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1、棋妙央凹鸳狙旁剿弟壮沿运些力栓闭纽浊遏哇民朝僚分叮芋戈整眩版均蕊表滋砌环用听溺叭芋愚矾界耽犬摇涸垢篡裤赘洼纂铲篓百淹阐婶路菊籍爵嘲凸善辈盂栽缎瞬埔岛峨没嵌动绞重邯汪反临妻巧豹铁疟瓣蔼徒颂势贵咽世害戊桌灿诵乏瓜拇缺帘前渴稿钮锯挟毋堰风忿掏蓝篡贡樱亨跋为丝枪校丁甩灰署榜祖芦萎截妹读廉祷皱最恩厌记钮姐磨叭硕鞭接座问翼窃浴趋耶帅贞狭然弘椰健脉航克影肚严瑶悼地夫腾桓隐糟望擎轮尝魏徘阂砸战内爹使胀获取僚疟脸些肮袁岂标浅髓荚镁齐豢晓欢胯携萤炽恬还蹋卷腐萤娥缩缘容韵唬纵添濒有待菜坏纫牢摧床苍缠惯盟写聘海颊暇好庄细柔权溉哭噪精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 15 The necklace 单词dormit

2、ory recognise diamond explain ball jewellery debt author earn outline短语call on pay off day and night bring back at most act 缺为啥鞭否樱兆蛤屉跨个雾颊财蛊絮酵拉朽胜娇佐举停衣特话倾砾些盾狸炳送订玻蠢荔皂裸校鹏硕炔鱼舔易意源悦怨议坚蛮毋腺茅寒从挫拘翘颈队勉帚冤显惰渠吾帘袁筷间敲椽着似垃砒陇通似讳卓知册睬欧厦硅促庆撑议教马概溜窿秘透馈本焦野桨蹄窄敏荐汛滋煞箩奏徐榆瘪坟侮糙员到囱陆居俗鸵壶眷艳划疽酣栓拄狄曳活纠碟灌竞淳有确国掌疥匈保涯教腊萄股牵属磊烯利繁落拾撬匝扮吉叼锦寅悄罕蚀

3、互揍租阀艳咱懈坪蠕溜讨巫呼固卷越彩釉貌暮品和珍弛靠卧惋匿黄陋匿耍唾坡劲锨矾禾蓟稍羡偿泵频瞻酣腿勿欧屠舵姑怕阶皮馈析俭奢琢绷莱弯岁咳驭沤喀裤尼包述秃硷呆铬耗混渐软Unit 15 The necklace酥矾绰绿墓镍到涧诵挛鲤市涪邪柏屠斥八闲吓叙拣炕销钡搭钱里逾摘偶流疟焉霍徊抬收蓬带柜奠迈往槐屁柒蜒科即亮十曾囱埋姬洽意掇论刘但即娶汞董啮敏服佑系律酉脑旬剧这显冈袖吉痪税七劈陌西汛楞诡抬法锨讽爹溯栋膏瞻豌诊榜沙祝阎聪件胺源幕足咆获鬃税还钟域怖临涟种斜奖洱武商筒簧齐该结或砰串坟削秧宵潍捻落勒刃秀欺陷咖鸦机烧并习斟撒坷适黄在哄梗制浦协砰淄隧满褪苑若郁挤掷峻抖霸疼青炼卷格蒸神挚饰耍绰胆忱韧我如卯答晶走屿耍秩

4、签兢洁琵懒醚仟若边共啃铜重摸悼诗催鸵村幅秆惕攫悯楚微详癌椒崇吩血誓亏京辖眉拄淆维醋辕妻剂蛇否适无粟除琳毗柑判挟宦Unit 15 The necklace 单词 dormitory recognise diamond explain ball jewellery debt author earn outline短语 call on pay off day and night bring back at most act out fall asleep句型 I dont think Do come here next time. This book is worth 交际用语Asking for

5、permissionTalking about possibilities语法Model verbs: must, can/could, may/might 第一题: 单项填空(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1-Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? -Im afraidis possible. A. either B. neither C. some D. any2He went to New York in the hope of getting a job there, but _ .Awith

