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1、一、比较分析题1、 Software is the differentiating characteristic in many computer-based products and systems. Provide examples of two or three products and at least one system in which software, not hardware, is the differentiating element.答:常用的软件产品有Windows XP 、Windows2000、CAD制图软件、asp网页设计软件,以及瑞星,卡巴斯基杀毒软件等等。

2、计算机软件分为系统软件和应用软件。Windows XP,Windows2000属于系统软件,CAD制图软件、asp网页设计软件、瑞星,卡巴斯基杀毒软件是常用的应用软件.系统软件是管理、监控和维护电脑资源,使电脑能够正常高效地工作的程序。包含有:操作系统、语言处理程序、数据库管理系统等。其中操作系统是计算机软件中最基础的部分,它是用户与客户机之间的接口,其作用是使用户更方便地使用计算机,以提高计算机的利用率,它主要完成以下四个方面的工作:对存储器进行管理和调度;对CPU进行管理和调度;对输入输出设备进行管理; 对文件系统及数据库进行管理。 应用软件是为针对某一特定的问题或需要而开发的实用程序。如

3、文字处理软件、图片处理软件、音像处理软件,以及一些游戏软件等。2、比较原型模型、线性顺序模型、RAD模型、增量模型、螺旋模型、构件组装模型、并发开发模型等模型的优缺点,并分别解释其适用性。答:原型模型优点:1、如果客户和开发者达成一致协议:原型被建造仅为了定义需求,之后就被抛弃或者部分抛弃, 那么这种模型很合适了;2、迷惑客户抢占市场,这是一个首选的模型。缺点:1、没有考虑软件的整体质量和长期的可维护性;2、大部分情况是不合适的操作算法被采用目的为了演示功能,不合适的开发工具被采用仅仅为了它的方便,还有不合适的操作系统被选择等等;3、由于达不到质量要求产品可能被抛弃,而采用新的模型重新设计。线

4、性顺序模型 优点:1、它提供了一个摸板,这个摸板使得分析、设计、编码、测试和支持的方法可以在该摸板下有一个共同的指导;2、虽然有不少缺陷但比在软件开发中随意的状态要好得多。缺点:1、实际的项目大部分情况难以按照该模型给出的顺序进行,而且这种模型的迭代是间接的,这很容易由微小的变化而造成大的混乱;2、经常情况下客户难以表达真正的需求,而这种模型却要求如此,这种模型是不欢迎具有二义性问题存在的;3、客户要等到开发周期的晚期才能看到程序运行的测试版本,而在这时发现大的错误时,可能引起客户的惊慌,而后果也可能是灾难性的;4、会经常在过程的开始和结束时碰到等待其他成员完成其所依赖的任务才能进行下去,有可

5、能花在等待的时间比开发的时间要长。称之为“堵塞状态”。RAD模型优点:1、开发速度快,质量有保证;2、对信息系统特别有效。缺点:1、只能用于信息系统;2、对于较大的项目需要足够的人力资源去建造足够的RAD组;3、开发者和客户必须在很短的时间完成一系列的需求分析, 任何一方配合不当都会导致RAD项目失败;4、这种模型对模块化要求比较高,如果有哪一功能不能被模块化,那么建造RAD所需要的构件就会有问题5、技术风险很高的情况下不适合这种模型。增量模型优点:1、人员分配灵活,刚开始不用投入大量人力资源,当核心产品很受欢迎时,可增加人力实现下一个增量;2、当配备的人员不能在设定的期限内完成产品时,它提供

6、了一种先推出核心产品的途径,这样就可以先发布部分功能给客户,对客户起到镇静剂的作用; 3、具有一定的市场。缺点:1、至始至终开发者和客户纠缠在一起,直到完全版本出来。螺旋模型优点:1、对于大型系统及软件的开发,这种模型是一个很好的方法。开发者和客户能够较好地对待和理解每一个演化级别上的风险。缺点:1、需要相当的风险分析评估的专门技术,且成功依赖于这种技术;2、很明显一个大的没有被发现的风险问题,将会导致问题的发生,可能导致演化的方法失去控制;3、这种模型相对比较新,应用不广泛,其功效需要进一步的验证。构件组装模型优点:1、构件可复用。提高了开发效率;2、采用了面向对象的技术。缺点:1、过分依赖

