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1、通信工程本科专业培养方案通信工程专业本科培养方案Undergraduate Program for Major ofTelecommunication Engineering一、 培养目标I、 Educational Objectives培养德、 智、 体全面发展, 具有电子信息领域里系统、 扎实的理论基础, 知识结构合理, 具有创新能力和国际竞争力的高素质的科技人才。本专业的学生在信息的获取、 传递、 处理及应用等方面具有较宽广的专业知识、 掌握现代通信工程中通信系统和通信网络的基本原理和技术并具有较强的工程实践能力, 具备设计、 开发各种通信系统和信息处理的能力。要求本专业的学生具有较强的

2、英语语言能力、 良好的人文素质和创新精神, 并在电子、 通信、 计算机、 自动化、 电子信息、 光信息和信息传感专业领域中的一个或两个方向具有特色。毕业生能在信息和通信技术产业, 科研部门, 高等院校及其相关领域从事通信工程、 信息科学与技术的研究、 设计、 集成及开发等方面工作的高级研究型及应用型人才。The program is designed to provide a thorough grounding in the theoretical principles and knowledge of information retrieval, its transfer, its pro

3、cessing and application in the field of electronics and information. It remains committed to systematic education as an education for high-level researchers and doers, who have particular interests in the area of electron, communication, computer, automation, optical information and information sens

4、ing. Students with good command of English and personality of innovation can prepare for any professional role they might choose research, design, integration, practice in information technology industries, research institutes, universities, the professions and other community groups.二、 培养要求及特色II、 R

5、equirement and Features 以电路、 信号处理为基础, 电子设备和系统设计及应用为方向, 不但具有扎实的、 宽广的理论基础, 而且具有较强的工程实践和创新能力。修完学科大类平台课程后, 可选择攻读电子、 通信、 计算机、 自动化、 电子信息、 光信息和信息传感领域中的一个或两个专业。毕业生应获得以下几个方面的知识和能力: 具有较扎实的数理基础; 掌握信息科学、 电子学、 计算机科学的基本理论和方法; 具有研究信息学科领域理论问题和解决实际问题的能力; 了解信息学科的发展动态和理论前沿; 具有较强的英语语言能力; 掌握文献检索、 资料查询的方法和撰写科学论文的能力; 具有较好

6、的人文社科知识和人文素质, 以及较强的协调、 组织能力; 具有较强的创新精神。Our characteristic is based on circuits and signal processing and heading at communication systems design and application. Students have not only solid and broad theoretic fundamentals, but also ability of practice and innovation. After the learning of basic co

7、urses in disciplines, students may major in one or two fields like electronic and information, telecommunication, computer science, automation, optical information and information sensing.Students are expected to gain the following: Sound grounding in both mathematics and physics; Principles of info

8、rmation science, electronics and computer science; Skills in research and problem solving; Skills to understand the development and trend in the discipline; Skills to use English language; Ability to do documentary search, data query and thesis writing; Attainment in humanities and art, cooperative

9、and organizational skills; Sense of creation and innovation.三、 学制与学位III、 Length of Schooling and Degree修业年限: 4年Duration: 4 years授予学位: 工学学士学位Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering四、 主干学科IV、 Major Disciplines 信息与通信工程Information and Telecommunication Engineering五、 主要课程V、 Main Courses电路理论Circuit The

10、ory、 信号与系统Signal and System、 模拟电路Analog Circuit、 数字电路Digital Circuit、 微机原理Principle of Microcomputer、 高频电路 High Frequency Circuit、 通信原理Principles of Communication、 信息论与编码Informatics and coding、 数字信号处理 Digital Signal Processing、 概率与数理统计 Probability and Mathematic Statistics、 电磁场与电磁波 Electromagnetic F

11、ield and Wave六、 学时与学分VI、 Hours/Credits学时学分构成表Table of Hours and Credits课程类别Courses Classified学时/周数Period/Weeks学 分Credit学时比例Proportion of Period理 论Theory实 践Practice通识课程平台General Courses Platform通 修General Compulsory778/180+3W421028.6%通 选General Elective180106.8%学科基础课程平台 Basic Courses Platform必 修Compu

12、lsory85645( 6) 30.6%选 修Elective21612( 2.5) 8.2%专业课程平台Major Courses Platform必 修Compulsory33218( 1.5) 12.2%选 修Elective36020( 4) 13.6%小 计Amount272214771.4%( 必修) 28.6%( 选修) 实践教学平台Practical Teaching Platform必 修Compulsory180+24W27( 电子课程设计2教学实习15通修10) The Whole Practice Credit: 27选 修Elective5 (创新学分 Innovat

