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1、新概念英语第一册笔记 Lesson 51 A pleasant climate一、 单词讲解1、GreeceGreece n. 希腊(国名)eg. Where does Jim come from?eg. Jim comes from Greece.eg. Where is Jim from?Hes from Greece.Greek n. 希腊人(国箱) adj. 希腊的eg. What nationality is Mr. White? He is Greek.eg. I am a Greek engineer.eg. Are they Greek doctors?Yes, they ar

2、e.No, they arent.2、climateclimate n. 气候eg. Whats the climate like in your country?eg. I dont like the climate here.3、countrycountry n. 国家eg. China is a big country.eg. Do you like this country?Yes, I do.4、pleasantpleasant1) adj. 天气宜人的eg. Its quite pleasant today.2) adj. 令人愉悦的eg. What a pleasant surp

3、rise! 多么好的一个惊喜呀!eg. The flower gives off a pleasant smell. 这支花散发出一种令人愉悦的香味。3)adj. 可亲的,友好的eg. Her mother is a pleasant woman.eg. Wendy is very pleasant.a pleasant smile4、weatherweather n. 天气(短时间内天气变化)climate n. 气候(长时间的天气状况)eg. Whats the weather like today?good weather 好天气=nice weather weather forecas

4、t 天气预报weather bureau 气象局under the weather: not very well or happy 感觉不是很好或不是很高兴weather beaten:岁月侵蚀的,饱经风霜的the weather beaten rocks:风雨侵蚀的岩石a weather beaten face:沧桑的脸4、springspring 1) n. 春季eg. My father likes spring.eg. Do you like spring?Yes, I do.No, I dont.2) n. 弹簧5、windywindy adj. 有风的eg. Whats the w

5、eather like today?eg. Its windy.wind n. 风eg. There is much wind today. 今天风很大。a gust of wind 一陈风6、warmwarm adj. 温暖的 (cold,cool)eg. The weather is getting warm. 天气正在变暖。Warm-hearted adj. 热情的,富有同情心的eg. Her parents are warm-hearted.eg. Her husband is a warm-hearted man.warm-up n.准备活动,热身7、rainrain1) n. 雨i

6、n the rain 在雨中eg. A group of children are running in the rain.a heavy rain 一场大雨a light rain 一场小雨a fine rain 一场细雨a rain of 雨点般的,形容多的事物a rain of bullets 一阵弹雨a rain of congratulation 一连串的祝福2) v. 下雨eg. It is going to rain. 要下雨了。(it 指天)eg. It rains in. 漏雨了。eg. It never rains but it pours. (一般指坏的事情)不发生则己,

7、一但发生就接踵而来。rainbow:彩虹rainy adj. 下雨的,多雨的8、sometimessometimes adv. 有时eg. Her boyfriend is sometimes very strange. 她的男朋友有时很奇怪。eg. We sometimes go to the countryside. 我们有时去乡下。sometimes 在句中的位置“动前系后”,在实义动词前面,系动词的后面。9、summersummer n. 夏天in summer 在夏季10、autumnautumn n. 秋天(Br)fall n. 秋天(Am)in autumn 在秋季in late

8、 autumn 在晚秋11、winterwinter n. 冬天in winter12、snowsnow v. 下雪eg. It is snowing. 正在下雪snowman 雪人snow-white 雪白的snowy adj.下雪的,多雪的snowy weather 雪天13、1-12月January n.1月February n.2March n.3April n.4May n.5June n.6July n.7August n.8September n.9October n.10November n.11December n.12In January /February .二、课文详解

9、Questions:1. Whats the climate like in Greece? 希腊的天气怎么样?Its very pleasant.2. Does it ever snow in Greece? 希腊下过雪吗?Yes, it does. It snows sometimes.Where do you come from? / Where are you from?I come form Greece. / I am from Greece.His grandfather is from Sweden. 他爷爷是瑞典人。或者His grandfather comes from S

10、weden.Whats the climate like in your country?Whats your brother like? 你的兄弟是什样子的?人物的外观和品性Whats your house like? 你的房子是什么样子?climate指某一地区数年间的天气情况,weather是指某一特定的时间内晴、雨、风、雪变化。Its very pleasantpleasant 宜人的,天气非常好it 指天气Whats the weather like in spring? Whatslike? 用于询问事物的状况或人物和事物的外观及特征等。like prep.what 作like 的

