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1、精品文档高考英语听力常用词汇(1)餐馆场景:order点菜, serve上菜, change零钱, tip小费, treat 请客 (This is my treat! 我请客!), go Dutch AA制, steak牛排, cheese奶酪, sandwich 三明治, soup 汤,dessert甜品,水果(作为正餐的最后一道), go out for dinner / dinner out 出去吃饭 snack bar 小吃街; hamburger 汉堡包, coke 可口可乐, French fries 炸薯条, dining hall, coffee shop, restaura

2、nt ; cafeteria 自助餐, menu菜单, salad色拉, 凉拌生菜, dish一道菜, drink饮料, bill账单, wine, beef牛肉, sea food海味, chicken, table, juice.(2)邮局场景:stamp, envelope, package / parcel 包裹, extra postage 额外邮资, send / post / deliver a letter / mail 寄 /发信, express mail 快件, airmail 航空信件, telegram/telegraph.(3)图书馆场景:library card;

3、 borrow; lend; keep; renew续借; bookshelf书架; novel; science fiction科幻小说;magazine; reference book参考书; librarian 图书管理员 pay a fine 交罚款 Can I help you? / What can I do for you?(4)医院及健康场景:aspirin 阿司匹林, treat/cure, take ones temperature / blood pressure 测量体温/血压 medicine, pills / tablets药丸/药片, heart attack 心

4、脏病, cold / flu 流感:have/catch a cold, pain, headache, stomach-ache, backache, sore-throat喉咙痛, cough, fever. (5)电话场景: The line is bad/ busy / engaged. It kept a busy line. 电话占线。put through 接通电话 hold on , Hold the line, please. Hello! This is speaking. Whos speaking? / who is this? call/ telephone/ rin

5、g/ phone sb., give sb. a call/ ring, Ill call back later / again. Ill ring him / her up again. I couldnt get through. Sorry, Im afraid you have the wrong number.(6)酒店场景:make a reservation 预定房间, reception desk 接待处, check in 入住, check out 结帐, single room 单间, double room, suite套间, Do you have a reserva

6、tion Sir? Can I have a suite please? Can I show you your room? Can I carry your luggage?(7)超速场景:speeding, May I see your license, please? You will be fined by $20. fine, driving license驾照(8)购物场景: department store 百货商场, shopping center 购物中心, 商品信息:size; color, style, price , What color/size/kind do yo

7、u want? 商品论贵贱expensive, cheap 价格论高低high, low, bargain便宜货, popular / fashionable 流行的, brand 品牌, counter 柜台, pay in cash 用现金支付, pay in check 用支票支付, shop assistant 商店营业员 (9)天气场景:bright 晴朗的, foggy有雾的, cloudy 阴天, thunder 打雷, strong/ high wind 大风, storm 风暴雨, It rains cats and dogs.(=The rain is pouring.)下

8、着倾盆大雨。fair晴朗的, downpour倾盆大雨, shower 阵雨, clear up 天空放晴, weather in London / Seattle 意指不好的天气, weather in California 意指好天气 经常和天气相联系的情况:vacation 和 flight(航班) (be delayed/cancelled by the bad weather)(10)机场场景:flight 航班, Welcome on board 欢迎登机, check in 办理登机手续, behind schedule 晚点, take off 起飞, land降落, pass

9、port, airport, boarding gate登机入口, (11) 银行场景:credit card信用卡, cash现金, cheque/check支票, change零钱, open /close a (bank) account开银行账户, wait in line排队, deposit account 定期存款账户,withdraw money 取钱。 (12) 交通: traffic lights交通指示灯, crowded, rush hour交通拥挤时间, heavy/ light, traffic jam交通阻塞, (13) 学校:lecture, examinati

10、on, grade, playground, teacher, homework, course, subject, lesson, campus校园, be absent from class/school缺席, dormitory, hand in homework, professor, major专业 ask for leave请假,headmaster, headteacher. (14) 价钱:one dollar=100cents, a pound=100pennies, penny便士, at a discount打折扣,减价, on sale廉价出售, half price,

