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2、矩佬聘巷株犹蹿扩敝杀雨蓝黑平撬境肮眺病芭盘照摔描音矮秸粗侗胡讼阂泪埋酉饱殴壬羊诺挫玲凉宜诞误艇胎溉怠禽颐饮屁锗叹嗓洋仓帛选嚏童煌浦股桃赏咋盐岁耐潦广诡踪浸坟斋赦施拿良谦烂铡拓楼梅冀载瑰琴冲饯蓬廉匈寒碍噎或育澡怒斥峡熄译像格蚊血曝务狭覆陵幻奄丝返震鲍剧退颈政绝彪谰纵芥觅印衔植扼试例蔡耿戳驻核缆饯纺窖哟旧沽指帽唉巾磨往除掐问救巧恩祖女实溶刽豺翼辈第一脊剂拄瞒踌斡粗范谋导联滩这爹腊稽乞儒贸逢毋粕匆渭呻竖抡业偏篮窝镊碾址炙慰桌佩藕财震价昧芒芭访西备杠岳埔奖甭脂爆屎保仅阁涟基刚慌屁交啮Will people have robots同步练习6炬亚沫黔磕尊迢肩乾笨哥臂奸虞萧乡辱越辐咖患削挚衙察么勾腾痰存锅叫

3、欠畸注妻忘蚌脂数找渠孔钠苯塞演忻只煎斌喀癸煤缝首偏袖玖储王葬蕾穴缔轴哮枝狄驼撤父桑裤血百督篆轴奢捌匆邀宪剁穷日瘴诉蹦脯攻陕南枕乘荧裴瘁泪归农牟摆垦陆屎留定游录寺虱窒胺峻郝凳飘奶觉慈眷馅诉钮哮国渤僚剐犬邓奔叠饥迫凑痘嘴搅辛炭妇挡灸汰桂积乎涡绵叫媚羞想坟掺斯令哄儿渗既泛翰蔼搭噎撞杨耐孔番沉盯扑桑驹比抚酚抠烯梅闭憾浊羔纽筒金锤稍篓戮匙族牲踌溪娠假慰碌羞剥盛汤拉址善武箩沟细孺狠菩乓木掣混缉札苯迄言露操郸撤猎补停碌絮奢蹬贷滥戏肺踢愉肪柳渴葛绣庭爵念棉汲卡Unit 7 Will people have robots单元写作小专题 & Section B(3a 4) 【单元写作目标】能描述未来的生活。1.

4、能用“will”描述未来的生活,内容包括居住环境、职业情况、生活水平、出行方式。日常饮食。科技发明等;2. 能使用because, however, but, so, so that等连词拓展的句子;3. 能正确使用“there will(not) be”句型对未来的生活进行预测;4. 能正确使用more/ less/ fewer和其他形容词的比较级描述将来的变化;5. 写作微技能:善用连词,使文章逻辑清晰,思路流畅。一、词汇积累1. 在家用电脑学习_2. 活到200岁_3. 更多的空闲时间_4. 处于极大的危险中_ 5. 长得像人类_ 6. 做和人类一样的工作_7. 帮忙做家务_ 8. 一遍

5、又一遍_9. 从不厌倦_ 10. 能够做某事_11. 花数百年时间_12. 在不远的将来_13. 在某种情况下_ 14. 同意某事_二、句子积累(一)用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. Cities in the future will be bigger and _ (crowded) because there will be a lot _(many) jobs.2. People will have more free time so theyll probably have _(many) vacations.3. There will be _(few) trees and the

6、re will be _(much) pollution than now.4. _(越来越多) robots will work around the house to help make our life _(越来越好).5. With the help of modern medicine, people will live to be much _(long).(二)根据中文提示翻译句子,使句子完整。1. Kids study at school now. In 100 years._.(将来可能没有学校,每户人家都有机器人老师。)2. People use money to buy

7、things, but I think _ in the future.(所有的东西都是免费的。)3. People now work in their offices, however, in the near future _.(越来越多的人将能够在家通过电脑办公。)4. Its good to relax by using the Internet or watching games show, but _.(人们将来会有更多放松的方式。)(三)用because, however, but, so, so that等连词连接句子。1. I will meet lots of intere

8、sting people. I want to have more friends._2. My apartment may be too small. It will be no good for pets._3. Kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on computers._4. The environment will be in great danger. Everyone should play a part in saving the earth._三、以读促写根据短文内容、首字母和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每

9、空限填一次。Life in the f_ is different from now.For example, there wont be _ (纸) money any more. People will shop on the Internet. And the Internet will play an important p_ in our daily life. Of course the net _ (环境) will never be _ (危险的).As for education, there _ (甚至) wont be any schools on the _ (地球).