11、宾语。在某个月份通常用介词inin April in June often 经常/ always 总是/ sometimes 有时 都是频度副词Its always hot in June, July and August.it 指the weatherIs it warm today?the sun 单数名词,故动词用第三人称单数形式,即在shine后面加s. 世界上独一无二的东西前要加定冠词,如: the earth.Its always warm in September and October.always adv. 总是,一直小结:1. Where do/does + 人名 + co

12、me from?/ Where is/are + 人名 + from?回答:人名 +come(s) from + 地点名词 人名 + be from + 地点名词 一般问名: Do/Does + 人名 + come from + 地点名词? Be + 人名 + from + 地点名词? 否定形式: 人名 + dont/doesnt come from + 地点名词 人名 + be not from + 地点名词2. Whats like?用于询问事物的状况,例如天气,气候,或用于询问人物和事物的外观及特征等。Whats the weather like in your country? Les

13、son 52 What nationality are you? Where do they come from?一、 单词讲解1、the U.S.the U.S. 美国(国名)the U.S.A.the Untied States of America 美利坚合众国American n. 美国人(国籍)adj. 美国的eg. Where does he come from?He comes from the U.S.eg. What nationality are they?They are American.2、BrazilBrazil n. 巴西(国名)Brazilian n. 巴西人(

14、国籍) adj. 巴西的eg. Are they from Brazil?Yes, they are.eg. Do they come from Brazil?Yes, they do.eg. This is a Brazilian car. 3、HollandHolland n. 荷兰(国名)Dutch n. 荷兰人(国籍)adj. 荷兰的eg. She isnt from Holland.eg. She doesnt come from Holland.eg. They are Dutch.4、EnglandEngland n. 英国(英格兰)(国名)Britain n. 英国(国名)En

15、glish n. 英国人(国籍),英语 adj. 英国的British n. 英国人(国籍) adj. 英国的UK:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelandeg. My friend isnt from England. / My friend isnt from Britain.eg. My friend does come from England. / My friend doesnt come from Britain.eg. Those tourists are English.eg. They speak Englis

16、h.5、FranceFrance n. 法国(国名)French n. 法国人(国籍),法语 adj. 法国的eg. Mr. Jackson and his wife come from France.eg. Where do they come from?They come from France.eg. They are French.6、GermanyGermany n. 德国(国名)German n. 德国人(国籍),德语 adj. 德国的eg. Where does she come from?eg. She comes from Germany.eg. Where is your

17、sister from?She is from Germany.7、ItalyItaly n.意大利(国名)Italian n. 意大利人(国籍),意大利语 adj. 意大利的eg. There engineers arent from Italy.eg. These engineers dont come from Italy.eg. Can you speak Italian?Yes, I can. / No, I cant.8、NorwayNorway n. 挪威(国名)Norwegian n. 挪威人(国籍)adj. 挪威的eg. I have some Norwegian frien

18、ds.9、RussiaRussia n. 俄罗斯(国名)Russian n. 俄罗斯人(国籍),俄语 adj. 俄罗斯的eg. Russia is a large country.eg. Is he from Russia?No, he isnt. Hes from Norway.eg. Does he come from Russia?No, he doesnt. He comes from Norway.eg. Can he speak Russian?No, he cant. He can speak Italian.eg. Is this a Russian car?Yes, it i

19、s.10、SpainSpain n. 西班牙(国名)Spanish n. 西班牙人(国籍),西班牙语 adj. 西班牙的eg. Spanish girls are very pretty.11、SwedenSweden n. 瑞典(国名)Swedish n.瑞典人(国籍),瑞典语 adj.瑞典的 Lesson 52 An interesting climate一、 单词讲解1、mildmild adj.1) 温和的,温暖的a mild climate eg. We had a mild winter last year. 我们去年过了一个温暖的冬季。2)(性情)温和的gentle 是后天的一种

20、修美,表示文雅的。eg. John is a mild man.3)味道淡的eg. Try this mild dish. 试试这个味道淡一点的菜。eg. His grandfather likes mild taste. 他的爷爷喜欢这个清淡的味道。wild adj. 野性的,野蛮的2、alwaysalways adv. 总是eg. Do you always stay at home in the evening?Not always.eg. The boy always asking why. 这个男孩子老是问这问那没个完。eg. The baby always cries at nig

21、ht.3、northnorth n.北方/ adj. 北方的in the north of 在的北部eg. Hebei Province is in the north of china. 河北省在中国的北部。4、easteast n. 东方/ adj. 东方的eg. The red sun rises in the east. 红太阳在东方升起。northeast 东北部,东北in the northeast5、wetwet adj. 潮湿的dry 干的wet clothesbe wet through 全身湿透了= get wet througheg. Dont go out. Youll

