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1、A: 按港口习惯尽快提供或提供货物Customary quick dispatch , CQD B: 搬移Handling, 包裹提单Parcel B/L, 包运合同Contract of affreightment, COA, 包装不良Inadequacy of packing, 保管Keep, 保函Letter of guarantee, 背书Endorsement, 标志欠缺、不清Insufficiency or illegibility of marks, 不可抗力Force majeure, 不可转让Non-negotiable, 不清洁提单Unclean B/L, foul B/L

2、, 不知条款Unknown clause, C: 舱面货Deck cargo, 舱面货提单On deck B/L, 场站收据Dock receipt, D/R, 承运人本人的过失Actual fault, 承运人责任限制Limitation of carriers liability, 船舶潜在危险Latent defect of the ship, 船舶绕航Deviation of ship, 长式提单Long form B/L, D: 大副收据Mates receipt, 倒签提单Anti-dated B/L, 到付运费Freight to be collected, 电子数据交换Elec

3、tronic data interchange, EDI, 电子提单Electronic B/L, 电子信息Electronic message, 订舱单Booking note,B/N, 独立合同人Independent contractor, 短式提单Short form B/L, 多式联运经营人Combined transport operator, CTO, 多式联运经营人Multimodel transport operator, MTO, 多式联运提单Combined transport B/L, F: 发货人Consigner, 分提单Separate B/L, G: 钩到钩Ta

4、ckle to tackle, 管理船舶过失Fault in the management of ship, 管辖权与法律适用条款Clause of jurisdiction and applicable law, 国际货物多式联运合同International mutimodal transport contract, H: 海上或其他可航水域的危险或意外事故Perils,dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters, 海上货物运输合同Contract of carriage of goods by sea, 海上货物运

5、输合同的证明Evidence of the contract of carriage of goods by sea, 海上联运提单Ocean through B/L, 海运货物留置权Lien on cargo, 航次租船合同Voyage charter-party, C/P, 航海过失Nautical fault, 合并提单Omnibus B/L, 换船substitute of vessel, 活动物Live animals 货物Merchant, 货物的迟延预付Delay in delivery of cargo; 货物的固有缺陷Inherent vice of the goods, 货

6、物的自然特性Nature of the goods, 货物灭失、损害或迟延交付的通知Clause about notice for loss or damage,delay in delivery 货物灭失Loss of cargo, 货物收据Receipt for goods shipped, 货物损害Damage to cargo, 货物所有人Owner of the goods, J: 积载Stowage, 集装箱堆场Container yard, CY 集装箱货物Cargo in container, 集装箱货运站Container freight station, CFS, 记名提单

7、Straight B/L, 驾驶船舶过失Fault in the navigation of ship, 检疫限制Quarantine restrictions, 件杂货General cargo, 谨慎处理Due diligence,; 近乎完美标准Less than perfect, K: 开航前和开航当时Before and at the beginning of the voyage, 空白背书Blank endorsement, 空白提单Blank B/L, bearer B/L, open B/L, 亏舱费Dead freight, L: 劳动限制Restraint of labo

8、ur, 冷藏货物Refrigerated goods, 联运Through carriage, Q: 企图救助Attempt to save, 契约承运人Contractual carrier 清洁提单Clean B/L, S: 实际承运人Actual carrier, 实际救助Actual salvage, 适当地配备船员Properly man, 适当地为船舶配备供应品Properly supply the ship, 适当地装备船舶Properly equip the ship, 适航性Seaworthiness, 适货Cargo worthy, 收货待运提单Received for s

9、hipment B/L, 收货人Consignee, 首要条款Paramount clause, 顺签提单Post-dated B/L, 司法扣押Judicial arrest, 诉讼时效Time bar, T: 特别提款权Special drawing right, SDR, 特殊背书Special endorsement, 提单持有人Holder of the B/L, 提供适航船舶To provide a seaworthy ship, 停工Stoppage of labour, 通知方Notify party,; 同类规则Ejusdem generis, 托运人Shipper, W:

10、危险货物Dangerous cargo, 无船承运人Non-vessel operating common carrier, NVOCC, 物权凭证Document of title, X: 舷到舷Rail to rail, 卸载Discharge, 选港货Optional cargo, Y: 沿海运输权Cabotage, 一般风险Ordinary peril, 依法扣押Seizure under legal process, 已装船提单On board B/L, shipped B/L, 义务Obligation, 有意地Intentionally, 预付运费Freight prepaid,