7、于构件,构件库的质量影响着产品质量。并发开发模型优点:1、可用于所有类型的软件开发,而对于客户/服务器结构更加有效;2、可以随时查阅到开发的状态。缺点:暂时没有。二、简述分析题3. Why is there often tension between a software engineering group and an independent software quality assurance group? Is this healthy?答:软件质量是许多质量属性的综合体现,各种质量属性反映了软件质量的方方面面。人们通过改善软件的各种质量属性,从而提高软件的整体质量.设计质量:是指设计者


9、量是否符合预定目标的一定的可见性。软件质量保证(Quality Assurance)的目的是为管理者提供有关软件过程和产品的适当的可视性。它包括评审和审核软件产品及其活动,以验证其是否遵守既定的规程和标准,并向有关负责人汇报评审和审核的结果。简而言之,质量保证活动就是检查软件项目的“工作过程和工作成果”是否符合既定的规范。过程质量与产品质量存在某种程度的因果关系,通常“好的过程”产生“好的产品”,而“差的过程”将产生“差的产品”。假设企业已经制定了软件过程规范,如果质量保证人员发现某些项目的“工作过程以及工作成果”不符合既定的规范,那么马上可以断定产品存在缺陷。反之,如果质量保证人员没有发现不

10、符合既定规范的东西,那么也可以断定产品是合格的。符合既定规范的东西并不意味着质量一定合格,仅靠规范无法识别出产品中可能存在的大量缺陷。一般而言,质量保证的技术含量是比较低,只能检查出肤浅的缺陷,不能对付有技术难度的缺陷。所以单独的“质量保证”其实并不能“保证质量”。质量保证对于保证质量而言只是必要的手段,而不是充分的手段。4. 交通项目管理系统介绍答:(1)系统背景近年来,交通部把研究推进公路建设项目投资人招标制、项目代建制和设计施工总承包三项改革,建立重点工程项目科学管理制度,探讨项目管理的新理念、新方法、新手段,树立项目典型,全面提高项目管理水平等各项工作列入重点。由此可见,效率极低的传统



13、控制和进度控制的最简洁化。(3)系统功能及特点全面管理各类计划项目及合同项目各合同段分段管理资金拔附进行流水管理计划可根据上报或下达进行分类管理方便、全面的各类计划项目、合同项目的统计分析数据字典定义各类子项目可以对危桥进行图片保存方便的导出Excel文件功能对各类上报或下达报表进行统一管理上报下达报表的备份功能根据有同用户可增加其它功能三、分析设计题56、使用OOD,为上述PHTRS系统做一个设计。不要试图实现它。PHTRS: Pothole Tracking and Reporting SystemSRS: Software Requirements SpecificationPothol

14、e location: The location in the street of the pothole.Currently allowed values are: near the curb, and near the middle of the street.Pothole repair state:The condition of the pothole in terms of what stage of repair it is in.Allowed values are: not repaired, work in progress, temporary repair, and r

15、epaired.Pothole severity: A ranking, on a scale of one to ten, of the size of a pothole.The Pothole Tracking and Reporting System (PHTRS) provides a way for citizens of a large city to report potholes and to report damage they have experienced as the result of a pothole.The PHTRS keeps track of the

16、potholes and damage and creates work orders for repair crews.The repair crews use the PHTRS to record information about their effort to repair potholes.Authorized users of the system can receive a report on potholes and their repair status and on reported damage.The PHTRS is an on-line, web-based sy

17、stem.PHTRS users are from all walks of life, all backgrounds, and all levels of computer literacy found in the citizenry of a large city.They are expected to be familiar with web browsers and filling out on-line formsPHTRS use cases and actors Use CasesThe PHTRS supports the following uses:Report Po

18、thole: A citizen reports the location and size of a pothole.The PHTRS records this information.Report Damage:A citizen reports damage due to a pothole.The PHTRS records damage information and citizen contact information.Get Work Orders:Work crews receive pothole repair work orders.The PHTRS determin