22、 get wet through.eg. My coat is wet through.6、westwest n. 西方/ adj. 西方的in the westnorthwest 西北7、southsouth n. 南方/ adj. 南方的southwest 西南southeast 东南8、seasonseason n. 季节eg. Autumn is the best season for travel.in the high season 在旺季in the low season 在淡季9、bestbest adv. 最eg. I like winter. 我喜欢冬季。eg. I lik

23、e winter best. 我最喜欢冬季。10、nightnight n. 夜晚in the morningin the afternoonin the eveningat night 在夜里all night (long) 整夜day and night 整日整夜eg. He often comes home from work at night. 他经常天黑才下班回家。11、riserise1) v. 升起,上升eg. The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。2)v. 起身,起床eg. My mother always rises early. 我母亲总是很

24、早起床。sunrise n. 日出12、earlyearly1) adv. 早eg. You must come home early. (early 是副词修饰动词come)2) adj. 早的in the early morning 一大早(early是adj. 修饰名词morning)13、setset v. (太阳) 落下去eg. In the summer, the sun sets late.sunset 日落14、latelate1) adv. 晚,迟eg. He usually goes to school late. (late是副词修饰动词goes)2) adj. 晚的in

25、 the late afternoon 在下午晚些时候in the late autumn 晚秋be late for 做某事迟到eg. Dont be late for school.eg. Sorry, Mum. Im late for the dinner. 很抱歉妈妈,我回来吃饭晚了。15、interestinginteresting adj. 有趣的,有意思的反义词 dull: uninterestingeg. The film is very interesting.eg. Are these books interesting.eg. That is an interesting

26、 game.be interested in 对感兴趣eg. He is interested in English.eg. We are interested in the book.16、subjectsubject1) n. 话题,题目eg. Lets change the subject. 让我们改换话题吧。eg. We must return to our subject. 我们该回到我们的问题上去。2)n. 学科eg. We learn eight subjects a year.17、conversationconversation n. 谈话be in conversation

27、 with 与 谈话中eg. She is in conversation with the boss.talk n. 谈话,交谈eg. Lets have a talk. 让我们谈一谈。二、课文讲解Questions:1. Whats the climate like in England?Its mild, but its not always pleasant. The weather is often cold in the North and windy in the East. Its often wet in the West, and sometimes warm in the

28、 South.2. Which seasons does Jim like?Spring and summerWhere do you come from?你是哪国人?同样也可以用系动词来做这样的句子Where are you from?I come from England.同样也可以be动词来做一下I am from England./ I am from Britain.Whats the climate like in your country?你们国家的气候怎么样?Whatslike? 询问事物状况或人物,事物的外观及特征。Whats his father like?Its mild

29、, but its not always pleasant.1) it 指代天气2)mild 温和的3)but 表示转折关系I like apples, but I dont like peaches.4) always总是,一直,放在系动词的后面,实义词的前面。She is always late for school. 她上学总是迟到。She always reads in bed. 她总躺在床上看书。The weathers often cold in the North and windy in the East. Its often wet in the West, and some

30、times warm in the South.1) in the North= in the north of EnglandNorth 的首字母大写,是因为它单独使用,特指英国的北部。表示一个国家或地区的方位词一般要大写。in the Eastin the West上面这些都是特指英国的一部分。但是,仅仅表示的方位意义的方位词,不要大写。north wind 北风south winder 南窗2) windy 多风的I dont like windy days.3)in the East = in the east of English4)often 经常Do you often list

31、en to the music?5)wet 潮湿的6)in the West= in the west of England 特指英国西部Which seasons do you like best? 你最喜欢哪些季节?best 是副词修饰动词like, “最”I like English best.The days are long and the nights are short.1)days 指白天 nights 夜晚and 连词,连接两个并列句。2)句中的early 和late 都是副词,分别修饰动词rises和sets,作状语。注意,the sun中定冠词的用法。在英语中,表示世界独

32、一无二的东西(如太阳,月亮,世界,地球,太空,宇宙)的名词之前通常需加定冠词。Its certainly interesting.certainly 当然surelyof courseinteresting 有趣的sth is interesting 某物有趣The book is very interesting.be interested in 对感兴趣She is interested in Chinese culture. 她对中国文化感兴趣。favourite adj. 最喜欢的English is my favorite subject. 英语是我最喜欢的学科。favourite

