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1、授课时间:2018.03.19 年级:四年级下 层次:提高班 姓名: 课前复习一第三人称单数的主语有: 、 、 (简称三单),还有 1当主语是第三人称单数时,肯定句:谓语动词要加 或 。疑问句:疑问句开头要用助动词 引导。否定句:要用助动词的否定形式即: +动词原形。 2. 当主语不是第三人称单数时,肯定句:谓语动词要用 。疑问句:疑问句开头要用助动词 引导。否定句:要用助动词的否定形式即: +动词原形。二元音的复习与学习:1.i: 字母组合 e eaeei ie(1)e: he she me we these (2)ea: tea eat meat please(3)ee: see tree

2、 see meet (4)i: police policeman machine2.i字母组合a e ey i y eereara: orange cabbage e: beginEnglish cinemaey: monkey i: it is in big if sity: city very sorry windy (6)eer: beer deer (7)ear: ear near here idea3.3:字母组合irurearer (1)ir: shirt skirt third bird(2)ur: turn burn nurse4.字母组合erorouaroa(1)er: te

3、acher player farmer(2)or: doctor actor(3)ou: delicious dangerous (4)ar: around account ago 5.a:字母组合ara(1)ar: car farm card arm garden (2)a: fast class last glass plant aunt6.发音字母uoouoo(1)u: up lunch fun cup bus (2)o: come mother dose love(3)ou: trouble rough (4)oo: blood flood7.:字母组合alorauourar(1)al

4、: small wall talk tall(2)or: short horse for forty door8.发音字母oa(1)o: hot lost fox box not (2)a: want wash watch9.u:字母组合ooou(1)oo: food moon room tooth (2)o:shoe do two10.u字母组合ooouuo(1)oo: look good foot book (2)ou: should could(3)u: put full push (4)o: woman wolf11.e字母组合eaea(1)ea: head bread pleasur

5、e (2)e: lesson better bed desk (3)a: many12.发音字母a a: bag happy hat map mad bad13.ei发音字母aayeaaiey(1)a: name cake late (2)ay: play say may way(3)ea: great break (4)ai: rain plain 14.ai发音字母iy(1)i: bike fine find nine light (2)y: my try fly eye15.au字母组合ouow(1)ou: house out ground sound loud(2)ow: flower

6、 down now how town16.u发音字母oowoa(1)o: home cold go no phone(2)ow: know low below blow show (3)oa: boat coat goal17.i字母组合earairere(1)ear: pear bear (2)air: chair air fair(3)ere: there where care18.e发音规则:air are ear ere eirair: air hair chair are: care hare parentear: pear wear bear ere: there where ei

7、r: their theirs19.发音规则:ure oor ourure: sure oor: poor our: tour20. ju: 发音规则:ew u ew: few (2) futureUnit 3 Look and see词汇、知识点一课堂掌握词汇: EnglishChineseEnglishChineserisenightskygo downhimat nighteveningat noonnoontake a walkagainshadowstopmoonhigh二课堂掌握句型: 1.The sun rises in the morning. The shadow is lo

8、ng.太阳早上升起,影子很长。 2. At noon, the sun is high in the sky. 中午,太阳高高挂在天空。 3. The sun goes down in the evening. 太阳在傍晚落下。 4. At night, the moon is high in the sky. 晚上,月亮高高挂在天空。三语法:一般现在时态的句子中,主语是第三人称单数时,动词后面要加s或es. 以ch,sh, o结尾的单词加es, 其他的动词加s. Eg:Mary likes apples. The moon rises in the evening.四Look at+名词或宾

9、格代词。五 语音:了解字母组合ph和wh在单词中的发音,字母组合ph在单词中通常发/f/ ,字母组合wh在单词中发/w/。Unit 3课堂练习题一. 判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同。相同的打“”,不同的打“”。( ) 1. photo elephant ( ) 2. elephant whale( ) 3. white where ( ) 4. who what( ) 5. moon noon ( ) 6. shadow window( ) 7. make black ( ) 8.night high( ) 9. noon book ( ) 10. how who二根据首字母提示填空。

10、1. I get up(起床) at 7:00 in the m .2. At n , the sun is high in the sky. Its very hot.3. My father goes home in the e every day(每天).4. At night, the m is high in the sky. Its bright.5. The s is short at noon. But it is long again in the evening.6. I go to bed(睡觉) at 9:00 at n .三选择合适的单词填空。1. Can I (ta

