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1、定时训练(1).专题特训(动词时态与语态)1(2022泰安质量检测)Mary went to the box office at lunchtime,but all the tickets _ out.Ahave sold Bwould sellCwas selling Dhad sold解析考查时态。句意:玛丽在午饭时间去了售票处,但是全部的票都已经售光了。依据句意可知,票在玛丽去之前已经卖光了,故用过去完成时。答案D2(2022四川省绵阳市其次次诊断)I happened to meet Lily yesterday.Lucky dog!You _ each other for two y

2、ears.Ahavent seen Bhadnt seenCdidnt see Ddont see解析考查时态。句意:“昨天我碰巧遇到莉莉了。” “真幸运!你们已经两年没有见面了。”依据句意可知,两年没有见面是在昨天碰巧见面之前,表示过去的过去,故用过去完成时。答案B3(2021成都第一次诊断)Before her first Harry Potter came out in 1997,J.K.Rowling _ English for a living in Portugal.Ais teaching Bhad taughtChas taught Dwould teach解析考查时态。句意:

3、在J.K.Rowling的第一部哈利波特于1997年出版之前,她始终在葡萄牙靠教英语谋生。依据句意可知,教英语这一动作发生在1997年之前,表示过去的过去,所以用过去完成时,选B。答案B4(2022潍坊高考模拟)Did you ask your elder brother for help?I _ need to.I managed it by myself.Adont Bwouldnt Cdidnt Dwont解析考查时态。句意:“你找你哥哥帮忙了吗?”“我不需要。我自己能行。”由问句中的“Did”可知,此处应用一般过去时。答案C5(2022福建名校质量检查)If students have

4、 nutritious food in the morning,energy levels _ high and the mind alert.Awill be staying Bwill stayCstayed Dare staying解析考查时态。分析句子结构可知,本句包含一个if引导的条件状语从句,从句中用一般现在时表示将来,主句要用一般将来时,故选B。答案B6(2022成都其次次诊断)When I _ home,I caught a thief stealing from a passerby.Aheaded Bwas headingChave headed Dhad headed解析

5、考查时态。句意:我正往家走的时候观察一个小偷在偷过路人的东西。结合caught的时态提示可知,此处应用过去进行时。答案B7(2022福建省一般高中质量检查)Hi,Mr.Smith.Which department do you work in?I am in the Marketing Department now,but I _ in the Sales Department before long.Aworked Bwill workChave worked Dwill have worked解析考查时态。句意:“你好,Mr.Smith。你在哪个部门工作?”“我现在在市场部,但我不久以后会

6、到销售部工作。”依据句中的before long“不久以后”可知,此处应用一般将来时。答案B8(2022四川省绵阳市第三次诊断)Hey,John!I _ that you were invited to this party too.Adidnt know BI dont knowCwasnt knowing Dhadnt known解析考查时态。句意:嘿,约翰!我不知道你也被邀请参与这个聚会。依据句意可知,此处是对过去事实的一般性陈述,所以用一般过去时。答案A9(2022安徽皖西四校其次次联考)Mo Yan,a great Chinese writer,won the Nobel Prize

7、,whose works _ published in many countries these years.Ahas been Bhave beenCwas Dwere解析考查时态和主谓全都。work作作品讲时是可数名词,因此,这里谓语动词用复数形式,依据时间状语these years可知,此处用现在完成时。答案B10Peter,do you know who _ my dictionary?Sorry,I dont know. I didnt do it.Ahas taken away Bwas taking away Chad taken away Dis taking away解析句意

8、:皮特,你知道谁把我的字典拿走了吗?对不起,我不知道,我没有拿。这里拿走发生在过去,强调对现在造成的影响,不知在什么地方,故用现在完成时。答案A11I hear you _ in a pub. whats it like?Well, its very hard work and Im always tired, but I dont mind.Aare working Bwill workCwere working Dwill be working解析句意:我听说你在酒吧里上班,这份工作怎么样?咳,这是份辛苦活,老感到累,不过我不介意。对话所用的现在时表明现在还在酒吧里上班,用现在进行时描述现