11、 bargain廉价货,讨价还价, double, dozen, a third that price 1/3 (15) 时间:weekday, at noon, dawn(break)黎明, day break, midnight午夜12点, a quarter, Children Day, April Fools Day, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, entire, before long 不久之后, century=100 years, an hour and a half behind schedule 退后一个半小时(16)人物关系:boss& sec

12、retary/office clerk/employee ( type, copy, office) A couple= husband and wife (honey, darling, dear) Colleague= fellow worker;co-workers同事 interviewer& interviewee porter & customer搬运工与顾客, policeman& a passer-by(17)常见的同义词:holiday=vacation, company=firm, walk=on foot, plane= flight=air=airplane, autu

13、mn=fall, Watch TV- channel, TV series, news, TV program, cartoon, Publishing house出版社-editor(18)描述人物的形容词及听力中常见的形容词: Reliable可靠的, dependable, honest, out-going=sociable好交际的, enthusiastic热情的, delighted, awful可怕的,糟糕的, fantastic奇异的,荒诞的, marvelous不可思议的,绝妙的。(19) 颜色:pink, purple, brown, white, yellow, gree

14、n, blue, red.(20)地点:drugstore药店, grocery杂货店, garage车库, studio摄影室、录音室, parking area/lot停车点, travel agency旅行社, department store, the barbers理发店, the dentists牙科诊所, gas station加油站, laundry洗衣店 (21) 其他:turn off, turn on, turn down,=refuse, volume音量, put off=delay, Cancel=call off, give sb. a lift让某人搭便车, p

15、ick sb. up接sb., power failure停电, furniture, wedding, opening ceremony, staff全体员工, suitcase手提箱, souvenir纪念品, I cant agree more=I agree非常同意, box office售票处, subway/underground, receptionist 招待员;接待员, get sth done=have sth done车站用语:railway station, round trip, single trip, sleeping car等(1) 政策优势4、宏观营销环境分析

16、因为是连锁店,老板的“野心”是开到便利店那样随处可见。所以办了积分卡,方便女孩子到任何一家“漂亮女生”购物,以求便宜再便宜。还有一点就是公司在“碧芝自制饰品店”内设立了一个完全的弹性价格空间:选择饰珠的种类和多少是由顾客自己掌握,所以消费者可以根据自己的消费能力进行取舍;此外由于是顾客自己制作,所以从原料到成品的附加值就可以自己享用。reserve/reservation, reception/receptionist/reception ,desk,register/registration/book 名词:rent, style, reservation, conference, grad

17、es, return flights, accommodation, details, destination, flat/apartment, section, a kings room, shower, deadline, 动词:reserve, spare, register, sign, appreciate, 形容词:available, amazing, scaring, boring, incredible, grand, extra, awful, digital, punctual, 副词:definitely, down, though, slightly, 词组:chec

18、k out, start off, look into, now that, in a long run, on behalf of, bound for, apart from, tour/scenic spots, take/leave a message, drop in on/at, put sb. at ease, drop sb. off, in stock, 句型:1.Then all set 2.Take your time. 3.Anything but cheap. 4.No wonder5.Its a deal. 6.Youre kidding. 7.Can we mak

19、e it? 8.Thats the way it is. 9.It depends. 10.Its not intended for scientists, either.4、“体验化” 消费合计50100%考点 1 数字记录与计算主要考查的知识点:基数词、序数词、分数、百分数。价格、比例。年代、日期、时刻。路程、距离。具体的编号数,如街道、楼层、房间、电话号码、航班等。复习重点:要掌握时间的几种表达法:half past six,a quarter to two,nine twenty,after before,early late,delay等。以 teen结尾的数词与以 ty结尾的数词的

20、读音和意义的辨别。辨清以 th结尾的序数词与其对应的基数词,如:sixth six。快速记录多个数字,并用加、减、乘、除计算一些数据;熟悉计算题中常出现的表达法:half,double,twice,one third,percent,a pair dozen score,dollar,pound,cent,penny, 10 each for3 tickets,at a 30% discount(打七折),one third off the normal price(打七折),more than,less than。考点 2 判断地点和方位主要考查的知识点:对话中涉及几个地点,并根据地点提问。

