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1、高中英语倒装句练习题-附详解1精品文档第一部份1._canyouexpecttogetapayrise. A. WithhardworkB.Althoughworkhard C.OnlywithhardworkD.Nowthatheworkshard 2._,motherwillwaitforhimtohavedinnertogether. A. HoweverlateisheB.Howeverheislate C.HoweverishelateD.Howeverlateheis 3.Notuntilallthefishdiedintheriver,_howseriousthepollutio

2、nwas. A.didthevillagersrealize B.thevillagersrealized C.thevillagersdidrealize D.didntthevillagersrealize 4.NotuntilIbegantowork_howmuchtimeIhadwasted. A.didntrealizeB.didIrealize C.IdidntrealizeD.Irealized 5.DoyouknowJimquarrelwithhisbrother? Idontknow,_. A. nordontIcareB.nordoIcare C. Idontcarenei

3、therD.Idontcarealso 6.Onlybypracticingafewhourseveryday_beabletowastemuchtime. A. youcanB.canyouC.youwillD.willyou 7.Notuntiltheearlyyearsofthe19thcentury_whatheatis. A. mandidknowB.manknew C.didntmanknowD.didmanknow 8._gotintotheroom,_thetelephonerang. A. Hehardly;thenB.Hardlyhadhe;when C.Hehadnot;

4、thanD.Nothadhe;when 9._snacksanddrinks,buttheyalsobroughtcardsforentertainmentwhentheyhadapicnicintheforest. A.NotonlytheybroughtB.Notonlydidtheybring C.NotonlybroughttheyD.Notonlytheydidbring 10.IdontthinkIcanwalkanyfurther. _,Letsstophereforarest. A.NeithercanIB.NeitherdoI C.IdidntthinksoD.Ithinks

5、o 11.Onlyinthisway_doitwell. A.mustweB.wecouldC.canweD.wecan 12.Hardly_whenitbegantorain. A.hadhearrivedB.arrivedhe C.hehadarrivedD.didhearrive 13.JackisastudentandstudiesattheNo.2MiddleSchool._. A.ItwasthesamewithMikeB.SoitiswithMike C.SoisMikeD.SodoesMike 14._,Iwouldhavegivenyouhisaddress. A.Ifyou

6、askedmeB.Youhadaskedme C.ShouldyouhaveaskedmeD.Hadyouaskedme 15._thattheyhadmadeanimportantdiscoveryinscience. A.LittletheyrealizedB.Theyhadrealizedlittle C.LittledidtheyrealizeD.Littlehadtheyrealized 16._thatIcouldntbeabsorbedinthework. A.Theymadesuchtalked B.Soloudlytheytalked C.Itwasnoiseoutside

7、D.Suchaloudnoisedidtheymake 17.Manyatime_megoodadvice. A.hegaveB.doeshegive C.hehasgivenD.hashegiven 18._haveIseenabetterperformance. A.EverywhereB.Nowhereelse C.EverywhereelseD.Nowhere 19.Notasingleword_atthebeginning. A.didhesayB.hashesaidC.hesaidD.hehassaid 20.Onlyanhourago_outwhyhewasabsent. A.d

8、idtheteacherfoundB.theteacherfound C.didtheteacherfindD.hadtheteacherfound 21._theplane. A.FlewdownB.Downflew C.DownwasflyingD.Downfly 22.Hardly_whenthebussuddenlypulledaway. A.theyhadgottothebusstop B.theygottothebusstop C.didtheygettothebusstop D.hadtheygottothebusstop 23._Ihadtime,Iwouldhaverunro

9、undthatlakeagain. A.IfB.UnlessC.HadD.When 24.Notonly_apromise,buthealsokeptit. A.hadhemadeB.hehadmade C.didhemakeD.hemakes 25._Iwouldseeyouhere. A.LittleIdreamedB.LittledoIdream C.IdreamedlittleD.LittledidIdream 26.There_. A.cometheyB.theycome C.theyarecomeD.theywillcome 27._thathecouldnotspeakforal