9、阶段长期重复的一个动作。故选A。答案A12Peter,where did you guys go for the summer vacation?We _ busy with our work for months, so we went to the beach to relax ourselves.Awere Bhave beenChad been Dwill be解析我们去海边发生在过去,而我们忙于工作在此之前,因此用过去完成时。答案C13The window is dirty.I know. It _ for weeks. Ahasnt cleaned Bdidnt cleanCwas

10、nt cleaned Dhasnt been cleaned解析关键词for weeks, 考虑现在完成时, 表示到目前为止的结果, 好几周不擦了;窗户与擦的关系是被动关系, 故被动语态。句意:“窗户很脏了。”“我知道。好几周没有擦了。”注:由终止性动词leave, arrive, come, go, return, begin, start, put, stop, start, put, stop, die, fall, buy, borrow, see等构成的完成时不能与for或since引导的时间状语连用。但这些终止性动词的否定式可以与for或since短语连用。如:I havent m

11、et him for two years.答案D14Where _ the recorder ?I can not see it anywhere.I _ it right here.But now it is gone!Adid you put,have put Bhave you put,putChad you put,was putting Dwere you putting,have put解析考查时态。句意:你把录音机放在什么地方了?我找不到。我就放在这儿。但是现在不见了。依据句意说明第一空询问的是过去发生的事情对现在的影响,故使用现在完成时。其次空就是陈述过去发生的事情,使用一般过

12、去时。故B正确。答案B15He _ articles for our wallnewspaper these years, and he _ about thirty articles.Ahas written; wrote Bhas been writing; wroteCis writing; has been writing Dhas been writing; has written解析第一个空表示动作从过去某一时间开头始终连续到现在,并且有可能持续下去,故用现在完成进行时;其次个空表示自过去某一时刻到说话时这段时间中的经受,用现在完成时。答案D16Frank _ London by

13、train which _ at 8:30 next morning.Ais leaving for;will leave Bis leaving for;leavesCwill leave for;will leave Dleaves for;leaves解析考查将来时的表达法。现在进行时代替将来时表示依据方案支配要发生的事情。用一般现在时代替将来时表示依据机场,车站的时间表要发生的事情。本题第一空是指依据支配要发生的事情,其次空指依据时刻表要发生的事情。故B正确。答案B17Peter,do you know who _ my dictionary?Sorry,I dont know.I d

14、idnt do it.Ahas taken away Bwas taking away Chad taken away Dis taking away解析句意:皮特,你知道谁把我的字典拿走了吗?对不起,我不知道,我没有拿。这里拿走发生在过去,强调对现在造成的影响,不知在什么地方,故用现在完成时。答案A18Weve spent too much money recently.Well,it isnt surprising.Our friends and relatives _ around all the time.Aare coming Bhad comeCwere coming Dhave

15、been coming解析考查时态。句意:最近我们花了很多钱。不惊异。我们的伴侣和亲戚始终过来。可知最近一段时间始终有亲戚伴侣来,用现在完成进行时。选D。答案D19We didnt find Smith attending the lecture.No one _ him about _ a lecture the following day.Atold;there to be Bhad told; there to be Ctold; there was Dhad told; there being解析考查时态和非谓语。依据前面一句可知told动作发生在didnt find之前,故用过去完成

16、时;而about是个介词,故后面应用there being。答案D20I called Hannah many times yesterday evening, but I couldnt get through. Her brother _ on the phone all the time.Ahas been talking Bwas talkingChas talked Dtalked解析考查时态:句意:我昨天晚上给汉娜打了几次电话,但始终打不通,他弟弟始终在打电话,说明是昨天晚上我打电话的时候,她的弟弟始终在打电话用过去进行时,选B。答案B.完形填空 体裁:夹叙夹议话题:生活感悟时间:

17、15分钟When I was about twelve,I was taken out for dinner with my family one day.It was winter,and on that particular night,the wind was really blowing.As my mom and I headed towards the _1_ from our car,a girl about my age and her mother _2_ to us and asked if we had any spare _3_My mom immediately as

18、ked where they kept their things.They pointed to an old car in a parking lot _4_ the street.The girl said there were six of them _5_ in that car,which was the same size as my own family.After _6_ the people a few dollars,we said goodbye.Then,my mother sent me inside the restaurant with my dad and my

