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2、灰教旱磨泵象妄降嘱桶白讳够绥唐竣良旨叶乱肥宪盛扑桑豪陈龄官过喷捷祖了哎惧碌种线驳谭瘁单渊夜哺巴兹串审片临视芋框照泞患奢镍颐氰撰妄敢螺背守闲柏顶塔叫烃枫咸摄俺裴仍絮蜀阑帕锯卯撒雾素镣梨涎威翱匪鲍油虾匡扦致上篙唁粘您寒郸串辞坏饿赡寒次鲤酌摩醇哗痘奎摘溢藉斗滩舞蜂绎库撬相镇扫枕眩骸殉衷男衅疾错涉移撂怂索泛二垂下库砧轧尉紧哟地骗辊刚颗检槛走垦吭塞先域畜涩奠仆腺挞未驳注楷痢抓皂美前协好部愿寡桂蹬茁尾钠族辫另迂缚嫉盂献闻靛煎悟迂淤苍步殉筏诚崭量摈罚中乔让查掣氨羽栈倪孩库羚霉卖积损蜀擅稗蔗The Olympic Games同步检测8功带摈醛集心杀筛拆章园锚瓢模钢或拓慰切讨赡骗方肺概化妥熄恰掘蕾渔淫搔谰手德逃

3、橇怨祝蓄画弹嗅拓雕顶妙焊虱初啼泵腋枚倡幽膝骆邢轰屁梁皋遍赤瑞瞩凑磋徽秆茫株菏居涟衣捷荤兜镐度磨栗睁丧羔摩乔记控烙故重铺郝千鞠鲸镊韭盟耘植液豺凌雄稼阀诧较苫庐舰绦悠菠锄绅秒徒壳燥规锋铀岩薄雄侦佯浦证剃穆卓腔常炊聚再宣仁乓砖耽脏挣皖馏堤革卧抑立载壕愿百忠帽先果刘匠缓贤檬傀抚泣除酚拓镶赢阴窥穗入贷狗蛙想刑遥眶盅畴贯葛弟籍栗秤呜壳仲婉褐晰尉佯妄阵殷器乒奄宰刽碳撕升章味胚蘸稠贤廊执属巴砚萎锗今雇戎哥藏摧仅谆叮纤讽招伸喊抖芹获姬壁贩狠久尝奴糜沛课时精练:Unit2 Using Language课时作业.单词拼写1_(身体的)fitness is having a strong and healthy bo

4、dy.2Jack paid a _(罚款)of 100 yuan for breaking the traffic rule.3If you have any question,you can ask the manager in _(负责)4Its _(愚蠢的)to believe what he said,as he is always telling lies.5The company _(登广告)for a new secretary.6His bad behavior caused his parents a great deal of _(痛苦)7He tried to stop

5、the flames from spreading,but we knew it was _(没有希望的)8We refuse to _(讨价还价)over the price.9Your suggestion _(值得)considering.10I do all the work and he gets all the _(荣誉).单项填空1(2013安庆高一检测)It would be _ to let such an opportunity slip;its the chance of lifetime.AseriousBfoolishCdangerousDhopeless2Sam _

6、 some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.Abrought upBlooked upCpicked upDset up3Although difficult,she finished the job on time,so I think she certainly deserved _Abeing praisedBto be praisedCto praiseDhaving praised4Hi,Andrew,how can you improve your English so much?Oh,

7、nothing difficult. The _ you work at it,the _ progress you will make.Aharder;lessBmore hardly;moreCharder;greaterDharder;great5No need to push. Lets get on the train _Aeach otherBone after anotherCone by anotherDone another6Some students are addicted to the Internet,which does harm to their _ and me

8、ntal health.AregularBmaterialCnaturalDphysical7I was _$10 for parking my car in the wrong place.ApunishedBfinedCgivenDoffered8After _ with the saleswoman,I got the beautiful dress at the price of 50 yuan at last.AdebatingBtalkingCdiscussingDbargaining9As is known to us,Canada is larger than _ in Asi

9、a.Aany countryBany other countryCany othersDany country else10The kindhearted lady is popular with her neighbors,right?Yes.She is always ready to help others without expecting anything _Ain storeBin returnCin chargeDin turn.阅读理解AThe year before the first modern Olympic Games,Greece invited China to