13、ion Credit)最低毕业学分The Lowest Graduate Credit179通识必修42 + 通识选修10基础必修45 + 基础选修12专业必修18 + 专业选修20实践必修27 + 实践选修5( 创新学分) 实践教学环节学分占毕业总学分比例平台学科基础课程平台专业课程平台实践教学平台( 含通修平台实践学分) 实践学分8.55.532合计46毕业总学分179比例25.7%七、 教学进程计划表 / VII、 Teaching Schedule Form表一: 通识课程平台 / Form 1:General Courses Platform表一( A) : 通识必修课程( 通修课)

14、 General Compulsory Courses(General Required)课程编号Course Code课程名称Courses Names 学分数Crs.总学 时Hrs.学时类型Period Classification各学期周学时分配Division of class-hour in Every Week of Each Term备注Notes讲课Lec.实验Exp.上机Ope.实践Pra.一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8th00002030马克思主义基本原理Marxist Fundamentals2/15436182 000020

15、40毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论Introduction to Mao Zedongs thoughts and theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics4/2108723640000 思想道德修养与法律基础 Cultivation of Morals and Fundamentals of Law2/1543618300002050形势与政策Situation and Policy1/1361818200002020中国近现代史纲要Essentials of China Modern and Cont

16、emporary History1.5/0.5362412200001050民族理论与民族政策National Theory and National Policy1.5/0.5362412200001040大学语文University Chinese23636200001011大学英语 1College English 135656400001012大学英语 2College English 247272400001013大学英语 3College English 347272400001014大学英语 4College English 447272400001021体育 1Physical

17、 Education 11.53232200001022体育 2Physical Education 21.53232200001023体育 3Physical Education 31.53232200001024体育 4Physical Education 41.53232200001031计算机基础Fundamentals of Computer1/1442222200900230程序设计语言Programming Language3/1805624400001910 军训Military Training0/13W3W3W00001060军事理论Military Theory 2363

18、6200001080大学生职业生涯与发展规划Vocational Education and Career Planning for Undergraduates120182200001090大学生就业指导Employment Guidance for Undergraduates0/118182总学时合计: The Whole Periods 778/180+3W( 理论学时/实践学时) 学期学时小计Periods in Each Term 2043w33019421201800总学分合计: The Whole Credits 42/10( 理论学分/实践学分) 学期学分小计Credits

19、in Each Term 11.517.510.511.50100表一( B) : 通识选修课程( 通选课) /Form I (B): General Elective Courses专业类别Classification of Majors课程类别Classification of Courses学分要求Demand of Credit合计Amount法史、 文学、 经管类专业Law、 History、 Literature and Management, etc.人文社科类Humanities and Social Science610自然科学类Natural Science4理工类专业Ma

20、jor in Science and Engineering人文社科类Humanities and Social Science410自然科学类Natural Science6表二: 学科基础课程平台 Form II. Basic Course Platform课程类别Courses Classi- fied课程编号Numbers of courses课程名称Courses Names学分数Crs.总学时Hrs.学时类型Period Classification各学期周学时分配Division of class-hour in Every Week of Each Term备注Notes讲课L

21、ec.实验Exp.上机Ope. 实践Pra.一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8th学 科 基 础 必 修 Require Basic Courses00800011高等数学(A)1Advanced Mathematics (A) 159090600800012高等数学(A)2Advanced Mathematics( A) 259090600800050线性代数Linear Algebra2.54848400800130复变函数(A)Complex Function (A)23636400800090概率与数理统计(B)Probability Theo

22、ry and Mathematic Statistics (B)35454300900210工程制图Engineering Graphics2403010300900120电路基本理论 Circuit Elemental Theory4.5907218400900011大学物理A1College Physics A135454300900021大学物理实验A1College Physics Lab 112424200900012大学物理A2College Physics 235454300900022大学物理实验A2College Physics Lab 212424200900260模拟电路

23、Analog Circuit36054+习题课6400900270模拟电路实验Analog Circuit Lab12424200900320数字电路Digital Circuit35454300900280数字电路实验Digital Circuit Lab12424200900130信号与系统Signal and System472648400900110专业导论Introduction to Information Technologies118182学科基础必修总计学分/学时45856724132基 础 选修Elective Basic Courses00930140高级程序设计Adva

24、nced Programming 2.54228144最低学分要求12学分, 其中第二、 第三学期至少选修4学分, 第四学期至少选修1.5学分, 第五学期至少选修6.5学分( At least 12 credits are required during the undergraduate stages, including at least 4 credits in semester 2 and semester 3,at least 1.5 credits in semester 4 and at least 6.5 credits in semester 5) 00930010MATLA