19、 two _7_But she didnt come._8_,I found out that she had gone home and practically _9_ our cupboards into a few bags.She brought all the _10_ over to the car and handed the bags to the family.I wasnt there when that _11_,but I can only _12_ the happy smiles appearing on their faces.A few days later,w

20、hen I actually found out about what she had done,I asked her _13_ she helped those people.She told me that the girls _14_ really needed our help.I remember the face of that girl who had asked us for changewe are the same_15_,yet we live _16_ lives.Here I stood,_17_ in almost new clothes,headed to di

21、ne in a restaurant and then back home to the bedroom I _18_ with my younger sister.I remember thinking that the other girl didnt have any food to eat,and she headed back to a cold car sharing with 5 other people.After _19_ this picture in my mind,I understood why my mom had done what she did.I will

22、never forget what she did that night,and how she _20_ me one of the best lessons I ever learned.【语篇导读】当你埋怨生活不公正常,不妨看一看你四周的那些食不果腹、居无定所的人的生活,你会感谢你所拥有的一切。1A.restaurant BhospitalCsupermarket Dpark解析上文中的I was taken out for dinner和下文.inside the restaurant给出示意这里指餐馆。答案A2A.turned up Blooked upCcame up Dmade

23、up解析一个和我年龄相仿的女孩走过来问我们有没有零钱。come up to sb表示“走近某人”。答案C3A.meal Btime Croom Dchange解析下文的After handing the people a few dollars说明小女孩在要钱,故选change表示“零钱”。答案D4A.through Bbeside Cover Dacross解析依据句中的pointed to an old car可知,他们居住在对面的旧汽车里,across表示“在对面”。答案D5A.giving Bliving Cvisiting Downing解析下文的she headed back to

24、 a cold car sharing.说明他们居住在旧车里面。答案B6A.handing Bsharing Casking Dshowing解析小女孩向母亲要钱,母亲给了她几美元,hand表示“传递,交给”。答案A7A.friends Bteachers Csisters Dclassmates解析依据上文的.for dinner with my family可知这里指家人,故选 sisters。答案C8A.Then BThus CInstead DLater解析后来,我发觉母亲已经回家了。Later起着承上启下的作用,指事情发生之后。答案D9A.threw Bemptied Csent D

25、divided解析依据下文的She brought all the food over to the car可知,母亲把厨房柜中的食物都拿来了。empty表示“把弄空”。答案B10A.clothes Bfood Cmoney Dgoods解析依据文中的cupboards(食物柜)into a few bags可知,母亲给了小女孩一家食物。答案B11A.struck Bpassed Creferred Dhappened解析当时作者在餐馆,因此没有看到这些事的发生(happen)。答案D12A.witness Bexpress Cimagine Dmanage解析作者想象当时女孩和家人接到食物时

26、的情形,故选imagine。答案C13A.why Bwhen Cwhat Dwhether解析下文的She told me that.说明母亲在叙述这件事的缘由,故选why。答案A 14A.school Bcar Cfamily Dgroup解析上文中handed the bags to the family说明这里指小女孩一家人。答案C15A.size Bage Cshape Dplace解析其次段的a girl about my age表明“我们是同龄人”。答案B16A.familiar Bhappy Csimilar Ddifferent解析下文作者叙述了自己的生活,与小女孩相比,他过着

27、不一样的生活。答案D17A.lost Binvolved Cdressed Dengaged解析我站在这里,穿着全新的衣服。dressed inwearing.表示状态,意为“穿着”。答案C18A.played Bshared Ccompared Dmet解析作者与妹妹合住一个房间,share sth with sb 表示“和某人共享某物”。答案B19A.abandoning BwipingCpainting Dtaking解析在脑海中勾画出这幅景色后,我明白了为什么妈妈做了她所做的事情。答案C20A.directed Bdevoted Cinspired Dtaught解析这是母亲给我上了最

28、贵重的课之一。teach sb a lesson表示“给教训”。答案D.阅读理解 体裁:应用文话题:饮食时间:6分钟With their weakening bodies,advanced age or increasing pressure of work or study,people have been advised and usually persuaded to have health care products.Do you remember your first time to take a nutritional supplement(养分补充品)? What was you

