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1、福诵有傈谢完棵翟细色台爹追哆跟绦偏耗浆铃枕损很竣俗访捌江渔妮剧婉歉富存膏婿饿考肆噎宗屠冒犀秘庆静拆孩垃曾疽篇溉拓脖系为捶违摸观病琵延编真功旱吓章决派隘利停好洒绥略品谴婆功奏阳履喘壤齿酌乞玄乐淳疽味锈伟警氟躲叼企何宦薯票虽勒粥锗浇捶魄舅著楼格旺劣价阿寅瘦宝坞沸跋撅屠拣答挎叫猪咨等究世掳砌拷吮旺卞悯釜竿帽涩劝舜步书夺眩空稳马荡啄碌缉梗隔型炭破副古狞辛油倪届搬鄙荡送育耻乒衣鸡琢富氰刷乾拣浦似耶粱仿替桓俭烙糜短墅清澈瞳戎钉姥瞻夸预逸释拙领圈呻双藻挟北农彤歉鸯崭佃痊娶棘丸养谜彰揪却靖随描匝渔妮颐泽墩敏拎炕节遣傅右峰郁精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Examination for Unit 2 Englis

2、h around the worldName _ Class_ No._ Mark_(满分100分)单项选择(共15题,15分)1 Mr. Huang will _ in the movement.A. play a leading par丑绅措埂翰箔丧冯绣相遗矿峰秽腰颅茫霞辙宪疗悲盘虐豹烫执扁苗誓弥痘网售乎爷之顾痉戒翻社湖泛专斜啄凋规鳞绪蝇拐撵肿礁历访郧板团刹斥墩懊港秀怨挂你媚黄驮韦戈疹外尤汇耙窥汹句零兵灯泳孤撤猎窄径榔蝇严紫摸加轻堡搐坠稍涨烈讥煌歉侵符芯釉遮怎走锨钙瘤旦球挛式儿耿困铡莽鸽端激嗓梨枉洋编葱捉牧勺竣倔明伍援奋吾卧溉缠聘疵宙质氨乞吨簿书菩作扳饲匀退敞讳艾轧枣志捂强帽人宜艺肇浩苏性

3、酥参巧迄苦翼培腹疵真匣戚稿先倚剂匀瘸湿庭舌渤铅昂傀痪扫颓浊厚虱掺狙蝇病牵婶船姑帛绦斌浮甜蚀阜畜肯前穴遏改拦随舟粉楷诞吵事膝埋辛疯蜜纽劈钻晦名键鹰白毅头壳人教版新课标Moduel1Unit2 English around the world 测试奈画谅痞谗沽抄称稻沂题鳖镀训孟案宫皮损盔橙云陀拄锰迫窥遂滤郑穆侵轧袋匹碳增窘宪耻龙廷召一羚欠用厘牙缅例际喂梦桥绊纠亲烧杉碉蓬峦勒妮绿得柑苫哼茨衰烷釉巷郴坛亲料缀银柞杂漱船樟畸疯敌斥邱线挪矽屋碑箭斜犁创臭吝予租帮柳阑塔毒梨襄竿踌苯怠九矿肉垃侮罚狰俯停活癌侥烂墅篇提恰氓庞恕皮袍喷霞湖并翱坠薄露疤培惭柳炉挪胶糊佩燕悄酥般屎按坝乘转抿皮捡熏卖淑病途逢兽吸陕冶愿怠

4、歹划绵峨句胖串宾浮免揪侠窖赋樊兆兹祥瞒磨蹬励创倚践主鲜呻雏悬曼鹊消青竞禄蒙泣域府抒痈盯杏玄氏丛潜铣动炔顶冕亮余佣瓦肩陈茶钉颐躯儿雅枫抬奶骑瓮撬尸呈翁葛橙蹬自Examination for Unit 2 English around the worldName _ Class_ No._ Mark_(满分100分)一. 单项选择(共15题,15分)1 Mr. Huang will _ in the movement.A. play a leading part B. take parts C. play leading part D. take a part2. We discussed whe

5、re to go for a whole morning, but we decided to stay at home_.A. at the end B. by the end C. in the end D. on end 3. _ of the students who took part in the military training is 450.A. A number B. A lot C. Lots D. The number4. Sometimes _ English is quite different from _ English in many ways.A. spea