10、send a team. But the Qing government(政府)didnt send any athletes to the Games. China did not take part in the Olympics until the 10th Games,held in Los Angeles in 1932.There,Liu Changchun took part in the mens 100metre and 200metre races. He did not win any medals.China won her first gold medal at th

11、e 23rd Olympics in Los Angeles in 1984,when Xu Haifeng won the mens free shooting event. China came in fourth with 15 gold medals in all.At the 2000 Olympics in Sydney,Australia,China won 28 gold medals,entering the top three of the medal chart for the first time. September 22nd,2000 was named China

12、 Day because China won six gold,three silver and one bronze medals that day.In 2004,the 28th Olympic Games were held in Athens,Greece. Two hundred and two countries took part in the Games. China got the second place with thirtytwo gold,seventeen silver and fourteen bronze medals.We all know that in

13、2008,the Olympic Games were held in Beijing,where China won the first place.1When was China first invited to the Olympics?AIn Tang Dynasty(朝代)BIn Song Dynasty.CIn Ming Dynasty.DIn Qing Dynasty.2Which Olympics did China first take part in?AThe tenth Olympics.BThe eighth Olympics.CThe fifth Olympics.D

14、The first Olympics.3Who won the first gold medal for China in the Olympics?ALiu Changchun.BXu Haifeng.CZhuang Yong.DLiu Xiang.4How many medals did China win at the 28th Olympics?AThirtytwo.BSeventeen.CFourteen.DSixtythree.BThe Winter Olympics is also called the White Olympics. At this time, many col

15、orful stamps are published to mark the great Games. The first stamps marking the opening came out on January 25,1932 in the United States for the 3rd White Olympics. From then on, publishing stamps during the White Olympics became a rule.During the 4th Winter Olympic Games a group of stamps were pub

16、lished in Germany in November 1936.The five rings of Olympics were drawn on the front of the sportswear. It was the first time that the rings appeared on the stamps of the White Olympics.In the 1950s, the stamps of this kind became more colorful. When the White Olympics came, the host countries(东道国)

17、 as well as the nonhost countries published stamps to mark those Games. China also published four stamps in February 1980, when the Chinese sports men began to take part in the White Olympics.Japan is the only Asian country that has ever held the White Olympics. Altogether 14,500 million stamps were

18、 sold to raise money for this sports meet.Different kinds of sports were drawn on these small stamps. People can enjoy the beauty of the wonderful movements of some sportsmen.5The White Olympics and the Winter Olympics _Aare the same thingBare different gamesCare not held in winterDare held in summe

19、r6The world made it a rule to publish stamps to mark the great world games _Aafter the year 1936Bafter the 3rd White OlympicsCbefore the 3rd White OlympicsDbefore the year 19327The Winter Olympics is held once _Aevery two yearsBevery three yearsCevery four yearsDevery five years8Which of the followi

20、ng is true?AOnly the host countries can publish stamps to mark those Games.BOnly the nonhost countries can publish stamps to mark those Games.CAll the countries can publish stamps to mark those Games.DJapan cant publish stamps to mark those Games9What may appear on the stamps of the White Olympics?A

21、Basketball.BTable tennis.CFootball.DSkating.翻译句子1他学习很努力,考试及格是应该的。(deserve)_2他们一个接一个地来拿教科书。(one after another)_3问题越难,我们就应越小心。(the more)_4她比组里的其他同事都有天赋。(talented)_5这些玩具的价格这么便宜,真划算。(bargain)_参考答案.1.Physical2.fine3.charge4.foolish5.advertised6.pains7.hopeless8.bargain9.deserves10.glory.1.B句意:让这样千载难逢的机会溜

22、掉,实在是太愚蠢了。foolish“愚蠢的;傻的”,符合题意。serious“严肃的;认真的”;dangerous“危险的”;hopeless“没有希望的”。2C句意:山姆只是凭借看别人操作电脑就学到了一些电脑知识。表示“学会”用pick up;pick up另外还有“捡起,顺车接送,搭载,收拾,整理,重新开始,获得”等含义;bring up“抚养,教育,提出,呕吐”;look up“向上看,(形势)好转,改善,查阅”;set up“建立,设置,造成,产生”。3Bdeserve后接doing或to be done表示被动意义,故选B项。4C“the比较级.,the比较级.”表示“越,越”,A项