33、n. 最喜爱的人(物)These shoes are my favourites.favourite subject of conversation 最喜欢谈论的话题 Lesson 54 What nationality are they? Where do they come from?一、 单词讲解国名 见p108 Lesson 55 The sawyer family一、 单词讲解1、livelive v. 住,生活eg. Where do you live? 你住在哪里?live in 后面接国家名称或城市名称eg. I live in England.eg. She lives in

34、 Shanghai.live at 后面接确切的地址eg. John lives at 66 King Street.2、staystay v. 呆在,停留stay at home 呆在家里eg. My husband goes to work. I stay at home and look after the children.stay in 呆在家里不出去(尤其晚上呆在家里)eg. They always go out to the club at night, but I stay in and watch TV.stay with sb 和某人呆在一起eg. She stays wi

35、th her children every night.eg. I like to stay with you.stay 是指临时,短时间居住 。stay at a hotel 住旅店stay at sbs house 住在别人的家live 是指长久的居住,住在自己的家中eg. I live in a apartment. 我住在公寓里。eg. I live in a house.3、homehome 1) n. 家eg. Welcome to my home.eg. My home is in Harbin.at home 在家eg. She always stays at home on

36、weekends.make oneself at home 请随便一点,放松一点eg. Make yourself at home. 请随便一点。leave home 离家出走2) adv. 在家,到家go home 回家eg. When do you go home?eg. I must go home e home 到家eg. She always comes home late.4、houseworkhousework n. 家务do the housework 做家务housewifehousekeeping n. 管理家务housemate 住在同一所房子里的人5、lunchlunc

37、h n. 午饭lunch time 午饭时间breakfast 早餐supper 晚餐have breakfasthave lunch have suppereg. We are having lunch now.6、afternoonafternoon 下午morning 早晨evening 晚上night 夜时in the morningin the afternoonin the evening at night7、usuallyusually adv. 通常eg. We usually do our homework at home.eg. What do you usually do

38、 in your spare time?eg. She usually cleans her room in the evening.8、togethertogether adv. 一起eg. Miss Brown and I often go home together.eg. My best friend and I live together.eg. We sometimes drink coffee together.together 做副词常放在句末。9、eveningevening n. 晚 一般指下午以后和上床睡觉这段时间,比night的时间要早。night 一般指夜里eveni

39、ng dress= evening gown 晚礼服10、arrivearrive v. 到达arrive at 后面接的地点,一般是公共场所或某座大楼arrive at the housearrive at the hotelarrive at the airportarrive in 后面一般接城市或国家arrive in Francearrive in Australiaarrive 后面可直接加副词arrive herearrive home11、nightnight n. 夜间good night 晚安all night long 一整夜night dress= night gown

40、 睡衣nightmare 噩梦night life 夜生活二、课文详解Questions:1. Who takes the children to school every day?The answer is: Their father takes the children to school every day.2. What does Mrs. Sawyer do at home?She does the housework.3. Does Mr. Sawyer come home early every day?No, he doesnt. He comes home late.4. W

41、hat do the children usually do at night?The children always do their homework at night.The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.the + 姓氏s 表示 一家the Blacks 布莱克一家live at 后面接确切的地址I live at 86 King Street.live in 后面接城市名或国名She lives in London.stay at 表示晢时居住别人家或旅店stay at a hotelIn the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to

42、 work and the children go to school.Mr. Sawyer是单数名词,后面的动词要用第三人称单数形式goes.Their father takes them to school every day.take sb to 带某人去His father is taking him to the hospital. 他的爸爸正带着他去医院。Can you take us to the railway station? 你可以带我们到火车站吗?take her home 带她回家(home是adv.前不加介词)take him there 把他带到那去(there是a

43、dv.前不加介词)She cooks a meal for her family every day.Do you go to hospital every month?She always eats her lunch at noon.at noon 指“正午”,也叫midday.in the morning/ in the afternoon/ in the eveningat noon/ at nighteat ones lunch 吃午饭have ones lunchIn the afternoon, she usually sees her friends. 下午,她总是会见她的朋友。usually adv. 通常一般句中的位置是系动词后,实义动词前,即“动前系后”They often drink tea together.often adv. 通常句中的位置是系动词后,实义动词前即“动前系后”together adv. 一起In the evening, the children come home from e home from school 放学回到家home 在这里是adv.不用come to home.They arriv

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