10、ongtime. A.SofrightenedwasheB.Sofrightenedhewas C.WashesofrightenedD.Frightenedwashe 28.Onlywhenclassbegan_thathehadlefthisbookathome. A.willherealizeB.hedidrealize C.didherealizeD.shouldherealize 29.Onlywhenyouhavefinishedyourhomework_gohome. A.canyouB.wouldyouC.youwillD.youcan 30.Seldom_anymistake

11、sduringmypastfewyearsofworkinghere. A.wouldImakeB.didImake C.IdidmakeD.shallImake 第二部份1. Never in my life such a thing.A. I have heard of or seenB. I had heard of or seenC. have I heard of or seenD. did I hear of or seen2. Seldom TV during the day.A. they watch B. are they watching C. have they watc

12、hedD. do they watch3. Not until his comrades criticized him to admit his mistake.A. does he beginB. did he beginC. began he D. had he begun45. 6. Only when thousands of flowers bloom together .A. spring will be considered hereB. could spring be considering hereC. can spring be considered hereD. spri

13、ng can be considered here7. his appearance that no one could recognize him.A. So was strange B. Was so strangeC. So strange wasD. Strange so was8. and caught the mouse.A. Up the cat jumpedB. The cat up jumpedC. Up jumped the catD. Jumped up the cat9. “It was cold yesterday.”“ .”Which of the followin

14、g is wrong.A. So it wasB. So is it todayC. So was it the day beforeD. So it did10. and the lesson began.A. In came Mr. BrownB. Mr. Brown in cameC. In came he D. Came in Mr. Brown11. On the wall two large portraits.A. hangsB. hangC. hangedD. are hanging12. Never such a wonderful place as Hangzhou.A.

15、have I seenB. I have seenC. Had I seenD. I had seen13. ,she was very brave.A. Girl as she wasB. As she was a girlC. A girl as she wasD. Girl as was she14. Little that she was seriously ill herself.A. Susan knewB. did Susan knowC. knew SusanD. was Susan known15. Such the results of the experiments.A.

16、 isB. wasC. areD. as be16. I didnt read the notice. .A. So did heB. Neither didnt heC. Nor did heD. He didnt ,too17. , I would have phoned you.A. If I knew itB. Had I known itC. If I know itD. Did I know it18. “They have done a good job.” “ .”A. So they have doneB. So they haveC. So have theyD. So i

17、s it19. Now your turn to recite the text.A. there isB. has comeC. comesD. will come20. Hardly the railway station when the train started.A. did I reach B. had I reachedC. I reachedD. I had reached21. “I like to watch TV plays, but I dont watch TV every evening. ” “ .”A. So do IB. So I doC. I do soD.

18、 So it is with me22. Rarely such a silly thing.A. have I heard of B. I have heard ofC. hear I ofD. was I heard of23. the rain stop. the crops would be saved.A. DidB. ShouldC. WouldD. Will24. Seldom play chess.A. weB. we willC. do weD. will we25. Only after his death considered correct.A. was his the

19、oryB. his theory wasC. did his theoryD. had his theory26. Albert Einstein cared little for money. Professor Wang.A. Either didB. So wasC. So didD. Neither did27. 28. I dont think Jack will come today, .A. or Mary doesB. Mary will eitherC. and Mary doesnt D. nor will Mary29. “Where is your father?” “

20、Oh, .”A. here comes heB. here does he come C. he here comesD. here he comes30. he realized it was too late to return home.A. No sooner it grew dark thanB. Hardly did it grow dark whenC. I t was not until dark that D. I t was until dark that第三部份1. Never in my life such a thing.A. I have heard of or s

21、eenB. I had heard of or seenC. have I heard of or seenD. did I hear of or seen2. Seldom TV during the day.A. they watch B. are they watching C. have they watchedD. do they watch3. Not until his comrades criticized him to admit his mistake.A. does he beginB. did he beginC. began he D. had he begun4.