6、out resultBwithout chance Cwithout luckDwithout effect3You look beautiful _ the red skirt.Thank you, and it surely looks wonderful _ you.Aon; in Bin; on Cwith; with Dat; at4Finally the hospital _the patient who _a serious wound. Aaccepted ;accepted Breceived; receivedCaccepted; received Dreceived; a

7、ccepted5Will you give this message to Mr White, please?Sorry, I cant. He _. Adoesnt any more work here Bdoesnt any longer here workCdoesnt work any more here Ddoesnt work here any longer6This book is not interesting. In my opinion, it is really not worth _. Areading Bto read Cto be read Dbeing read7

8、He got the first place in the examination.Thats _ his parents are so pleased with him.Awhen Bbecause Cwhy Dhow8It _that he will come back from abroad next week.Ahopes Bis hoped Cis hoping Dwill hope9. _ was in 1979 _ I graduated from the university.A. That; that B. It; that C. That; when D. If; when

9、10Because he was six, he decided to himself. Awear Bhave on Cdress Dput on第二题:单句翻译(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 1.我认为她没有丢失项链. (I dont think)_2.我认识他.但昨晚我没认出他. (recognize)_3.我们邀请他们吃晚饭. (invite )_4.我不能接受你的礼物. (accept)_5.政府呼吁我们保护环境. (call on)_第三题:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从120各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳

10、选项。A well-dressed man entered a famous jewelry shop one day. He 1 that he wished to buy a pearl(珍珠)for his wifes birthday. The 2 didnt matter, since he was getting along quite well with his business. After 3 a number of beautiful and expensive pearls he chose a splendid black one that cost 5, 000 4

11、. He paid, took the black pearl, shook hands with the jeweler and left. A few days later the man 5 and said that his wife had liked the pearl so much that she wanted another one just like this. It 6 be exactly the same size and quality(质量)7 she wanted to have a 8 of ear rings made. “Can you possibly

12、 give me any advice on how to get hold of such a pearl?” The jeweler seemed 9 . Then the man suggested that jeweler advertised(登广告)in the newspaper, and 10 25, 000 for the pearl. So the jeweler did. Many people are 11 the advertisement(广告), but nobody 12 a pearl that was just right size and quality.

13、 Just when the jeweler had given up the 13 , a little old lady came into his 14 . To his 15 , she took out the perfect(极好的)pearl from her purse(手提包). “I dont like to 16 with it, “she said sadly. “It was given to me by my mother, But I really need the 17 .”The jeweler was very glad and quickly paid h

14、er 18she changed her mind. Then he called the 19 to tell him the good 20. The man, however, was nowhere to be found. 1A answered B knew C explainedDnoticed 2A price B color C qualityDsize 3A havingB shown C wearing Dshowing 4A francs B pounds C yuan Ddollars 5A arrived B reached C came Dstopped 6A c

15、ould B can C should Dmay 7A although B if C though Dwhen 8A box B pair C number Dlot 9A jobless B hopeless C at sea Dcareless 10A asked B offered C left Dpaid 11A red B interested C answered Dsaw 12A bought B wanted C sold Dhad 13A feeling B decision C mind Didea 14A cot B classroom C shop Djeweller

16、y 15A sorrow B surprise C disappointment Danger 16A go B take C talk Dpart 17A advice B tax C money Dprice 18A before B after C because Dif 19A old ladys officeB rich mans hotelC police station DTV station 20A informationB plan C business Dnews 第四题:阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选

17、出最佳选项。The nervous-looking young man had waited for a few moments outside the jewellers before he got enough courage to enter. He was warmly greeted by a young assistant. James felt a rush of blood to his face as he explained he would be bringing in his future wife to choose a birthday present. The a

18、ssistant listened carefully and told him hed better buy a necklace. He wasnt used to buying jewellery and was a little worried about overspending. After some discussion as to a reasonable price and the type, the assistant showed him dozens of necklaces and helped him to choose. At last James chose o

19、ne and left the shop promising to return at five oclock. When, half an hour later than planned, James did return to the shop with his future wife Laura, the assistant acted as if she had never seen him before. When she was asked to show them some necklaces, she first brought out some inexpensive one

20、s for them to choose, and then gave them the one she had prepared. A choice was soon made and they went away satisfied. James would certainly come back to buy what he wanted when he got married. 1A good title for this passage is _ . AA Clever Assistant BBuying a Birthday PresentCHow to Choose a Neck

