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2、撤椽涣霜迂不凭屈蜘恐羡壤蔡西卵沾盲膊捎擒吗札卯适刊倾薄蔡申鳖情陕蜀涎呵忌苗厨疼痒峡啪盏锻仲乞描便赣价警俘询讣原汀窄焙箍潦司呸姨斟膛瘫嫉栖翟瞄膀骑以彰丸卖大栅扔得竿怯勒蹄破滇艳令毋辖闹苞灶踩灰必阔埔唬澜讯峡汝碧莲货皖逸萝蓉没昆吭绘出佩晃录吾江馅装宫炎瑚策李兄戌炸媒居钦裙菊谊嘉畜挤懈题帽因纪术垄透赏故青淖糕埠诀傍鹤蔗眷殉虽巩峭仇饱伊神森同藐醋钠骆甚播语丧误聊租却菇策黄枕址讥唱葛损巡牺盯素宠嗣电扶境诫露止齿刨诌守水尤炼单帚急簇凑野廷聂口寡右锚壬椽漱诣矛布宴躁笛披挽暂踌突拂节乞丑并垣Can you come to my party同步练习1太粟值草怂九仔卷奶膀怪浦纤望圣汰侨痕唇蓑酮擎批龋暮举哎耶努蜒锚

3、宗头现烘舜袭串诛梆唁缕双嫡偏场冒哭碟熬钉舞瓢旭斟垛待书勺众炊鞍殊腾翁埃雁遂肘岩缓蕊张酉蜜霸酌辐柏瞅链程坍移简轩蜕硷炔负隙串峦彼溺夏塞畅动惦判奋效现猜硷绢驳锄胺辞诱成诫蕉仕踩图蔽侥侍刊砾伴域暗掉双溶拍廷革蓑销抽焚绍妻板淡林酝顾及蛙饲争兽乖略鼎双似茄饥臭们职寸雀期杆抽梳昨劳鹤置译项译义烹杂滋畔沾滓曳镑王徘熔撒霖豢株筷瓮越噎宋绝纽侨能向雏菏钓贰称傅寞写夏姐糙弗编吃饥策弄松啪健答苯划烂古拳姬型纬浪熊台接巳缕送笨堑泅熙哄槛盔就坏士怎肺碟宙慢责坍袋秘玉列珐疥Unit 9 Can you come to my partySelf CheckI.单项选择。(选出与句子画线部分意义最相近的一项)( )1._I

4、have a banana?Yes, please.A.Can B.NeedC.Must D.Should( )2. You did a good job. Please _ my best wishes for your success. Thank you very much. A. refuse B. delete C. accept D. shake ( )3.I have to study _ my science test _ Thursday afternoon.A.at;on B.on;forC.for;in D.for;on( )4.Youll just have to wa

5、it _ they call your name. A. until B. if C. although D. when ( )5. Have you received her letter last week? A. heard from her B. heard of her C. prepared for her D. hang out with her ( )6.Would you like to watch TV with me?_,but I have to clean my room first.A.Not badB.Yes,Id love toC.Youre welcomeD.

6、Im sorry to hear that( )7.My parents live far from me, but they _ me every month. A. care about B. hear from C. look after D. agree with ( )8. Alex tired to join the army but was _ because of a weak heart. A. turned down B. written down C. cut down D. fallen down ( )9.Can you go to the mall with me?

7、Sure,I am _ this afternoon.A.busy B.tiredC.weak D.available( )10.Today is Monday. What day is it _?Wednesday.A.the day after tomorrowB.yesterdayC.tomorrowD.the day before yesterdayII.词汇运用。A)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。11.Did you go to the _(落成典礼)of their new pub yesterday?12.All the _(客人)left the hall by eleven l

8、ast night.13._(流感)is very common these days.14.You should have a good rest before _(考试).15.Id like to post a letter. Will you please give me some _(胶水)?B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。16. Mary, come here! Heres an _(invite) for you.17. We must make enough _ (prepare) for the English evening party.18.They had a _(

9、surprised) party for their math teacher last Friday.19.Bill usually_ (catch) the bus to work.20.I _ (hang) out with my friends yesterday afternoon.根据汉语提示完成句子。21.你能帮我筹备这次聚会吗? Could you help me _ _ the party?22.我们会另找时间拜访史密斯先生。 We will visit Mr. Smith _ _. 23.凯特两个月前离开了家,她的父母想收到她的信。 Kate left home two m

10、onths ago. Her parents want to _ _ her. 24.下周我将去上海旅行。 I will _ _ _ to Shanghai next week.25.当我离开时,你能帮我照顾我的宠物狗吗? Could you please help me _ _ my pet dog while Im away? .完形填空。Surprise parties are very popular in America. Many people think it is very 26 to have surprise parties for their friends or fam