19、es the number of people in a repair crew, the equipment assigned to the repair crew, and the potholes the crew is to repair.Record Repairs:Work crews report the status of pothole repairs they have performed and the amount of time and materials used on the repairs.The PHTRS records this information.V

20、iew Pothole and Damage Reports:Authorized users of the PHTRS view information on potholes and their repair and on reported damage.ActorsCitizens can report potholes and report damage.The citizen initiates this use of the PHTRS.Work crews can get work orders for potholes needing repair and can record

21、 information about the pothole repair work they have done.A representative of a work crew initiates this use of the PHTRS.An authorized user of the PHTRS can view pothole reports and damage reports.The authorized user initiates this use of the PHTRS.In addition, the PHTRS uses an external service (a

22、 District-Street Map) to determine the district in which a given street address is located.The PHTRS initiates this interaction. The system responds by presenting a form to the user with fields for them to enter the following information:Pothole street address (street name and address number)Pothole

23、 location (two choices allowed: near curb or near middle of street)Requirements for further location options are yet to be determinedPothole size (a number from one to ten)The system provides guidance to help the citizen indicate pothole size on a scale of one to ten the requirements for this guidan

24、ce is yet to be determined.The citizen enters the information in the form and submits the information to the system.All fields are required.If a field is missing, the system prompts the user which field is required but missing and presents the form again, with the correctly entered information prese

25、rved.Note: the citizen may quit at any time instead of completing the form.The system sends the street address to the District-Street Map system using a protocol to be specified by the suppliers of the District-Street Map system this protocol is yet to be determined.The District-Street Map external

26、system returns one of the following:A confirmation that the street address is in the city and the district number for that street addressA report that the street address is not in the cityIf the District-Street Map external system reports that the street address is not in the city, then the system r

27、eports this to the citizen and asks the citizen to re-enter the street address or quit.The system presents the form again, with the previously entered information preserved (including the previously entered address, so the citizen can see what address they entered, but the system shall visually indi

28、cate that the entered address was not found in the city).If the District-Street Map external system confirms that the street address is in the city, then the system records the following:Pothole street address,District number (as returned from the District-Street Map external system),Pothole locatio

29、n (near curb or near middle of street),Pothole size (a number from one to ten),Pothole repair priority The system determines the priority from the size according to some to be defined criteria,Pothole repair status (set to “not repaired”).The system presents to the user a confirmation that the potho

30、le information has been recorded.The system responds by presenting a form to the user with fields for them to enter the following information:Pothole street address (street name and address number)Citizen name (a single arbitrary string of a maximum length to be determined; the citizen is not forced

31、 to separately enter a first name, last name, middle initial, etc.)maximum string length to be determinedCitizen address Specific requirements to be determined.Probably include street number, street name, apartment/suite number, PO Box number, city, state/province/district, country, postal code, etc

32、.There are currently no requirements to validate that a reasonable and complete address is provided.To help, the system should include pick lists of state/province/district, country, etc.Citizen phone number (the system shall prompt the user to enter the phone number in the format “+country_code are

33、a_code/city_code number” and shall accept phone numbers only in that format)Description of damage (a single text field of a maximum length to be determined). maximum field length to be determinedCost of damage (the system shall prompt the user to enter a currency amount in US dollars and cents and s

34、hall accept amounts only in that format).The citizen enters the information in the form and submits the information to the system.All fields are required.If a field is missing, the system prompts the user which field is required but missing and presents the form again, with the correctly entered inf

35、ormation preserved.Note: the citizen may quit at any time instead of completing the form. Work crew identifying number Number of workers assigned to the work crew Equipment assigned to the work crew A list of potholes to repair with the following information on each pothole o Pothole street address

36、o Pothole location (near curb or near middle of street) o Pothole size (a number from one to ten) o Current pothole repair status (not repaired, work in progress, temporary repair, or repaired note that it would be unusual to be assigned to repair a pothole with a repair status of“repaired”)The syst

37、em shall present the work order information in a form that can be easily printed and allowing spaces for the work crew to record (by hand) the amount of time spent and the amount of material used on each pothole and the repair status of each pothole.The system shall present to the worker a form for