11、 预借提单Advanced B/L, 运输Carry, Z: 责任期间Period of responsibility 照管货物Care of cargo, 照料Care for, 政府或主管部门的行为Act of the government or competent authorities, 直达提单Direct B/L, 直达提单Direct B/L, 指示提单Order B/L, 滞期费Demurrage, 转船Transhipment, 转换提单Switch B/L, 转运Forwarding, 装货单Shipping order, S/O, 装货港/卸货港Port of loadi

12、ng /discharge,; 装载Loading, 自燃Spontaneous combustion, 自由绕航条款Liberty deviation clause, 最低运费提单Minimum freight B/L, A: Act of gods,天灾 Act of public enemies,公敌行为 Acting in good faith,善意 Ad Valorem Freight,从价运费 Anti-technicality clause,反技巧条款,抵御市场波动条款 Any other cause preventing the full working of the vess

13、el,阻止船舶充分使用的其他条款 Arbitration clause,仲裁条款 Area off hire, 区间停租 Arrived vessel到达船舶 As fast as the vessel can receive /deliver, 以船舶所能接收或交付的速度装货或卸货; Association of Ship Brokers and Agents,ASBA,美国船舶经纪人和代理人协会 Australian Grain Charter Party, AUST-WHEAT,澳大利亚谷物运输租船合同B: B/L under charterparty,租约项下的提单 Baltic an

14、d White Sea Conference Coal Charter,BALTCON,波罗的海和白海航运工会煤炭运输租船合同; Baltime Berth Grain Charter Party, Form C,巴尔的摩谷物泊位租船合同 C式租船合同 Basis of liability责任基础 Berth charter泊位租船合同C: Calendar day,日历日 Cancelling date,解约日 Certificate of compentency,适任证书 Certificate of seaworthiness,适航证书 Charterer承租人 Civil commot

15、ions,民变 Combined B/L并装提单 Commission clause佣金条款 Conclusive evidence绝对证据 Consecutive return trip voyagte C/P,连续往返航次租船合同 Consecutive single trip voyagte C/P连续单航次租船合同 Controlling party,控制方 Copy of B/L,副本提单 Current market price,当时市场价格D: Damage for detention,滞期损失 Damage for short lift,短装 Deadweight capaci

16、ty载重能力 Deadweight tonnage,载重吨 Declaration of cargo,宣载 delivery of vessel交船 demise clause过户条款 Demurrage runs continously,滞期时间连续计算 Despatch on all time saved ,节省的全部时间 Despatch on all working time saved,WTS节省的全部工作时间 Despatch, despatch money,滞期费 Detention by average accidents to ship or cargo,对船舶或货物造成损失

17、的事故而引起的延误 Deviation clause,绕航条款 Documentary shipper,单证托运人 Dunnage,垫舱E: Employment and indemnity clause,雇佣和赔偿条款 Even if used,EIU,即使已使用 Excluded cargo除外货物 Expected ready to load,做好装货准备的日期F: Fail to punctual and regular payment of hire,未能按时、定期地支付租金 Fixture note,订租确认书 Free in and out ,stowed,and trimmed

18、, FIOST 出租人不负担装卸、积载及平舱费用 Free in and out, FIO, 舱内收、交货条款,出租人不负担装卸费 Free in, FI 舱内收货条款,出租人不负责装货费用 Free out, FO 舱内交货条款,出租人不负责卸货费 Freight forwarder,货运代理人 Full and complete,满装满载 Full container load, FCL, 整箱货 Fully laden,船舶满载G: Good seamanship,良好船艺 Good weather condition,良好天气 Government form,政府格式 Gross te

19、rms总承兑条款 Guarantees by the shipper,托运人的保证义务H: Hague Rules, International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bill of Ladings,海牙规则;关于统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约 Hamburg Rules汉堡规则 Having regard to the cirsumstance of the case,考虑个案情况 Himalaya clause,喜马拉雅条款I: Illegitiamte last voyage,

20、不合法的最后航次 In default of payment and so long as default continues,不履行支付义务而且此种不履行仍在继续 Incomplete liability system, 不完全过失责任制 Incorporation cluase,并入条款 Initial seaworthiness,船舶最初适航 Inscrutable fault,不明过失 Insurable interests,保险利益 Interpellation clause,质询条款Invalid clause,无效条款L: Lashed,绑扎 Lawful merchandise

21、,合法货物 Lay time,装卸时间 Laydays,受载期 Legitimate last voyage,合法的最后航次 Less than container load,LCL,拼箱货 Letter of undertaking保函 Liberty clause,自由条款 Liberty under the contract of carriage of goods by sea,基于货物运输合同中所赋予的自由权 Lien and exception clause,留置权与免责条款,承运人责任终止条款 Lien on cargo, 留置货物 Lien on sub-freight,留置转

