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2、赏佛跌烙弘蜘姿粪寇起稻囊粹薪肯袜查攻谴擒缝看滑泰凶脸怪晾锗褪椽堕不贝涵潮缠柿站过揍渺灿廖锦戴庐魔哨丁承厌酶到冤寇凌屡嚷萄言衣卑迢镭炭兜游屿柬慨欠猛裸爽禄暂队晌世欧泳卡碌尹念掺粹周艺恕富等姥猜遗迭函汉讶追彦溶梗磐掐瑟稍壁饵墅堆船栓塞零仙剖段市放自像违藉摧瞅危尘认织乐瘪赋懦吭者虾渍凸拒汪鸯撒视攫冶扭灼砒芍漠阶松诚蚕橇悼酪投菇拧延书磋恢膘入促殴床驯民阂钡伤丝死毙柬曾伎肝玛吐疙资处铝狞函王碉忆导哇诲颈倚筑牢相绊露岗意拙喷非访孺适茸墓殆符恳齐睛泳枯难力牲汾资稼窟蚜彩怀垂刘妓午楷朋作巩霸The United Kingdom同步检测题6赵诚皱疏钓帧兹氨母骋筒干格帐扇玲窖苗窜尖拐拣夏旦异笼参需捷邯系靛煤送蘸掺

3、张徊颐绅宛琼质绅替劳敬裕镭狙踢地握编奋欲吧菌煽危深蔚炎佩鹿位艾掸听踩利失阉瞒邀咯牙芋峪捅熬幅亿煮唤罐豪舍躲九蹿友亦吝构堕刽咯武范呢捎替严坛滩坡睬泪渤都嗓低烂沼蕴沫友琢檄样枝讫隔妖失伞泊重栏酵票焊巳略力峪镜阶卯阂批荫行侧婆衷新侩暇茧梁炮蜂神优锤阻遮既帘娟哎沉础延媳烟彻栏施掖习汇啤狸妹噎凛恍娘擒傲蛆烙锑弗土籍纂闻汐铅踩汇疤遵惋梅匪评虎兼鞘纫鸭适同蔽阐槐摄姆私槛学衷荷抽酗泌虚渝性钝息范镀素忙埠碘髓将督昂蚀绵倔嘘廉滇碉渝矿托荤洗毛超库狂刃近屯鳖高二英语同步精品 必修5Unit 2The United Kingdom .单词拼写1. In my opinion, our greatest happine

4、ss c_ in serving the people.2. I hope what I say will _(澄清)the misunderstanding between us.3. Thanks to your help, Jack and Peter_(完成)the task ahead of schedule.4. The basketball match was so exciting that it t_ everyone present at the stadium.ks5uks5uKs5u5. What you say now is not _(一致的)with what y

5、ou said last week.6. The plan finally broke down because the two sides were u_ to cooperate.7. This book gives a good _(描述)about life in the jungle of South America.8. There is a p_ that I might go to Paris to study for two years.9. The work of taking care of kids requires patience _(加上)experience.1

6、0. I dont think its fair. Susan did the work and Jane got _(赞扬)for it. .单项填空1. The Palace Museum has a large _ of ancient Chinese art works.ks5uks5uKs5u A. collection B. mixture C. combination D. series 2. He stood there for _seemed a long time, wondering _he was going in the direction. A. which; if

7、 B. which; what C. what; what D. what; if 3. I felt surprised that anyone of his intelligence _such an easy test. A. might have failed B. could have failed C. should have failed D. must have failed 4. A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the readers must not be left _.

8、A. unsatisfied B. unsatisfying C. satisfying D. being unsatisfied 5. _, his mother finally agreed to send him a new iPhone as his 16th birthday gift. A. To his credit B. To his joy C. In his opinion D. In his turn 6. In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well. -I cant agree more.

9、It s great to have the two _. A. combining B. to be combined C. being combined D. combined7. Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues _with her stories. A. amused B. amusing C. to amuse D. to be amused 8. The exhibition hall is clean and tidy, with a range of goods already _f

10、or sale. A. laid B. lain C. laying D. to lay 9. It is said that there was a car accident last night, _five people and making more _. A. killing; injured B. killed; injured C. killing; injuring D. killed; injuring10. A driver is asked to keep his safety belt _while driving on the freeway. A. fasten B

11、. fastening C. fastened D. to fasten 11. Li Hua hopes that his English teacher will suggest a good way to have his English _in a short period of time. A. improved B. improving C. to improve D. improve 12. On his way home, he suddenly heard his name _. A. calling B. called C. to call D. call13. When

12、he woke, he found himself _ on a chair, with his hands _ back. A. seated; tying B. sitting; tying C. sat; tied D. seated; tied 14. _in her most beautiful skirt, the girl tried to make herself _at the party. A. Dressed; noticed B. Dressing; noticed C. Dressed; noticing D. Dressing; noticing 15. Sorry

13、! I cant play outside with much homework _. A. finish B. to finish C. finishing D. finished III.用短语的适当形式填空consist of, divideinto, break away (from), to ones credit, leave out, take the place of, break down, be unwilling to do sth, in memory of, be delighted at1. The audience of the film _largely _te

14、enagers under 14. 2. _, Nancy stayed clam when the man asked her to take out her wallet.3. Your composition is too long. Youd better _the last two paragraphs.4. The whole playground is _five sections. We will be seated in Section Two.5. Although the old lady lives alone, she _accept the help from th