25、B1.5301218200930020电子电路CADElectronic Circuit CAD1.5361818200900340数据结构Data Structure2.5483612400930050电测与传感Electronic Measurement and Sensor2.5443212400930060自动控制原理Principle of Automatic Control2.544368400920550现代科技信息检索Modern Science and Technology Information Search 120164400930070数据库Database Syste

26、m2.5442816400900410操作系统Operation System23636400930160电路基础( 双语) Basic Theory of Circuit232322009 0集成电路设计基础( 双语) Design Basis of Integrated Circuit23232200930170数字逻辑( 双语) Digital Logic Theory23232200930180数据结构与算法分析( 双语) Data Structure and Algorithm232322学科基础选修总计学分/学时24.544033838604总学时合计: The Whole Per

27、iods:1072( 必修学时856/选修学时216) 学期学时小计Periods in Each Term196285243231117000总学分合计: The Whole Credits: 57( 必修学分45/选修学分12) 学期学分小计Credits in Each Term10.51512.512.56.5000学分要求: 学分: 57 其中必修45 学分, 选修12 学分Demand of Credit: Credit: 57 Required: 45 Elective: 12表三: 专业课程平台 Form 3: Major Courses Platform课程 类别Course

28、s Classi- fied课程编号Course Code课程名称Courses Names 学分数Crs.总学时Hrs.学时类型Period Classification各学期周学时分配Division of class-hour in Every Week of Each Term备注Notes讲课Lec.实验Exp.上机Ope.实践Pra.一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8th专 业 必 修 Required Courses00900400高频电路High Frequency Circuit3.5706010400910150微机原理及应用Pri

29、nciple of Microcomputer3.5665412300910160数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing35454300930150电磁场与电磁波BElectromagnetic Field and Wave23636400900420通信原理Principles of Communication3.5705416300910310信息与编码Informatics and Coding236364专业必修总计学分/学时1833229438专业选修 Elective courses009 0计算机网络Computer Network236364最低学分要求

30、20学分, 其中第五学期至少选修2.5学分, 第六学期至少选修9学分, 第七学期至少选修8.5学分( At least 20 credits are required during the undergraduate stages,including at least 2.5 credits in the semester 5,at least 9 credits in semester 6,at least 8.5 credits in semester 7) 00910260EDA技术EDA Technique2.54836124009 0现代交换与通信网Modern Exchange a

31、nd Communication Network2.544368400920480移动通信Mobile Communication2.544368400900450单片机与接口技术MCU and Interface Technology2.5483216400920300光纤通信Optical Communication2.5443684009 0数字图像处理Digital Image Processing2.5463610400920250通信系统仿真Simulation of Communication System2.5442420400920200DSP技术DSP Technology

32、2.5463610400920330多媒体技术Multimedia Technology23636400920340嵌入式系统Embedded System2.54232104009 0SOPC技术SOPC Technology236288400920220微波与天线Microwave And Antenna23636400920510软件工程Software Engineering23636400920310语音信号处理Speech Signal Processing23636400930100电力电子技术Electric and Electronic Technology236364009

33、20750网络设计语言Network Design Language2362412400920900电信网络管理( 双语) Telecommunications Network Management23232200920760嵌入式系统设计( 电赛课程) Design of Embedded System3543618200920770电子线路设计( 电赛课程) Design of Electronic Circuit2.5453015200920780电源技术( 电赛课程) Power Supply Technology23618182专业选修总计学分/学时447936281021251总学

34、时合计: The Whole Periods: 692( 必修学时332/选修学时360) 学期学时小计Periods in Each Term000702012681530总学分合计: The Whole Credits: 38( 必修学分18/选修学分20) 学期学分小计Credits in Each Term0003.51114.58.50学分要求: 学分: 38 其中必修18 学分, 选修20 学分Demand of Credit: Credit: 38 Required: 18 Elective:20全部总学时合计: The Whole Periods: 2722 学期学时小计Per

35、iods in Each Term4006154375133182861530全部总学分合计: The Whole Credits: 147 学期学分小计Credits in Each Term2232.52327.517.515.58.50表四: 实践教学平台 Form 4: Practical Teaching Platform类别Category课程编号Course Code实践教学名称Practical Teaching Name学分Crs.周数Total Period学时类型Type of Period各学期周学时分配Division of Class-hour in Every Week of Each Term地 点Place实验Exp.实习Pra.一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六 6th七7th八8th教学实践Practical Training课程设计Proje

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