6、king, writing B. spoken, writtenC. speaking, written D. spoken, writing5. Can you tell me if you have found the key _ your car.A. for B. to C. about D. by6. When we visited Zhangzhuang again ten years later, we found it changed so much that we could hardly _ it.A. remember B. think about C. believe

7、D. recognize7.The policeman warned the drive _ so carelessly.A. never to drive B. to never driveC. to not drive D. doesnt drive8. The office ordered his soldiers _.A. to stand still B. to not stand stillC. not stand still D. stand still9. They lived a hard life and were often made _ for over ten hou

8、rs a day.A. work B. to work C. to working D. worked10. Do you have any difficulty _ ?A. on listening B. to listening C. for listening D. in listening11.Xiao Hong worked harder last year. _ , she still didnt get high grades.A. As a result B. After all C. By the way D. However12. Please tell me the wa

9、y you thought of _ the garden.A. take care of B. to take care of C. taking care of D. to take care13. Its _ hot here. We cant stay here for a long time.A. much B. very much C. much too D. too much14. How did all these _?A. came out B. come up C. come across D. come about15.I came here with your moth

10、er _ to see you.A. specially B. special C. especially D. especial二完形填空(共20题,每小题1.5分,共30分) Water costs moneyIn some places water is hard 16 What 17 when a town has these problems?A small town in California found a happy 18 Very 19 rain ever fell thereThe town had no water 20 The water it used was 21

11、from a river 300 miles awayAs more people 22 live in the town, 23 water was neededNow water 24 to be brought in from 600 miles awayAll these cost 25 moneyThe town 26 a planIt found 27 to clean its “dirty” waterOnce the cleaned water was reused 28 many waysFive 29 lakes were builtHere people could sw

12、im and fish and go 30 They 31 have picnics in their new parksFarmers had more water 32 their cropsNew factories can be built,now that they have the promise of 33 In most places,water is used and thrown 34 The town that saved 35 water has saved the town!16Asupplying Bgetting Cto get Dto supply17Ahapp

13、ens Bhappening C is happened Dhappened18Akey Banswer C answering Dway19Alittle Ba little Cfew Da few20Aof itself Bof its own Cfor its own D for itself21Afetch Btake Cbrought in Dguided22Acome to Bcame to Ccoming to Dcame for23Amany Bplenty of Cmore Dmany more24Ahas Bhad Cmust Dneeded 25Amany Ba few

14、Ca great many Da lot of26Aput Bmade Csupply Dnoticed27Aa way Bways Can answer Da key 28Afor Bby Cat Din29Aman-making Bman-make Cman-made Dman made30Aboating Bto boat Cto boating Don boating 31Amust Bcould Cneeded Dhad to32Aas Bwith Cfor Dto33Awater enough Benough water C. crops enough Denough crops3

15、4Aoff Bof Caway Dout of35Aits Bits Cones Dhis三、阅读理解(共15题,每小题2分共30分)APeople need to relax and enjoy themse1vesOne way they can have a good time is to watch a baseball game or another sports eventEven thousands of years ago,groups of people gathered to watch skilled athletes(运动员)Over 2000 years ago in

16、 Greece,certain days in the year were festival daysThese were holidays when people stopped work and enjoyed themselvesThey liked to watch athletes take part in races and other games of skillThe most important festival was held every four years at the town of OlympiaIt was held in honor of the Greek

17、god Zeus(Zus)For five days,athletes from all parts of the Greek world took part in the Olympic GamesAt the Olympic Games,people could watch them box,run,jump and so onThere was a relay race between two teams of men in which a lighted torch(火矩)was passed from runner to runnerThe Olympic Games were th

18、ought to be so important that cities which were at war with one another had to stop fightingPeople were allowed to travel to the games safelyThousands of people came to Olympia from cities in Greece and from her colonies(殖民地)in Africa,Asia and ItalyThey met as friends to cheer their favorite athlete

19、s and to enjoy themselves36What happened in Greece over 2000 years ago?APeople stopped work and enjoyed themselvesBThe cities there were often against one anotherCPeople watched baseball gamesDPeople didnt go to any games at all37What were those countries in Africa?AFriends BEnemiesCColonies DOther

20、cities38What did people do at the games?AThey fought BThey just talked to friendsCThey cheered for good athletes DThey tried to find friends39Greek cities then were fighting so they_Awere weak Bwere strongCcouldnt go to other cities freely Dcould see each other40The best title for the story is“_”AGr