22、Not only a promise, but also he kept it.A. did he makeB. he madeC. does he makeD. has he made5. nor read English.A. Cant he either writeB. He can neither writeC. Can he neither writeD. Neither he can write6. Only when thousands of flowers bloom together .A. spring will be considered hereB. could spr

23、ing be considering hereC. can spring be considered hereD. spring can be considered here7. his appearance that no one could recognize him.A. So was strange B. Was so strangeC. So strange wasD. Strange so was8. and caught the mouse.A. Up the cat jumpedB. The cat up jumpedC. Up jumped the catD. Jumped

24、up the cat9. “It was cold yesterday.”“ .”Which of the following is wrong.A. So it wasB. So is it todayC. So was it the day beforeD. So it did10. and the lesson began.A. In came Mr. BrownB. Mr. Brown in cameC. In came he D. Came in Mr. Brown11. On the wall two large portraits.A. hangsB. hangC. hanged

25、D. are hanging12. Never such a wonderful place as Hangzhou.A. have I seenB. I have seenC. Had I seenD. I had seen13. ,she was very brave.A. Girl as she wasB. As she was a girlC. A girl as she wasD. Girl as was she14. Little that she was seriously ill herself.A. Susan knewB. did Susan knowC. knew Sus

26、anD. was Susan known15. Such the results of the experiments.A. isB. wasC. areD. as be16. I didnt read the notice. .A. So did heB. Neither didnt heC. Nor did heD. He didnt ,too17. , I would have phoned you.A. If I knew itB. Had I known itC. If I know itD. Did I know it18. “They have done a good job.”

27、 “ .”A. So they have doneB. So they haveC. So have theyD. So is it19. Now your turn to recite the text.A. there isB. has comeC. comesD. will come20. Hardly the railway station when the train started.A. did I reach B. had I reachedC. I reachedD. I had reached21. “I like to watch TV plays, but I dont

28、watch TV every evening. ” “ .”A. So do IB. So I doC. I do soD. So it is with me22. Rarely such a silly thing.A. have I heard of B. I have heard ofC. hear I ofD. was I heard of23. the rain stop. the crops would be saved.A. DidB. ShouldC. WouldD. Will24. Seldom play chess.A. weB. we willC. do weD. wil

29、l we25. Only after his death considered correct.A. was his theoryB. his theory wasC. did his theoryD. had his theory26. Albert Einstein cared little for money. Professor Wang.A. Either didB. So wasC. So didD. Neither did27. the plane.A. Flew downB. Down flewC. Down was flyingD. Down flying28. I dont

30、 think Jack will come today, .A. or Mary doesB. Mary will eitherC. and Mary doesnt D. nor will Mary29. “Where is your father?” “Oh, .”A. here comes heB. here does he come C. he here comesD. here he comes30. he realized it was too late to return home.A. No sooner it grew dark thanB. Hardly did it gro

31、w dark whenC. I t was not until dark that D. I t was until dark that31. _ , I will not buy it. A. Much as do I like it B. As much I like itC. Much as I like it D. As I like it much32. I like football. I dont like volleyball. _.A. So do I B. Neither do IC. So it is with me D. So is it with me第一部份参考答案

32、 1倒装句,答案为C。 2状语从句的语序应是正常语序,故A、C排除,连词however后必须紧跟形容词或副词,D是正确答案。 3notuntil引导状语从句位于句首时,主句要倒装,答案为A。 4本题考查以否定词开头并修饰状语时的主谓语序,这时原状语可以是副词或介词短语,还可以是从句,而主谓的语序为部分倒装,答案为B。5本题考查neither或nor连接句子时语序的倒装,答案为B。 6答案为D。 7答案为D。 8hardly.when和nosooner.than是两个固定句型,前半部分置于句首,其后分句要倒装,答案为B。 9答案为B。 10答案为B。 11only引导的介词短语或从句位于句首修饰

33、状语时,句子谓语要部分倒装,答案为C。 12部分倒装,答案为A。 13答案为B。 14答案为D。 15副词little位于句首时,句子要倒装,答案为C。 16答案为D。 17many修饰名词并位于句首时,句子要倒装,答案为D。 18答案为D。 19答案为A。 20only修饰介词短语时,并位于句首时,句子要倒装,答案为C。 21答案为B。 22答案为D。 23虚拟语气的倒装形式,答案为C。 24答案为C。 25答案为D。 26there放于句首,主语是代词时,主语和谓语的位置不变,仍保留陈述句式,答案为B。 27答案为A。 28答案为C。 29only修饰句子的状语,位于句首,要部分倒装。若o

