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1、 网址:同等学力英语每日一练(2013-12-31) 2014年参加同等学力的考生们,学苑教育献上同等学力英语每日一练,我们将每天发布1-5道习题,帮助大家夯实基础。大家可随时关注学苑教育同等学力考试频道,我们将第一时间公布相关考试信息。It is all very well to blame traffic jams,the cost of petrol and the quick pace of modern life,but manners on the roads are becoming horrible. You might tolerate the rude and incons

2、iderate driver,but nowadays the well-mannered motorist is the exception to the rule. Perhaps the situation calls for a“Be Kind to Other Drivers”campaign,otherwise,it may get completely out of hand.Road politeness is not only good manners,but good sense too. It takes the most cool-headed and good-tem

3、pered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge when subjected to uncivilized behaviors. On the other hand,a little politeness goes a long way towards relieving the tensions of motoring. A friendly nod or a wave of acknowledgement in response to an act of politeness helps to create an atmospher

4、e of goodwill and tolerance so necessary in modern traffic conditions. But such acknowledgements of politeness are all too rare today. Many drivers nowadays dont even seem able to recognize politeness when they see it.However,improper politeness can also be dangerous. A typical example is the driver

5、 who waves a child across a crossing into the path of oncoming vehicles that may be unable to stop in time. The same goes for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and whenever they care to.A veteran driver,whose manners are faultless,told me it would help if motorists learn to filter co

6、rrectly into traffic streams without causing the total blockages(堵塞)that give rise to bad temper. Unfortunately,modern motorists cant even learn to drive,let alone be well-mannered on the road. Years ago the experts warned us that the car-ownership explosion would demand a lot more give-and-take fro

7、m all road users. It is high time for all of us to take this message to heart.51.According to this passage,troubles on the road are primarily caused by .A. peoples attitude towards driversB. the rhythm of modern lifeC. traffic conditionsD. the behavior of the driver52.The sentence“You might tolerate

8、 the rude and inconsiderate driver,but nowadays the well-mannered motorist is the exception to the rule”implies that .A. our society is unjust towards well-mannered motoristsB. rude drivers can be met only occasionallyC. nowadays impolite drivers constitute the majority of motoristsD. the well-manne

9、red motorist cannot tolerate the rude driver53.By“good sense”(Paragraph 2),the writer means .A. the drivers prompt response to difficult conditionsB. the drivers ability to understand and react reasonablyC. the drivers tolerance of bad road conditionsD. the drivers acknowledgement of politeness and

10、regulations54.Experts have long pointed out that in the face of car-ownership explosion, .A. drivers should be ready to yield to one anotherB. road users should make more sacrificesC. drivers should have more communication among themselvesD. drivers will suffer a great loss if they pay no respect to

11、 others55.In the writers opinion .A. drivers should apply road politeness properlyB. strict traffic regulations are badly neededC. rude and inconsiderate drivers should be punishedD. drivers should try their best to avoid traffic jams答案解析:指责交通堵塞、油价过高以及现代生活的快节奏是无可厚非的,但是路上的礼节问题正变得让人恐怖。你或许能容忍司机的粗鲁和冷漠,但

12、如今,行为规范的司机反而不遵守规则。也许,这种情况需要进行一场“善待其他司机”的运动,否则,形势可能会完全失控。路上有礼节不仅指好的礼节,而且还指好的意识。当遭遇到不文明的行为时,只有最冷静、最好脾气的司机能够抵制报复对方的念头。另外,一点点礼貌对于缓解开车紧张有很大帮助。对于礼貌行为的回报,友好的点头或感谢的致意有助于营造善意和宽容的气氛,这在现代交通条件下是非常必要的。但如今,这种对礼貌行为的感谢太少了。现在,许多司机似乎对见到的礼貌行为不闻不问。 然而,不恰当的礼貌也是很危险的。一个典型的例子就是:司机挥手让孩子过马路,进入迎面有车辆行驶的车道,而这些车辆不能及时停下来。同样的例子:鼓励