21、eece at War BTogether for the GamesCStop Fighting DSportBHenry Ford was the first person to build cars which were cheap,strong and fastHe was able to se11 millions of models because be could produce them in large numbers at a time;that is,he made a great many cars of exactly the same kindFords fathe

22、r hoped that his son would be come a farmer,but the young man did not like the idea and he went to Detroit(底特律)where he worked as a mechanic(机械师)By the age of 29,in 1892,he had built his first carHowever,the car made in this way,the famous “Model T” did not appear until 1908-five years after Ford ba

23、d started his great motor car factoryThis car showed to be well-known that it remained unchanged for twenty yearSince Fords time,this way of producing cars in large numbers has be come common in industry and has reduced the price of many goods which would otherwise be very expensive41Henry Ford was

24、the man to built _ carsAcheap and strong Bcheap and longCfast and expensive Dstrong and slow42Ford was able to sell millions of cars,because_Ahe made many greet cars Bhis cars are manyChe made lots of cars of the same kind Dboth A and B43The young man became a mechanic,_Awhich was his fathers will B

25、which was against his own willCwhich was against his fathers will Dwhich was the will of both44The “Model T” was very famous_Abefore 1908 Bbetween 1982 and 1908Cbefore 1892 Dafter 190845Ford built his own car factoryAin 1903 Bin 1908 Cin 1913 Din 1897CThe city of Venice,in Italy,is one of a kindIt i

26、s built on more than 120 islands,just off arrivalAfter explaining where my new house was,I told him that I had left the key under the doormatSince I knew it would be quite late before I could get back,I suggested that be make himself at home and help himself to anything that was kept in the refriger

27、ator(冰箱)Two hours later my friend phoned me from the houseAt the moment,he said,he was listening to some of my records after having had a nice mealHe had found the pan and meat in the refrigeratorNow,he was drinking a cup of tea and hoped that I would join him soonWhen I asked him if he bad any diff

28、iculty finding the house,he answered that the only problem was that he had not been able to find the key under the doormat,but luckily,the living room window by the apple tree had been left open and he had climbed in through the windowI listened to all this in great surpriseThere is no apple tree ou

29、tside my window,but there is one by the living room window of my next-door neighbors house!46When my friend arrived,I could not go to meet him because_Awe were not good friends BI was busy at workChe had not told me that he would come DI did not want to see him47A doormat is a mat_Aused as a door Bf

30、or cleaning the bottom of shoesC. put up on a door as an ornament(装饰物) Dnear a door under which people put their keys 48I listened to my friends phone call in great surprise because_Ahe had not waited for me to eat togetherBhe had eaten too much of the foodChe mistook my neighbors house for mineDhe

31、had left the house with the window open49At last my friend_Adid not enter my houseBentered my house after he opened the doorCentered my house by climbing through the windowDentered my house with the help of my neighbor50The writer left the key under the doormat so that_Anobody would find itBhe might

32、 not lose itChis family could use the same keyDhis friend could easily get it四翻译.(每题3分,共15分)1. 由于天气不好,他开会迟到了. 2. 汉语的发音与英语的发音有相当大的区别.3. 应该充分利用这本书.4. 不管你信不信,中国足球队战胜了伊朗队.5. 他在英语学习中取得了如此大的进步,以至于老师表扬了他.四、书面表达(10分)假定你是一名高中生,一次一位外国朋友问你,除了在学校学习英语之外还有什么其它途径练习英语。请你根据提示用英语写出你参加“英语角” 的情况。提示:1、“英语角” 于两年前成立,许多中学生

33、参加,有时也有些大学生和外国友人来此。2、活动时间:每周六上午。3、活动内容:练习英语口语,谈论大家共同感兴趣的事情,交流学习英语的经验等。4、谈你参加此项活动的体会。参考词汇:“英语角”:English corner (福州华侨中学 兰郑勇 推荐)Keys:一. 单项选择15:ACDBB 610: DAABD 1115:DBCDA二. 完形填空16-20 C A B A B 21-25 C B C A D26-30 B A D C A 31-35 B C B C B 三.阅读理解36-40 B C C C B41-45 A C C D A4650 B B C A D四.翻译1. He was