11、ste / drink) the lemon?2. The sun goes (up / down) in the afternoon.3. Henry sees a black shape behind (he / him).4. When I stop, my shadow (rises / stops) too.5. The ( stars / moon) are like diamonds in the sky.6. This shadow is very short (at night / at noon)四读一读,选择正确的答案。( ) 1. The sun in the morn

12、ing. A, rises B. goes down C. is( ) 2. The shadow is in the morning. A, long B. short C. small( ) 3. At noon, the sun is in the sky. The shadow is . A, high, short B. high, long C. /, long( ) 4. The sun goes down in the . The shadow is long . A, morning, again B. evening, again C. afternoon, /( ) 5.

13、 At night, the is high in the sky. A, sun B. stars C. moon( ) 6. Look, the is like a banana in the sky. A, sun B. moon C. star( ) 7. Look the shadow. Its long and thin. A. on B. to C. at( ) 8. I can my shadow but I cant it. A. touch, smell B. hear, see C. see, touch( ) 9. When does the sun rise?- .

14、A. The sun rises in the evening B. The sun goes down in the evening C. The sun rises in the morning( ) 10. How is the shadow at noon?- . A. Its fat B. Its long C. Its short( ) 11. What can you see in the morning?- . A. I can see the sun B. I can see the moon C. I can see the stars( ) 12. Do tress ha

15、ve shadows?- . A. Yes, it does B. Yes, they have C. Yes, they do五选词填空。 sees runs shadow him friend stopsHenry the dog takes a walk in the morning. He a black shape behind . “Whats that? Is it a big black dog?” Henry says. Henry is afraid. Henry runs. The black shape too. Henry . The black shape stop

16、s too. “ Oh, youre my ,” Henry says. Henry likes his new . “Lets play together,” Henry says.六将所给单词连成完整的句子。1rises, in, the, sun, morning, the (.) 2. is, the, short, shadow, noon, at (.) 3. shadow, again, long, in, is, the, evening, the (.) 4. is, moon, the, high, sky, in, the (.) 5. sun, in, down, th

17、e, goes, evening, the (.) 八 选择正确的句子补全对话。A. At noon, the shadow is short, B. Good morning, Joe.C. And that is my shadow. D. Goodbye, Joe.E. Yes, I think so.Tim: 1. What are you doing ?Joe: Good morning, Tim. Im drawing a picture. Look! This is me. 2. Tim: Wow! Your shadow is long.Joe: Yes, it is. It

18、is evening in the picture. The sun is going down. My shadow is long and thin.Tim: When is the shadow short?Joe: 3. because the sun is above our heads.Tim: Thank you, Joe. It is interesting.Joe: 4. You can go to the playground and have a look at your shadow now. The sun is rising so your shadow is lo

19、ng too.Tim: 5. Im going to see my shadow.九阅读短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 A. The moon and the stars are good friends. They live in the sky. They are bright. They often play and talk together. The moon is like a mother and the stars are like children. sometimes the moon is thin. It is like a banana. Sometimes the

20、 moon is fat and round. It is like a cake. On Mid-Autumn Day, people like to watch the moon and eat moon cakes. The moon is nice and bright. People believe(相信) there is a beautiful woman living in the moon. Her name is Change.( ) 1. The stars and the moon are good friends.( ) 2. The stars are like m

21、others.( ) 3. Some stars look like bananas.( ) 4. On Mid-Autumn Day, the moon looks like a banana.( ) 5. Change is a beautiful woman. B. The moon looks bigger than(比) the stars at night. But in fact, it is smaller than any of them. The moon looks big to us, because it is closer to us than any stars.

22、 The moon goes around(绕着地球转) the earth. It makes one trip(一圈) about four weeks. The moon is a round ball and looks beautiful. Dont you think so? Now people know a lot about the moon. There is no air or water on the moon, so there are not any trees or animals, or people on the moon. The moon gets(得到)

23、 its light from(从)the sun, but some places on the moon are dark. The days on the moon get hotter than boiling water. The nights get colder than the North Pole on the earth.( ) 1. In fact, the stars are bigger than the moon. ( ) 2. The moon goes around the earth and need five weeks.( ) 3. There is some air and water on the moon. ( ) 4. The nights on the moon get hotter than boiling water.( ) 5. The North Pole on the earth warmer than the nights on the moon.

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