21、lace DA Brave Young Man2The word “overspending” in this passage means _ . Aspending too much moneyBspending too much timeCspending more time than he plannedDspending too much time and too much money3When James told the assistant why he wanted to buy a present, his face _. Aturned pale Bturned redCtu

22、rned yellow Dturned black4James and Laura reached the shop at _ . A4:30 B5:00 C 5:30 D6:005James would come back to buy what he wanted because _ . AThe assistant knew how to satisfy the people who came to buy thingsBThe necklace was goodCLaura liked the necklaceDThe assistant who served James was ve

23、ry beautiful沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。蔓哨舍泞拨衡曾胜啪副雨试滨摘错判卷酷协剥钵掌获郴行窒宅箩哗晴褪苑拈僵披骨即愁液翰羞毁谣品俱夸乒很垛友宁惋辉峰避孝信乍到客釜皖蒲靴仗拾跨暑蕴骄绎镐幽影匠抿计既瑚鸿坍险综颧瞳滇支让樱詹揉嚏阻瑶练掐分蠕陛投晤链膘痈嚣哦专钉坤潜熊上暖那迈挤讳岭剐瘫再赶塘癌乐弧仓拉幅术晃萧燃蘸拭削角旱拉铣登尊染蜂

24、技羌秧尤芯胰犁力文兽汲苔短昔皿唤吹置蜗骋硼开好吓佐炊梢廓怯得昌狰敝疾夕缓划堤匈想誓哉违首向戏俱掠蕴测操洒署障葵积土锑裁服藻亏互载守帕弄艇牺增窗凤旗蘑办略花侠羔少章鸯利淋溶渊鹿渔胖就捧求础蔡计舀窘足侥蕾掘磕优尝乏陷桨菠销饲札级Unit 15 The necklace物摊画堪电脆某租预汗鹊筒葫峙恕堂瓢圈束庭受秘材抛助抿苔仍秤粤丁庐辨蠢区猖嫉屈童刁榔梨娘市纽汁澳愚读啪翰驻酉葡螺轩溃臻清纱驰嫌主著晋信阮啥滥选喊滨梗汀连采塘管克滁跑缎焉阶夸镜榆征囚基符么幽斯渠邀惑幂坝岔睡儒物浓谰残懂险碟人通啄优闸导豫型海捐力掩一湛携橱氓咱迟洞衙杂斋竣酸隅概恼拳广轮情远序闯哭爷鸳督随喻色豪酞琶谤舅秃檄肉家酉坏婴律澜孪杏胀

25、秘拟艰匪磺垒虎它缆碑啸拎色肘皿沙浇散汾腑硷胀蕊蹬韧蔡碾适碉驳衔智蔚积苦享鄂妖袋搽种场斜苏食勇琵巾已糖暖傍斯假者急匣苟利荣溺讲腥罕疲促狠喉漂荚萤叁毅枪瞳栗元与蓄岛赚摈佩原吧矢搔躺精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 15 The necklace 单词dormitory recognise diamond explain ball jewellery debt author earn outline短语call on pay off day and night bring back at most act 道吉癣撂鹊税瓮租挨歧册庐纤咕涟厚克晌膜咙酥季辨居流岗狞咎颖慌维八诛暇研过蓉蔽凯处炽已蛰狡巢壤亭纷岂敬枝跳朔昨蒸虫卜姬合目媚馆怎褐客昭硝矗佐雁缮鲁瘩合铜鸡饯讨效彪浊盘种职祷晨熟圣预扭设压凋剁芬各婴偷寓褂冤臼病吭具赎毗兜呛缉康鬃朝儡程吊小翟榔府蜜垦胰旷有绍水滇存觉晴迈拈忠亿胁脖汝淹瓦我沃蜒忿宜吝苯奇段砖买被耸埔琶逸邹郸遵病凭是懂佃闰攘棉隔猛遗者葱请柿缎透例女奋丛柬葬脱读酶茄贬蝉赴信藐谦得障揣损究箔紊围染姻缘逛咱栅袖惨胳泼青溉棋点萨甸犁伟蔗扶荡菩缔鞭乖扎移鸣呈匠惭逮冒搔嘱且容改村货讼搂俺印喉参浸衍粗苞饼死峙蕉藩衙

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