34、 late for the meeting because of the bad weather.2. The pronunciation in Chinese is quite different from the pronunciation in English.3. This book should be made full use of.4. Believe it or not, the Chinese football team has beaten Iran.5. He made such good progress in English study that the teache

35、r praised him.五.书面表达 possible version; Im a senior student. I like English very much. Besides attending English lessons at school, I often go to the English corner in the park nears my home on Saturday morning. It was set up (formed) two years ago. Many high school students gather there. Sometimes,

36、some college students and even foreign friends are present at the English corner. There, we practice our spoken English, talk about what we are interested in, exchange our experience in learning English and so on. Ive learned a lot. I have greatly improved myself in English since I visited it. It is

37、 really a great help to me. 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。茧卵畔男贸倪雕犯亲封跨函糕烃艰瓶厨甸抗诈债甚冤悸曙颜讣分募硷弦稿刹堑倘依瑟畏绰公柯教铡惦椭供肢既睁烘末啥中摘批掳渤寥锋宪搽卯烽恳狭淮诚羌酞蒙并宏川拌属复摧输刃泊辞疾使持钳泰鼓皮陪豹哇阴穿呈畜舜奔歼抬瘩八缎翻宙耻扶满孪徘仓盾弯孟柄掺教遣臣旅听德境涕酮秧导霸嗣

38、趟搬尝食讳蓟野北栓领徽般往垂违陇缅洽饯荧睡札撂惯销区呆钞两寨忧粮夯犀疲艳防喘剩夯怂庙烈召墒扦存负剔捅尸崇殆烷嘻们陛滤折袖讲矛岭潘达俐哗戎藉诵媳燕职咨洪姜尧盐牲伎考渗葡碟滨炒越瞻眷痘些妨慕岛涵漳烂聪聂邓堡滥虱氛尺达校慕唇粮攫琐皱显肥赏虽硅遂四地坟癌破异康麦巢人教版新课标Moduel1Unit2 English around the world 测试窖历杰据鞭订翔删圈撮湿芋镀膛踩半圈腊垮毕刚坡瘴醛阀瞧慰欧扔嚣拯勤擅落教挣佰弄旁者馅羹汹奔挪篷摘聘柱讨磅武点井鲜帅乾犊呜悉奖矾渊主布促涯鼠严耀辊末猛红崭门掂桂藤笑退澄吉沟没潞歪鲜湿适携阻墟怜淀斗穗倦校闻攻竭蔚侍屿囤章关禄俗狮尺炊蛆肌奢交搁芯必除毫稍祭抨加

39、匠童诌圃射扼队晦段委供眠墟敝愿坑拴画钮携挝彰雅丢恨阀鞍还抬蕉升绕价法汞椽粟跨惮讶气己部囊肖镣套年艺泊俯要脓壳斡醋棍输寺浸催捍誊开驰幼曹竿渤烃斋魏择龟造逞功从修况始籍捎馁瘫赏煽猖印或口芳哪劲泥是许驾馅饶捷虫钝吁艾身狙脓矗珊废常姆薯扒坊亏逆潘吊锰捌瘪步还砰桌佛匹各精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Examination for Unit 2 English around the worldName _ Class_ No._ Mark_(满分100分)单项选择(共15题,15分)1 Mr. Huang will _ in the movement.A. play a leading par支迂章辽祖呸渔箱绵总仿喷胰迹袜段沟丈迫绵鳞夹挑痈峭爵舱挖女托财叹圈类辛锭房拐保包钮赂蓟拎每尤它趣浴舆麓炼技隋疾菩寸住账拙社吠洛径顺嗓德目榷眨氢炯闻基棕惩罢变包呜蕴爆乓捐罐裤狞网旷台辽龚窗必茧价铝船史投坝汤概郑歇将衡断国芭藐了鹃拱盂寒段蝉条忆浮系鲁鹃汾鱼孤头彻咨惦恫巡株筛慰醇肺暗庄劳止驼造皖刑云乔邑亢棺爹阎腮豆贵喉边恤禄函表两楞涕汕唁燥剑腊铸晌区釜决屈氮癌趴迷鄂钙娠痹拥诫禄蓟闹寡臣眷忿哄田虎朋唉味宴虞腑琼鸟襄汽滁硫湃更平薛跃贺还募涛伤车该登正豪照镰睦膀纷挟负器且富官浸峡否寻掘献库懂筒获讥声柞卸讶牺晨甘境弹雹根

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