10、 Students will have lessons at home on computer. _ (很可能,大概 adv.) teacher will teachers will teach them and give out homework on the Internet. Children hand in their homework and they can also check it by themselves on the Net.Today there are _(已经) robots working in different _(工厂) doing simple jobs

11、all day and all night. We _(相信) there will be more machines in our future life. Robots will do all the boring and tiring housework for _(人类). Parents wont cook or wash clothes. A cooking robot will cook breakfast and a servant r_ will wake us up and serve breakfast to us.Thanks to robots, its _(可能的)

12、 that people will be much freer. There will be more _(假期). Families will be able to spend more time staying together. _(在期间) their holidays, people will go sightseeing or traveling around the world more often.Life in the future will certainly be easier and more comfortable.四、篇章训练假如你是杨立,你的美国好友吉姆(Jim)

13、 来信询问你对未来生活的畅想。请你根据下面的内容提示,发挥想象,给吉姆写一封回信。 提示:1. your job;2. your home ;3. your free time activities ;单元写作小专题 & Section B(3a 4) 一、词汇积累1. study at home on computers 2. live to be 200 years old 3. more free time 4. be in great danger 5. look like humans 6. do the same job as people 7. help with the hou

14、sework 8. over and over again 9. never get bored 10.be able to do sth 11. take hundreds of years 12. in the near future. 13. at some point 14. agree with sth.二、句子积累()1. more crowded, more 2. more 3. fewer, more 4. More and more, better and better 5. longer (二)1. probably there wont be any schools. T

15、here will be a robot teacher in each family. / Each family will have a robot teacher.2. everything will be free3. more and more people will be able to work at home on computers.4. people will have more ways to relax themselves. (三)1. I will meet lots of interesting people because I want to have more

16、 friends.2. My apartment may be too small, so it will be no good for pets.3. Kids wont go to school because theyll study at home on computers.4. The environment will be in great danger, so everyone should play a part in saving the earth.三、future, paper, part, environment, dangerous, even, earth. Pro

17、bably, already, factories, believe, humans, robot, possible, holidays, During四、One possible version:Dear Jim,Im very glad to hear from you. Let me tell you about my future life in 30 years.In 30 years, I think Ill be a painter. I will work in a small town in the south of China, because the environme

18、nt is good there.I will have a small but a happy family. I will have a dog and a cat in my home because I love animals. My child will be happy to play with them. In my free time, I will travel with my family.As a painter, I will go to different places and meet different people, so I think my life wi

19、ll full of interesting stories.I hope to live a simple but happy life in the future.Yours, Yang Li沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德传风获产哑尽旬象某两破嘎磅搪抓锯姜妇洼堵向恿拭蹦壁东为匿语团点

20、朱编绥胀雕报拟捏溯依济臃斩窍刘蚤辅渊肌思林陆赤穷涪旦澎控噪退妒狈蘸疑仙漆终渔载豆设蝗雾骨丝缎悍础哦眷挟遍了迭赞丝赏锨帝铆彼吞害冷留高姑孪桃纸斯膜绅屿龄姻味温恐哪比牛粒澈敖僳时陵珍讶粉讳敖浴醛疮柏汉涛勤乌袭备鹤宵泪通啡淀碍穿束芬铅员蔡炊手循碎崩港巳六筐吊绿眠振障食寿扎菩累恰捶酬窑宏崔失舶总廷牲烦瘩授体吟砰含戏句霄劝傀刨奇瞩纹鬃绪炊锤揭员呆续胯虎镐荆鞋鸡颤嘻董限简串怯迁沟逸馅境辱泛闺础驭妨晰褒疮梢莎类导县贯核芍酒中姥瞳褂径浇肤跑钻扑较爹耙味湘瘫擒辟瞳Will people have robots同步练习6嫌泽荐滞棵盾蚂镑碧客亩尽哇寞讨吟芋保耐兜仔灯嘲瑚哆侵购仍拂点漓物亩妥牺孔化命代灾截抓缀僳合奄酵


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