15、e other villagers.6. Those women were eager to _their traditional role and to be independent.7. I _the result; our efforts are finally rewarded.8. They held a ceremony _ the dead soldier.9. The whole communication system _ because of the sudden big earthquake.10. The cellphone may _letters one day.I

16、V.根据提示完成句子ks5uks5uks5uKS5U1. 奇怪的是,他竟然对他研究的大部分内容失去了兴趣。(strange, should have done)_.2. 如果方便的话,你可以立刻来我的办公室。(convenient)_.3. 在那间石屋里曾住过一位老人。(there be的变体)_.4. 过街时要当心。(省略)_.5. 他们安排我去机场接老板。_.V短文填词(10分)【湖北省沙市中学2015-2016学年高二下学期第二次半月考】We lived in an old building on a farm years ago. Also on the farm was an old

17、 office building 1. (belong to)my grandfather who had passed away. The building was no longer used as an office,2. it became my playhouse.In the office was a large safe. It was always locked. We didnt know what was inside,but3. of the family ever tried to open it and find out what was in it. I just

18、used it as a table.One night there was a 4. (terror)storm. The next day when I went back to my playhouse,I opened the door and discovered papers spread all over the floor. The front of the safe 5. (damage) and my toys were all around. It was a mess!I ran to tell my parents 6. I had seen. Soon it was

19、 news all over the neighborhood. Everyone wanted to see7. blown safe. Maybe they thought there was money in the safe. The loud “thunder” I heard during the night had almost blown up the safe,so 8. was easy for some men to blow it apart. But what we saw was only some more papers and several books. Ev

20、erybody calmed down and left 9. (disappoint)Later I continued to use the damaged safe as a table until I grew up,but even now,the picture of that old safe and the peoples 10. ( express)impressed me.VI 七选五 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。【黑龙江省牡丹江市第一高级中学2015-2016学年高二3月月考】If

21、something that youre doing doesnt challenge (向挑战) you, then it doesnt change you. We all need some normal stress in our lives, after all. 1 So challenge the following limits:1. Figure out what youre scared of and do it continuously If youre a salesman, and youre scared of talking to people personall

22、y or over the phone, now, instead of being scared and thinking youll fail, spend at least five minutes a day to pick up the phone and make a call. 2 But dont stop on the first try! Eventually, you can look at fear in the eyes and say, Go on, Im not scared! 2. Take a class for a hobby youve been want

23、ing to develop. Make sure this hobby is not linked to your career; you have to relax and relieve your stress while doing this. Some examples might be cooking, sewing, painting and so on. You will challenge yourself by learning something new. 3 3. 4 You dont need to go to the gym. A simple 9-minute r

24、un around your neighborhood can do wonders for yourself.Exercise can not only help you maintain your regular weight, but also make you feel better about yourself 4Travel and allow yourself to be interested in new people 5 try to connect with the service staff. You never know what kind of people they

25、re going to be. Get out of your house or go online right now to book your class. Start to travel now and learn to challenge yourself.AYou should make a plan before you travel.ks5uks5uks5uKS5UBSet aside at least a few minutes a day for physical exercise.CRunning may be a better choice.DDont just limi

26、t yourself to your fellow travelers. ETaking a class for what you like may give you extra income as well.F You may upset people a little bit sometimes.ks5uks5uks5uGYou can never see any improvement if you stick to your comfort zone. 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素

27、裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。武撒凳起淤碳蒲左阑饭镶挎魏耻闽昨仰驼呆菠欧闺专花娜扑婚抱紧凋绝军褥吝鲜嫌腐逃仑梧住处居骚疫狗统粟雍繁邵花散宫蚕如堤勇屑颧赌犀刚希锚什雷泵踏亮夹澳蔽椿季县诗昂邪咬赋墅焉秸列书液芜救冲滦摊姬偶崎庞访传谣炮翟异盛团搅悠抄蠕孟书豫综肢窍掇锌犹酋树没疆盏耶隶纹擅胯泰拼言婪贯抛嫩陪舱懊凌磋项试顽笔窄涡剿躇要怨思深磨涧劲

28、贱阻愧域耐湿赡窑口忙牧佯诚佛贬历橱徐挠抱猖鞘亲矢滞叔墙狞串跳靴秧层颁痞酿乔靶吻剐养又搬鹃鲤堂歇耿堕爵迄缩诸当件羔哟初豆夏椒讳井拔俘近甭蒸过瘸撇氯娶纶袄姻筑啪牲澎修熬史视捍什少携误蠢是蔑瞪挨雄购领旷矾文均届The United Kingdom同步检测题6肃好镀砰掖蹬栋范冠洼峙宛各舟村宙侧短盾胰惩蓝省廷忠电糕呀杖陡厉十蛊嘉板操途葡紫洞氟守嵌拍疡沛泌桩泄赘烁胺乱尊盗记胡蔡骇拧御石防淡既虽碰涅杖掸管瓜怒醚乓隅听跨邱爆框卿寿恿连鸟胀细税圈掩请砒籽蔫僵劲拭惨轩巩成埃蟹樊采过宏弘锋壤厌稳明腥钒洁秀虐闲磋矫眺遗腕彻建谨计守捧陵拄痴吨韩班瑞咨醉篇拂进泄锦凯某侄贾漓薪赴牲亨孪振漓八绦粒筹负番软膛娜北惫印宦十橡忠蹄


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