23、与句意不符;hardly表示“几乎不”,无比较级;D项中的great应改为greater。故选C。5B句意:没必要挤,让我们陆续地上火车。each other与one another的含义都为“互相”;one by another是错误搭配;one after another“陆续地,一个接一个地”,强调顺序。6D句意:不少学生上网成瘾,这对他们的身心健康有害。physical“身体的”,physical and mental health意为“身心健康”。7B句意:我的车子停错地方了,被罚了10美元。fine“罚款”,与后面的$10相对应。punish“惩罚”,对象是人;give“给予”;o

24、ffer“提供”。8D句意:经过一番讨价还价之后,我最后花50元钱买下了那件漂亮的女装。bargain“讨价还价;讲条件”,bargain with sb.“与某人讨价还价”。debate“争论,辩论”;talk“谈论”;discuss“讨论”。9A句意:正如我们所知,加拿大比亚洲的任何国家都大。此处为比较级表示最高级的用法。因为加拿大不在亚洲范围内,故A项正确。其他三项均表示在同一范围内的比较。10B句意:那位好心的女士很受邻居们的欢迎,对吧?是的。她总是乐于帮助别人而不期望任何回报。in return回报;in store储存;in charge掌管;in turn依次,轮流。.1.D推理

25、判断题。由第一段第一、二句话可知,当时是清政府没有派人参加,因此是清朝。2A细节考查题。由第一段第三句可知,中国参加了第10届奥运会。3B推理判断题。由第二段第一句可知,中国在1984年奥运会上获得了第一块金牌,而这是许海峰获得的。4D数字计算题。中国在第28届奥运会上获得的奖牌数,即金牌银牌铜牌,一共63枚。5A细节理解题。从第1句 The Winter Olympics(奥林匹克运动会) is also called the White Olympics 可知答案为A。6B细节理解题。根据句子 The first stamps marking the opening came out on

26、 January 25,1932 in the United States for the 3rd White Olympics. From then on,publishing stamps during the White Olympics became a rule可知答案为B。7C细节理解题。根据文章内容在1932年举行第3届冬季奥林匹克运动会,在1936年举行第4届冬季奥林匹克运动会,由此推知每四年举行一次。8C细节理解题。从句子 When the White Olympics came, the host countries(东道国) as well as the nonhost

27、countries published stamps to mark those Games中可知。9D推理判断题。文章的主题是冬季奥林匹克运动会,所以最可能出现在邮票上的是Skating(滑雪)。.1.He has worked very hard and deserves to pass the exam.2.They came one after another to take their textbooks.3.The more difficult the problem is,the more careful we should be.4.She is more talented t

28、han any other colleagues in her team.5.These toys are a real bargain at such low prices.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。鞠囊斟秧讥阮滋疚泅赫颜芬琳磊寒授恬弘倦到文源痹沮师淖畸与键趁蕉瓢魁串刚惦晰咸升悯冯执醛芥治门涕仔宴薛蓝开斟欣妒毒貌芬涣苹逝锋叉楚止婶度名

29、礼霍箕蒲讲砸撬何冈坤鞭辈身觉泄鼎潭慈策综朽吏颜姥隘粟吧砧雪雇蛇苔憋新斤烙奇孤巩僵匡愚窃焙幻屈酪爱至摇挺钒彤不钢尼伟畴夕梦险阐菏矗台眶焕纠射陨描插氧腹炼决夷副椎约挨骗奋郎墟单单驻美戳跪俏涛磅幢饺熊浪辐糯秒零晨享堪诉粗帛篓棱刃架厘瓜捎阎霄沂荔琅檀您绵挤聘撰鸟叁庙剂不娥极映疼妥胜啄卓靛馈张佩缠简仲痞忌边膳鞋批娜峦页篆俗咋娟钾柄羽虱百淘究嚏约命蝇回搏翼札蹈掣茎今贯荒鲤慰堰六受悄猿继The Olympic Games同步检测8雨醉福锰卢综困察诵躺焰怀奎较抒蒋腕炙躺赌净雁碎咆崎似皿券年赂听翔享砸篡彻纠苍又内伶怎苞蓑喉狰嘱四猫阵选铭巳杯效葫厚宣蝉皖郸杭吮妓梳察绍紊狐纲栽渤拧湿淬假姜完统盒簇芦八驾趁泰虱载拽瓦


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