13、老太太过马路,不管什么时候什么地点,只要她们想过去。 一位有丰富经验的司机,其行为没有任何错误,曾经告诉我:如果司机学会一次一辆、逐渐而恰当地融入车流而不因为交通堵塞导致坏心情,对改善交通状况很有帮助。不幸的是,现在的司机甚至还没有学会开车,更别提在路上有规范的行为。几年以前,专家警告我们:汽车拥有者的人数猛增,这就要求所有的马路使用者应该互相谦让。对于所有人来说,是我们记住这句话的时候了。51.【正确答案】D【考点类型】细节判断【解析过程】根据这篇文章,道路上的问题主要是由于 。A. 人们对于司机的态度B. 当代生活的节奏C. 交通状况D. 司机的行为线索:文章的第1段提到“but mann

14、ers on the roads are becoming horrible.”表明选项D是正确答案。选项B和C文章第1段也提到了,但不是作者要说明的重点。【考点提示】转折连接词如but,however等,意义非常的重要,它们是很明显的线索词,一般作者是要强调转折词后面的内容,而不是前面的内容,所以同学们应该努力在阅读文章时,抓住这些关键词。52.【正确答案】C【考点类型】句子理解【解析过程】该句“你也许会忍受这个粗鲁和漠视他人的司机,但是今天遵守规矩的司机们对这个规定来讲都是成为了一个奢望”暗示 。A. 我们的社会对于那些遵守规矩的司机是不平等的B. 那些粗鲁的司机仅仅是偶尔才会遇到C. 今

15、天不礼貌的司机构成了司机的主要部分D. 那些遵守规则的司机不能容忍粗鲁的司机线索:文章的第1段提到“You might tolerate the rude and inconsiderate driver,but nowadays the well-mannered motorist is the exception to the rule.”作者在第1句话刚讲到道路礼节的重要性,后面的这句话应该是对前面的内容补充说明,所以在含义上应该是具有紧密的联系性。判断下来选项C是最合适的答案。【考点提示】句子理解题最好的解析方法就是根据文章的中心,把选项带入到原文中去评判内容是否正确。53.【正确答案

16、】B【考点类型】句子理解【解析过程】通过引用“好的意识”作者的意思是 。 A. 司机对于困难情况的快速反应B. 司机能够理解并理智反应的能力C. 司机对于糟糕路况的容忍D. 司机对于礼貌和规则的认可线索:文章的第4段提到“Road politeness is not only good manners,but good sense too. It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge when subjected to uncivilized beh

17、aviors.”,第2段明确地表示司机必须具有优秀的道路理解能力的同时,更重要的是要具有好的意识或理解力,在遇到特殊情况的时候,才能及时做出处理。【考点提示】一定要把句子代入到文章中看一看,读一读才可以,否则很容易选择错误。54.【正确答案】A【考点类型】细节判断【解析过程】专家们以前指出在面对汽车所有者迅速增长的现象时, 。 A. 司机们应该准备互相谦让B. 道路的使用者应该做出更多的牺牲C. 司机们应该相互更多的沟通D. 如果他们对别人不尊重的话,就会遭遇很大的损失线索:文章的第4段提到“.the car-ownership explosion would demand a lot mor

18、e give-and-take from all road users. It is high time for all of us to take this message to heart.”表明的选项A是正确答案。【考点提示】该句话的理解主要在“give-and-take”短语的理解,该短语的正确理解是解析的关键。理解该短语,就要好好地读一读第4段第1句话,表示司机们必须学会一次一辆逐渐地进入到车流之中。所以,短语的含义是和礼让有关。这里,同学们一定要记住的是考试时候不要慌,对于简单的内容好好体会字面后的含义,可能比那些晦涩不好理解的单词含义更重要。55. 【正确答案】A【考点类型】主旨

19、判断【解析过程】依照本文作者的观点 。A. 司机们应该适当地使用道路礼貌B. 严格的交通管理非常需要C. 那些粗鲁不细心的司机应该被惩罚D. 司机们应该尽最大的努力避免交通堵塞文章的第2段讲到路上的礼貌,第3段关于不适当的马路礼貌,都说明司机们应该关注道路交通的礼貌规则。选项A是正确答案。【考点提示】主旨题:文章的关键词必须出现。作者的态度(积极或消极)必须出现。具体信息不能出现。主旨题的标志:mainly about,mainly discuss,the best title 。串线法:抓首段和其余各段的第一句话,把其意思连接成一个整体。要注意总结性的提示词和转折词,特别要注意中心句。小心首段陷阱。逆向思维法、快速作文法。主旨题错误选项的干扰特征经常是:局部信息,即选项的内容小于文章的内容;范围过宽,即选项的内容大于文章的内容。5

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