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1、面向对象程序设计实验指导书宋航 刘国奇东北大学软件学院 .9目 录面向对象程序设计0实验指导书0前 言2实验要求3Experiment 1 Implementing the Collections in the Gourmet Coffee System( 4 Hours) 4Background4Description4Files12Tasks13Experiment 2 Using Design Patterns in the Gourmet Coffee System( 4 Hours) 16Background16Description16Files23Tasks23Experimen

2、t 3 Using File I/O in the Gourmet Coffee System( 4 Hours) 26Background26Description26Files31Tasks32Experiment 4 Implementing a GUI for the Gourmet Coffee System( 4 Hours) 35Background35Description35Files38Tasks39前 言面向对象的思想能够渗透到需求分析、 系统建模、 体系结构设计、 程序设计与实现、 系统测试等多个方面, 它是描述现实世界复杂对象的相当直接而且直观的有效手段, 对于提高系

3、统质量、 开发效率和代码重用率, 都有明显的效果。面向对象程序设计课程是软件工程专业的重要专业基础课程之一, 该门课程注重实践性和实用性, 主要经过面向对象程序设计思想和Java语言结合起来, 让学生掌握面向对象程序设计思想, 以及熟练使用Java语言进行面向对象的编程, 因此学生不能满足于只听懂老师讲授的课堂内容, 看懂书上的程序, 应将课堂教学与实践环节紧密结合, 使得学生加深对讲授内容的理解, 学会上机调试程序。也就是善于发现程序中的错误, 而且能很快地排除这些错误, 使程序能正确运行。面向对象程序设计是结合卡耐基梅隆大学的SSD3而形成的课程, 该课程的教学体系和实验体系都很完整, 而

4、且东北大学软件学院也提供了良好的教学实验环境, 希望同学们能够充分利用实验条件, 认真完成实验, 从实验中得到应有的锻炼和培养。希望同学们在使用本实验指导书及进行实验的过程中, 能够帮助我们不断地发现问题, 并提出建议, 使面向对象程序设计真正能够帮助同学们学习。实验要求面向对象程序设计课程实验的目的是为了使学生在课堂学习的同时, 经过一系列的实验, 使学生加深了解和更好地掌握面向对象程序设计课程教学大纲要求的内容。在面向对象程序设计的课程实验过程中, 要求学生做到: ( 1) 预习实验指导书有关部分, 认真做好实验内容的准备, 就实验可能出现的情况提前作出思考和分析。( 2) 仔细观察调试程

5、序过程中出现的各种问题, 记录主要问题, 作出必要说明和分析。( 3) 遵守机房纪律, 服从辅导教师指挥, 爱护实验设备。( 4) 实验课程不迟到, 如有事不能出席, 所缺实验一般不补。( 5) 本实验采用的开发环境为Eclipse, 同学在做实验之前要求熟悉该集成开发环境。 Experiment 1 Implementing the Gourmet Coffee System(4 Hours)Prerequisites, Goals, and OutcomesPrerequisites: Before you begin this exercise, you need mastery of

6、the following: Object Oriented Programming o Knowledge of class design Class attributes Constructors Accessor methods Mutator methods o Knowledge of inheritance How to implement a specialization/generalization relationship using inheritance Goals: Reinforce your ability to implement Java classes usi

7、ng inheritance. Outcomes: You will demonstrate mastery of the following: Implementing the constructors, accessors, and mutators of a Java class Using inheritance to implement a specialization/generalization relationship Background This assignment asks you to implement some of the classes in the Gour

8、met Coffee System specified on Exercise 2.DescriptionIn this assessment, you will implement the classes and relationships illustrated in the following class diagram:Figure 1 Portion of Gourmet Coffee System class diagramThe class specifications are as follows:Class ProductThe class Product models a

9、generic product in the store.Instance variables: code. The unique code that identifies the product description. A short description of the product price. The price of the product Constructor and methods: public Product(String initialCode, String initialDescription, double initialPrice)Constructor th

10、at initializes the instance variables code, description, and price. public String getCode(). Returns the value of instance variable code. public String getDescription(). Returns the value of instance variable description. public double getPrice(). Returns the value of instance variable price. boolea

11、n equals(Object object). Overrides the method equals in the class Object. Two Product objects are equal if their codes are equal. String toString(). Overrides the method toString in the class Object. Returns the string representation of a Product object. The String returned has the following format:

12、 code_description_priceThe fields are separated by an underscore ( _ ). You can assume that the fields themselves do not contain any underscores.Class CoffeeThe class Coffee models a coffee product. It extends class Product.Instance variables: origin. The origin of the coffee roast. The roast of the

13、 coffee flavor. The flavor of the coffee aroma. The aroma of the coffee acidity. The acidity of the coffee body. The body of the coffee Constructor and methods: public Coffee(String initialCode, String initialDescription, double initialPrice, String initialOrigin, String initialRoast, String initial

14、Flavor, String initialAroma, String initialAcidity, String initialBody)Constructor that initializes the instance variables code, description, price, origin, roast, flavor, aroma, acidity, and body. public String getOrigin(). Returns the value of instance variable origin. public String getRoast(). Re

15、turns the value of instance variable roast. public String getFlavor(). Returns the value of instance variable flavor. public String getAroma(). Returns the value of instance variable aroma. public String getAcidity(). Returns the value of instance variable acidity. public String getBody(). Returns t

16、he value of instance variable body. String toString(). Overrides the method toString in the class Object. Returns the string representation of a Coffee object. The String returned has the following format: code_description_price_origin_roast_flavor_aroma_acidity_bodyThe fields are separated by an un

17、derscore ( _ ). You can assume that the fields themselves do not contain any underscores.Class CoffeeBrewerClass CoffeeBrewer models a coffee brewer. It extends class Product.Instance variables: model. The model of the coffee brewer waterSupply. The water supply (Pour-over or Automatic) numberOfCups

18、. The capacity of the coffee brewer Constructor and methods: public CoffeeBrewer(String initialCode, String initialDescription, double initialPrice, String initialModel, String initialWaterSupply, int initialNumberOfCups)Constructor that initializes the instance variables code, description, price, m

19、odel, waterSupply, and numberOfCups. public String getModel(). Returns the value of instance variable model. public String getWaterSupply(). Returns the value of instance variable waterSupply. public int getNumberOfCups(). Returns the value of instance variable numberOfCups. String toString(). Overr

20、ides the method toString in the class Object. Returns the string representation of a CoffeeBrewer object. The String returned has the following format: code_description_price_model_waterSupply_numberOfCupsThe fields are separated by an underscore ( _ ). You can assume that the fields themselves do n

21、ot contain any underscores.Class OrderItemClass OrderItem models an item in an order. Instance variables: product. This instance variable represents the one-way association between OrderItem and Product. It contains a reference to a Product object. quantity. The quantity of the product in the order.

22、 Constructor and methods: public OrderItem(Product initialProduct, int initialQuantity)Constructor that initializes the instance variables product and quantity. public Product getProduct(). Returns the value of the instance variable product, a reference to a Product object. public int getQuantity().

23、 Returns the value of the instance variable quantity. public void setQuantity(int newQuantity). Sets the instance variable quantity to the value of parameter newQuantity. public double getValue(). Returns the product of quantity and price. String toString(). Overrides the method toString in the clas

24、s Object. Returns the string representation of an OrderItem object. The String representation has the following format: quantity product-code product-priceThe fields are separated by a space. You can assume that the fields themselves do not contain any spaces.Test driver classesComplete implementati

25、ons of the following test drivers are provided in the student archive. Use these test drivers to verify that your code works correctly. Class TestProduct Class TestCoffee Class TestCoffeeBrewer Class TestOrderItem FilesThe following files are needed to complete this assignment: student-files.zip Dow

26、nload this file. This archive contains the following: o TestProduct.java o TestCoffee.java o TestCoffeeBrewer.java o TestOrderItem.java Tasks Implement classes Product, Coffee, CoffeeBrewer, and OrderItem. Document using Javadoc and follow Suns code conventions. The following steps will guide you th

27、rough this assignment. Work incrementally and test each increment. Save often. 1. Extract the files by issuing the following command at the command prompt: C:unzip student-files.zip 2. Then, implement class Product from scratch. Use TestProduct driver to test your implementation. 3. Next, implement

28、class Coffee from scratch. Use TestCoffee driver to test your implementation. 4. Then, implement class CoffeeBrewer from scratch. Use TestCoffeeBrewer driver to test your implementation. 5. Finally, implement class OrderItem from scratch. Use TestOrderItem driver to test your implementation. Submiss