34、nly修饰的状语从句不倒装,则主句要倒装,答案为A。 30由否定词never,not,hardly,little,seldom,rarely,nowhere和否定意义的短语innoway,innocase,atnotime,bynomeans等引起的句子,常用倒装语序,答案为B。第二部份1C Never放在句首,句子倒装,把完成时的助动词提前。2D seldom放在句首,句子倒装,此句应为一般现在时。3B Not until在句首,倒装,时态为过去时。4A Not only 在句首,倒装,由后半句知,是过去时。5B neithernor既不也不6C only修饰时间状语从句,主句倒装。7C 表

35、语提前,句子倒装。8C up,副词在句首,句子全倒装。9D A的结构表示:昨天确实很冷B后的结构表示:今天也很冷 C的结构表示:前天也很冷。10A in作副词在句首,句子全倒装。11B 地点状语放在句首,会倒装,主语是portraits,动词用原形。12A 道理同第一题13A as引导的让步状语从句,表语提前时,名词前无冠词。14B 否定词little在句首,句子倒装。15C such在句首,句子全倒装,主语是experiments,所以用are16C nor这里等于neither,此句表他也没注意到这个通知。17B 此句是虚拟语气,由后半句知,是对过去事实的假设。从句为if I had kn

36、own it可把if去掉,had提前,变成倒装句。18B so+主语+助动词,表确实。19C now放在句首,句子全倒装,用一般现在时。20B hardly + had+主语+过去分词+when+句子21D 句中既有肯定含义,又有否定含义,此时用so it is with sb.表前面的情况也适用于另一个人。22A 否定副词rarely放在句首,句子倒装助动词提前。23B 此句虚拟语气,倒装时should提前,去掉if.24C 道理同第2题。25A 此句属only放在句首修饰时间状语,主句倒装结构,又因是被动含义,所以选A。26D neither+助动词+主语,表“另一人也不”,因前句有否定词

37、little,所以用neither。27B 副词down在句首,句子会倒装。28D 句意为:我认为29D here放在句首,倒装。由于主语是代词,只把副词提前,构成部分倒装。30C 此句是强调句型,句意为:直到天黑他才意识到天太晚了,不能回家了。第三部份1C Never放在句首,句子倒装,把完成时的助动词提前。2D seldom放在句首,句子倒装,此句应为一般现在时。3B Not until在句首,倒装,时态为过去时。4A Not only 在句首,倒装,由后半句知,是过去时。5B neithernor既不也不6C only修饰时间状语从句,主句倒装。7C 表语提前,句子倒装。8C up,副词

38、在句首,句子全倒装。9D A的结构表示:昨天确实很冷B后的结构表示:今天也很冷 C的结构表示:前天也很冷。10A in作副词在句首,句子全倒装。11B 地点状语放在句首,会倒装,主语是portraits,动词用原形。12A 道理同第一题13A as引导的让步状语从句,表语提前时,名词前无冠词。14B 否定词little在句首,句子倒装。15C such在句首,句子全倒装,主语是experiments,所以用are16C nor这里等于neither,此句表他也没注意到这个通知。17B 此句是虚拟语气,由后半句知,是对过去事实的假设。从句为if I had known it可把if去掉,had提

39、前,变成倒装句。18B so+主语+助动词,表确实。19C now放在句首,句子全倒装,用一般现在时。20B hardly + had+主语+过去分词+when+句子21D 句中既有肯定含义,又有否定含义,此时用so it is with sb.表前面的情况也适用于另一个人。22A 否定副词rarely放在句首,句子倒装助动词提前。23B 此句虚拟语气,倒装时should提前,去掉if.24C 道理同第2题。25A 此句属only放在句首修饰时间状语,主句倒装结构,又因是被动含义,所以选A。26D neither+助动词+主语,表“另一人也不”,因前句有否定词little,所以用neither。27B 副词down在句首,句子会倒装。28D 句意为:我认为29D here放在句首,倒装。由于主语是代词,只把副词提前,构成部分倒装。30C 此句是强调句型,句意为:直到天黑他才意识到天太晚了,不能回家了。收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

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