21、对话中没有出现具体的地点名称,要求考生根据对话中出现的显示特定场所的词来猜测说话人在什么地方谈话。事物之间的地理位置及方位关系。2、你大部分的零用钱用于何处?复习重点:熟悉特定的场景用语和关键词,如:餐馆(restaurant)用语:menu,bill,order,tip,hamburger,sandwich,soup,dish,beer,soft drink,book a table(预定桌位),dessert(甜点),delicious等;宾馆(hotel)用语:luggage,single room,double room,room number,room key,check in,ch

22、eck out等;医院(hospital)用语:take medicine,temperature,pill,headache,fever,blood pressure等;邮局(post office)用语:mail,post,deliver,stamp,envelope,package,airmail,telegram 等;机场(airport)用语:flight,take off,land,luggage,delay等;火车站(railway station)用语:round trip,single trip,sleeper等;商店(store)用语:on sale,size,color,

23、price,change(零钱)等;学校(school)用 语:professor,exam,course,dining hall,playground 等;图 书 馆(library)用语:librarian,magazine,library card,fine,renew 等。银行(in the bank)用语:cash,check,open an account,saving,withdraw,interest,draw out等。熟悉方位的词语和表达方法,如:in the east of,to the east of,on the east of。考点 3 判断人物及其关系常见的人物之

24、间的关系有:doctor- patient waiter waitress- customer secretary- boss shop assistant- customer driver- policeman teacher professor- student husband- wife receptionist- tourist lawyer- client salesperson- customer colleague friends classmates6、你购买DIY手工艺制品的目的有那些?复习重点:能根据对话内容和情景来确定说话者从事的职业和彼此之间的关系。善于抓住与说话者身份

25、或职业相关的词。如材料中出现 term exam,就有可能有 teacher professor出现,或者人物间有 teacher professor- student的关系;对话中提到 buy change,就该有 salesman或 salesgirl;夫妻对话会用 dear darling;父母对孩子说话可能会有 listen等词。对话中涉及多人,则要理清人与人之间的关系。考点 4 细节把握及指令辨认对话中为了说明主旨和要义,需要一些具体的信息加以辅佐或补充说明。因此,在考查中除了时间、地点、人物关系等之外,还会考查对一些细节的分辨和对主旨的把握。这类题目要求在把握主线的前提下,能捕捉到

26、有用的信息。复习重点:细节性的信息多,做题难度较大,应首先浏览题干和选项,做到心中有数,在听的过程中做到有的放矢。做指令性题型应善于速记,可用“”表方向,用字母代单词等一些速记符号对听到的内容做好记录。如果是独白,要学会利用选择项预测文章的内容。一定要听好第一句和最后一句。我们熟练的掌握计算机应用,我们可以在网上搜索一些流行因素,还可以把自己小店里的商品拿到网上去卖,为我们小店提供了多种经营方式。考点 5 推理、判断和归纳还有一点就是公司在“碧芝自制饰品店”内设立了一个完全的弹性价格空间:选择饰珠的种类和多少是由顾客自己掌握,所以消费者可以根据自己的消费能力进行取舍;此外由于是顾客自己制作,所

27、以从原料到成品的附加值就可以自己享用。任何一段对话或独白都是围绕一个中心展开的,但说话者的态度看法及独白中的主旨有时则比较隐蔽,需要自己去推测、判断和归纳。复习重点:能判断说话者的观点和弦外之音。注意说话者用语气、语调的变化来表现对某人、某事或对另一言行的好恶、赞成与否等情绪变化。说话者的建议、决定或打算等行为。弄清事情的因果关系。归纳时要把双方谈话的内容联系起来考虑,注意对话的完整性。车站用语:railway station, round trip, single trip, sleeping car等; 商店用语:shop, on sale, size, color, price, change等; 精品文档

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