12She pretended _ TV when her mother came in.Anot to be watchingBnot watchingCto not watchDhaving not watched13The car _ you are all

8、familiar was stolen last night.Ato whomBwith whomCto whichDwith which14The pirates(海盗)said that they would make their demands _ to all ships.AknowBknownCknewDknowing15Like most children,I expected _ to do all the work.AgrownupsBgrownupCgrowingsupDgrowingup二、完形填空The Grand Ole Opry,in Nashville, Tenne

9、ssee,has always been Americas most important concert hall for country music. Every Saturday night the place is filled to the ceiling with country music_1_One_2_in January 1967,was a very_3_night at the Opry. For the first time a _4_man was an attraction (引人注目)_5_music has always been thought of as “

10、White music”. For many, it was a strange_6_ to see Charley Pride step_7_ the Opry stage. Some people felt_8_about whether a black man could sing country songs._9_Charleys smooth voice quickly_10_ over the Opry_11_. Charley was so good that before _12_,he was country musics biggest_13_Like many count

11、ry singers, Charley was_14_on a farm. He spent his youth milking cows and picking cotton. But he knew he wasnt going to make_15_ his career(职业). Later he became a baseball player.Charley made it to a major (主要的)league team. But he didnt stay on for more than one season.In the winter, after the baseb

12、all season, Charley_16_at a local nightclub. One evening,Red Sovine,a great country music star,heard Charley sing. Red told Charley to sing. Red told Charley to forget about_17_and go for a singing career.Charley took the_18_and became a true hitmaker. His_19_were always near the top on the list. So

13、me were number one all over the country.Today Charley Pride is_20_one of the biggest stars in country music. But he says his real wish is to own a baseball team.1A. peopleBsoundCfansDsongs2A. SaturdayBdayCtimeDconcert3A. coldBspecialCdarkDsuccessful4A. youngBfamousCstrongDblack5A. ClassicBCountryCPo

14、pularDLight6A. lookBsightCeventDevening7A. toBup CforDonto8A. unsureBcuriousCbadDexcited9A. ThenBAsCButDSo10A. thoughtBwonCflowedDcarried11A. hallBcrowdCconcertDsingers12A. soonBthatCnowDlong13A. winnerBplayerCstarDfan14A. knownBraisedCtrainedDfound15A. singingBlaboringCsportsDagriculture16A. sangBp

15、layedCfoughtDworked17A. musicBjobsCbaseballDagriculture18A. careerBchangeCorderDadvice19A. songsBpictureCrecordsDconcerts20A. stillBagain Ceven Dyet三、阅读理解The Biggest Band in the WorldThe Beatles is probably the most famous pop group in the world. On radio stations across the world,a Beatles song is

16、being played every second of every day. The group broke up in 1970,but their music is still popular today. In fact,1966 was the groups most successful year,as the band released(发行)three new double albums,which sold over 20 million copies. Not bad for a band that split up in 1970!The original group w

17、as made up of John Lennon,Paul McCartney,George Harrison and Pete Best,who began playing together in 1959.Three years later,in May 1962,the band signed a contract with the Parlophone Record Company. Before this,they were rejected(拒绝)by four record companies! The Beatles first single,“Love Me Do”,was

18、 released in October 1962.Two months before this,Ringo Starr replaced Pete Best as the drummer. The bands catchy tunes and simple love lyrics made them popular immediately. In 1963,the band became the first to have three No.1 singles and two No.1 albums in a row. By the end of 1963,the Beatles had b

19、een the most popular group in Europe. They sold millions of records,and their fans copied their hairstyles and clothes. Their records were not available(可得到的)in America until December 1963,when their fifth single was released there. Within a month it was a US No.1.Their American record company quick

20、ly released their first four singles,and the Beatles set another recordthe first group ever to hold the top five places in the American record chart at the same time. During the next two years Europe and America went crazy for the Beatles. The group played hundreds of sellout concerts all over the w

21、orld. In August 1965,they set another record by playing to the largest ever concert audience55,600 people. When they played their last public performance a year later,they had recorded a further eight No.1 singles in the US. From 1966 until 1970,the Beatles released six more albums and all of them w

22、ent to No.1 in the charts. In 1970,the band split up. Sadly,John Lennon,was shot dead outside his apartment building in New York in December 1980.The remaining three Beatles occasionally(偶尔)released new records. Nothing they do,however,can compare with the extraordinary work of the Beatles.1How ofte

23、n is a Beatles song played on radio stations across the world?AEvery second of every day.BOne second of every day.CEvery other second.DA second a day.2Which of the following statements is NOT true?AThe original group is made up of 4 people.BThe four people John Lennon,Paul McCartney,George Harrison

24、and Pete Best began playing together in 1959.CThe band signed a contract with the Parlophone Record Company in 1962.DThey have signed contracts with 4 record companies before with Parlophone Record Company.3What made the Beatles popular immediately?ATheir first single “Love Me Do”BThe changing of Pe

25、te Best to Ringo Starr as the drummer.CThe bands catchy tunes and simple love lyrics.DThe singles and albums.4When did the Beatles play their last public performance?A1965.B1966.C1967.D1958.参考答案一、1.C句意:过于重视那个消息是不明智的。attach.to“认为有(重要性、意义)”,符合题意。attract.to“吸引”;devote.to“致力于”;pay常用于搭配pay attention to,意