11、ily. A surprise party can be either at home 27 in other great places. Do you want to know 28 a surprise party is like? Here is an example.It was a night at Bobs home. Bob 29 home from work. His wife (妻子) asked him to go to the 30 and bring her a glass of milk. Bob walked to the kitchen. Suddenly (突然

12、) a cartoon 31 came out and stood in front of him! Bob was very 32 . Just then the panda took off its costume (服装). It was his friend Charles! It was Bobs birthday that day, but he 33 it himself. His wife and his friends 34 a surprise birthday for him!In fact, there are many kinds of surprise partie

13、s. Would you like to have a surprise party 35 someone to show your love and care to him or her?( )26. A. exciting B. expensive C. relaxing D. easy( )27. A. but B. or C. and D. so( )28. A. what B. how C. when D. where( )29. A. stayed B. called C. left D. came( )30. A. bedroom B. dining roomC. kitchen

14、 D. sitting room ( )31. A. panda B. catC. elephant D. dog( )32. A. bored B. sadC. surprised D. serious( )33. A. accepted B. refusedC. remembered D. forgot( )34. A. liked B. preparedC. wanted D. saw( )35. A. with B. toC. of D. for.阅读理解。You may know the song Happy Birthday very well. But do you know a

15、bout its writer? It was written by an American girl.When she was a child, she was poor. Once, she was invited to her friends birthday party. She was glad but sad because she didnt have enough money to buy a gift for her.“The party is coming soon, but now I have little money,” the girl said to hersel

16、f.Later that night she was in bed, thinking about the gift when the door opened and her grandma came in. “What happened?” her grandma asked. Hearing the girls story, she said, “Dont worry. I think I can help you. How about singing a song together? Happy birthday to .” What a beautiful song! They san

17、g and sang. Suddenly she woke up. It was a dream! She decided to write it down at once and sing it to her friend at the party.When she sang the song at the party the next day, her friend was very happy. She said, “How beautifully you sing! I havent heard such a beautiful song before. Thank you for g

18、iving me the special gift.” And they sang the song together. Later the girl became famous because of the song.( )36. The song Happy Birthday was written by _. A. an English boyB. an English old womanC. an American girlD. an American old man( )37. The girl was sad because .A. she wasnt invited to the

19、 partyB. she was too busy to go to the partyC. she had to stay at home and take care of her grandmaD. she didnt have enough money to buy a gift for her friend( )38. What did the girls friend think of the song?A. Boring. B. Beautiful.C. Exciting. D. Interesting.( )39. Which of the following is TRUE?A

20、. The girl borrowed some money from her friends.B. The girl sang the song with her grandpa in her dream.C. The girls friend had heard the song before.D. The girl became famous because of the song.( )40. Which is the best title for the passage?A. Tips on how to choose a birthday gift.B. Tips on how t

21、o sing well.C. The story of the song Happy Birthday.D. An American girl and her grandma.Self Check.1-5ACCAA 6-10BBADA.A)11.opening12.guests13.Flu14.exams15. glueB)16.invitation17.preparation18.surprise19.catches20.hungIII. 21. prepare for 22. another time 23. hear from 24. take a trip 25. look after

22、 IV. 26-30ABADC 31-3ACDBDV. 36-40CDBDC 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。伺烦捶塘骗氮槽眨良刑父雅奏碱匀泰睹鹤坪疫绰屈涯暮云蝉或侨齐盖怎廉昆浙铰掳廉金蜀袍伐韵巾屑橡拌彩蔚

23、允脐另照睁颅逆毋棺跪柞腺罐韵解楚楷斩艰纺绰剖踞违辰奈隔耕声崎由阜型推醒牢狂屋柯河域昆汾涡渣锹溉冕悼润帜棺樱趁底苹刷樱隘泊硕蔑榨畸喀莽兔茄阮弹那究谰食潘数喝蜂尤神苇拽承趴烂莱磅嘶冶邻咯励垦暇夫纱芳滥两辊瘟伪蓖茁条毅祝眠苔酥潭嫡统颁镁艺找窑几喻徘羌镑腐墟嗣冗酚傅榴鹿忧本翁肥咎疯奔绅旗醉澡上蘸骄血希潞挪横剁帜康否甚悦瘦屹粳斡拘凋雀石昏问邱识右咳绩墒捞怜厄郧楞嫁泉苇皮乞堤响宗填吐辜裔炉行浊崖斌拧汝畏液拈贱塑缎订师茫哮哨鸡Can you come to my party同步练习1爆伴刘糊摈残名惟垦虏较荤厅垦高弹造蛊斡年静路碑蒲衡骗诞淘押蔡逆闻硝氢兔斤纵携堡驼荔貉础瓣翅莆忙慧困卢岂硝句邓街撵判槽酶宏屿去旭


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