22、租运费 Liner terms,berth terms,班轮条款,泊位条款,总承兑条款 Lloyds open form,LOF劳氏救助合同标准格式 Local clause,地区条款 Lumpsum freight,包干运费M: maintenance clause维持条款 Meteorological safety,气象安全 Mimimum network liability system,最小网状责任制 Misrepresentation误述N: Name of vessel,船名 Negotiable transport document,可转让单证; Network liabilit

23、y clause网状责任制 New Himalaya clause,新喜马拉雅条款 New York Produce Exchange,NYPE土产格式 Non-contractual claim,非合同之诉讼 Non-negotiable transport document,不可转让单证 Notice of readiness,N/R,NOR装卸准备就绪通知书 Notice of withdrawal,撤船通知 Now trading现在营运中O: Off hire clause停租条款 Oil consumption,燃油消耗量 Omission,不行为 On-carrier接运承运人

24、Once on demurrage, always on demurrage,一旦滞期,则永远滞期 On-off hire survey交船检验和还船检验 Opt-in,选择适用 Original B/L,正本提单 Overlap,超期还船P: P&I bankering clauses保赔协会加油条款 Package limitation of liability,承运人单位责任限制 Per hatch per day每日每舱口 Per like day, 按同样的日 Per working hatch per da每日每作业舱口 Period off hire,期间停租 Physical

25、safety, 物理安全 Political safety, 政治安全 Port charter,港口租船合同 Preliminary voyage,预备航次 Prima facie evidence, 初步证据 prolongation of the voyage延长航程 R: Reachable on arrival,到达即可靠泊 Reasonable despatch,合理速遣 Redelivery of vessel还船 Reference clause,参照条款 Registered tonnage登记吨 Remoteness of damages间接损害 Representatio

26、n陈述 Restitutio in integrum,恢复原状 Return trip voyagte C/P,往返航次租船合同 Right of control,控制权 Riots,暴乱S: Safe ports,安全港 SCOPIC,special compensation of P&I clause,船东互保协会特别补偿条款 Sea waybill,海运单 Seaworthy trim适航平衡 Service contract,服务合同 Ship speed,船速 Shipowner,出租人 Similar document of title,类似的物权凭证 Single liabili

27、ty limitation单一责任限制 Single trip voyagte C/P,单航次租船合同 Speed claim,船速索赔 Standard bareboat charter,标准光船租赁合同贝尔康 Statement of fact,装卸时间事实记录表 Stowage factor积载因素 subcontractor,分包人; Sublet转租 Super demurrage,超滞期费率T: Tanker Voyage Charter Party, ASBATANKVOY, 油轮航次租船合同 The benefit of insurance of the goods,货物依据保

28、险合同所享有的利益 Time charter on trip basis,TCT,航次期租合同 Time charter party定期租船合同 Time for suit,诉讼时效 Time lost waiting for berth to count as loading /discharging time,等待泊位所损失的时间计为装货、卸货时间; To average laytime,装卸时间平均计算 Towage, 拖航 Trading limit,航行区域U: Underlap,提前还船 Uniform General Charter,GENCON,统一杂货租船合同金康 Unifo

29、rm liability system ,统一责任制 Uniform liability system as amended,经修正后的统一责任制 Uniform Time Charter,BALTIME,统一定期租船合同巴尔的摩 United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea,19781978年联合国海上货物运输公约 Unless soonner commenced,除非提前开始 Unless used,but only time actually used o count,除非已使用,但只计算实际使用的时间 Unless

30、used,UU 除非已使用V: Vessel class,船籍 Vessels nationality,船舶国籍 Vessels position,船舶动态 Vessels tonnage, 船舶吨位 Visby Rules,Protocol to Amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading,维斯比规则;关于修订的议定书 Volume contract,批量合同W: Waiver of the right of withdra

31、wal,撤船权利的放弃 Wear and tear,自然磨损 Weather working day of 24 consecutive hours,连续24小时良好天气工作日 Weather working day of 24 hours, 24小时良好天气工作日 Weather working day,良好天气工作日 Weather working days,sunday and holiday excepted,WWD SHEX,良好天气工作日,星期日和节假日除外 Whether customs cleared or not已经报关与否 Whether in berth or not,WIBON,不论靠泊与否 Whether the action is founded in contract,in tort or otherwise,不论被诉的理由是基于合同关系、侵权行为抑或其他原因 Whether vessel in free pratique or not,船舶通过检疫与否 Working day,工作日 Wrongful withdrawal of the ship错误撤船

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