38、them to enter the following information (all fields are required): The amount of time (in hours) applied repairing that pothole assume that the time is entered in hours and quarter-fraction hours the system shall prompt for this and enforce it The amount of material used to repair the pothole the un

39、its of measurement needs to be determined The state of the pothole as they left it (repaired, work in progress, temporary repair, or not repaired) The equipment used to repair the pothole (the system shall present a list of the assigned equipment and let the worker select items) The number of people

40、 involved in the pothole repair A pothole summary report including the following information for all existing pothole reports: Pothole street address District of street address for pothole Pothole location Pothole size Pothole severity Pothole repair state Pothole repair cost (if known if not, indic

41、ate “unknown”) A damage summary report including the following information for all existing damage reports: Pothole street address Citizen contact information (name, address, phone number) Type of damage Cost of damage.7根据城市时段用水量序列的季节性、趋势性及随机扰动性等特点,利用人工神经网络(ANN)法建立了短期用水量预报模型,并采用某市时用水量的实测数据进行了建模和时用水量



44、期各个阶段的集成的、减少劳动力的工具。CASE已被证明可以加快开发速度,提高应用软件生产率并保证应用软件的可靠品质。(一)图稿绘制:visio:这是目前国内用得最多的case工具。它提供了日常使用中的绝大多数框图的绘画功能(包括信息领域的各种原理图,设计图),同时提供了部分信息领域的实物图。visio的精华在于其使用方便,安装后的visio2003既可以单独运行,也可以在word中作为对象插入,与word集成良好,其图生成后在没有安装visio的word仍然能够查看。Visio可以流畅的处理框和文字。同时在文件管理上,visio提供了分页、分组的管理方式。visio支持 UML的静态和动态建模

45、,对UML的建模提供了单独的组织管理。2. smartdraw:校园里比较流行的绘图软件。smartdraw提供你大堆模版,以目录树的形式放在左边。设计都可以纳入模版,并且在某个目录组织。smartdraw本身是独立提供图稿绘制的工具,因而工具齐全。而visio更多是与word集成在一起,能够充分利用 word的编排功能。 (二)原码浏览的工具:1. SourceInsigt:以工程的方式管理原码,提供非常适合再工程的浏览手段.整个面板分成三个部分.左边树提供工程内的所有变量,函数,宏定义,右边提供程序阅读和编辑,下边显示你鼠标在原码触及的函数或者变量定义. SourceInsigt不仅高亮关

46、键字,而且看程序更加方便。SourceInsigt提供函数交叉调用的分析,并以树状的形式显示调用关系。2. SourceNavigator: 提供原码高亮显示和编辑,提供头文件的包含关系分析,提供类的层次关系,这个东西最大的特点是把原码始终和文件联系在一起,提供到文件的导航。 (三)配置管理工具,Virsual Source Safe:微软的studio企业版包含的版本管理工具。该工具包括一服务器和一通过网络可以连接服务器的客户端。VSS提供了基本的认证安全和版本控制机制,包括 CheckIn(入库)、CheckOut(出库)、Branch(分支)、Label(标定)等功能;能够对文本,二进制

47、,图形图象几乎任何类型的文件进行控制;提供历史版本对比;可以集成在studio中。VSS的客户端既可以连接服务器运行,也可以在本机运行,非常适合于个人程序开发的版本管理。2. PVCS 是世界领先的软件开发管理工具。PVCS包含多种工具。 PVCSVersionManager会完整、详细地记录开发过程中出现的变更和修改,并使修订版本自动升级,而PVCSTracker、PVCS Notify会自动地对上述变更和修改进行追踪。另外,PVCSRequisitePro提供了一个独特的MicrosoftWord界面和需求数据库,从而可以使开发机构实时、直观地对来自于最终用户的项目需求及需求变更进行追踪和管理,可有效地避免重复开发,保证开发项目按期、按质、按原有的资金预算交付用户3. ClearCase:ClearCase 是rational公司的主要配置管理工具,ClearCase提供了VOB的概念来进行配置管理,功能极其强大。同时ClearCase使用起来也非常复杂,ClearCase是世界上目前最强大的配置管理工具之一,由于它采用许多新的配置管

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