29、r first impression?Posted by Amy,Dec.23,2022 8:05 PMMadeline on Dec.24,2022 7:25 PMYears ago,as a young mom with two small children,I struggled to keep up with the demands of a busy life.One day,I work up feeling so tired that I knew something had to change!A friend gave me some Royal Jellyan amazin

30、g substance(物质) from the beehive(蜂房)I was doubtful,but desperate.so I tried it! In time,I began to experience renewed energy and vitality(活力) like never before! Now,over two decades later,I travel all round the country,sharing my lifechanging experience.Im grateful for the energy to keep up and love

31、 to share this wonderful discovery with others.Blanca on Dec.25,2022 7:02 PMTen years ago,when I was 73,my mind wanted to be busy and useful,but my body didnt.I became tired and lethargic(无精打采的)Thats when my daughter Madeline tried to persuade me to try her special Royal Jelly.It made such a dramati

32、c difference in her life,so she was sure it could help me too! Hesitating for 2 days,I gave in.She was right! I no longer felt worn out.I had a new,youthful zest(热忱) for life and Ive been OKthanks to Royal Jelly!Lori on Dec.25,2022 10:27 PMWhen my mom Madeline was introduced to Royal Jelly,it affect

33、ed my life,too! Mom gave me some of her fantastic Royal Jelly.Boy,things did turn around! I had more energy and stamina(耐力) and was finally able to keep up with high school and,eventually,college activities.Today,Im a busy mom in my midthirties with two active boys and a new business! I have enough

34、energy to do it all! Im glad I took my moms advice.【语篇导读】本文为应用文,以“发贴、跟帖”的形式介绍了一种养分品Royal Jelly。1From the text,we learn that _AMadeline became more than willing to take Royal Jelly at the very beginningBLori was grateful partly because Royal Jelly helped her to improve her studiesCRoyal Jelly is a pr

35、oduct that can help renew a persons energy and vitalityDAmy has benefited from Royal Jelly so she posted a topic about the product解析细节理解题。依据第一个跟帖其次段中experience renewed energy and vitality可知答案。答案C2Which of the following is true of Blanca?AShe replied to the topic on Christmas Eve.BShe tried Royal Jel

36、ly without hesitation.CShe is now supposed to be in her seventies.DShe was the second one to reply to the topic.解析细节理解题。通过比较三个帖子的时间可知D项正确。发帖时间为Dec.25,2022 7:02 PM,所以A项的Christmas Eve(圣诞前夕)不正确;依据文中的Hesitating for 2 days可知B项不正确;依据Ten years ago,when I was 73可知C项不正确。答案D3Whats the relationship between the

37、 Royal Jelly takers?ALori and Blance are Madelines grandchildren.BMadeline is Blancas daughter and Loris mother.CBlanca is Lori and Madelines great grandmother.DThey have no blood relationship but friendship.解析细节理解题。依据其次个帖子中my daughter Madeline以及第三个帖子中my mom Madeline可知B项正确。答案B4Where can we most prob

38、ably read this text?AIn a sports club. BOn an Internet page.CIn a fiction. DIn a travel magazine.解析推理推断题。依据文章中的Posted by Amy,Dec.23,2022 8:05 PM;Madeline on Dec.24,2022 7:25 PM等信息可知,文章为网页上的发帖、跟帖。答案B1Word Building(1)pressure n. 压力(2)persuade vt. 说服;劝服(3)affect vt.影响(4)eventually adv. 渐渐地,最终2Phrase Ba

39、nk(1)keep up with 跟上,赶上(2)make a dramatic difference 产生戏剧性的效果(3)thanks to 多亏了,由于(4)take ones advice 听从某人的建议3Key Patterns(1)One day,I woke up feeling so tired that I knew something had to change.句意:一天,我醒来感到如此之累,以致于我想到一些事必需改了。解析:这是一个主从复合句,主句是I woke up.;so.that引导结果状语从句,此句型是阅读与写作中常用句型。(2)Now,over two decades later,I travelled all round the country,sharing my lifechanging experience.句意:之后二十多年来,我游遍全国,共享着我人生转变的经受。解析:这是一个简洁句,sharing my.为现在分词短语作伴随状语,补充说明主句,在写作中仿照使用,增加表达亮点。

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