29、ionUpon completion, submit only the following:1. Product.java 2. Coffee.java 3. CoffeeBrewer.java 4. OrderItem.java Experiment 2 Implementing the Collections in the Gourmet Coffee System (4 Hours) Prerequisites, Goals, and OutcomesPrerequisites: Before you begin this exercise, you need mastery of th

30、e following: Collections o Use of class ArrayList o Use of iterators Goals: Reinforce your ability to implement classes that use collections Outcomes: You will demonstrate mastery of the following: Implementing a Java class that uses collections Background In this assignment, you will implement the

31、classes in the Gourmet Coffee System that use collections.DescriptionThe following class diagram of the Gourmet Coffee System highlights the classes that use collections:Figure 2 Gourmet Coffee System class diagramComplete implementations of the following classes are provided in the student archive:

32、 Coffee CoffeeBrewer Product OrderItem GourmetCoffee In this assignment, you will implement the following classes: Catalog Order Sales GourmetCoffee The class specifications are as follows:Class CatalogThe class Catalog models a product catalog. This class implements the interface Iterable to being

33、able to iterate through the products using the for-each loop.Instance variables: products An ArrayList collection that contains references to instances of class Product. Constructor and public methods: public Catalog() Creates the collection products, which is initially empty. public void addProduct

34、(Product product) Adds the specified product to the collection products. public Iterator iterator() Returns an iterator over the instances in the collection products. public Product getProduct(String code) Returns a reference to the Product instance with the specified code. Returns null if there are

35、 no products in the catalog with the specified code. public int getNumberOfProducts() Returns the number of instances in the collection products. Class OrderThe class Order maintains a list of order items. This class implements the interface Iterable to being able to iterate through the items using

36、the for-each loop.Instance variables: items An ArrayList collection that contains references to instances of class OrderItem. Constructor and public methods: public Order() Creates the collection items, which is initially empty. public void addItem(OrderItem orderItem) Adds the specified order item

37、to the collection items. public void removeItem(OrderItem orderItem) Removes the specified order item from the collection items. public Iterator iterator() Returns an iterator over the instances in the collection items. public OrderItem getItem(Product product) Returns a reference to the OrderItem i

38、nstance with the specified product. Returns null if there are no items in the order with the specified product. public int getNumberOfItems() Returns the number of instances in the collection items. public double getTotalCost() Returns the total cost of the order. Class SalesThe class Sales maintain

39、s a list of the orders that have been completed. This class implements the interface Iterable to being able to iterate through the orders using the for-each loop.Instance variables: orders An ArrayList collection that contains references to instances of class Order. Constructor and public methods: p

40、ublic Sales() Creates the collection orders, which is initially empty. public void addOrder(Order order) Adds the specified order to the collection orders. public Iterator iterator() Returns an iterator over the instances in the collection orders. public int getNumberOfOrders() Returns the number of

41、 instances in the collection orders. Class GourmetCoffeeThe class GourmetCoffee creates a console interface to process store orders. Currently, it includes the complete implementation of some of the methods. The methods displayNumberOfOrders and displayTotalQuantityOfProducts are incomplete and shou

42、ld be implemented. The following is a screen shot of the interface:Figure 3 Execution of GourmetCoffeeInstance variables: catalog A Catalog object with the products that can be sold. currentOrder An Order object with the information about the current order. sales A Sales object with information abou

43、t all the orders sold by the store. Constructor and public methods: public GourmetCoffeeSolution() Initializes the attributes catalog, currentOrder and sales. This constructor is complete and should not be modified. public void displayCatalog Displays the catalog. This method is complete and should

44、not be modified. public void displayProductInfo() Prompts the user for a product code and displays information about the specified product. This method is complete and should not be modified. public void displayOrder() Displays the products in the current order. This method is complete and should no

45、t be modified. public void addModifyProduct() Prompts the user for a product code and quantity. If the specified product is not already part of the order, it is added; otherwise, the quantity of the product is updated. This method is complete and should not be modified. public void removeProduct() P

46、rompts the user for a product code and removes the specified product from the current order. This method is complete and should not be modified. public void saleOrder() Registers the sale of the current order. This method is complete and should not be modified. public void displayOrdersSold() Displays the

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