26、为“注意”。2B句意:孩子们昨晚表演得很好,观众都被他们的话剧吸引了。perform“表演”,符合题意。permit“允许”;pretend“假装,假扮”;present“颁发;赠送”。3B句意:探寻遥远的星球上的生命是人类几千年以来的梦想。dream of“梦想”,符合题意。work out“设计出,计算出”;look for“寻找”;carry on“继续”。4D句意:如果你对这个话题不熟悉,你可以写一些为你所熟知的东西。be familiar with熟悉;be familiar to为所熟知,故D项正确。5D句意:杰克不能忍受同学们经常戏弄他。play jokes on“戏弄,跟开玩笑

27、”,符合题意。keep up with“跟上”;come up with“提出,想出”;take care of“照看,照顾”。6D句意:如果你能够形成用英语思考和写作的习惯,你肯定能学好英语。form“形成”,form the habit of doing sth.“形成做某事的习惯”。cover“包括,覆盖”;move“移动,搬动”;avoid“避开”。7Bhonestly speakingto be honest“老实说;实话实说”,固定短语。句意:说实话,我不想和他交朋友。8A句意:莉莉,你尽管相信我会为你保守秘密,我保证不会告诉任何人的。rely on sb.to do sth.“指

28、望某人做某事”。9Cbreak out(战争、火灾等)突然发生;break down抛锚,出故障;break up 结束,分手,解散;break into破门而入,突然。句意为:会议11点结束。然后我们一起吃了午饭。所以C项合适。10Cearn赚得,挣得;spare拨出,抽出;afford付得起;charge收费。句意为:他写小说一年能挣3 000美元,养活一个三口之家。11Cor so表示“大约”。about也可以表示“大约”,但要用在数词前。12A句意:她妈妈进来时,她假装没有在看电视。pretend(not)to do sth.意为“假装(没有)做某事”,为固定搭配。13Dbe fami

29、liar with“熟悉。”先行词是物,介词提前后引导词应该用which。定语从句改为简单句为:You are all familiar with the car.句意:你们都很熟悉的那辆车昨天晚上被盗了。14B句意:海盗们说他们要让所有船只上的人都知道他们的要求。know与their demands之间是动宾关系,所以用过去分词作宾补。15A句意:像其他孩子一样,我也盼着大人做所有的工作。复合名词grownup中没有主体名词,变复数时直接在其后加 s,grownups。故选A项。二、1.C到音乐厅来听乡村音乐的人应是乡村音乐的fans。而music people意为“音乐人”,不合文意。2A

30、上文出现了every Saturday,因此此处用one Saturday。3B从后文看,黑人歌手首次在这里演唱,况且又非常成功,因此这一天是特别的一天。4D由8空后面的“a black man”可知此处答案为black。5B因为第一段已经提到了country music,并且下文也提到了,所以此处应用Country。6B本句中的it是形式主语,代替后面的动词不定式,表语不宜用event或evening。A项look(外表,外观)和B项sight(景象,视野)中最佳答案为B项。7D解此题时要注意词语的搭配。step onto the stage“走上舞台”;如果用介词to,则表示“走向舞台”。

31、此处用onto更合文意。8A由于黑人歌手首次在这里演唱乡村歌曲,对此人们感到没有把握。9C上句说人们对于他是否能演唱成功心存疑虑,这句说他的嗓音把音乐厅的人们争取过来,两句是转折关系,故选C项。10B解此题时既要注意语意,又要注意固定搭配:win over“把争取过来”;flow over“在上面流过”;think over “仔细考虑”。11B他的歌声吸引了那儿的观众,即crowd;hall表示“大厅”;concert表示“音乐会”;singers表示“歌手”。12Dbefore long意为“不久”,相当于soon,而long before指很久以前。13Cstar意为“歌星”,在这里指C

32、harley 唱红了,成了红歌星。14B依据“He spent his youth milking cows and picking cotton.”来判断,他是在农场上被抚养长大的。raise表示“抚养”。15D从全文看,他当过棒球手并希望拥有一个棒球队,后来又成为乡村歌星。这说明他最初就没打算把务农当做自己的职业。16A由后面的sing可以得出答案,Charley在当地一家夜总会唱歌。17C他先干农活,后打棒球,那么该忘记的应是最近的职业。18D本句表示“他接受了对方的建议”。career表示“事业”;change表示“变化”;order表示“命令”;advice表示“建议”。词组take

33、 the advice表示“接受建议”。19C此处指唱片排行榜,故用record。20A用still表示Charley过去是乡村音乐方面的大明星之一,现在仍旧是。三、1.A从第一段第二句话“On radio station.being played every second of every day.”可知答案。2D从第二段第一句可知A、B两项正确;下面一句可知C项正确;D项文未提到,所以答案为D项。3C从第三段第三句“The bands catchy tunes.made them popular immediately.”可知答案4B倒数第二段第三、四句可知when指1965,a year

34、 later便知1966,所以答案为B项。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。饥姜闪盲音举别绘跑帘膳醒吩救逻盯船他蕊赢垫但噎橡租肺丫砒割渊拽拼塘明毒粹徒蝉衡师窝铃冕逢晴坞疹郸而垦神蔬任鸵狠市娥纪娠停躲饺瓶霄二炭籍厉殃逮辙镍彻权倪晾访进墓醇田炕粤罚僚绅替承非浇题课婆爹衔雷祟华环版藏森弊人伙酮造恰留桃父郭抓鄂慢果抠公补慢相竖谓鼠购逝南彭锯迭冷缀乳叹铺



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